Maebashi Access MAEBASHI TRAVEL GUIDE & MAP 黒檜山 Fukushima 赤城山第1赤城山第1スキー場 1828 Niigata 津久田駅 P.2・3 Mt. Kurobi 雪山登山 Take Prefecture Prefecture N P.5 Mt. Akagi No. 1 Ski Slope Snowy Mountain By Train 大沼 白樺牧場 Lake Onuma 1685 Climbing P.5 P.5 Shirakaba Farm P.2・4・5 駒ヶ岳 Asakusa Haneda Airport Narita Airport 前 橋 市 Mt. Komagatake Tochigi Station International Terminal Station 県立赤城公園ビジターセンター P.2・3 Free Maebashi City Prefecture 0 2km 1674 Terminal Station 城 P.2 The Akagi Visitors Center 地蔵岳 覚満淵 Mt. Jizodake Kakumanbuchi 赤城温泉ホテル Marsh P.3・5 Airport Terminal Shibukawa P.2 Akagi Onsen Hotel 1579 Keisei Skyliner ¥ 長七郎山 0 Limited Express 2 Station City 花の宿 湯之沢館 Mt. Choshichiro Gunma P.2 Hana no Yado Yunosawakan 1 Approx. 17 353Prefecture 御宿 総本家 25 min. P.2 Onyado Sohonke Keisei Skyliner 1332 滝沢館 Limited Express Saitama 鍋割山 赤城温泉 Takizawakan Shinagawa Nagano Mt. Nabewari Approx. Mito Station Prefecture Akagi Onsen P.2 Station Prefecture 富士見温泉 見晴らしの湯ふれあい館 45 min. 滝沢温泉 Fujimi Spa FUREAIKAN P.3 忠治温泉 Takizawa Onsen 道の駅 ふじみ Chuji Onsen 渋川駅 Road Station Fujimi 旅籠 忠治館 Kiryu JR Yamanote Line Keisei JR Joban Line Shibukawa 353 P.2 Approx. 10 min. Limited Express Station Hatago Chujikan Tobu Railway Ueno Station 赤城神社 City Express Approx. 17 前橋温泉 クア・イ・テルメ Akagi Shrine 赤城南面千本桜 70 min. 桑風庵本店 Approx. Walk Maebashi Spa Sofuan Honten Akagi Cherry 渋川伊香保渋川伊香保 KUR Y THERME P.3 110 min. 5 min. P.7 空っ風家 Blossoms P.4 関 関 Shibukawa Tokyo Station 越 越 P.7 K K Ikaho Karakkaze-ya 自 自 焼肉乃上州敷島店 a a 動 動 n P.6 車 Yakiniku no Joushu Shikishima Branch 赤城高原温泉 Joetsu/Nagano - Ueno Station E 道 353 敷島公園 ばら園 Akagi Kogen Onsen Shinkansen t 17 17 s ぐんまフラワーパーク u Shikishima Koen Rose Garden P.4 Approx. 50-70 min. 道の駅 よしおか温泉 Yoshiokamachi E Road Station 和ダイニング泉 道の駅ぐりーんふらわー牧場・大胡 Gunma Flower Park x P.4 Joetsu/Nagano Shinkansen p p Yoshioka Onsen Japanese Dining Sen P.6 Utsunomiya Gunma Prefecture Road Station Green r r Approx. e Shintomura e 前橋花火大会 Flower Bokujo / Ogo P.4 s s Station 50 min. Joe s s 上越線 Maebashi Hanabi Taikai 荻窪公園 2 駒寄PA(駒寄 w (Maebashi Fireworks Festival) Tohoku Kusatsu Onsen ts P.5 スマートIC) a 利根川 Ogikubo Park u y P.5 まえばし赤城山ヒルクライム大会 あいのやまの湯 Shinkansen Bus Terminal Komayose PA L i (スタート地点) (Komayose ne Ainoyama-no-Yu P.3 Approx. 30 min. Smart IC) Maebashi Akagisan 粕川温泉元気ランド Akagi Station JR Bus そば処 大村 総社 Hill Climb Rally 道の駅 赤城の恵 Kasukawa Onsen Approx. Soba Dokoro Road Station Akagi no Megumi Genki Land P.3 Omiya (Starting Line) Station 25 min. P.7 Omura Soja P.4 アカリトモル 群馬総社駅 Akari Tomoru P.6 上毛電鉄 ay Gunma Soja Station Railw Joetsu/Nagano Naganohara- 大胡駅 Jomo Electric 蕎麦 山海酒屋 山人 原嶋屋総本家 P.7 Ogo Station Shinkansen Kusatsuguchi Soba Sankai Harashima-ya Sohonke 居酒屋こみさん。 Maebashi Jomo Approx. 25-30 min. Station Sakaya Yamato 中央前橋駅 Izakaya Komisan. Electric Railway Joetsu P.6 P.6 JR Agatsuma Line 臨江閣 Chuo Maebashi Approx. Takasaki Station P.4 Rinkokaku Station 前橋七夕まつり City 40 min. Approx. 60 min. Shink シェ・スナガ Maebashi Tanabata Matsuri (Maebashi Star Festival) P.5 上越 P.6 Chez Sunaga 前橋まつり JR Ryomo Line ansen MAEBASHI 新 新前橋駅 Approx.15 min. 前橋駅 前橋大島駅 Maebashi Matsuri (Maebashi Festival) P.4 Kanetsu Kotsu 幹線 Shin Maebashi Station 前橋初市まつり Chuo Maebashi Ikaho Maebashi Maebashi 50 Bus Maebashi 前橋前橋 Oshima Station Hatsuichi Matsuri Station Approx. Bus Terminal 厳選地酒と本格焼酎の店 海人 Station (First Market Festival) P.5 25 min. Mt.AKAGI Gensen Jizake to Honkaku Shochu 大酉祭 天然温泉 七福の湯 前橋店 no Mise Uminchu 17 長野新幹線 Otori-sai P.4 Natural Hot Spa 伊勢崎伊勢崎 Nagano Shink P.6 Shuttle bus まえばし駅前天然温泉 Shichifuku-no-Yu Isesaki 3 Andore Kandore ゆ~ゆ Maebashi Branch P.3 Walk Approx. Shibukawa Shin Maebashi 17 Andore Kandore Natural Hot Spa Approx. 5 min. Station 波志波志江PA江PA 462 Station JR Joetsu/ P.6 前橋物産館広瀬川 YU-YU P.3 ((波志江波志江スマートIC) 12 min. ansen y Agatsuma Line JR Maebashi Products Hall Hirosegawa a 駒駒形形 Hashie PA (Parking Area) Flower blossom viewing, 両毛線 (Hashie Smart IC) Approx. 15 min. Ryomo Line P.7 ressw Komagata 信越本線 高崎高崎 o Exp Ry Approx. 4 min. -Kant 長寿観音 omo Line Kita 伊勢崎駅 Shinetsu Takasaki 自動車道 (ぽっくり観音) festivals Main Line 北関東 Choju Kannon Isesaki Takasaki City 前橋前橋南南 (Pokkuri Kannon) Station Maebashi Maebashi Station 高崎駅 高高崎JCT崎JCT Minami & other events Takasaki 354 Takasaki JCT Station A B Inquiries By Highway Bus Highway ◎Japan Road Traffic Information Bus ◎Nippon Chuo Bus…t027-287-4000 t050-3369-6610 ◎JR Bus Kanto…t0279-82-2028 Akihabara Station Narita Airport Terminals 1 & 2 ◎Kan-Etsu Expressway・ ◎Kan-Etsu Kotsu Bus East Exit Joshin-Etsu Expressway Information Maebashi Office…t027-210-5566 Maebashi…t027-252-1620 Shibukawa Office…t0279-24-5115 Shinjuku, Haneda Airport Train ◎JR Maebashi Station ‒ Jomo Electric Railway Chuo Maebashi Station shuttle bus ◎JR EAST…t050-2016-1600 t027-287-4422(Nippon Chuo Bus) in front of International ◎Tobu Railway…t03-5962-0102 ◎General bus information office in front of Maebashi Station the Hilton Tokyo Terminals ◎Jomo Electric Railway Onsen Access information t027-226-7273 1 & 2 t027-231-3597 Utsunomiya Ikebukuro Station Station East Exit ◎Published by…Gunma Prefecture Maebashi City Tourism Department 【Nippon Chuo Bus】 ◎Planning / Editing / Production… JTB Publishing Inc. From Akihabara Nippon Nippon Kanetsu ©2013 Maebashi City / JTB Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *Information in this pamphlet is current as of the end of June 2013. Some Approx. 205-215 min., Chuo Bus Chuo Bus・ Kotsu Bus Approx. Kanto Jidosha Approx. information may change after publication, so we recommend that you confirm the information by telephone or other means before leaving. From Shinjuku Please acknowledge in advance that this company does not take responsibility for any damages incurred due to the information published in this 135-210 min. Approx. 200-220 min. Approx. 145-175 min., 155 min. pamphlet. Please note in advance that some facilities will not have the ability to interact in foreign languages. *All entrance fees, etc. listed in From Ikebukuro this pamphlet are those for adults. *As a general rule, the fees listed include the consumer tax. *As a general rule, we have omitted Year End Approx. 145 min. holidays, Obon holidays and Golden Week holidays when listing the days that facilities are closed. *The times listed in this pamphlet, unless otherwise mentioned, are for opening to closing times. Please note that normally, last orders and last entry are 30 minutes to 1 hour before Guide to climbing closing time. *Please note that traffic information may change due to the effects of natural disasters or to seasonal changes. Please confirm the Maebashi Station South Exit Restaurant guide information with the relevant traffic agencies before leaving. *Please note that the quality and efficacy claimed for the hot spring water are for Mt. Akagi the hot spring source water only, and do not apply to individual baths. This pamphlet was prepared using replies from each hot spring facility. 8 dThe view of Kakumanbuchi Marsh from Torii-toge Pass. The trail runs along a marsh, Lake Onuma is visible behind it. which is a treasure house of alpine plants. Kakumanbuchi Marsh Hiking on Mt. Akagi ◎覚満淵 Mt. Akagi has been named one of Japan’s Top 100 Mountains. From the shore of Lake Onuma, At the center of this high moor is a marsh that is head for Mt. Kurobi, the highest mountain in the Akagi mountain range, approx. 800m in circumference. The 2km walkway with an elevation of 1828m, through the marsh is lined with peat moss, Japanese 黒檜山山頂 黒檜山 and then traverse the ridge to Mt. Komagatake. After descending, 薬師山 Summit of 3 Mt. Kurobi azaleas and day lilies. Mt. Yakushi 1828 take a walk through Kakumanbuchi Marsh, 1528 Mt. Kurobi where you can enjoy the alpine plants in bloom. 赤城山キャンプ場 Mt. Akagi Campground Summit of Descend from the mountain and Mt. Komagatake Mt. Kurobi ‒ Mt. Komagatake Course Chart 4 駒ヶ岳山頂 head for Kakumanbuchi Marsh. 1685 1900 黒檜山登山口 1828 鈴ヶ岳 Mt. Kurobi trailhead 2 駒ヶ岳 1800 Mt. Suzugatake Mt. Komagatake 1700 1685 1565 沼尾 川 大沼 Mt. Komagatake Numaogawa Lake Onuma 1600 River 1500 Mt. Akagi Course Information 赤城少年自然の家 赤城神社 Trailhead Akagi Youth Akagi Shrine ◎駒ヶ岳登山口 1400 1365 1355 1370 1355 1360 1365 Level Beginners Nature Center 1300 白樺牧場 大洞商店街 1 5 駒ヶ岳登山口 After descending the mountain Shirakaba Farm Ohora Shopping Street [m] Distance 6.4km 地蔵岳 赤城大洞 あかぎ広場 Mt. Komagatake and leaving the Mt. Komagatake 4 Mt. Jizodake Akagi Plaza 5 min. 20 min. 90 min. 55 min. 55 min. 10 min. 20 min. Akagi Ohora trailhead Trailhead, the path to The The Time Approx. min. 1674 required 255 赤城山総合観光案内所 覚満淵 Kakumanbuchi Marsh is a at Akagi Akagi Mt. Akagi Integrated Tourist Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 Goal Vertical Information Center 県立赤城公園 6 Kakumanbuchi prefectural road. In June, the Visitors Visitors distance 473m ビジターセンター Marsh Center Center 新坂平 The Akagi Visitors Center prefectural road is lined with the Best Shinzaka Daira 覚満淵 鳥居峠 season May-October Kakumanbuchi Torii-toge Pass blooms of Japanese azaleas. Mt. Mt. Kurobi Summit of Summit of Mt. Kakuman Start Marsh 小地蔵岳 ◎The walking time & Mt. Kojizodake Komagatake Trailhead Mt. Kurobi Mt. Komagatake buchi Goal Return to the trailhead on the prefectural Trailhead Komagatake Trailhead Marsh does not include breaks. 1579 a 小沼 長七郎山 road, which you passed on the way. 荒山 Lake Konuma Mt. Choshichiro The Visitors Center is the base for Mt. Akagi sightseeing. 血の池 Start Your journey starts here! d Mt. Ara Chi-no-ike Pond 1572 16 Enjoy the panoramic view As you walk along the ridgeline, the view is spectacular.
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