August 20, 2012 www.knoxfocus.com PAGE A1 INSIDE B Business C Sports D Health & Home MONDAY August 20, 2012 FREE- Take One! FOCUS Big crowd for Burchett’s Weekly Poll* The Knoxville Chamber Back to School Bash of Commerce is partially funded with Knox County tax dollars. Should the Chamber of Commerce be required to provide a complete accounting of its expenditures if it continues to receive tax dollars? YES 89.04% NO 10.96% Survey conducted August 16, 2012. * Focus Weekly Polls are conducted by an independent, professional polling company. Mayor appoints Rebecca Gibson director of Community Development Nine-year Knox County Community Develop- ment employee Rebec- ca Gibson has been PHOTO BY DAN ANDREWS appointed director of the Mayor Tim Burchett greets young Knox Countians outside the Expo Center during the Back to School Bash last Tuesday. Over 2,000 attended the department, Knox County event which offered free school supplies and educational information. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan and the Knoxville Expo Center also spon- Mayor Tim Burchett sored the event. announced last week. The former communi- ty development direc- tor, Grant Rosenberg, recently accepted a posi- Ribbon tion outside of the Knox County Government. “I am very excited to cut at have Rebecca in this new role, and I am confident that she will do a great job for Knox County and Wee Course its citizens,” Mayor Bur- Mayor Madeline Rogero, Mayor Tim Burchett, Ambas- chett said. “Her expe- sador Victor Ashe, city and county officials, supporters rience in the depart- and representatives from Williams Creek and First Tee ment, as well as in the of Greater Knoxville participated in a ribbon cutting of private and non-prof- the new Wee Course on Thursday. it communities, makes The Wee Course, dedicated by the First Tee of Greater her uniquely quali- Knoxville, is a newly constructed three-hole short course fied for this position.” located adjacent to the Williams Creek Golf Course. The “I am honored and Wee Course will allow youth enrolled in The First Tee golf humbled by Mayor Bur- program to have a designated play and practice area. chett’s confidence in me Thanks to the generous support of Ambassador Victor and in the entire Commu- Ashe, Steve and Ann Bailey and the City of Knoxville, the nity Development staff,” First Tee of Greater Knoxville was able to fund the con- Gibson said. “We have struction of The Wee Course. The yardage of the short a great group of employ- course ranges from 75 to 100 yards. ees in this department, Since its inception in 2003, The First Tee of Greater and I look forward to Knoxville has enrolled more than 6,000 children in the continuing to work with nationally recognized The First Tee Life Skills Experi- them in my new role.” ence Curriculum. In addition to teaching the physical The Community Devel- components of golf, this program instills the Nine Core opment department over- Values inherently found in the game; lessons that can sees and coordinates be used by participants their entire lives: honesty, integ- grants and grant-relat- rity, sportsmanship, respect, confidence, responsibility, ed projects ranging from perseverance, courtesy and judgment. defined services con- The First Tee program, including its many outreach tracts to Homeland Secu- initiatives, is expected to expand to serve more than rity and Housing and 9,500 children and young adults by 2014. The First Tee Urban Development. of Greater Knoxville serves a nine county area and is For more informa- headquartered on its 90 acre campus located just two tion about the depart- miles from downtown Knoxville. Its campus includes ment, visit http://knox- Photo by Dan ANdrews. the Williams Creek Golf Course, open year-round to the county.org/commu- Young golfer Christian Carrington watches his shot at Wee Course last Thursday. public, the First Tee Learning Center and now the Wee nitydevelopment. Course at Williams Creek. Expires 08-24-12 PAGE A2 The Knoxville FOCUS August 20, 2012 Knox Countians Believe FOCUS Chamber Should Be Accountable Weekly Poll By Focus Staff expenditures with voters in the Third The district with the biggest number The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce This week’s Knoxville Focus poll District being almost unanimous in of respondents who do not believe queried likely voters, asking the ques- their desire to see the Chamber be the Chamber should be required to is partially funded with Knox County tax tion, “The Knoxville Chamber of Com- accountable. Fully 98% of respon- make its expenditures public was the dollars. merce is partially funded with tax dol- dents in the Third District said they Fourth District with just over 17% of Should the Chamber of Commerce be lars. Should the Chamber of Com- think the Chamber should report voters saying they don’t believe it is required to provide a complete accounting merce be required to provide a com- all of its expenditures publicly. This necessary for the Chamber to detail of its expenditures if it continues to receive plete accounting of its expenditures if affirms the position taken by Third its expenses. Still, more than 82% of it continues to receive tax dollars?” District County Commissioner Tony residents in the Fourth District think tax dollars? The response was a resounding Norman who has pushed the Cham- the Chamber should be more trans- “yes!” ber to provide more information and parent if it continues to receive tax Voters in every district believe documentation about their revenue dollars. % (447) the Chamber should report all of its and expenditures. Yes 89.04 No 10.96% (55) By Age Yes No Total 18-29 66.67% 33.33% 3 What’s Happening to America? 30-49 94.67% 5.33% 75 50-65 90.75% 9.25% 173 There it was hanging quietly against “What’s happening to America?” happiness” goes against the God of 65+ 86.45% 13.55% 251 a brilliant blue sky. I often stop to we may ask in the aftermath of mass all creation. Children are growing up Total 89.04% (447) 10.96% (55) 502 photograph the red, white, and blue murders at Columbine; Virginia Tech; in a world my generation would never flying proudly in Tucson, Arizona; and more recently, have recognized in the days of our By Commission District the breeze. But, Aurora, Colorado. Are we seeing the youth. A line has been crossed, and on this day, the products of latch-key kids? Is Amer- places that were once safe havens are 1 87.88% 12.12% 33 stars and stripes ica suffering a decline in morals and no more. With all our modern means 2 86.57% 13.43% 67 appeared somber family values? Is it pressure to suc- of social media—cell phones, ipads, 3 98.00% 2.00% 50 and still. For sev- ceed inflicted on young minds? I am computers, and you tube—commu- 4 82.67% 17.33% 75 eral days, it was reminded of a young man in one of nication is greater than ever with its 5 89.04% 10.96% 73 a sight seen all my graduate classes at The Univer- instant, world-wide connections. As over our city and sity of Tennessee many years ago. I finish penning this article, headline 6 88.00% 12.00% 25 By Ralphine Major the nation. At He had completed nearly all of his stories of cruelty are surfacing: kit- 7 89.39% 10.61% 66 ralphine3@yahoo. libraries, busi- coursework in dentistry so that he tens, only days old, are rescued from com 8 92.06% 7.94% 63 nesses, firehalls, could carry on the family business. a dumpster; three dogs were tied to 9 90.00% 10.00% 50 and shopping malls, our United One day he found the courage to railroad tracks while the perpetrators Total 89.04% (447) 10.96% (55) 502 States of America flags flew at half- tell his family he did not want to be watched their demise—one miracu- mast. It is a tribute often shown to a dentist at all. He wanted to be a lously survived. Such heartwrench- By Gender political figures in death. This time, teacher. ing news gives one cause to wonder Unknown 90.48% 9.52% 21 it was a national tragedy. Old Glory It is one of the ten commandments how an innocent child born into this Female 89.77% 10.23% 264 was hanging at half-mast because from Almighty God: “Thou shalt not world can transcend into one who Male 88.02% 11.98% 217 one of her own had reigned violence kill.” Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy would inflict pain and suffering on on his fellow Americans at a midnight 5:17. To rob another human being other creatures. The creatures put Total 89.04% (447) 10.96% (55) 502 movie showing. of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of Continue on page 3 Survey conducted August 16, 2012 Joys of Summers Past Summer 2012 is passing Still, they came up with the After plenty of flying fists the roads” with friends. when the moon was full, I However, to us, it’s drawing by like a speeding car down best ideas of how to spend and unintentional landed Cousin Charlie and I logged would sometimes turn the a little closer to heaven. I-40. It seems that just the summer days. blows, we both gave up and thousands of miles as we lights off, roll down the It’s August and school is o t h e r From our summer after wondered why we fought in traveled from the Copper window, and drive down the back in session, another d a y first grade until high school, the beginning.
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