12392 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 9 May 14, 2007 with scientists conducting clinical trials and IN RECOGNITION OF JOSEPH A. PAYING TRIBUTE TO SUZANNE scientists studying the environmental and ge- DART, PRESIDENT OF MASSA- LICHNER netic causes of ALS. CHUSETTS BUILDING TRADES We need to provide our Nation’s research- COUNCIL, AFL–CIO HON. JON C. PORTER ers and clinicians with the tools and informa- OF NEVADA tion they need to make progress in the fight against ALS. The data made available by a HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national registry will potentially allow scientists Monday, May 14, 2007 OF MASSACHUSETTS to identify causes of the disease, and maybe Mr. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES even lead to the discovery of new treatment, to honor Ms. Suzanne Lichner, a licensed a cure for ALS, or even a way to prevent the Monday, May 14, 2007 practical nurse, who is a distinguished and de- disease in the first place. This is good public voted professional in her field. policy. Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today in Prior to joining the nursing staff at Boulder The establishment of a registry will bring honor of a good friend and tremendous labor City Hospital, Suzanne worked as an LPN in new hope to thousands of patients and their leader, Joseph A. Dart. Joe has dedicated his home health care and hospice care. Suzanne families that ALS will no longer be a death life to improving the lives of working men and began her career at Boulder City Hospital in sentence. I strongly urge the swift consider- women throughout Massachusetts. 2000 with the Skilled Nursing Facility, where ation and passage of the ALS Registry Act of she quickly demonstrated her ability, talent, 2007. Joining Local 257 Painter & Allied Trades in 1974, Joe’s hard work and leadership skills dedication, and compassion towards her pa- f propelled his rise through the ranks. In 1980, tients. During the past 7 years, Suzanne’s Joe became a Business Agent and the fol- strengths as a health care professional have RECOGNIZING JEREMY ALLEN lowing year advanced to Business Manager. earned her the respect of her peers and col- PATANIA FOR ACHIEVING THE By 1985, Joe held the position of President of leagues. In 2006, Suzanne transferred to the RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT the Pioneer Valley Building Trades Council. Medical/Surgical Unit at Boulder City Hospital, Joe’s ability to advance his union and provide where she serves as a medical surgical nurse. HON. SAM GRAVES the fellow members of his trade with employ- Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Su- OF MISSOURI ment exemplifies the characteristics in which zanne Lichner. Her passion and her love of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all members of the Building Trades should nursing have improved the lives of countless Monday, May 14, 2007 strive. patients in Las Vegas. I thank her for her dedi- cation and commitment to the community and Between 1994 and 1996, Joe added three Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly wish her the best in her future endeavors. pause to recognize Jeremy Allen Patania, a new positions to his impressive list of accom- plishments, all of which he holds to this day. very special young man who has exemplified f the finest qualities of citizenship and leader- In 1994, Joe became President of the Massa- ship by taking an active part in the Boy Scouts chusetts Building Trades Council, an organiza- IN RECOGNITION OF SIGNATURE of America, Troop 857, and in earning the tion which is comprised of 72 local unions and LEARNING CENTER most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. 10 Local Building Trades Councils rep- Jeremy has been very active with his troop, resenting 75,000 construction trades men and women in Massachusetts. In 1995, Joe be- HON. BRAD ELLSWORTH participating in many scout activities. Over the OF INDIANA years Jeremy has been involved with scouting, came Co-Chair of the Labor-Management IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he has not only earned numerous merit Construction Safety Alliance, where he suc- badges, but also the respect of his family, ceeded in passing the OSHA 10-Hour Law re- Monday, May 14, 2007 peers, and community. quiring all construction workers on public projects to be trained in safety. In 1996, Joe Mr. ELLSWORTH. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join today to congratulate Signature Learning Cen- me in commending Jeremy Allen Patania for became the Executive Vice President of the Massachusetts AFL–CIO. ter in Evansville for being recognized as one his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of of the top charter schools in the nation by the America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Throughout his career in the Building Center for Education Reform (CER). The Cen- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Trades, Joe has been an advocate for workers ter is one of only 53 schools to receive the rights and fought to provide his fellow brothers f National Charter School of the Year Award and sisters of labor with fair wages and skilled and was selected based on student achieve- STUDENT LOAN SUNSHINE ACT training. Joe has negotiated dozens of Project ment, satisfaction of parents, and its policies Labor Agreements to guarantee good wages, and programs. HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ hours, and working conditions on massive The Signature Learning Center has approxi- construction sites. These agreements have mately 275 students with an average class OF FLORIDA also guaranteed employers access to a skilled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES size of 20. Its students excel academically workforce and eliminated labor relations prob- with 100 percent enrollment in advanced col- Monday, May 14, 2007 lems. In 1988, Joe was instrumental in defeat- lege preparatory courses and 100 percent Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, ing a ballot question, which was intended to graduation rate. For these reasons and others, the most important goal of the Student Loan remove Prevailing Wage Laws in the state of the school was listed by Newsweek as one of Sunshine Act is to protect students and par- Massachusetts. Ten years later, Joe was es- the top 100 High Schools in the nation in ents and help them receive the most afford- sential in the passage of an amendment to the 2006. able loan possible. With that in mind, I would Massachusetts Payment of Wages Law, which Signature Learning Center joins nearly like to mention that recently, a number of my increased penalties on employers who willfully 4,000 charter schools nationwide in educating colleagues and I sent a letter to Secretary and intentionally violated payment rights of over 1 million American children. Spellings regarding the urgent need to reopen employees. Children are our Nation’s greatest resource. the national student loan database for stu- Madam Speaker, it is my distinct honor to The quality of education they receive has a di- dents and parents to receive low interest con- join with Joe’s family, friends and brothers and rect impact on the strength of our economy, solidation loans before the rates are changed sisters of labor to thank him for his incredible the safety of our communities, and the ability on July 1st. dedication and commitment to the fight for of our nation to compete in the world. The Sig- Although, we fully support new and better workers’ rights and service to the American nature Learning Center is providing children in safeguards to protect student privacy which Labor Movement. I hope my colleagues will southern Indiana with the tools they need to many student loan companies advocate, it is join me in celebrating Joe’s distinguished ca- meet their full potential and make a difference crucial that both students and lenders have reer and wishing him good health and success in our world. I am proud to recognize them for safe and secure access to this information. in all his future endeavors. their accomplishments today. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:37 May 07, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E14MY7.000 E14MY7 cprice-sewell on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 14, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 9 12393 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS ignate certain segments of the New the National Institutes of Health: A Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, River in the States of North Carolina New Vision for Medical Research. and Virginia as a component of the Na- agreed to by the Senate on February 4, SD–116 tional Wild and Scenic Rivers System, Joint Economic Committee 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- S. 1209, to provide for the continued ad- To hold hearings to examine the explo- tem for a computerized schedule of all ministration of Santa Rosa Island, sive costs of elder care and determine if meetings and hearings of Senate com- Channel Islands National Park, in ac- they are hurting family finances and mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- cordance with the laws (including regu- business competition. tees, and committees of conference. lations) and policies of the National SH–216 This title requires all such committees Park Service, S. 1281, to amend the 10 a.m. to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to des- Environment and Public Works Digest—designated by the Rules Com- ignate certain rivers and streams of Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Sub- mittee—of the time, place, and purpose the headwaters of the Snake River Sys- committee of the meetings, when scheduled, and tem as additions to the National Wild To hold hearings to examine the state of any cancellations or changes in the and Scenic River System, H.R.
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