P r o v id en c e C o lleg e A lembic VOL. 7 OCTOBER, 1926 NO. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT “CY” COSTELLO, ’27 has been appointed our representative at Providence College WALDORF CLOTHING COMPANY “LARGEST TUXEDO HOUSE IN PROVIDENCE” 212 UNION STREET GASPEE 7626 Collegiate T-U-X-E-D-O-S To Hire and For Sale --------------------------------------------W A L D O R F _____________________________ BOYS—TIME FOR HIKING The Roads Are Clear Well shod feet will best stand the strain, old shoes with WHOLE SOLES • —RUBBER HEELS will make hiking a real enjoyment HUB SHOE REPAIRING CO. 62 WASHINGTON ST. NEAR CITY HALL WE SELL FOR HIRE Latest Models Collegiate and TUXEDOS Conservative And Carry Models Dress Shirts, Collars and TUXEDOS Neckties R O O M 112 ^streIt^S°N ROYAL DRESS SUIT CO 6-10 FOR HIRE COLLEGIATE TUXEDOS With Wide Trousers Also Shirts. Collars, Ties and Studs Narragansett Tailoring Company 73 Weybosset Street Next to Arcade Over Van Dyk’s HELP ADVERTISERS MAKE THEIR ADS INVESTMENTS SHOES Hosiery and Neckwear For College Men Established, 1880 Weybosset and Eddy Sts. MeDEVIT T ’S Joseph A. Murray PAWTUCKET Distributors of MICHAELS STERN MODERN (AND) KUPPENHEIMER PLUMBING Good Clothes 336 WEBSTER AVENUE Mallory Fownes Fine Hats Gloves Furnishings Phone West 0696-R 997 Smith Street Elm Barber Shop & Hair Dressing Parlor Specializing on Ladies and Children’s Hair Cutting SHAMPOOING MARCEL WAVING FACIALS SCALP TREATMENTS WATER WAVING By Appointment Prop. Paul Landy DON’T GIVE UP ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS—Use the Alembic Directory FLETCHER COSTUME COMPANY Costumes Wigs Masks Beards ALL ARTICLES DISINFECTED AFTER USE Dress Suits and Tuxedos 524 Westminster Street 421 Weybosset Street GAspee 4685 Opposite Cathedral A Live “DOC” HOWELL Energetic Merchant Brings Clothing for the In College Man Customers—But He Must Deliver the Goods 75 W estm in ster S treet HASKINS DOES One Block Down From the College Providence. R. I. HASKINS DRUG STORE Smith Street at River Avenue Turner Centre System Milk, Cream & Ice Cream QUALITY—SERVICE GAspee 0141 135 Harris Ave. DON’T GIVE UP ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS—Use the Alembic Directory The Tribune EVENING AND SUNDAY FAIR, DECENT, INDEPENDENT ARTHUR HEINIUS 170 WESTMINSTER STREET PR O V ID EN C E, R. I. ROBERT E. QUINN FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL MAHONEY & TUCKER CONTRACTORS ENGINEERS BUILDERS 72 Weybosset Street Telephone Gaspee 8595-8596 Providence, R. I. WILLIAM F. CASEY MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS HATS AND SHOES BETTER With BUILDING BODIES KENNEDY’S The difference between the strong, husky athlete and the pale, anaemic boy is often a matter of diet. Westminster and Dorrance DRINK MILK Streets PROVIDENCE DAIRY COMPANY Kuppenheimer Headquarters 157 West Exchange Street GASPEE 5363 JAMES H. LYNCH & CO. CONCRETE CONTRACTORS 75 Westminster Street Providence, R. I. YOU CAN DEPEND ON ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS Boiler Tubes — Casting Grates WHOLEY BOILER WORKS M akers of Steam Boilers, Tanks, Keers, Smoke Stacks, Etc. STEEL AND IRON PLATE WORK PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS Works, Whipple, Oriental and Oregon Sts. Office, 95 Whipple St. Providence, R. I. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE DESK LAMPS Ideal as Gifts or For Your Own Study Room! These lamps are shown in three different fin­ ishes and have the “Providence College” seal on the base. Come in and see our complete line of study lamps THE ELECTRIC SHOPS NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC LIGHTING CO. TURKS HEAD BUILDING Warren Olneyville Arctic Bristol Washington Park E. Greenwich E. Providence THEY ARE WITH US—STAY WITH THEM—Use the Alembic Directory FAHEY BUILDING MOVING CO., INC. BUILDING MOVERS AND CONTRACTORS Moving, Shoreing, Raising and All Their Branches 137 Willow Street Telephone Providence, R. I. LABORATORY APPARATUS WILLIAM J. FEELEY AND EQUIPMENT Jeweler and Silversmith DRAWING MATERIALS Ecclesiastical Wares in Gold SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS Silver and Bronze MEASURING TAPES Medals Class Emblems Geo. L. Claflin Co. The Rosary in Fine Jewels 72 No. Main St. Providence, R. I. Illustrated List on Application Opposite First Baptist Church 181 Eddy St., Providence, R. I. Class Banquets Fraternity Lunches WEDDING BREAKFASTS A SPECIALTY Operators of Providence College Cafeteria ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS CAN PLEASE YOU—Use the Alembic Directory O’DONNELL & CO., INC. THOMAS E. O’DONNELL JOHN F. O’DONNELL President Treasurer INSURANCE 48 CUSTOM HOUSE STREET PR O V ID EN C E, R. I Established by Thomas E. O’Donnell in 1894 For Re-election to Congress For Congress Third District Arthur L. Conaty Jeremiah E. O’Connell WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER Jack’s Hair Dressing Parlor U N IO N S H O P THREE FIRST-CLASS BARBERS AT YOUR SERVICE JA C K V O LG E 229 S M IT H S T R E E T FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS—ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS—Use the Alembic Directory / GAspee 4335-6-7-8 FRED O. GARDINER, Inc. Wholesale Beef and Provisions Colleges, Restaurants and Hotels Supplied 255 CANAL STREET PROVIDENCE. R. I. Brownell & Field Company JOSEPH H. GAINER Mayor Providence, R. I. STUDENTS! We are always first in showing the newest novelties in shirts, socks and neckwear. We are now showing a complete line of Gloves and Silk Mufflers. Come in and look them over. RIALTO THEATRE BLDG. 127 MATHEWSON STREET PROVIDENCE, R. I. ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS CAN PLEASE YOU—Use the Alembic Directory LA SALLE PHARMACY “The Live Drug Store” 1009 SMITH ST., COR. ACADEMY AVENUE Come down between periods for a bite to eat. Have a drink! ANNOUNCEMENT THE LA SALLE SHOE REPAIRING CO. announces the opening of a first-class Shoe Repair and Shoe Shine Parlor at 999 SMITH STREET PROVIDENCE, R. I. Your patronage earnestly solicited. We guarantee the best of service and material La Salle Shoe Repair Company Authentically Correct UNIVERSITY CLOTHES for Fall We Are Featuring HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX STEIN-BLOCH AND GOODMAN & SUSS SERVICE AND HONESTY—ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS—Use the Alembic Directory 20 Mathewson Street Providence Rhode Island WILLIAM H. GARDNER, Prop. MISS LOUISE M. MONTAGUE PA T ’S Manager LUNCH Over 50 Years of Real Service Given to Furnishing Situations and Help SPAGHETTI A SPECIALTY Arcade Employment 995 Smith Street Agency Established 1869 Open 6:30 to Midnight 70 Arcade Third Floor Providence, R. I. Tel. West 5582 Telephones GAspee 2853-2854 Satisfaction Guaranteed ADOLPH DEL ROSSI Class A Tailor Shop, Catering Specialty to College Students Clothes For College Men 1001 Smith Street Opposite LaSalle Academy FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS—ALEMBIC ADVERTISERS—Use the Alembic Directory Kathleen C. O’Brien Soprano Soloist From Coast to Coast Teacher of Singing STUDIO 110*112 Lauderdale Building Telephone Gaspee 9170 The Leading Men’s Store of Providence It Is To Your Advantage T o Alw ays CLOTHING Consult Your HATS Gas Company’s FURNISHINGS Experts SHOES Their Experience Is Extensive Correct Style of Clothing for College Men Their Counsel Is Valuable Westminster at Eddy Street * You'll Find Them Courteous, Informed and Obliging THEY ARE WITH US—STAY WITH THEM—Use the Alembic Directory ALEMBIC DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS (FOR THE PRESENT SCHOLASTIC YEAR) B A D G E S DEPARTMENT STORES McCarthy’s, Woonsocket Wm. R. Brown Co., 33 Eddy St. McDevitts, Pawtucket B A K E R S Outlet Company, Providence P ic h e ’s B a k e r y , 661 S m ith S t. D R U G G IS T S Tommy Tucker Baking Co., Delaine St. J. Fred Gibson Co., W estminster-Snow Sts. BANKS O. J. Hannaway, 675 Smith St. National Exchange Bank, 63 W estminster St. Haskins Drug Store, One Block Down from the C ollege Industrial Trust Co., 49 W estminster St. Hillis Drug Co., 306 Smith St. B A R B E R S La Salle Pharmacy, 1009 Smith St. cor. Acad­ E lm B a r b e r S h o p , 997 S m ith S t. emy Avenue L e o V e n e g ro , 428 S m ith S t. McLaughlin’s Pharmacy, Chalkstone - River J a c k V o lg e , 229 S m ith S t . A v e n u e s La Salle Barber Shop, 1007y2 Smith St., cor. J o h n J . N e ila n , 143 S m ith S t. Academy Ave. D R Y G O O D S B O IL E R S Gladding Dry Goods Co., 291 W estminster St. Wholey Boiler Works, 9S Whipple St. ELECTRIC SHOPS Narragansett Electric Lighting Co., Eight in BOOKBINDER Rhode Island W alter E. Horton, 661 W estminster St. E N G R A V E R S Bickford Engraving & E le c tr o ty p in g C o ., 20 BOOKSELLERS Mathewson St. P r e s to n & Rounds Co., 98 W estm inster St. Thomson & Nye, 212 Union St. The Book Shop, 4 Market Square EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Arcade Employment Agency, 70 Arcade BOOTS AND SHOES FISH DEALER F. E. Ballou Co., W eybosset and Eddy St. Cook’s Fish M arket, 216 Smith St. Thomas F. Pierce & S o n , 173 W e s tm in s te r S t. FUEL Sullivan Company, 1S9 W estminster St. Petroleum Heat & Power Co., 1210-1211 Turks BUILDING MOVER H e a d F a h e y C o m p a n y , 137 W illo w S t. G A R A G E CHURCH GOODS O rm s S t r e e t G a r a g e , U n io n 2042 GAS COMPANY W illia m J . F e e le y , 181 E d d y S t. Joseph M. Tally, 506-612 W estm inster St. Providence Gas Co., 100 W eybosset St.
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