EMHJ • Vol. 16 No.12 • 2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale Report Experience of cyclone Gonu in the Islamic Republic of Iran: lessons learned F. Panahi,1 R. Asadollahi,2 M. Asadollahi 3 and A. Hasani-Bafarani 4 اخلربات والدروس املستفادة من إعصار غونو يف مجهورية إيران اﻹسﻻمية فرزاد بناهي، رضا أسد اللهي، مصطفى أسد اللهي، آزاده حسني بافراين 2007 كان اخلﻻصـة:إعصار غونو وهو اﻹعصار املداري الثاين يف موسم اﻷعاصري يف شامل املحيط اهلندي عام ، قد امتد تأثريه إىل ُعامن وباكستان واﻹمارات العربية املتحدة ومجهورية إيران اﻹسﻻمية. وقد َد َرس الباحثون يف هذه الورقة آثار هذا اﻹعصار عىل مجهورية إيران اﻹسﻻمية التي 2007 اقتـرب منها مساره يف السادس من حزيران/يونيو ، واستعرضوا اﻹجراءات َّاملتخذة قبل اﻹعصار وأثناءه وبعده. وقد أوضحت هذه احلادثة مدى احلاجة إىل إعداد بروتوكول خاص بجميع أنامط الكوارث الطبيعية، وإىل أن تقوم املنظامت املسؤولة بتدريب العاملني فيها ً وفقاللربوتوكوﻻت َّاملعدة َُوح َم زاخلدمات. ووجد الباحثون أن من الدروس املستفادة اهلامة احلاجة إىل إنذار مبكر، ومشاركة مناسبة من ِق َل باملجتمع، وإتاحة املعطيات اﻷساسية من أجل حتليل املخاطر، مع إيﻻء اهتامم خاص بسﻻمة املستشفيات، ومراكز الرعاية الصحية، والبنية اﻷساسية، والتنسيق، وضامن التكامل واﻻنضباط يف عملية إعطاء وتنفيذ اﻷوامر. ABSTRACT Gonu, the second tropical cyclone of the 2007 northern Indian ocean cyclone season, affected Oman, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This report examines the effects of cyclone Gonu in the Islamic Republic of Iran where it approached on its path on 6 June 2007 and reviews the actions taken before, during and after the cyclone. The incident highlighted the need for a special protocol to be prepared for all types of natural disasters. Responsible organizations should train their personnel according to the prepared protocols and service packages. Among the important lessons learned were the need for early warning, proper community involvement, access to essential data for risk analysis, special attention to safety of infrastructures, coordination and command integrity. Passage du cyclone Gonu dans la République islamique d’Iran : enseignements tirés de cette expérience RÉSUMÉ Gonu, le deuxième cyclone tropical de la saison des cyclones de l’année 2007 du nord de l’océan Indien, a frappé les Émirats arabes unis, la République islamique d’Iran, le Pakistan, et le Sultanat d’Oman. Le présent rapport étudie les effets du cyclone Gonu en République islamique d’Iran, qu’il approcha dans sa course le 6 juin 2007, et analyse les actions entreprises avant, pendant et après le passage du cyclone. L’incident a mis en lumière le besoin d’un protocole spécial pour la préparation à tous les types de catastrophes naturelles. Les organisations concernées devraient former leur personnel en suivant les protocoles et les ensembles de services préparés. Parmi les enseignements importants tirés de cette expérience, nous pouvons citer les suivants : le besoin d’une alerte précoce, d’un engagement adéquat de la communauté, d’un accès aux données essentielles pour l’analyse des risques, d’une attention particulière à la sécurité des hôpitaux et des centres de soins de santé, mais aussi le besoin d’infrastructures, de coordination des niveaux hiérarchiques et d’intégrité à ces niveaux. 1Emergency Management Centre; 4Secretariat for Health Risk Management in Disasters, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Correspondence to F. Panahi: [email protected]). 2Iran Helal Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. 3Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Received: 27/02/09; accepted: 18/06/09 1290 املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط املجلد السادس عرش العدد الثاين عرش Introduction (69 mph) and heavy monsoon rainfall Disasters and the Iran Red Crescent So- (part of the seasonal pattern in the area) ciety. These log entries were reviewed Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are caused some of the rivers to overflow. for this report. intense low-pressure weather systems The cyclone and the consequent heavy Rosters of staff who initially assisted arising in the tropics that produce strong rain continued until 8 June [8,9]. or were deployed in the field opera- winds and heavy rain. These storms are The cyclone affected an estimated tion were obtained. Team leaders who the most damaging large-scale weather 560 000 people in 28 cities and 2900 managed or coordinated these teams systems in the world and cause massive villages. Throughout the affected ar- were interviewed using structured and destruction and loss of life [1]. eas the cyclone caused 23 deaths (20 unstructured questions. Tropical cyclones occur in the from drowning) and more than 20 000 Copies of correspondence, includ- south-west Pacific, south-east Indian, houses were flooded. The death toll of ing health alerts, messages and situation north Indian, south Pacific or South domesticated animals was estimated to reports were collected and reviewed Atlantic oceans [1]. Gonu, the second be about 6500. The total damage in the for relevant content. The first author named tropical cyclone of the 2007 Islamic Republic of Iran was estimated was the coordinator between the health northern Indian Ocean cyclone sea- at 2 billion Iranian riyals (US$ 216 authorities of the 3 affected provinces in son, developed from a persistent area of million) [10]. Other major effects of charge of the health sector response and convection in the eastern Arabian Sea cyclone Gonu included disconnection his notes and reports were also used. on 1 June before rapidly intensifying of electricity, piped water and telecom- A Google search was conducted for to reach peak winds of 240 km/h (150 munications to more than 2200 popu- reports of different news agencies and mph) on 3 June according to the In- lation units, destruction of transport newspapers. Additional anecdotal in- dian meteorological department. Late routes to more than 2000 population formation or experiences were obtained on 5 June, it crossed the land on the units, destruction of several dams [11] from presentations at the “International easternmost tip of Oman [2]. Reports and damage to the shrimp-breeding meeting on Gonu cyclone: lessons say cyclone Gonu was the strongest to industry, one of the most important learned” held on 18–19 February 2008 hit the Arabian Peninsula since records industries of Chabahar and Konarak, in Chabahar, Islamic Republic of Iran started in 1945 [3]. The cyclone caused at an estimated cost of about US$ 6 by the Secretariat for Health Risk Man- about US$ 4 billion damage and about million [12]. agement in Disasters in collaboration 50 deaths with 14 people missing in Climate change and increases in the with the World Health Organization Oman, where the cyclone was consid- incidence of storms and floods through- Regional Office for the Eastern Medi- ered the nation’s worst natural disaster. out the world highlights the need for a terranean. Gonu dropped heavy rainfall near the comprehensive emergency planning eastern coastline, reaching up to 610 system capable of responding to such mm (24 inches), which caused flooding events. This report examines the effects and heavy damage [4,5]. After affecting of cyclone Gonu in the Islamic Republic Pre- and post- Oman (especially Muscat), the United of Iran and the measures which were incident measures Arab Emirates and Pakistan (Sindh and taken before, during and after the cy- for management Baluchistan) [6], Gonu was the first clone. cyclone to affect the Islamic Republic of The experiences of the Bam earthquake, Iran in almost 100 years [7]. which struck the Islamic Republic of Review of the Iran in 2003, highlighted the need to emergency response improve disaster preparedness and Cyclone Gonu in the disaster management in the country. Islamic Republic of Iran During the emergency response to This prompted the preparation of pre- cyclone Gonu in the Islamic Republic disaster guidelines, some of which were Cyclone Gonu hit the Islamic Republic of Iran written logs documenting the utilized in the next event, the Lorestan of Iran on 6 June 2007, causing sea waves initial actions that were taken were kept earthquake in 2006. Thus there was a up to 5.8 metres and moderate to heavy by the Natural Disaster Management better level of preparedness for respond- rain. Gonu affected 3 provinces, Sistan Task Force of the Ministry of Interior, ing to upcoming emergencies (includ- va Baluchestan (especially Chabahar the Secretariat for Health Risk Manage- ing cyclone Gonu). Actions taken for and Konarak), Hormozgan (Bandar Ab- ment in Disasters of the Ministry of the management of cyclone Gonu can bas, Jask, Bashagard) and southern parts Health and Medical Education, the Sec- be reviewed in 2 parts: pre-incident and of Kerman. Winds reached 111 km/h retariat of the Task Force on Meteoric post-incident measures. 1291 EMHJ • Vol. 16 No.12 • 2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale Pre-incident measures Post-incident measures ing of biological products such as vac- In view of the fact that Oman and Paki- Due to proper preparation and good cines due to electricity loss). stan were affected by cyclone Gonu be- coordination with the general staff of Disease control and fore it passed over the Islamic Republic the armed forces, several flights were prevention during and after of Iran, the relevant organizations were dispatched to the region soon after the the cyclone in a state of alert after receiving writ- incident based on an initial assessment • Establishment of an active disease ten warnings from the Iranian weather of personnel shortages in distributing surveillance and data collection bureau on 5 June. The recipient organi- the necessary equipment. Food, medi- system for daily assessment of dis- zations of this alert included: Ministry cine and tent packages were sent to the eases.
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