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Krishna Collector's Office' Award No. 81 /2O19-2O/NH'216 (Additional) RC.GI(A).177/2017. Machilipatnam, Dr ],\06.2019. AWARD & Joint collector' Made by Dr. Kritika Shukla, 1.A.5, Competent Authority (Land Acquisition) Act' 1956 (48/56) tead Krishna. Machilipatnam under Sub Sec (l) of sec. 3G of National Highways with National Highways Laws (Amendment) Act 1997' in the village of where as, an extent of land 202 Sq.mtrs in R.S.Nos. 277/38 and 278/B2D name or occupied by the Lakshmipuram of Kruthivennu Mandal, Krishna District and registered in the personsspecifiedbelowhasbeenproposedforacquisitionbytheMoRTHforpublicpurposeto pasing through Lakshmipuram of acquire the land for widening/extension of existing road of NH-215 issued Gazette Kruthivennu Mandal in the State of Andhra Pradesh the extents notified in notification extents notified in Notification No. Gazette No.l768 in 5.O.No.2270 (E), dt.2O.O8.2OI5 in addition (E), dt. 19.06.2018 and exercise of its issued vide Gazette No.2266, dt.20.06.2018 in 5.O.No.3003 (48/56) read with National Highways powers conferred by sub sec (l) of 5ec. 3(A) of NH Act ,1956 Laws(Amendment)Act'.lggTSivenitsnoticeofintentiontoacquirethelandmeasuringanextentof was published vide 1335 Sq.mtrs in R.5.No.277l38 and 278/B2D and the said Notification 5.0.3003(E)Dated.lg'06,2018intheExtraordinaryissueNo.2265Dated.2o.O6.20l8Partii.sec3, published in the required places' ln sub sec (ll) of the Gazette of lndia and the same has been PursuanceofSub'ec.(l)and(ll)ofSec3(D)oftheActandinexerciseofthepowersconferredunder 4837' dt.o8.l2'2018 in 5'O'No'5067 the said section, the 60vernment of lndia in its Notification No' (E).dt.oT.l2.2ol8declaredthatthelandforanextentof2o2Sq.mtrsinR.S.Nos.2TT/3Band purpose and in pursuance of the sub sec' (2) 278/B2D specified in the schedule acquired for the said central Covernment free from all encumbrances' of Sec. 3(D). the land shall veJt absolutely with the ThesaidNotificationwaspublishedintheE.o.issuepart-ll,sec3ofsubsecl|ofGazetteoflndiain (E), Dated.o7.l2.2018 The undersigned after its Notification No.4837 dt.o8.l2.2Ot8 in 5.O. No.6067 fullenquiryintheca'eandondueconsiderationofvariouscircumstancesconnectedwiththe acquisitionasheresetforthmadethefollowingAwardunderherhandforthelandsinthelimitsof Lakshmipuram village of Kruthivennu Mandal' COMPETEN.fs- AUTHORTTY G.A) & Joint Collector, Krishna, MachiliPatnam. *Lt.bPrl o?b x 2 ABSTMCT FOR LAKSHMIPURAM VILLAGE - KRUTHIVENNU MANDAL 5l.No. Particulars Amount 5q.Mts/ Rs. 1 The Area of the land acquired 202 The Compensation allowed for: Category-f Determination of Market value U/s 26@ Rs.l4,55,OOO/- Per acre or @ Rate Rs.359 /- per 5q. meter for an extent of l2l sq.mtr. 2(a) 43439 Category-ll Determination of Market value U/s 26@ 20574 Rs.10,28.025l- Per acre or @ Rate 3s.254/- per 5q. meter for an extent of 8l sq.mtr. Category-l Multiplied Market Value 1.25 [email protected],18,750/- P.A. or @ Rs.449/- per Sq.Meter for an 54329 extent of 121 sq.mtr. Category-ll Multiplied Market Value 1.25 times @ Rs.l2,85,O3l,z- P.A. or @ Rs.3l8/- per sq.mtr for an extent of 250758 81 sq.mtr. 2(b) 3 Value of Assets a) Fruit Bearing Trees b) Structures c) Bore walls Total t Total (3+4) 80087 t I00o/o Solatium U/s 3O(1) on total amount of Rs. 80087 l2olo Additional Market Value U/s 3O(3) on land value from date of last notification 6 in the locality i.e., from 27.06.2Og to 21.06.2019 to the date of passing of Award 21.06.2019 (35g days) on Rs.64013 /- 7555 7 Tgtal compensation payable to land holders (4+5+6) 167729 As per circular instructions No. 8 N HAI/I I 0l 3/DGM/LN Coord.2Ot 3 /FTS-S 6/ 41}gg, dt:05-07- 40000 2013 .- Net Compenration 9 payable,olai* 207729 COMPETENT /i(I,THORITY (L.A) & Joint Collector, Krishna, Machilipatnam. h-ur,.T D7& >f,t',r 3 AUTHORITY (L'A) & AWARD PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMPETENT JOINT COLLECTOR, KRISHNA' MACHILIPATNAM' PRESENT: Dr'Kritika Shukla" l'A'5 *** Dated3,l.06.20l9. Award.No.8ll2 Olg '2O ,/NH-216 (Additional) kc.G1A.177/2017. Bandar Division Kruthivennu Mandal - Sub: - Land Acquisition - Krishna District - - an extent of 2o2 Sq'mtrs in R'S'Nos' Lakshmipuram Village - Land measuring Land Acquisition for the PurPose 277/38 and 278/B2D proposed for Additional Highway No-216 from Km'33 of widening/extension existing road of National - Award passed- Orders issued' +560 to 1O4 +17O KM Kattipudi to Ongole in 5'O'No'3003 (E)' dt' 19'06'2018 0f the Read:- l.Gazette No. 2266, dr'20'o6'2018 Govt.of lndia dt'07'12'018 of the 2. GazetteNo'4837' dated 08'12'2018 in S'O'No'6067(E)' 6ovt.of lndia of the competent Public Noticl Rc.GtA .177/2017, dated'06'06'2019 3. Published Authoritv (L'il;jti"i toliector' Krishna' Machilipatnam' l2'06'2019 in Sakshi on r..oa.zoti in-HlNs-rNofe (English) & on (Ielugu) dailY News PaPers' and23'06'20'19' 4. Award enquiry conducied on l8'062019 of the Revenue Divisional Officer' Bandar' 5.Rc.l300/200 7 ' dt'12'O7 '2019 *** ORDER:- of Road Transport and Highways' New The Covernment of lndia and the Ministry Delhihaveissuedanotificationinexerciseofpowersconferredbythesubsection(l)of Section3AofNationalHighwaysAct,lg56(48of1956)'declaredit'intentiontoacquirethe landrequiredinLakshmipuramVillageofKruthivennuMandal'KrishnaDistrictinadditionto theextentJnotifiedinnotificationissuedvideGazetteNo.2266'dt.2o.o6.2ol8in5.o.No.3003(E)'to existing road in the section of Kattipudi dt.l9.o6.2olg for the extension/widening of KM of NH-216' Ongole from Km.33 +560 to lO4 +l7O l).Requisition:- haj Transport & Highways' PIU' Machilipatnam The Project Director' Minirtry of Road of 1335 Sq'mtrs of lands in requisition proposals to acquire an extent submitted with in R'S'Nos' 277 /38 and 278/B2D Lakshmipuram Village of Kruthivennu Mandal structures,tree',bores,openwells,etc..forwidening/extensionoftheexistinSroadinthe sectionofKattipuditoongoleKm.33+560to104+tT0KMofNH-2l5.inKrishnaDistrict intheStateofAndhraPradesh.TheMini(ryofRoadTransportandHighwaysDePartment of NHAI' Act conferred by sub-section of 5ec-3A central covernment. in exercise of powers lg56readwithHighways(AmendmentAct-5,1997)Sivennoticeofintentiontoacquirethe landintheVillageLakshmipuramofKruthivennuMandalofKrishnaDistrictcoveredunder this Proiect. The 60vernment of India and Ministry of Road rransport and Nationar Highways, New Delhi (Department of Road, Transport and Highways) have issued notification for acqui5ition of lands under sub section (l) of section additionar 3A of Nationar Highways Act 1956 (48 , of 1956) decraring its intention to acquire the land 1335 sq.mtrs the rand in R.s. No.277/3p,278/82Dp,425/3p,42gp and 434p as specified in the schedure Annexed to the said notification for widening/extension of existing road Kathipudi to ongore on National Highway No-2r6 0n the stretch from Km. 33 +550 to lo4 +r70 KM of NH-2r6 in Kathipudi to ongole section in Lalshmipuram village of kruthivennu Mandal in Krishna District in the state pradesh of Andhra and requiring the interested person, to raise any objections for the use of said land within 2'r days from the date of pubrication of the notification before the competent Authority(L.A.) & Joint coilector, Krishna, Machiripatnam. certain objeaions have been received within the stipulated period on the acquisition of rand and the objection petitions deserves no consideration and rejected. The foflowing are the pubrication detairs. l) Notification u/s 3A, vide .azette No. 2266, dt.2O.O6.2OtBin S.O.No.3O03(E), dated 19.06.2018, 2) Hans lndia English daily news paper dt: 27.06.20lg. 3) Sakshi, Telugu daily news paper dt:22.06.2O1g. 4) Published in the locatiry on27.06.2018. Extent (in 5l.No R.5.No. Classification Extent (in Ac. Sq.mtr) cents) I 277/3P Dry B1 2 278/B2D-P 0.02 i Wet 121 3 425/3P 003 Dry 405 4 429P Dry 364 0.09 5 434P Dry 364 0.09 TOTAL: I335 0.33 ln order to arrive at the true area proposed for acquisition, the rands to be acquired were 8ot surveyed and prepared sub Division Record and sketches in respect of rands extent of 202 sq.mtrs to an with structures if any duly pre-scrutinized by the Deputy Inspector survey and Land of Records. o/o Revenue Divisionar officer, Bandar and submitted proposars u/s 3D (1) of the Nationar Highways Act, 1956 by the competent Authority (LA) and Joint collector' Krishna. The Notification u/s additionar 3D (l) of the NH _ All rndia Act was pubrished in Gazette Notification bearing No. 4837, dated og.12.201g dt'o7 in s.o.No.6067(E), 'l2.or'. on the pubrication of the decraration under sub section (r) of section said Act' the rand sha, 3D of the vest absolutery with the centrar Government free from a, 5 the 3D.Particulars of the area published in encumbrances as per sub-section (2) of additional 6azette under section 3D(l) of NH Act 1956' to be acquired land which were The following are the R'S' Number wise extents No' 4837, in the Gazette Notification bearing approved by the 6overnment and published dated 08.12.2018 in S.O.No'6067(E)' dt'O7'12'018' Name of the Type of Area in Area in Itructurefl-ree 5l.No. Survey No. Pattadar/ Enjoyer land Jq,mtrs HectorJ wall' Naraharatetty Veera rhop Dry 8l 0.0081 Swamy Pad- l 277 /38 -compound Coconut trceeo4 0.0121 Pulagam Ramanianeyulu 2 27A/B2D Wet 121 - 202 o.0202 TOTAL: the details of each (3) of 36 of NH Act 1956 indicating Notification under sub section an agent or them to appear in person or through survey number and occupants, requiring legalcounselsalongwithdocumentswaJissuedinRc.6lA.lTTl2o17'dated06'06.2019and (English & On 12'06'2019 in 12'06'2019 in HANS-INDIA ) the same was published on Authority(L'A) to appear before the ComPetent (Ielugu) daily News Papers requesting Sakshi Kruthivennu on l8'06'2019 at Tahsildar's Office' & Joint Collector.

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