Burns Chronicle WINTER 2009 Printers, Dumfries. Tel: 01387 262960 Tel: Printers, Dumfries. the Solway Offset Solway Offset A ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION PUBLICATION The “Robert Burns” banknote released on 30th December PRESIDENT MIKE DUGUID 2009-2010 The complete Nasmyth Painting see also front cover Motto — “A man’s a man for a’ that” THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION LTD Company Registration No. 196895. Scottish Charity No. SCO29099 (Formerly THE BURNS FEDERATION) Instituted 1885 HEADQUARTERS: DEAN CASTLE COUNTRY PARK, DOWER HOUSE, KILMARNOCK. KA3 1XB. TEL/FAX: 01563 572469. OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED FOR LUNCH 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. [email protected] DIRECTORS AND CONVENERS MICHAEL DUGUID (President), Braeside, 51 Main Street, Twynholm, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4NT. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01557 860040 WILLIAM DAWSON ( Past President), 4 Riverview, Claremont, Alloa. FK10 2DF. E-mail: [email protected] ISA HANLEY (Schools Convener), 24 Kirkland Road, Heathhall, Dumfries. DG1 3RN. Tel: 01387 255182. E-mail: [email protected] DAVID BAIRD (Vice President), 3 Urquhart Court, Calside, Dumfries. DG1 4XE. Tel: 01387 267794. E-mail: [email protected] JIM SHIELDS (Junior Vice President), 31 Little Road, Edinburgh. EH16 6SH. E-mail: [email protected] BILL DUNCAN (Heritage Convener): 13 Broadwood Park, Ayr. KA7 4XE. Tel: 01292 442924. E-mail: [email protected] JOHN HAINING (Archivist), 115 Ralston Avenue, Paisley. PA1 3BY. Tel: 0141 883 2059. E-mail: [email protected] A. MacARTHUR IRVIN (Director USA), 40 Brighton Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309, USA. E-mail: [email protected] MAY CRAWLEY (Director Canada), 25 Pine Street, St. Catherines, Ontario. L2N 4T2. Tel/Fax: 001-905-934-9169. E-mail: mayandalex@aol JIM O’LONE (Director Pacific Rim), 14 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, 6160, W. Australia. E-mail: [email protected] 200 Club Organiser: SAM JUDGE - Federation Office. E-mail: [email protected] OFFICIALS Chief Executive/Secretary: SAMUEL JUDGE - Federation Office. E-mail: [email protected] Web Manager: KEVIN THOMPSON, 27 Craigennochie Terrace, Burntisland, Fife. KY3 9EN. Tel: 01592 874471. E-mail: [email protected] Office Administrator: MARGARET CRAIG, Dean Castle Country Park, Dower House, Kilmarnock. KA3 1XB. Editor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 1BN. Tel: 01556 504448. E-mail: [email protected] Hon. Legal Advisor: DAVID STEVENSON. Auditors: SMITH & WALLACE & CO. 1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT n common with all my illustrious predecessors who have held this prestigious position, I feel humbled and hugely honoured to wear the Imagnificent chain of office signifying my position as the President of the Robert Burns World Federation. I was deeply moved by the number of warm greetings extended to me at the inauguration dinner during what turned out to be a momentous Homecoming Conference weekend in Edinburgh. I have continued to receive the same warmth at all the many events I have attended already, and for that I am extremely grateful. I continue to be in awe of the enthusiasm and dedication displayed by so many unsung heroes whose hard work helps keep the Federation in its well-deserved position at the vanguard of the Burns movement. Despite hailing from Kincardineshire, the land of the Father of the Bard, I was a relative latecomer to the study of the life and works of Robert Burns. Ironically, it was a RAF posting to America in 1989 which sparked greater interest because I felt ashamed when my superficial knowledge of our National Bard was starkly exposed by someone who asked me to show them the proper way to interpret a particular poem. I have worked hard ever since to correct that deficiency and am so glad I did because Burns is such an absolutely fascinating character and one whose life and works can act as a prism through which to view so many aspects of our Scottish history and cultural heritage. Although we have lost the services of Federation stalwart Shirley Bell, after 12 years of inspirational leadership as Chief Executive, we are very lucky in having secured an eminently well-qualified replacement in Sam Judge from Kilmarnock. With his experience in a broad range of financial management positions, including running his own business, he is eminently well placed to build on the sound financial position of the Federation secured by Shirley after a prolonged campaign to secure core funding. From that sound base I believe we have three main objectives to try to achieve. Firstly, we must continue to raise the profile of the Federation by capitalising on the legacy of the Year of Homecoming during which Burns featured so prominently. Secondly, we must take advantage of the opportunities offered by modern media to engage with the younger generation beyond their participation in the School’s Competitions. And, lastly, we must all work hard to increase the membership of the Federation in order to sustain a viable base of clubs and individuals with the necessary enthusiasm to continue the sterling efforts of our predecessors. I am looking forward to my year in office with keen anticipation and hope to meet, and make, many new friends. Although my diary is filling up rapidly continued on page 4 2 BURNS CHRONICLE WINTER EDITION 2009 Editor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 1BN. Tel: 01556 504448. E-mail: [email protected] Media Relations and Advertising Manager: MURDO MORRISON, 110 Campbell Street, Wishaw, ML2 8HU. Tel/Fax: 01698 372638. E-mail: [email protected] EDITORIAL CONTENTS number of contributions have Sam Judge, Chief Executive ........6 been left out of this issue of A the Chronicle in most cases by request that they appear in the Robert Burns Birthplace Special “HOMECOMING” Edition Museum .....................................8 of the Burns Chronicle 2009 instead. This Special limited edition does not take the place of the normal run of Bards 4, Critics Nil .....................13 Chronicle, it is an extra similar to the one produced in 1996 which you may recall was sold out. Robert Burns Writing Table.......17 As we go to press the number of pages in the Special edition has reached 700 being the largest Obituaries ....................................23 publication in the history of the Burns Federation. In my twenty years as Editor I have not experienced the Book Reviews ..............................27 volume of material submitted for inclusion in any of our previous publications, which has occurred this Federation Minutes ....................30 year. The enclosed Subscription Form gives a very brief account of the We’re Not Going to Duns ............45 contents of the book, early application for copies is adviseable. The Robert Burns World Federation Limited does not accept any responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in the Burns Chronicle. Contributors are responsible for articles signed by them; the Editor is responsible for articles initialed or signed by him, as well as for those unsigned. Articles, photographs, items for review and all correspondence should be addressed and forwarded to the Editor at the above address. Articles offered should be in typescript with double spacing and on the one side of the sheet. A stamped addressed envelope should be forwarded for return of articles and photographs. © THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION LIMITED 3 there are still one or two slots available so please let me know if you would like me to attend any of your events. During February I will be in Australia and New Zealand trying to spread the word ‘down under’. In the Year of Homecoming I thought it appropriate to have my photograph taken in my home county of Kincardineshire, the birthplace of the father of the Bard, William Burnes. The photograph was taken in the Burns Memorial Garden in Stonehaven and what a privilege to have as the photographer, Andy Hall, whose magnificent book Touched by Burns will be featured in the Federation’s Homecoming 2009 Burns Chronicle due to be published spring 2010. But to conclude my silly rhyme (I’m scant o’ verse and scant o’ time); To make a happy fireside clime To weans and wife, That’s the true pathos and sublime Of human life. My warmest greetings to you all. Mike Duguid ———————————— continued from page 3 In view of the fact that the Special Thistle Society. As we go to press edition may not be published until we learn of the passing of the Bard late Spring next year I take this of Greenock Burns Club and Past opportunity of thanking the many President Miss Mabel Irving MBE. Burnsians who have contributed and Full appreciation in next issue of the assisted me on numerous occasions. Chronicle. (See pages 23-27). CONGRATULATIONS IMPORTANT NOTICE To President of Greenock Burns Club, JOE HARKINS on his deserved MY NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS award of the Queen’s Fire Service Medal. Apart from Joe’s work in the [email protected]. Fire Service in his spare time raised over £396,000 for Charity. Peter J. Westwood (Editor) OBITUARIES It is with much sadness that we record the passing of two of our Past Presidents, a President of the Trusty Fieres Erskine Burns Club and Dr Arthur Down of Houston, Texas, founder member of the Heather & 4 ROBERT BURNS AND THE ENIGMA OF IMMORTALITY (PAINTING ON FRONT COVER) Also page 3 of cover This large scale work, an acrylic painting on canvas, is a serious work that invites the viewer to re-evaluate Burns’s importance as a human being and poet, rather than as a national icon to whom we only pay lip-service once a year. Richard Demarco was profoundly affected by this complex image and summed up its significance in these words: “More often than not, Burns is demeaned by the celebration of his life in the form of Burns Suppers and an excess of sentimentality; it is even more rare for a depiction of Burns, in a Dear Friends painting or sculpture, to deal directly with the subject of immortality as in I take this opportunity of thanking the painting by Charles Nasmyth, those of you who sent me cards, flowers ‘Robert Burns and the Enigma of and gifts on the occasion of my retiral Immortality’.
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