SIDE' I FOLKWAYS RECORDS Album No. BR, 501 The President's Commission on the Assassination of Copyright 1964 by Folkways Records and Service Corp. President Kennedy met on Wednesday, March 4th, 165 W. 46 St. NYC USA 19(14, in Washington, D.C. Present and presiding was the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Earl Warren, Also present were Senator John Sherman Cooper and Representative Gerald R. Ford. J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel to the THE OSWALD CASE President's Commission, was present, as was Norman Redlick, Special Assistant to the General Counsel Also present were two assistants to MARK LANE'S TESTIMONY Walter E. Craig, President of the American Bar TO THE WARREN COMMISSION Association. I had been called before the Comtnission by the Commission to testify on behalf of the investiga- pistol with which he slew Officer Tippit . Mr. tion that f had conducted for my client, the late Dirkson stated to me that he could not make a Lee Harvey Oswald. My testimony before the glossy of that picture available to me. I pointed Commission fellows. out to him that in the past the Associated Press had been most cooperative when I asked for pic- tures, and he said, "Yes, we sent a whole batch At the outset, gentlemen, I would like to call to of them up to you last week, didn't we?" I said, the Commission's attention a matter which is "Yes, you did, and I appreciated that, and I wonder somewhat peripheral, perhaps, and should the why this picture is being treated differently from Commission determine that it does not wish to other pictures," He replied, "This Is not a normal heur my testimony in that regard, I will under- picture, and this is not the normal situation. " I stand that decision. But I would like to call it asked Mr. Dirkson what he meant by that. Mr. to your attention, because although it is periph- Dirkson explained to me that there was a special eral, perhaps, and should the Commission de- contract between the Associated Press and the termine that it does not wish to hear my testi- source of the picture, and the Associated Press mony in that regard, I will understand that deci- agreed in this contract that they would not make a sion. Hut I would like to call it to your attention, glossy available to .anyone. And I said that if that because although It is peripheral I think it is was the understanding the Associated Press had with related to both the assassination and the inves- their source, I certainly was not going to urge them tigation into the assassination of President to breach their agreement, but asked Mr. Dirkson Kennedy. That is in relation to a photo, a pic- instead if he would make known to me the name of ture, which has been widely publicized, probably the source, so that I might go directly to the source in every single community of our country, and secure possibly the picture from the source in allegedly showing the late Les Harvey Oswald that fashion. Mr. Dirkson stated that he could not holding in his hand a rifle which has been described do that, because one of the other stipulations In the in at least one: publication, Life Magazine, as the contract was that the Associated Press would never weapon with which he assassinated President reveal the name of the source of that picture. Kennedy. I would like to indicate to the Commis- sion at this time that the pictures which have been I later discussed that conversation with an employee distributed throughout the country included doctor- of the New York Times, and the New York Times ed and forged photographs. I would like to present then made an effort to secure a copy of that picture evidence to the Commission at this time in that from the Associated Press. However, the New York regard, and I ask the Commission if it does conclude Times was unable to get the name of the source of that the photographs have been doctored, I ask the the picture when they made a request to the Associated Commission to consider determining whether or not Press. a crime has been committed or an effort has been made to submit evidence to the Commission mem- Later my office called Life Magazine and we inquired bers, not directly but through the press, evidence of persons on the Photo Desk at Life Magazine if it which might in one way or another influence the were possible for us to secure a copy of the picture members of the Commission in tile study which they which they ran on the front page of that publication are now making. on February 21st, 1994. Life Magazine declined to make a glossy copy of that picture available. At that time I offered to the Commission a series of photographs including pictures which had ap- And gentlemen, I would like to raise with your per- peared in the New York Times, in Life Magazine, mission one additional matter which is somewhat in the Detroit Free Press, in Newsweek Magazine peripheral also, prior to going into the evidence and the New York Journal-American; and although that I have been able to uncover. I make reference each of the pictures was identical with each of the to an article appearing in the New York Journal- other pictures in every respect except one, in American on February 23rd„ 1964. This article, that one respect the pictures varied remarkably. written by Bob Considine, states that an eye witness For in each case the picture showing Lee Harvey to the shooting of Officer Tippit , a gentleman by Oswald holding in his left hand a rifle with a pistol the name of Warren Reynolds, was himself recent- in a holster on his right hip, in each case the rifle ly shot through the head by a man who had in his held in Lee Harvey Oswald's left hand was a rifle hand a rifle. The article written by Mr. Considine which had been forged and doctored. In fact, in indicated that during January, Mr. Reynolds was three of the pictures three different rifles appear- himself shot through the head with a rifle and that ed: one with a telescopic sight, one without a he is now in the hospital. Mr. Considine indicated telescopic sight, and one with a great deal of in 'his article that a person was picked up in the added-on metallic material appearing just below Dallas area and charged with the shooting of this Lee Harvey Oswald's hand in the picture. witness, but that someone who Mr. Considine re- fers to as his girl, meaning the girl. friend of the I also pointed out to the Commission those articles person charged with shooting the witrese to the which have been widely circulated around the Tippit slaying, came forward, and she testified country, referring to the picture as "Lee Harvey in such a fashion that the person charged with the Oswald with the weapons he used to kill president crime was released. Thie person, Betty Moony Kennedy and Officer Tippit -,' showed Oswald with McDonald, who helped to free her friend, accord- a rifle which in no way was comparable to or looked ing to Mr, Considine, herself had worked as a like the rifle alleged by the State of Texas to he the stripper in the Carousel Club in Dallas owned by murder weapon. Jack Ruby. Two weeks prior to the time the ar- ticle was written, Miss McDonald, after seeing I then explained to the Commission that there exists to it that her friend was released from the charge among certain news agencies and publications, in- against him, was herself arrested for some minor cluding the Associated Press, an aura of secrecy unrelated charge of fighting with her room mate surrounding the source of that picture, or of those in her own apartment. Shortly after she was ar- pictures. I stated to the Commission I called the rested, Miss McDonald hung herself to death in Associated Press in New York City and asked for her cell in the Dallas jailhouse. the Photo Desk, and a Mr. Dirkson answered and said that he was employed on the Photo Desk. I In the course o f my investigation, gentlemen, I asked him if he would be good enough to secure for have come across some material which would be me a glossy copy of the picture sent by the Asso- relevant only If I were first able to examine the ciated Press over the wires. I described to him rifle, and I am going to ask the Commission to the picture as the one in which Oswald's allegedly consider my request that I be able to examine the shown holding the murder weapon in his left hand alleged murder weapon before offering testimony and having on his right hip a pistol, allegedly the in regard to the alleged murder weapon. It has of course been alleged by the Chief of Police most Ian degrees and fired at least twice more." of Dallas and by the District Attorney of Dallas At that time the prosecution's, case had already that Oswald was present on the sixth floor of the been developed in terms of the theory that Oswald Texas Book Depository Building during the very was the assassin and Oswald acted alone. early afternoon of November 22nd, 1963, and that from that area he fired an Italian carbine 6.5 There were newspaper pictures published in many mm; he fired it three times, twice striking the portions of the country showing the Textbook De- President of the United Staten, wounding him pository building on Houston Street and Elm Street, fatally, and injuring the Governor of Texas by where the Presidential limousine approached the striking him with one bullet.
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