TJI13 OMAHA DAILYWEDNESDAY , AUGUST 11. 1897 numerous , nor ra nellorn able to net ouch they wore amln ftppealM to by the strikers lielt (2) . lilt U* .MlchfiV bull I Jin i. Tim * nt mot In this elty todny nnd nrrnngpd dMnlls on local trnekii. Lung trouble cmncd- BOSTON WINS THE. ODD GAME game ! And twenty - the With prices , nivor coal Is off from 10 to 20- with Iho result that Iho few who had tin TwllJiji| | minutes. Um- for a flvf-mlle match rnco between Stnrhuck hl.t drnlh. Results : FOR ' plro : 4 , KM. ( NEBRASKA'S INTERESF 4 Umo culled and Mortens , to In S ptcmlH r. rnco , five , celling ; , contn a ton and Alack sold down to % cents Btiuled to work decided to Join the strikers. nl the rmt of Inntntf on of dark- - berun rnrly First furlong* Arturus ¬ rlRhlh account race will pneptl , IftE ( ) . 3 3 , ; * per bunhcl. We t Virginia conl Is In light The entire force Is now out and the march- This bt each contestant Urltton to won Lndy of the West furnlrhlng his own mnn- ICO ( HvcrMt ) , 10 to 1 nnd 5 to 1 , second , vlnlbly weakened ers devoting energies s.- demand and prices have are their to the other o : . 101 ) G mines of city. riTTsni'ita. Kris Krlngle , (J. Gardner , to The Labor Tribune hns received a letter the It has been conceded that Klobcdnnz Holds the Giants Down to Two AUR. ? game . : : ; . , 10.Today's MX Hll > iil.H STILL I.V A 111 NCII.- . third. Time 1:03' The Dr-vll Dutch Senator Alien from a correspondent at lllrmlnghnm , Ala. , If the Inclo men were Induced to Join the was a battutt l-ontet , but the Olevclands Comcdlnn , Tlin Doctor, Judge QulRlcy am Starts for Washington in- elating that a Rent * arc at work Uirro secur- ¬ strikers those In Iho other mines hero nnd- Hits. had the bettor .pf u. This combined with Astor nlso ran , I ITortn ( of- Bolmlf of Onttlo , ing negroes to take the placed of the strik- ¬ at Newburg would quickly follow suit. The the loose neldlntt of the Pirates uavo the to iiilu AilvnnlnKi' 1'rovr Seootid rnoo , six furlongs , solllnc ! Sniilern , Industry ing miners In the north. The letter nays thnt- strikers remained orderly. They arc being homo team the victory. Score : Xo Arnll So I'nr. 103 ( Mlllmrn ) , 7 to 1 , won ; Marlon ) , 11 ; CLI-JVIILANI ) t bicycle ( KverPtt ) , 12 > 1 nnd 3 to 1 , ; , nmallpox Is prevalent among Iho colored peo- - well fed- . NEW YORKERS NEVtR GET SECOND 1ITTSIIUIUI. The six-day rnco nt the Chnrlec ti second Nnt P PAST 1111UAK.I 10S (OlCnson ) , 12 1 , : 1:15H-: . * au- ¬ H.ll.O.A.K. Street park seems to be the one attraction lo third. Time TRAIL THROUGH IN'D'AN ple In that nectlon and ask that the , RESERVATIONS ; < Iluihctt 3 J"o otTnn'hlll , cf..O ' .Motnus. Snyon , Anna , Cpdnr , .HOCKS' jinx : : TO ' . If..I 0000M- off , and n very enjoyable ono Is- Garth Brook thorities bo warned of the danRcr of spread- Atmi it'u' rKcnn , M..O l.rntiv, cf..O the week It F M H and Bnrnpy itat-nnto nlso ran. Iris tha disease by permitting the Importa- ¬ nilliU , 2H.2 222001 3 "o Smith. If 1 3000W- ptovlng. Therewns n ! nrgp crowd out last Third race , ono ml > , selling : Lockhnrt - .MIlllTM ! HiiMtiiinrc AVI UN One mill Tlo.i All- ¬ . 3 , 3 Oj j' , ' 101 tion of the negrotH. The operators hero re- of Ohio tnlo Won nllnco. 31.I .2 Sb..O 0210O- evening , even surpassing that of the open- - ( H. William *) . IS to I , won ; What Ntxt. TlilnU * | , , 2 o o 31 1 101 1 .1 1 | He of liifiiluiiliililo- fftao to illsci-fs matter of Importing men , Vlrulnln .SiiiMM-nxful ot In-r llroolilyn mill ( Miii'ln- - Tonnor l 3330I'l- Ing night. ( Dupeo ) , 9 to nnd to , jecond ; Tl- the ultli , ) ! nK In the grandstand theie was not < o ( 1 , , rker'K cf.3i I.2 HotllfM. II.1 month W Knight ) , 23 to , third. Tlmp Ittnrllt o It Is known many are growing rco- WIinRLINO W. Va. Aug. 10. Wheeling Cl- 1 PciMlliiKKitMs hut that liall from St. loul Tolionu. ! .0 0] Donovan , rf.O a single vacant chnlr nnd the b'eaehera : .foe . 1II..1..1 Clark , Knllailn , Miss Ross , Front live and arc anxloim to etart their mines.- , 0 - | mill .Stuck * was the ficeno of a peaceable Invasion front AI o 11 AVInmr.- . mner c..l"2l7"o 0 Kly si were much more than half filled. The fen- 1z.Mnn , Barton und Momlnlcii Miirlicl In You p 1 1 , n24315 .1 ' alu Tlio Injunction secured against the minors Ohio early this -morning. A army of us. 0 .4 lisucilcn C..O ture of the evening wns a wheeling pnrty of Fourlh race , ono mile nnd n Till * .Slate , small i , 1 1 0 J 1 , sixteenth. of Hunola was ecrved on President Dolan Ulllrn t society which swooped down upon the park Tnlucn , 103 (J. Phllllnpl ) . 2 to 1. won ; Ohio side striking miners from Wheeling Totals . .9 IS JMO 1.' Balk steppe * ! place with flaming lanterns nnd tinkling bells to , 112 ( ) , 13 ( 1 2 1. when ho from the train nt that . .5 24 3- Line Soiithmend o ami to , & ; C. Total* U II mo- - , disregarded It anil ad- - Greek , on the Cleveland Wheeling Washington. } Philadelphia , the number of half a hundred n few second ; Governor Holes , 101 ( ) , third.- . last night but lie Clpvriftnd * 9- Acker Chicago , 1G ; , i . i mentsi trie big race had : , dre cd a largo meeting near the mine a railway , numbering 127 men , marched houlsvl'.lo - after started. Mani Time 1.47V4 Hnrburger , Rookwood and Senator William V. Allen was In Ornnh , S ; , C. I'lttKlntrs o 15- agrr Morgan was compelled to solid out ;t nl."o * This morning Judge Co- ¬ Cincinnati St. Louis 1ar.eon rnn. yesterday on 1ilfl way short time later. through the 'city to the Bogw Hun mines. Cleveland , 9 ; t'lttsbtirg , S- . Knrned nins : Olevclnnd , 4 ; PlttMnirR , 4. Tlrnt- nnd borrow chairs for their accommodation , j racp , five : 105 from Madison to Wash.- . In- ¬ ' Fifth furlongs Vnlle. (Wf.- llier Injunction to make It wind of In- - , y-3 ; Imsn by l ! : C'lcve- - An open IngUm. extended the The lioggs Itun men got the .liiiltlmore Brooklyn , 33. prrnrsi I'lltnliurc. I. Ix'fl on is nlr concert by the Young Men's lo 5, won ; Lena Myers. 103 ( Glea- Ho was Joined at Omaha by Traf- ¬ . 1 ; limd. 6 ; , 9 , IOIRO : Off * HaniS clude fifteen additional defendants.- vnsloa and only nix or right arrived to go- Doston , New York , 0. Pltloliurir Flint on InlU CliKstlnn A c'lntirm l.nntl preluded the ) , 20 to 1 nnd 8 to I , ; , 103 4- fen second fic Manager A. , 5 ; u. - Yoiinu. 1. Htriiok : YoiitiK. I ; by , . evening's , b" John iMcShanc of the A body of strlkere marched to Canonsburs to work. Thesa were taken In hand by the St. Piful Detroit , 6ut lly Ktlltn excitement whlrh with nn ( Everett ) . S to fi. third. Time : 1:03.: Albls , t'nlon , 6 ; , .Thnv b jii ) tilts : ( J) . Smith , attempt by C. L. thp | Stork Yards company , morning and are now encamped sign a paper to Culumbim Milwaukee 5. Wnllnce.Imiiior llfiiiuva to break Aunt Mngglp , , Miss Arnold , Llda and togrthi-r they will early this visitors and persuaded to ; Itiithfmn. Txvo-bMc : Wnll.ioc , Hmllh (2)( ) , quarter rpcorJ. Indlnmipoll.M , IT MHieapoltH , 1. hlta of n mile state He covered 11 nnd , Ml.'s Edna Vos * nsar the mlnro which arc In operation.- stay out. In day other Bogg i Donovnn. Rftcrincp : Imses : : nlso ran. endeavor to secure Important conctvelons Later the the Kunsaa City , 7-12 ; IJrand Unpids , 210.- . hit SiiEileii. SUIrn the distance In 0:30 15. C. U. Hal' followed ST. LOIMS. Aug. vlng Oup wns to says , ((21 , , , ' : 10.I the 1'rcnltlcnt Cook If the strikers Interfere Hun men wcro seen and agreed to Join the ricUfrlnir Tcbenu O'Connor DnvK ttmrlr' In n llko attempt and did better , making | only winning the cattle Industry at South Omaha from ¬ SlcDonnlJ. Tlmo of : Two hours nnd twenty : favorite nt the fnlr grounds In any way with his men ho will have the strike. This makes the suspension prac- Rntni' the quarter In 0:20 lint , within a fr.ictlon of today. , 1JOSTON , Aug. 10. The work of Klobe- - I to * . , ' 8i . In the second event Prosperous with the Interior and Agricultural dopsrtmrnta.- . entire parly arrested.- . tically complete In the Wheeling district.- . in mi Attcmlnnc ? the figure. August Bergholm rode n mile Joc'.ny Preston up. fell soon thp dnii7. " , 2:21: , nftcr stnrt "Tho chief A crisis Is fast approaching In the miners In the box today was easily the finest STANDING 6V THU TKAMS In and Will Plxley easily beat Frank and the rlder'p thigh was broken. Tiio traek- thing which takes me to Vr.nh- - Cleve- ¬ ..Unrcli Murpli ) x- any Plny M3. Won. Lost. P.C- . Ashley of Sioux City n mile In n paced race wns HIP good. : Ingfort nt time , " , movement against the New York and oil done by Boston pitcher this si eon and ' fast and attcndnnco Remits th's said Senator Allen , . ! fit 2* making the eight laps In 2:05: a now roe- - company. few days ST. LOUIS , Aug. 10. More than 150 .lloston . rS.5 15.
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