, ; • Friday, August 31, Allston-llrighton TAB, 15 OBITU RIES ough. Mark J. Charlebois of ~P~tric:ia Bowles Arthur Bums Brigl1ton, Karen A. Clark and her Formerly ofBrighton husband, WaY"", of Middletown, Obituary policy J;1n!j?h,ton resident; Rl., Deborah Gilarde and her husband, N"mo. of Foxborough, TheAllston-Brighton TAB publishes obituaries tion in current Week's edition is II a.m, 'fu:s4aiy\ Arthur V. Burns of Needham and Dennis P. Dwyer and his of Allston and Brighton residents, former resi­ Send obitu1l!y information via fax to: I 0 l-f+~ I~- Patlicia C. (lango) Bowles of died Wednesday, {l-ug. 22, :W07, wife, Leann, of Waltham; her sib­ deJnts and close relatives of residents as a commu­ 7836. E-mail! [email protected]. lrigl'jIDn died Thesday, Aug. 14, at Beth Israel :eT M,x1ica1 lings, Barbara Santagati and her nity semce, free of charge. ObItuaries must may be .,..mailed in format Center in Boston. e was n. husband, Sonny, Peter J. Huculak come from a 'llmeral home, or list the name also be maileg to Bowles made friend!, Mr. Burns was in Boston Jr. and his wife, Joyce, Loretta and contact of the IImeraI service In cbarge of ond Ave., N'lildham, MA her daily walks from l and grew up in Brighton. He was Grenon and her husband, Ed, and arrangements- Submi.ssion dead1ine for publica- not accepted by telephone. Cle'ftlaJld Circle to Coolidgt l a graduate, of Sl Seb3!:tian's Mijk Huculak and hi.s wife, Ann; and the Beacon Stree I Country Day School and Eoston her brother- and sister-in-law, She met regularly with College. Richard and Marylou Dwyer; and at the Busy Bee Restau·· Mr. Burns was employed as a her grandchildren, Nicole, Beacon Street and th" purchasing agent for Beth Israel Matthew, Danielle, Morgan, Ali Dunl:iJn'Donuts at Coolidge COl > Hospital in Bostq:l. He worl<ed at son, Grace, Milana and John Beth Israel for 35 years ben)re re­ Paul considered her professiom tiring approxinnately 10 years She was mother of the lall! peace activist and wa~ ago. Bryan 1. Charlebois. to have her name added to He was a life memher of the Her funeral Mas.s was celebrat­ of Tolerance at Vrle Boston Sparks Inc. and a member ed Friday, Aug. 17, in St. Antho­ Sot;ljbelm Poverty Law Center iin of Citywide. He 1"as a model rail­ nyChurch. road eJnthusiast !md was an ac­ Burial was in St. Joseph Ceme­ an artist. complished jazz drummer. tery. West Roxbury. of the late Wilbur F. He leaves hi.s wife of 43 years, Memorial donations may Bo_rles, who died in 1995, ,ihe Sally (Gorman) Burns; his chil­ made to the Lupus Foundation Computer her children, PrisciLUa dren. Cynthia Burns of Min­ New England, 40 Speen GEEKS or Home and her husband, Juan, of neapoliS, Mary D. Ward of Quin­ Framingham, MA 0 170 1. Networking Naslma, N.H., John R. Bowlen of cy and Arthur . Burns ill of Arrangements were made TOGO Problems? Diane Deluca and her Arlington; two sisters, Betty Ann Lehman & Reen Funeral For at _ Sentce huspand, Joseph, of NewtonvilUe; Holmes of Groton, Collll., and Brigl1ton. Phyllis (pon)Y) Marylou Fratas of Banington, Mulcahy, and Rl.; and niec<lS and nephews. set Berry; her brothers, Robert Maria Guzman COUNSELING Thomas Jango and James His funera1 as held Monday, four grandsons, John R. Aug. 27, from Eaton Puneral Brighton resident and his wife, Trace)l, of Home, N....Jbam, followed by a Let the Light of christ Anjlesbury, Robert J. Valdes and Mass of Christian Burial in St. Maria J. (perez) Guzman shine In Your Lifo wife, of Gaithersburg, Joseph Church. Brighton died Saturday, Aug. Offering ",",passiqTUl'C counscfmg with a Joey Deluca of NewtoDiville Burial was ~Sl Josepb Ceml>- 20Cf7. sense of rencwctl fwpe OM wnfokna DarUlY Deluca of Hew­ tery, West Rox . ' Mrs. Guzman was a member Cancer patients and their families odville: many nieces, neph.!ws, the Cuban Cultura1 Center. Low setf-esteem • Depression njodnitxoes and grandneph,ews; Wife of the late Anxiety • ACOA'. her close friend and COlTl.pan­ AnnDwy(~r Guzman, she leaves her ~~~ lrulivUfuafs - Coupks -:rami6j Counsw"IJ Felix Feuerstein. Alba Guzman of East was twin sister of th elate Brighton reside.nt and a brother, Marcelino Perez '.Martfw. 'Towniey, ?o!S'W LICSW Puerto Rico. Cfu"istian Counsefor bljulbeth M. (Jango) Lolibrop, Personal Care. Medlcallon Renllnd~r Ann M (Huculak) Dwyer of She was sister of the late of the late William ?,{4fS'R.r8.?fp. lIXJlJ78 (508) 655-6551 Ugh! Housekeeping. Meal Preparatlt!n "'1':~V,JV",opI.IJango (BrothJ.,r Va- Brighton died Sunday, Aug. 12, and Haydee Perez. 20Cf7. She was 67. Her funera1 Mass was cel,obrall­ Shopping. Certified HeaHh AIdes Mrs. Dwyer was a daugl1ter of ed Thursday. Aug. 16. in 6-24 hour care Mary (White) Huculak of New­ Columbkille Church. Brigl1ton. Free InHial Nursing Assessment ton and the late Peter 1. Huculak. Burial was in Sl Joseph All our caregivers are licensed, Skilled, donations may be Wife of the late John.r. "Jack" tery, West Roxbury. Supervised and Thoroughly Screened to the Pine Strec;: t Inn, Dwyer, she leaves her mother; Arrangements were made licensed· Insured· Bonded Place, the V, ~ teran's her children, Robert F. Owlebois Lehman & Reen Funeral _0\0101. "'""'"' -You.""" .. lsou.fa~,,...,foo Hplmel.ess Shelter or the MSPCA. and his wife, Linda, of Attlebor- Brighton. 21 flm Hill Ave., _on, MA 02121 427-1997 pice fieldwork. Once trained, Volu eers nCHlded volunteers are paired \11th a pa­ VistaCare Hospice invites tient andIor family in their spe­ dividuals to provide friendly and female vc,lunteers cific area or town. Mileage is re­ its, emotional support, or I needed to provide support imbursed. Patients r!Side in for its atients and families friendship to hosJpice pa­ Boston, Cambridge, Natick, and families. Medfield, Wakefield, Wellesley, Watertown or a nearby conrur\lJ- Volunteers maY'ofli r Gompan- Whitinsville and other commu­ andnity . hFloursexib andle training~C~~f~ongoing i~n.shi:p, relieve caregi'v'ers, run nities. available. Bilingual efr,ands, assist in the o/fice and For more information and to especially needed. special pC()jects. No join the volunteer training pro­ For more u' ItOlmn!lllOn, skills are req~ili"ed. A gram, call ~arjie Rochon, vol­ qOlnmitm.ent of two to four Mary hea Daly at unteer coordinator for Evercare 9900. each month is required. Hospice, at ~ 7-641-6"0 I. more information on be- qOlIling an Odyssey iHealthcare ~~::~t volunteer, c,oJlI Donna ij1 at 781-329-3600 or e- dtetreault@odsyhealth. Care ,.etWOlrk & Hosplice ~CH!dS volunteel ~ s As!jsted Living, South Boston www.allstonbrigbtontab.com a nonprofit vi!riting nurse www.SenjorLivineResjdences.com www.brooklinetab.com ~~:~ti~:~ need.s volunteers to bJ practical anll' emotional The Cambridge Homes, West Cambridge www.cambridgecbronjcle.com ~UI)port to terrrlinallj' ill patients www.SenjorLjyjneResjdences.com www.doyersberbornpress.com families in Eastern and ILemra, Massachuset1.s. Training, JFK Assisted Living. Central Square, Cambridge www·needhamtimes.com ISutler/1Sic'III and sUPJport are pre- www.SenjorLivingResjdences.com www.newtontab.com Neville Place Assisled Living. Fresb Pond, Cambridge www.roslindaletranscript.com For more inforn (ation a\)out IbeCollIJ'ing a hospic'e volunteer, WlVW,Senj(JrLiyjngResidences,com www.somervillejournal.com Nancy Barcelo, Colunteer co­ Standish Village Assisted Living, Boston www.watertowntab.com orr1inator. at 888-6CS3-3688, ext. 4271, or visit ww.'r vnacarenet­ www.Senj(lrLjyjngResjdences.com www.wellesleytownsman.com. work.org. KIDS FUR',trURE Volunteers nefded Baby Furniture Warehouse www.babyfurniturewarehouse.com Teas & Accessories .. Evercare Hospi'c;e, a United- www.teasandaccessories.com Health Group corrrpany in New­ BANKS I ton, is looking foJ." volunteers to HOSPITALS assist hospice pati,ents and their Wau:rtown Savings Bank Walsh Painting families. www.watertownsayiogs.com Mount Auburn Hospital Hospice volurrteers provide www.mouotauburnhospital.org www.walshpaioting.com SILtNGU support to patient! and family PRIVATE SCHOOLS members througb friendly visits, www.MuodoLatinoOnline.com IQUOR STORES reading to a patil!,nt, writing let­ Blanchards Malignon High School ters or even p~ ep.l aring a light www.LlltinoWorldOoline.com www.blanchardsliguors.com meal. Evercare provides free com­ Nt:'.lG SERVI¢ES Cambridge Wme & Spirits-Mall Discount Liquors & Wmes prehensive training that certifies Clean Mast~rs . Inc. irudividuals as volun- www.mallliguors.com www.c1.:apmastersboston.com teers" and for hos- TOM C~B I NET;;:, I The Perfect Touch Therapeutic Massage Classic Woodworking www.perfecttouchweb.com , www.c1assj.cwoodworkingoline.com .~ N. E. WORLD GREETINGS Send t DESIGNED dt.OSETS !! Contemporary Closets Customized Poetry/Occasions Laughing Dog Yoga t~ ,e' ~MS www.c(lntemporarycloset.com www.pewworldgreetings.com www.laughingdogyoga.com our edloilon ~iidng. If You aJlston-bttshton to Advertise YOUR WEBSI1E @:nc.Com . ___ , CALL 781-433-8222 or fax 7'Bt-433-8.WZ on this -' I I • 2007 3 . I 1Iy"-'~d sC!.~~f~~nter t~J~.. STAFfWRfTER The cwrent ruowater-n:moval system will Task fonce m~~:t~,~w~e~re fearful of the ~~~~~~;:~S:Proposed science receive an overhaul from Harvard, which will btrrden on the P' citing its explo- q Avenu6 are targeting high replace an existing 36-inch pipe with a 72- sions in the past u='fle. ;Jf"'-II't'e1S emrirpnm,enlal sustainability. but to inch pipe relatively soon. Two 25.000-gallon McBride said '"'''T''''' has taken some of they need to make im- tanks will be m,taIled underground to handle the load off the station to power the sci- existing infrastructure at the and store rain'l'ater from the science com- ence complex, but ~ Harvard buildings plex.
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