H ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2012. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012 rr rlr --aT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY T9\k iSi"2 ~ :i~nt" j ~s~P." uiye r) ~e~s R~: ' 4 A '4" iLBil'* *I xtD'~ :4~ n 4 y- t j- • . e¢, s SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, Issue GRATUITOUSLY, AND SEND FREE BY POST, Catalogues of their tfarious Bibles in different languages, for pocket, study, or family use; also of the New Testa- ment, and Book of Common Prayer, as well as Concordances and Lexicons Grammars,Psalters, and Biblical Works in great variety. SELECTIONS FROM THE CATALOGUE. THE ANALYTICAL HEBREW AND CHALDEE LEXICON; THE WORDS OF THE ENTIRE HEBREW SCRIPTURES ARRANGED JUST AS THEY ARE FOUND IN THE SACRED TEXT, ALPHABETICALLY, AND ARE GRAMMATICALLY EXPLAINED. The ANALYTICAL LEXICON is- I. A Lexicon in the ordinary sense of supplying the various meanings of the roots. II. A Dictionary of every derivative and modification of every root, in alpha- betical order, with analysis. III. A storehouse of the anomalies of the language, carefully arranged, and referred to from all parts of the work. IV. A Concordance of the least easily understood words. The student of the original has only to turn from his Bible to this Lexicon for the solution of every etymological difficulty that may obstruct his progress: he will find, without trouble or loss of time, a complete analysis of every word, with an account of its peculiarities, and a reference to the conjugation or declension to which it may belong, or if it be irregular, to its exceptional class. The Grammatical Introduction is chiefly devoted to the study of the irregu- arities of the language. Here will be found, it is believed, every single excep- tional word, with a concise explanation of its peculiarities. 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It contains a collation of the Samaritan Pentateuch. Foolscap octavo, in cloth, price 18s. The HEBREW NEW TESTAMENT may be added, 5s. extra. The GREEK NEW TESTAMENT may be added, 5s. extra. A HEBaEw-ENGLISH LEXICON may be added, 68. extra. A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON may be added, 3s. extra. THE HEBREW BIBLE WITHOUT THE POINTS, Foolscap octavo, price 16s. The HBRsaEW or GREEK TESTAMENTS, or the LExIcoNs, may be added as above. THE HEBREW AND LATIN SCRIPTURES, ETC., ETC. Interpaged, foolscap octavo, viz., The Hebrew and Latin Old Testament, price 24s. The Hebrew and Latin Old and New Testaments, price 32s. The Hebrew and Latin Old Testament, with the Greek and Latin New Testament, price 328. The GERMAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, and SPANISH Scriptures, interpaged, as the LATIN, at the same prices. The HEBREW NEW TESTAMENT added to any of these, 58. extra. THE SYRIAC NEW TESTAMENT, The PEBCHITO Version, carefully printed. In cloth, post octavo, price 8s.; demy quarto, price los.; crown folio, price 128. GESENIUS'S HEBREW AND CHALDEE LEXICON To the Old Testament Scriptures; Translated, with additions and corrections, from the Author's Thesaurus and other sources, by Dr. S. P. Tregelles. Second edition, one volume, quarto, price 28s. 6d. THE HEXAPLAR PSALTER: A book of Psalms in Hebrew, with Greek, two Latin, and two English Versions, in six parallel columns. One volume, small quarto, price 15s. BIBLIA ECCLESIAE POLYGLOTTA. The Proper Lessons for Sundays, from the Scriptures of the Old Testament ; with the whole of the Book of Psalms: in HEBREW, GREEK, LATIN, and ENGLIsH. Dedicated by permission to His Grace the late Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by Frederick Iliff, D.D. of Trinity College, Cambridge. One volume, crown quarto, 32s. Large Paper presentation Copies, royal quarto, 45s. SYRIAC READING LESSONS; Consisting of copious Extracts from the Peschito of the Old and New Testa- ments; with the Crusade of Richard I., from the Chronicles of Bar Hebraeus: grammatically analysed and translated; with the Elements of Syriac Grammar. Post octavo, 5s. JOEL IN HEBREW, Printed metrically, in large type, as a vade mecum for keeping up the knowledge of the language. Fcp. octavo, 28. ARABIC READING LESSONS; Consisting of copious Extracts, grammatically analysed; with Interlineary Translations, and an Introductory Grammar. Small octavo. THE ANALYTICAL LEXICON TO THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. On the same plan as the Hebrew Lexicon above described. One volume, quarto, price 25s., in cloth. SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW. HElE ADS OP HEBREW GRAMMAR; CONTAINING ALL THE PRINCIPLES NEEDED BY A LEARNER. IlY S:1 PIRIDEAUX TREGELLES, LL D., AUTHOROF 1II13~W =flADIXG LESSONS. U7o)U~e $LeIOvnrTow IXcmatT, La S'AO~,'tuoiow. LONDON : SAMUEL, B.AGSTER AND SONS, WTI 3xrOu8S FOBe DnnrUws uWTESTAINTS, PRATMLhD3OO1W,2 LRI3YCONW, GRA)Lk1R3, CONfOORDACOIIS AND TBALTRUS, Zif 42TOINXTC AND MOD3MUN LkNQUGEn8 16, PATEZRNOSTE3R 1O0W. PREFACE. THE object of these Heads of Hebrew Grammar is to furnish the learner of that language with all that is needful for him in his introductory studies, so that he may be thoroughly grounded in all that is elementary. In teaching Hebrew, I have been accustomed to give oral instruction as to all the elements, commonly making use of some short Hebrew grammar ; -- marking the rules which re- quire attention, and adding others which are not to be found in elementary grammars in general. In this way I have had a kind of oral Hebrew grammar for :learners; and the same grammatical instruction which I have thus communicated to those whom I have thus taught, is here given written down for use or reference. I am well aware that the number of Hebrew grammars,- both of those called elementary, and of those called critical, -*-is very great; this consideration made me long feel re- luctant to commit my oral grammatical instruction to writing; iv PREFACE. but, if the mass of Hebrew grammars be examined, it will be found that very few of them possess any distinctive features; and I am not aware of one which I have been able to use as thoroughly adapted to the wants of learners. The outline grammars are mostly unclear in arrangement, and often in- correct in statement. With regard to this outline, I can only say, that it has already stood the test of experience in its practical use, and thus I am able to speak of the result as satisfactory. This gives me a confidence in introducing this outline to others, besides those to whom I have given oral instruction. I am well aware that in recommending an outline of Hebrew grammar to beginners, I have no less an authority than that of GESENIUS opposed to me :- the opinion of that learned man, the greatest Hebraist of modern times, was, that a learner should use a critical grammar from the com- mencement of his studies. But Gesenius, in his Hebrew tuition, had to do not with mere beginners; the students came to him with an elementary grounding in forms and in. flections acquired in the Gymnasium, previous to their uni- versity course; and I believe that a critical grammar, if put into the hands of a mere beginner, will be found to deal with subjects in a deep and philosophic manner, which will, for a time, be rather a hindrance than a help, because the subjects themselves are not understood. Let there be a proper groundwork laid of forms and in. flections, as well as of the ordinary forms of construction, and then the best and most critical Hebrew grammars may be studied, and that with profit.
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