Public Document Pack MEETING OF THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY To: The Members of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Dear Member, You are requested to attend a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to be held on Friday, 19th September, 2014 at 11.00 am in the Authority Chamber - No.1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP. If you have any queries regarding this meeting, please contact Lynn Cairns on telephone number (0151) 443 3107. Yours faithfully Interim Head of Paid Service (Established pursuant to section 103 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 as the Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral Combined Authority) LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY HELD ON 13 JUNE 2014 (Pages 1 - 14) Transport 4. LONG TERM RAIL STRATEGY To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Transport. (Pages 15 - 56) 5. ONE NORTH REPORT: A PROPOSITION FOR AN INTERCONNECTED NORTH To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Transport. (Pages 57 - 82) 6. HIGH SPEED RAIL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: SEPTEMBER UPDATE To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Transport. (Pages 83 - 88) Economic Development 7. GROWTH DEAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS To consider the report of the Executive Director, Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership. (Pages 89 - 96) 8. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION INWARD INVESTMENT To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Economic Development. (Pages 97 - 102) Governance 9. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY SCRUTINY PANEL To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Scrutiny. (Pages 103 - 106) 10. COMBINED AUTHORITY BUDGET MONITORING STATEMENT APRIL 1ST 2014 TO JUNE 30TH 2014 (QUARTER 1) To consider the report of the Section 151 Officer. (Pages 107 - 122) 11. MERSEYSIDE INTEGRATED TRANSPORT AUTHORITY FINAL ACCOUNTS 2013-14 To consider the report of the Section 151 Officer. (Pages 123 - 224) 12. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY To consider the report of the Chair of the Combined Authority. (Pages 225 - 228) 13. THE ROLE OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY IN DRIVING A NORTHERN DEVOLUTION AGENDA To consider the report of the Chair of the Combined Authority. (Pages 229 - 244) 14. MINUTES a) MERSEYTRAVEL COMMITTEE - 26 JUNE 2014 (Pages 245 - 260) b) MERSEYTRAVEL COMMITTEE - 25 JULY 2014 (Pages 261 - 270) c) MERSEYTRAVEL COMMITTEE - 4 SEPTEMBER 2014 (Pages 271 - 284) Z For Information 15. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION DEAL To consider the report of the Head of the Secretariat. (Pages 285 - 288) 16. ANY OTHER ITEM(S) WHICH THE CHAIRPERSON DEEMS TO BE URGENT Agenda Item 3 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held in the Authority Chamber - No. 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP on Friday, 13 June 2014, the following Members were P r e s e n t: Mayor J Anderson OBE, Councillor P Davies, Councillor P Dowd, Councillor B Grunewald, Mr R Hough, Councillor R Polhill and Councillor R J Round. ANNUAL MEETING BUSINESS 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Head of the Secretariat opened the meeting and invited nominations for the appointment of Chair of the Combined Authority. It was moved by Councillor B Grunewald, and seconded by Councillor R Round, and:- RESOLVED – That Councillor P Davies be appointed Chair of the Combined Authority. (COUNCILLOR P DAVIES IN THE CHAIR) The Chair thanked his colleagues for his appointment. He stated that the Combined Authority was an important body in terms of attracting growth and jobs to the City Region and he was looking forward to working with all Members and partners. The Chair then invited nominations for the appointment of Vice Chair of the Combined Authority. It was moved by Councillor B Grunewald and seconded by Councillor R Polhill, and:- RESOLVED – That Councillor R Round be appointed Vice Chair of the Combined Authority. 2. APOLOGIES No apologies for absence had been received. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Monitoring Officer reported that no declarations of interest had been received in respect of the annual meeting business. 4. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY CONSTITUTION Members considered a report of the Monitoring Officer confirming that no changes were proposed to the Combined Authority’s Constitution at the present time. The report also set out a number of issues that required a decision by the Authority in respect of:- • appointments to transport related bodies; Page 1 • scrutiny arrangements and the management of any associated appointments; and • the establishment of an Audit Committee. RESOLVED – That:- (i) it be noted that there are no changes proposed to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Constitution; (ii) the Scheme of Delegation for the Combined Authority (Part 3 of the Constitution) as attached at Appendix One to the report submitted be reconfirmed; (iii) the power to make transport related appointments to outside bodies be delegated to the Merseytravel Committee at its meeting on 26 June 2014; (iv) subject to the approval of the proposed Scrutiny Model (see Minute No. 5), the power to make appointments to the Scrutiny Panel be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in accordance with the nominations received from the Constituent Councils and the Liverpool City Region Opposition Groups; and (v) the proportions of membership of the Audit Committee be split evenly between the Combined Authority, the Merseytravel Committee and the Scrutiny Panel (i.e. 2:2:2), and the Combined Authority’s representatives be Councillors B Grunewald and R Round. 5. SCRUTINY ARRANGEMENTS Members considered a report of the Lead Officer: Scrutiny regarding the scrutiny arrangements for the Combined Authority. It was noted that information on the scrutiny arrangements were included at Part 5, Section B of the Authority’s Constitution. To support these arrangements, the report set out a number of proposals in relation to the establishment of a Scrutiny Panel, including:- • how to achieve political balance; • the appointment of Members; • a programme of meetings; • the determination of topics for consideration by the Scrutiny Panel; and • training. Members also considered further information that had been circulated in advance of the meeting setting out comments that had been received from Opposition Group Leaders and Independent Members of the six Liverpool City Region local authorities in response to the proposals in the Lead Officer’s report. In particular, the Mayor highlighted Councillor Green’s comment regarding Government guidance that the Chairperson of an overview and scrutiny committee should not be a member of the majority political party represented in the Combined Authority. In response, it was reported that the Combined Authority’s Constitution provided for the Scrutiny Panel to appoint its own chairperson at its first meeting. This appointment Page 2 may, or may not, take account of the Government guidance, but would be a matter for the Scrutiny Panel. RESOLVED – That:- (i) the comments made by the Opposition Group Leaders be noted; (ii) the Scrutiny Model and arrangements for political balance set out in the report submitted for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) Scrutiny Panel be adopted; (iii) each Constituent Council appoint two members to the LCRCA Scrutiny Panel; (iv) the Liverpool City Region Opposition Groups, acting collectively across the City Region geography, be requested to appoint two opposition members to the LCRCA Scrutiny Panel; (v) a minimum of four LCRCA Scrutiny Panel meetings be held per annum in:- (a) September 2014; (b) January 2015; (c) April 2015; and (d) July 2015; (vi) the Scrutiny Panel develop an Annual Scrutiny Plan; (vii) training be arranged through North West Employers Organisation for Scrutiny Panel members; and (viii) the Agenda for the inaugural City Region Scrutiny Panel meeting be as set out at Appendix 3 to the report submitted. 6. COMBINED AUTHORITY NOMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 2014-15 The Head of the Secretariat submitted a report setting out the appointment of Elected Members to the Combined Authority, and nominations to the Merseytravel Committee, by Constituent Councils at their Annual Meetings as follows:- 1. Combined Authority Appointment Substitute Appointment Halton Council Cllr Rob Polhill Cllr Mike Wharton Knowsley MBC Cllr Ron Round Cllr Mike Murphy Liverpool CC Mayor Joe Anderson OBE Deputy Mayor Roz Gladden Sefton MBC Cllr Peter Dowd Cllr Ian Maher St Helens MBC Cllr Barrie Grunewald Cllr Andy Bowden Wirral MBC Cllr Phil Davies Cllr Ann McLachlan Page 3 2. Merseytravel Committee Nominated Representatives Halton Council Cllr Harry Howard Cllr John Stockton Knowsley MBC Cllr Ken McGlashan Cllr Mal Sharp Liverpool CC Cllr Daniel Barrington Cllr Joanne Calvert Cllr Mark Norris Cllr Mary Rasmussen Cllr Liam Robinson Cllr Jeremy Wolfson Sefton MBC Cllr Anthony Carr Cllr John Dodd Cllr Gordon Friel Cllr Stephen Kermode St Helens MBC Cllr John Fulham Cllr Marlene Quinn Wirral MBC Cllr Ron Abbey Cllr Steve Foulkes Cllr Les Rowlands Cllr Jerry Williams RESOLVED – That:- (i) the appointments from constituent Councils to the Combined Authority be noted; and (ii) the nominated representatives from constituent Councils to the Merseytravel Committee as set out above be co-opted. 7. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY FORWARD PLAN Members considered a report of the Head of the Secretariat setting out a proposed meeting schedule and Forward Plan for the Combined Authority. It was advised that the Forward Plan had been developed to focus the work of the Combined Authority over the next 12 months. This rolling Plan would be updated on a regular basis as new items for discussion came forward. RESOLVED – That:- (i) the schedule of meetings for the Combined Authority be as set out in Appendix One to the report submitted; and (ii) the Forward Plan for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, as attached at Appendix One to the report submitted, be adopted.
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