1st PLACE TITLES PRODUCED AT THE UIL OAP STATE MEET (alphabetical by title) Play Year School Conf Actor's Nightmare, The 1995 Yorktown 2A Adding Machine, The 1984 Sabine Pass 1A Ah, Wilderness 1982 Snyder 4A Ah, Wilderness 1961 Houston: Lamar 4A Alice In Wonderland 1984 La Vernia 2A Alice In Wonderland 1978 Carrollton: Newman Smith 3A Alice in Wonderland 1970 Roscoe 1A All My Sons 1989 Marion 2A All My Sons 1951 Cuero 1A Amadeus 1987 Mineola 3A Amen Corner, The 1975 Houston: M. C. Williams 4A An Experiment with an Air Pump 2005 Arlington 5A Anastasia 1966 Winnie: East Chambers 1A Anastasia 1963 College Station: A & M Consolidated 2A And People All Around 1989 Mineola 3A And They Dance Real Slow in Jackson 2000 Kerrville: Tivy 4A Androcles and the Lion 1974 Katy 2A Androcles and the Lion 1973 La Porte 3A Antic Spring 1973 Universal City: Randolph 2A Antigone 1961 Rankin 1A Apollo of Bellac, The 1973 Sonora 1A Archy and Mehitabel 1967 Gladewater 2A Aria da Capo 1954 White Deer 1A Arkansaw Bear, The 1981 Ropesville: Ropes 2A Arsenic and Old Lace 1991 Ropesville: Ropes 1A As You Like It 1986 Port Aransas 1A Assassins 1994 Mineola 3A Awake and Sing 1987 Klein 5A Awakening of Spring, The 2012 Mont Belvieu: Barbers Hill 4A Balcony Scene 1947 Dallas: Sunset NA Bald Soprano, The 1962 College Station: A & M Consolidated 2A Balkan Women, The 2010 Salado 2A Barretts of Wimpole Street, The 1957 Carrizo Spings B Beauty and the Jacobin 1941 Waco NA Becket 1964 Abilene: Cooper 4A Becoming Memories 2000 Roscoe: Highland 1A Beggar's Opera, The 1991 San Antonio: MacArthur 5A Biedermann and the Firebugs 2011 Plains 1A Black Angel 1988 League City: Clear Lake 5A Black Angel 1995 Hurst: L. D. Bell 5A Black Snow 2003 Kingwood 5A Black Snow 2007 Friendswood 4A Blood Wedding 1976 Snyder 3A Box and Cox 1963 Clyde 1A Boy With a Cart, The 1968 Meadow B Boys Next Door, the 1992 Mineral Wells 4A Boys Next Door, The 2002 Yantis 1A Breaking The Prairie Wolf Code 1996 Diana: New Diana 2A Cabbages 1937 Pampa NA Casualties 1931 Austin NA Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 1999 Mont Belvieu: Barbers Hill 3A Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2004 Lindsay 1A Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2005 Van 3A Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2012 Rogers 2A Caucasian Chalk Circle, The 2014 Pearland: Dawson 4A Cave Dwellers, The 1967 Brownwood 3A Charley's Aunt 1981 Clyde 3A Children of a Lesser God 1984 League City: Clear Lake 5A Children On Their Birthdays 1969 Meadow B Comedy of Errors, The 1976 Richardson 4A Company of Wayward Saints, A 1976 Winnie: East Chambers 2A Company of Wayward Saints, A 1970 Meadow B Confederate Letters 1997 Overton 1A Conversations With My Father 1997 Gregory: Gregory-Portland 4A Corn Is Green, The 1988 Snyder 4A Cripple of Inishmaan, The 1999 San Antonio: Madison 5A Crucible, The 1984 Snyder 4A Crucible, The 1970 Katy 2A Crucible, The 1968 Snyder 3A Cry, The Beloved Country 1960 Jacksonville 3A Curious Savage, The 1980 Longview: Spring Hill 1A Curious Savage, The 1960 Mathis 1A Daddy's Dyin' (Who's Got The Will?) 1993 Munday 1A Dancing at Lughnasa 2003 Omaha: Paul Pewitt 2A Dancing at Lughnasa 2010 Medina 1A Dark of the Moon 1959 Houston: Sam Houston 4A Dark Of The Moon 1993 Wimberley 2A Darkside 2013 Canyon: Randall 4A Death of a Salesman 1992 Seagraves 2A Death of a Salesman 2011 Carrolton: Creekview 4A Desk Set, The 1986 Gregory: Gregory-Portland 4A Devil and Daniel Webster, The 1966 Mason 2A Devils, The 1995 Mineola 3A Dinny and the Witches 1967 Houston: Waltrip 4A Dino 1958 Alpine B Diviners, The 1986 Shallowater 2A Diviners, The 1982 Deer Park 5A Doctor In Spite of Himself, A 1983 La Porte 5A Elephant Man, The 1983 Port Aransas 1A Elephant Man, The 2006 Decatur 3A Elizabeth the Queen 1970 Snyder 3A Enemy, The (Act III) 1950 Cuero 1A Epic Proportions 2008 Mansfield 5A Equus 1981 San Antonio: Clark 5A Everyman 1968 Grapeland 1A Exit the King 1974 Waco: Richfield 4A Exit the King 1969 Olney 2A Exit the King 1969 Amarillo: Tascosa 4A Farce of the Worthy Master Pierre Patelin, The 1967 Danbury B Flowers for Algernon 2006 Channing A Flowers for Algernon 2007 Mount Pleasant: Chapel Hill 2A Fog on the Valley 1952 Greggton: Pine Tree B Foiled By An Innocent Maid 1981 Penelope 1A Foreigner, The 1994 Orange: West Orange-Stark 4A Foreigner, The 1996 Trent 1A Full Circle 2007 Lindsay 1A Gammar Gurton's Needle 1960 Schulenburg 2A Gap In Generations, A 1972 Lubbock: Cooper 1A Ghetto 2009 Rogers 2A Gianni Schicchi 1998 Stinnett: West Texas 2A Glass Menagerie, The 1980 Sanderson B Glass Menagerie, The 1959 McLean 1A Glass Menagerie, The 1952 Port Arthur: Jefferson 2A Godspell 2002 Van 3A Golden Boy 2014 Seminole 3A Good Woman of Setzuan, The 1991 Katy: Taylor 4A Good-Bye to the Clown 1973 Imperial: Buena Vista B Grapes of Wrath, The 2003 Bay City 4A Great Cross-Country Race, The 1975 Prairie Lea B Great Cross-Country Race, The 1975 Longview: Pine Tree 3A Great Expectations 2009 Friendswood 4A Government Inspector, The 2010 Paris: North Lamar 3A Hamlet, The Time is Out of Joint: A Study of Hamlet 1978 San Antonio: MacArthur 4A Happy Journey, The 1942 Waco NA Happy Journey, The 1939 Wichita Falls NA Hasty Heart, The 1982 Clyde 3A Henry Lumper 2012 Plains 1A Heritage of Wimpole Street 1966 Hico B High Heart, The 1948 Houston: Lamar City High Heart, The 1930 Abilene NA High Window 1948 Schulenburg B Home of the Brave 1954 McCamey B Hopes and Words and Ordinary Things 1964 League City: Clear Creek 3A Hour Glass, The 1932 San Antonio: Brackenridge NA House of Bernarda Alba, The 1966 San Antonio: Houston 3A I Pagliacci 1997 Stinnett: West Texas 2A I Remember Mama 1989 Port Aransas 1A I Remember Mama 1985 Ropesville: Ropes 1A I Remember Mama (Act II) 1956 Houston: Lamar 2A Idiot's Delight 1981 Georgetown 4A I'm Not Rappaport 1989 Gregory: Gregory-Portland 4A Imaginary Invalid or The Hypochondriac, The 1998 La Marque 4A Imaginary Invalid, The 1983 Katy: Taylor 4A Imaginary Invalid, The 1966 Houston: Bellaire 4A Impromptu 1967 Goldthwaite 1A In the Shadow of the Glen 1962 Menard B Indians 1979 Boys Ranch 2A Infancy 1971 Denver City 2A Infancy 1968 Houston: Bellaire 4A Inherit the Wind 1992 Cameron: Yoe 3A Interview 1973 Richardson: Pearce 4A Interview, The 1979 Pottsboro 1A Into The Woods 1997 Bishop 3A J. B. 1977 La Marque 4A John Doe 1943 Abilene NA Kentucky Cycle, The : Fire in the Hole 2005 Longview: Pine Tree 4A Kentucky Cycle, The : Fire in the Hole 2008 Mexia 3A Kholstomer: The Story of a Horse 2013 Rogers 2A King O’ the Moon 2012 Austin 5A King Stag, The 1998 Lake Dallas 3A King Stag, The 1999 Roscoe: Highland 1A Korczak’s Children 2009 Athens 3A Lark, The 1980 Caldwell 2A Last Flight Over 1950 Houston: Davis City Last Flight Over 1936 El Paso NA Last Night of Ballyhoo, The 2008 Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts 1A Last Night of Ballyhoo, The 2014 Mason 1A Lie of the Mind, A 1989 Klein: Klein Oak 5A Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The 1986 San Antonio: MacArthur 5A Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The 1996 Friendswood 4A Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The 2005 Lindsay 1A Lion In Winter, The 1994 San Angelo: Central 5A Little Foxes, The 1953 Cuero 1A Little Foxes, The 1993 Klein High School 5A Long Christmas Dinner, The 1972 Abilene 4A Long Christmas Dinner, The 1950 Abilene 2A Look Homeward, Angel 1990 The Woodlands: McCullough 5A Lottery, The 1954 Houston: Reagan 2A Lucia Mad 2002 Rogers 2A Luther 1977 Boys Ranch 2A Luther 1975 Nocona 2A Macbeth 1979 Snyder 3A Macbeth 1965 White Deer 1A MacBeth 1993 Snyder 4A Madwoman of Chaillot, The 1971 Sonora 1A Maker of Dreams, The 1956 White Deer B Man of La Mancha 1988 Mineola 3A Man of La Mancha 2007 Van 3A Man of la Mancha 2008 Rogers 2A Man Who Never Died, The 1990 Mineola 3A Mannequin's Demise 1979 Channing B Maria Stuart 1971 Snyder 3A Marriage of Bette and Boo, The 1993 Sonora 3A Marriage of Bette and Boo, The 2006 Plano East 5A Medea 1961 Menard B Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2001 Comfort 2A Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1965 Houston: Bellaire 4A Midsummer Night's Dream, A 1995 Snyder 4A Midsummer Night's Dream, A 2011 Van 3A Minnie Field 1955 Cypress: Cypress-Fairbanks B Minnie Field 1951 Houston: Jefferson Davis 2A Minor Miracle 1953 Spring Branch B Miracle Worker, The 1986 Red Oak 3A Miracle Worker, The 1963 El Paso: S. F. Austin 4A Miracle Worker, The 1999 Bay City 4A Miracle Worker, The 2013 Fredericksburg 3A Moby Dick Rehearsed 2011 Hempstead 2A Moon Over Buffalo 2008 Schertz: Clemens 4A Mooncalf Mugford 1950 Schulenburg B Mooncalf Mugford 1948 Denton 2A Mother Courage and Her Children 1970 Houston: Spring Branch 4A Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers 1948 West Columbia 1A Near-Sighted Knight and the Far-Sighted Dragon 1990 The Thorndale 1A Night Thoreau Spent in Jail, The 2010 Mont Belvieu: Barbers Hill 4A No 'Count Boy, The 1974 Sabinal 1A No 'Count Boy, The 1956 Jacksonville 1A Noises Off 1987 Gregory: Gregory-Portland 4A Odd Couple, The 1977 Coppell 1A Oedipus Rex 1979 San Antonio: MacArthur 4A Oedipus the King 1971 Amarillo: Tascosa 4A Of Mice and Men 2000 Mount Vernon 3A Of Poems, Youth, and Spring 1978 Channing B Of Poems, Youth, and Spring 1972 Universal City: Randolph 2A Of Poems, Youth, and Spring 1962 Houston: Bellaire 4A Old Lady Shows Her Medals, The 1953 Port Arthur: Jefferson 2A On Vengeance Height 1945 Fort Davis NA Once Upon a Clothesline 1978 Bastrop 2A Ondine 1972 Snyder 3A One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1990 Gregory: Gregory-Portland 4A Othello 1964 Canyon 2A Our American Cousin 1965 Blooming Grove B Our Country's Good 1996 Arlington: Martin 5A Our Town (Act II) 1955 Houston: Lamar 2A
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