-SE$ STORY PAGE 13 Sunny, Warmer HOME Sunny and warmer today and Red Bank, Freehold tomorrow. Chance of showers Long Branch FflViL on Sunday. , . 7 (DeUlU on P«i« » Monmonth County's Home Newspaper for 99 Years DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 176 Red Bant, W. J., Friday, March 8, 1968 Ten Cent* -Ste- Red Bank Elders' Housing Use Seen iti '68 By WILLIAM L, HAGEMAN project, have received government approval. ed dressing room and a living room with a sleep- RED BANK - Senior citizen public housing They show eight structures — seven apart- ing alcove. The alcove, with its own window, will may be up and occupied by the end of the year, ment houses and a community building — ar- offer privacy with a room divider, Mrs. Pries according to the Housing Authority. ranged around a landscaped mall with emphasis said. Executive 'Director Margaret W. Pries said on pedestrian traffic and easy movement for the The one-bedroom units will contain 520 and construction bids for 50 units will be solicited elderly. • •,., 517 square feet in three and a half rooms. next month in hopes of finishing the project this Vehicular access is provided by a driveway Every pit will have a walk-in pantry since year or early in 1969. that enters the tract from Leighton Ave. and de- high cupboards present a problem to some older The authority is owner-operator of the 40-unit . parts by way of W. Bergen Place, passing 25 people, Mrs. Pries said. ...._•' ,. Montgomery 'Terrace on Tllton Ave. and has- parking spaces en route, The bathrooms will be fitted with hand rails, been planning additional units for several years. The driving area is to the side of the build- and all utilities will be efectric with heat supplied They'll be erected about a block away on a ings, which are surrounded' by walkways and from baseboard units/ tract of just under three acres between Leighton gardens. Near, the center of the complex will be the and Shrewsbury Aves., south of W. Bergen Place. The apartments — 20 one-bedroom units and community building featuring a 24 by 37-foot Mrs. Pries said John Petillo, the authority 30 efficiencies — will be housed in seven brick meeting room with fireplace. attorney, has acquired all but two parcels of,the and wood buildings of one a.nd two-story height. The building also wfll house an office, kitchen, construction site without the necessity of condem- Each unit will have its own balcony or porch. a laundry with washers and driers for the ten- nation. Concrete walls will separate them and ramps, ants, a maintenance room and a room for nursing '';"• „ PLANS APPROVED rather than steps, will provide access to them in clinics. Outside it will have a patio and benches, She "reported that plans drawn by architect most cases. Rents; based on income, will range between Bernard Kellenyi, who designed Montgomery The efficiencies will contain 397 square feet $35 ,and $75 per month including all utilities, Mrs, Terrace and was engaged last April for the new in. three rooms, a kitchen, bathroom and connect- (See HOUSING, Pg. 2, Col! 4) LBJAsks $1.5 Billion RED BANK READIES HOUSING — Plans have betn completed by the Red Bank Conservation ram Housing Authority for 50 public housing units for senior citizens. Architect Bernard WASHINGTON (AP)-Presi- serving, and creating beauty, the cost of cleaning up the mess. Urging action against air pol- "Conservation's .concerji now Kellenyi has designed a mall-like complex of eight buildings to b« erected en a dent Johnson summoned Con- and added measure of serenity The latest oil pollution incident, lution, he said: "From the great is not onlyjor man's enjoyment three-acre tract o-ff Leighton Ave.' They include a community meeting building, three gress today to help renew the and more outdoor recreation fa-at Sail Juan, Puerto Rico, smokestacks of industry and but for man's survival," he two-story, balconied structures as shown in bottom drawing. nation through a $1.2.blllion pro- cilities. spread 1.5 million gallons of oilfrom the exhaust of motors and said. gram to conserve America's na- The program proposes a probe over bay and beaches when a machines, 130 millions tons of Secretary of the Interior Stew- tural resources," "not only for of "peaceful promises of the tanker broke in two earlier this soot, carbon and grime settle art L. Udall told newsmen the man's enjoyment, but for man's ocean's depth" in cooperation week. over the people and shroud the program carries a $1.2 billion School Estimate Slashed $300,000 survival." rather than competition with Johnson asked for governmen- nation's cities each year." price tag, compared with $565 The.President put priority on other nations. tal authority to control strip He also sought action on water million now being spent. Udall his conservation program It seeks new authority to actmining which leaves the land pollution and control of "the de- •ailed the message "the most which focuses on the goal cf against shipowners who dls- scarred and barren. bris of civilization" Jittering comprehensive, most significant pure water; de- charge oil along the shores, in He asked for more national landscapes . and " spoiling conservation message ever sent Ocean Cuts Budget p rg part by assessing them with parks and wilderness areas. Reaches. up to Congress by a President.' spoiling of the land, and pre- A key proposal was more gov- OCEAN- TOWNSHIP — Town-cipal, and Herbert J. Buehler, erning body last night voted ernment aid to communities ship Council last night adopted Ocean Township High School for decreasing the 1968-69 lo- U.S. Army General Commanding Forces building waste-treatmept plants a .resolution to reduce the local social studies chairman,, ab- cal tax levy totals for current to fight water pollution, with the 8-69 'schopl budget tax levy stained from voting and partici- expenses from $2,649,257 to aim of generating $1.4 billion total by about $300,000-«r by pating in joint sessions with $2,419,257—a $230,000 reduction, worth of plant construction. 30 cents per $100 assessed valu- the Board of Education on this and capital .expenses from $235,- The President also urged fi- ation in the local school tax budget. 982 to $165,982—a $70,000 reduc- Savage Battle Flares ill Viet nal congressional action on leg-rate. They did this because of a rul- tion. islation to save these natural The special council .meeting ing by Township Attorney David These reductions will pare • SAIGON ..(AP) - The U.S. east flank of the South Vietnam- while the South Vietnamese troops today as they clipped up drew an audience of.about 85 Resnikoff that they would be in Command today reported sav- wonders: the projected 1968-69 local school ese task force when heavy fight- have been operating south of on the Marine base and killed 27 The Potomac River, which residents. a "conflict of interest," based ax rate from $2.88 to $2.58 per . age'fighting, below the eastern ing developed. the river. A week ago the com- of the enemy as they emerged 1 weaves along Washington, Mayor John^J, Heilly and on the 4963 municipal code of $100 assessed valuation, cutting end of 4he 'demilttarized zone The Marines, a special land- bined force killed 234 North from a tunnel just outside the Maryland and Virginia for some Councilmen John W. Beekffian ethics, and the advice of their the tax rate boost over the cur- and announced the appointment ing team of about 1,000 men that Vietnamese in the same area. Base's barbed wire~ perimeter* 20Q miles', by making it a na and Donald V. Crosta voted for DwnjattQtneys. renf school year's by one half. of a U.S. Army general to com- was 'put ashore.:.more than a ' At Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- The lieutenant leading' the tional river, because failure to the resolution. .""""*' 'the council and the board in The 19.67-68 school tax rate is mand the Marines and other de- month, ago, have been sweeping ese Rangers surprised more North Vietnamese was wounded. preserve it "will make us the Councilmen Joseph A. Pa- a caucus meeting Wednesday $2.28 per $100 assessed valua- fenders of the critical northern north of the Cua Viet River, than 100 North Vietnamese When the Rangers'started out. to shame'of generations to come." laia, Wanamassa School prin- night agreed upon and the gov-tion. frontier. get him, he shot himself in the - U.S. spokesmen also reported head to escape capture, AP The. proposed 1968-69 school the heaviest air strikes against correspondent Robert Oilman re- budget, totaling $3,955,812, twice North Vietnam in.-more than a ported from the besieged Ma- was defeated last month by month?'-.*. , rtne-fortress; Accord by Colleges Approved; township and Loch Arbour resi- "• ATtask-force Of U.S; Marines Ohman'reported that the Com- d_^_Jimch more—-deck; and South Vietnamese infantry- munists shelled the base all day, sively the second time. men battled 500 Communist pumping in a round of artillery As a result, the council had to Is Named by Pope New One MayDpenIn '69 deal with the budget. troops for seven hours~yester- or a rocket about every 10 min- VATICAN -CITY <AP) - Pope istered the archdiocese until utes. LITTLE SILVER — As Mon-pose to the trustees that tem- lents for the 1968-69 school Mayor Beilly said the.Board . day near Dong Ha, the forward of Education will use $200,000 of Maine Base supplying other al- Prful-VI today named a 47-year- the Pope named a successor to He said one round just missed mouth.
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