EDITORIAL Despite winning beginning, Powell drops out of presidential ..,., The Student Voice Hockey Club loses two race much to the chagrin of many voters. , of UM -St. Louis players in scandal. Page 2 -' Page 7 FEATURES Freedom of speech or abuse of • other people's civil rights? Page 3 SPORTS ;~ Hockey Club starts season strong. PageS .- Issue 840 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS November 13,1995 ;P aris for new U-Ce er ut on hold ·C hancellor needs to find $8 mil!ion for project to move fOlWard t by Scott Lamar find another way to get the money had was inconsistent with the UM­ of The Current staff before the new U-Center can move system's policy. He said that it prob­ forward. ably didn't occur to her that the plan For a detailed floor plan of the The plans for the new University "I presented what I thought was a would nul against the administration's • Center are on hold until Chancellor wonderful plan," Touhill said at the policy. proposed 3 -level Blanche Touhill can secure $8 million University Senate meeting last Tues­ ''The Chancellor had hoped that University Center ~ to fund the administrative sections of day. ''They CUM-system central ad­ she could borrow all of the money Building. "" the building. ministration) didn't like it." needed to build the new U-Center," f A new student center was voted' on The plan was tumeddown over the Driemeier said. "However, this was a See Page 9 and passed by the studen ts last spring in course of discussions and dialogues departure from the long-standing policy a referendum. The center would house between Touhill and the system ad­ the University has with the legislature Schuster, vice chancellor of Adminis­ ~ . all academic and administrative offices, ministration during the late summer that we would not borrow money for trative Services. "We thought that run­ , ning it past the students would be the ~ SGA organizations, food services, the and early fall. educational and administrative space. biggest hurdle." , • bookstore and game ====="" .. areas. Ithas been billed SGA president Beth Titlow said ~ by many asa "one-stop that she was surprised by the an­ shopping center for stu- nouncement dents." "Myimpressionwasthatonceit The $26.3 million was voted on," Titlow said, "it [the structure will be fi­ U-Center) was a done deal. I'm ~ nancedthroughstudent disappointed that it's getting held ... fees,revenuegenerated up in Colwnbia We [the students) through food service didn't vote for a fine arts center." , andretail,andbymeans However, Titlow said she is op­ which Touhill has not timistic that the U-Center will come. \ disclosed. "I want to see it happen," she said. "I need to be patient" Originally, money believe thatthe Chancellor will work Driemeier is confident that .., allocated from the state legislature was "Central administration has never We could go to a private source for with us to gel it" everything will work out He said ~ to pay for the administrative areas. financed a debt through any building," these kinds of spaces." In response to students' fears that that even though it may appear • However"the student center cannot be said Donald Driemeier, deputy to the Manypeoplethought,afterthevote the referendwn was a waste of time, that nothing is happening, the pro­ funded from the state, it has to be Chancellor "It was a departure from passOO.o . 6 ~ Ioubi laid that ev~one has to be cess il; moving ahead step by step. sqpported by student fees, Touhill ~ the University's policy so they decided and 27, the biggest obstacle toward patient. The Chancellor's first plan was that they'd rather the Chancellor find a getting the U-Center was over." Titlow agreed. See Center rejected by the UM:-system central ad­ different way." "Originally, we didn't think that it "Anything worth having is worth Page 7 ~. ministration, and now Touhill must Driemeier said that the idea Touhill would be a problem," said Reinhard wruting for," Titlow said. "We just " ~ Fraternities Cash advanc~ questioned by Michael O'Brian "The amounts outstanding have .'scolded by of The Current staff been charged to UPB," said Direc­ tor of Student Activities Bob : powers University Program Board Presi­ Schmalfeld. dent Jason-Peery says an accounting Schmalfeldcontends that admin­ error on the part of Student Activi­ istrative assistant Karen Kirkwood _that be ties is costing his organizationSl200. .., discovered the lack of paperwork The UPB account was debited the and brought the matter to his atten­ by Susan Benton money to clear up a negative balance of The Cu rrent st aff tion. He scheduled a meeting with of the student travel account. Peery and informed him that the In November of 1993, nine rep­ money would be taken out of the .. Educating UM-St. Louis's fra­ resentatives ofUPB attended the Na­ ~ ternities was the topic of discussion account. tional Association of Campus Ac­ "It is not known that anyone on ata meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 8. tivities Convention in Peoria, Ill. As The three UM-St. Louis fraterni­ Lhe board received a penny of that per University regulations, the former S12OO," Peery said. "We're being ties, Sigma Tau Gamma, Sigma Pi Program Coordinator of Student Ac­ ~ and Pi Kappa Alpha, alumni and held accountable for the mistake of tivities, Jessie Grant, receiVed S 1200 someone in Student Activities." national representatives of the fra­ from the UM-St.Louiscashierwhich .. ternities attended a meeting with "We have documentation," was to be dispersed to the individu­ Schmalfeld said. "All of the infor­ • Vice ChanceBor of Student Affairs als who were attending the conven­ Lowe "Sandy" MacLean ; Univer­ mation was available to Peery. We tion. This money was available to have a record of nine persons regis­ sity representatives; UM-St. Louis students as a daily travel allotment and Bel-Nor Police from 10 a.m. to tered for the convention." which could be used for food or "The paper trail ends with Jessie 2p.m. transportation costs while they were '!' The meeting foc used on recent Grant," Peery said. "Once they show in Peoria. • me paperwork that the money was \,. inci?ents surrounding the three fra­ After students return from a trip terOlUes. actually spent by students, then I'll in which they have received a cash beiieve it." "We have a continuing concern allotment, they are supposed to fill with fraternity parties at this Uni­ The paperwork that Peery is ask­ out travel vouchers and turn in re­ ing to see is the missmg paperwork versity," MacLean said at the meet­ ceipts for the money they have spent ., jng, which had 20 to 25 people 1n that resulted in the negative balance along with any money left over from in the first place. The SGA Comp- 'zattendance. the trip. The student travel account See FraterniUes showed a negative balance because See UPS the paperwork from the Peoria trip Page 7 PageS was missing. University Meadows burning it up on Thursday by Susan Benton celebrity guest DJ will be featured at be located, with the rest of the fes- using to get the word out." of The Current staff the event as well. tivities directly behind the clUb­ Toombs said that he wants this "TItis party is going to be a rockin ' house at University Meadows. The event to be the first of many. He University Meadows will host, event," said University Meadows event, will be held November 16, at hopes to make the party an UM-St. "We All Shine On," in what is being Manager and co-organizer Kevin 8 p.m. and last until after mIdnight. Louis tradition. billed UM-St Louis' "biggest party of Toombs . T-shirts are being designed to com­ "We wanted a collaborative ef­ • the year." Toom bs said that the organizers of memorate the evening. They will fort between severnl campus organi­ The party/bonfire committee is a the party are expecting between 800- sell for $5 each. zations," Toombs said. "We hope the collaboration of several campus orga­ 1500 people. The pany being held in Ja:son Brown, a University UM-St. Louis community supports nizations, including: the University an effort to promote school spiriL No Meadows employee and co-orga­ this event. We want people to stay as Program Board (UPB), the Newman alcoholic beverages will be penmtted, nizer of the event, is also having long as they want, meet people and House, the Wesley Foundation, UM­ as University Meadows is a dry com­ considerable input in organizing the just have a really good time." St. Louis dance squad, The CtJ.q"ent, munity. Nornlandy ,Bel-Nor, and UM­ party. "Everyone who auends will have "Jason (Brown) is doing a lot Df a lot of fun," said Jason Peery, presi­ Photo: Monica Senecal Residential Life, Delta Zeta sorority SL Louis police will provide security and Sigma Pi fraternity. Various area at the event. The Bel-Nor fIre depart­ the public relations for this event," dent of UPB. "We're putting a lot of Kevin Toomes, Jason Peery, and Jason Brown brainstorm restaurants will donate food, and Pepsi ment will be on hand as a precaution­ Toombs said. "We have flyers, t­ effort into this party. We're . really for the upcoming bonfire In the Unlversy Meadows. is scheduled to provide beverages. A ary measure for the bon fIre, which will shirts, stickers and posters that we're hoping for a large turnout." EDITORIAL Page 2 November 13,1995 New U for Who? Meanwhile, in the office of UM system President Russell ... Powell's entry would have Outside businesses should be made race more interesting encouraged to help pay for project by Scott Lamar This is truly a time when Americans' of The Current staff intelligence is insulted.
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