n LYCEUM BANNER V*1 S t ium L,,<V* tAuSl awlMBI «SA l t l Sewt-yed | MSMAsnM* lit im bm h poa*k (M W >4 sm* M ( » - » - M '••• » -" !* • MB *•**» ssasHvahta •** Mss flnauM t*> daaaAMtf tasahsvss MhsAataA mmbm id ta i t a •w » L ,•4 ...,.! * >«• < ».«ms msm» Wit * *»* wi«| (n s tftw «»/* >4 l*w » s tataM •* »*•* ah M * - n*»4 «i>A *4**«a*M a* Mi vsta it* tta wsrta sn4 «h >M w iswsajl enr-im -y M «W aws* sail «4 ta*H last a la N a ta v tis i s«HSlstan«als ta***tai tad v „. t iw ms aH«r>- is Us tasA m» Us * !•’ *'*• d «#*usr M hsss I V * Min* tasU mM W war jih-. -I v*»U ( aummi or uw n V ID tt< <n>- ssl i* ■ ■>** < I l<»< i* i *s Us sifaSjV'flS vtatat Hi A u to i &««*»«* t . iii h ssi (taa Imh h t'"* »'l< i • hasU^as ssa tta w hr • i»«ul Mas Us srssMB fnri at Ihad’a A«W In anMi I v* > tiim- t- im andaesiswA mi adsA yMStasenir i ta s and hai »■ *■ I at Aa|taf vgaetai •M «hr , si.,. t i iiiimi ' •»< >‘?1 AS tin "A dsnsa Sn l« • HiipM ari A m m »»i Mh*ih «h Khm0 m \ym m m % + ImmmmMa «aA )**»»» <*« tan was Is uat smIsisA rssdaAMa pwitr+l «..*‘14 * _] in n»i<ti> Ohms as tv nsMsA bsMta> mssArstai * Uv <yss* saaA SI U* |tas»w Ivns gH «M ta%M t e ' h - O O m H tv*. S» «fS«H t7«r, h< staihai Ms OMftssAOItasi Itasui(sffls 1- ?»* m O He Shall tshv IwMS m nil d kmi al «ssh ssmUs is ViHimt. shas ta fcta A mis) «Mh* V* i t***l MU' I 1'H'UBlWf Va issnii rirt Ttirr* Hsimbm m ma i pshM sta mmmi h h M «s 4 fsfM to A mssUi Hiflui-m • A In hU lUasdabp sMk tta MrstsiWs I l l W H um s wsstti ssi v.itti CassH UaidasW s- ♦*> sh*ta> *ii )Ufl, •ess. Fresele X«* I4 i; « « tw « si > « i K m S | Itauhssas daisMUai tai laaMSi fM M ausAs ita Ml itl | ,|(j died M 4 H« vn A h ssb Ml Ml Ma h a i Mmstfi ssassfl Mwh MslssAiaA s i | t j M I M s I shA K amm Is I 111 )•« M i *» tapnMMM, hai ass hr mAmmh m# Hi* MtaMlMi M l __ r^>r si Sti Km\m fwAst, Us I nr SMS|MSI 1*1* SStUsi S M l of tsMfesst tanMMta H* H I •sA M*vnd AmS SSUI hH fsfhs Mad flass. vdin h Is M H a ta «•* In* | h “»4 On (MHUMP M wm hmmM is Msgbstf 11ms tv limrfnldi ' M Inn mid Is UM hr MsMsi Hli *'/mjiii'HUi'fe, MSSBOM. rlMSAMf SMSSt.. MM|f rarer* s* MSahM 1st Mi ll imdIm yasTtMii. ssssias As vista, m A I m wata «*n4 |Aan*. D mviOAm and SHMH tarns OmsmMUhU IS | vsaaAA ss*S li»v« Ism sAw sS v* esfs ta MsM • « * i f t a M _j, a **, arwtsr fn 11S7 •ppsHM dr IM •mdvMii' Isish, OsUbrsMi’a mmyaMtasa AS sitass i Q u r n - f M » fiww im AHS a of Ini «A**1 p*~~ MtaA is Is Ms Myras* ta . MnAhriaM *lff* rf Or Ih r ««rti j M »*) taws* —A ssh tajpail asAta tals| aa ssaaMhl M tataH M MAI vMcfli I m A h Mm tats MUtar hath is Itaaal ssd hfusOi OtaSas* (M* f SM| «m* tan al Ids, Is d t tlir s i F~ i*»r *sO si ffso Elisstadi is *•** ta tS s ia s A te llta la bit yasOta saa a Baras i HiiiS) fta M l is I is t ss i and larava Nrss aanb * the thUHAota seAs, ta Mai to M ttM ls Inirbted m NO. I in— i tta s s tears! is JW7, for mMMs as sooasta aI Hi* taMAta! MAtaaaa. ta f ............ .. r— t *I is —11. j P W i y C s s s i mm S Wi, ynhs tawr wan la Catal is UMu I m Amm ABl Lord K«l> O i — isS m m I Baras Vrrtas in f—t ssi I tms AM t «m M ta I'am, ata» be paAAhtai a SA W Vcvrta St- .<UtaM*sta KV. Hi* MtaM BBs a i d | / / r andekjo, to stad fee AfcMA sw rvAontahta «C ataMsa" s a ir Ws sms* <Asmm ssi yrdiMtasa Mnss mmi apaas btaBMi « bitter n taM , sW itaHjr tw w sl 4 rhAm sb) and MwsMto M tsttai MV .M K hAI ms ?» It wm alter he retimd Braas ytaiiA tar Ota «tad ItasA in I MB. Man ta usshartai • Mas Bacas practically beysa Mr U s s y ts w s s v ^ f t r *Hip w,ilj lh fM ta M te . «s s te ta A—taata bh world’s great J***®P**re i _ __ . nasi tvs* assts. dta CtasAMas erf MV T»hta|htal Up to that fta*tetaf« » sH r< i*« t ■asM" (as AHaab spas KasA] anl He ' lataAta hem srw rsl editions of tat £ •*» • M srtliss CaannsiMis idW Mnsdit "tosbAtktaAMm Am Msrsrd m every « s ta aMk yta cam. He I Mhe CapantosB mss of Asnssuf la bh iM mdsta to dresan to a taper nase. taaai OS rm m rf and perteM t itvjtrhy into the Im m * nature aarsafdftaaai sarst ta Msshpa11 _ ^ Bmss'a|AMI n ii|li| »raM to tasr attrsrtal Hr* ocM tiftc and fitataa "fiiar rl t e r *« immortal. Hr M Spinoza, PSacatoM, IdAby ssi attar MttMfitak ■ ■voter the AmtOta Mrfsctn' Mm *n4 h f the UBhaltata a uahn leM# to f r f M ln Is | 0f )|if hMtai tiiT method practically nested IM I ta itosanai ta fta^r, bto ana asM tai fta ta ssttf >uar and imptmm* try the la jtoMMiB ta totss mm*. WBPP fta ta SHj lslH^ 1_ at during sta h taatotaai Is asMto bn heretical l —t o t e . I r r v w Dec. 16tfa, 1776. died at Vi Mattb Hr «ai than rsnAonasA Is ta d aad as toosas ta Mi. 1827. He was one erf dr greatest of dad ar Mhe atabr is Jtape* • l*«dmary 174 —W At the age of ten hr began the w»t sf ta f t a a mmmi mm m m eft A* bh asaMty *s tta onsDositioB. and even for sstse tone after de or ta taAMVM his pupilage wrote an aassrdanoe rath the pfcserasd by Haydn, Mosart asl S im hta M l U toJ te t o t a r 4ffr •nod he ^nbuB f iaflsdaM is natoeMArU konnrr 84 THE LYCEUM BANNER March, 1980 The reason we form such opinions is because we consider the one referred to, is com sited or has a big opinion of himself. If we, too, suffer with this complaint, I would suggest we are not entitled to pat ourselves on the back, for anything we may do in such a cocky or boastful spirit as this, certainly would not agree with bur Lyceum. teachings, would it ? . \ - My dear Boys and Girls. No, but there are times when we set ourselves a Have you heard this one ? “ When are boys and task which when completed make us feel as pleased as a - girls like a dog trying to catch its own tail ?” dog with two tails (I never saw one) ; but we could just “ Why, when they are trying to give themselves jump and shout for joy, then we can pat ourselves on the a pat on the back.” back with all the modesty in the world. I have seen several trying to do this, while they Perhaps two illustrations will help you to under sing that popular Chorus :— stand the lesson better. “ Give yourself a pat-on-the-back, The first is of a boy or girl who has a conceited Pat-on-the-back, Pat-on-the-back, idea of themselves. They enter for a competition, which And say to yourself here’s jolly good health, says the competitor must do his or her own work. I’ve had a good day to-day. B y doing a little cheating and getting help from Yesterday was fulLof trouble and sorrow other people they win a prize. h . Nobody knows what’s going to happen to-morrow The second is another boy or girl who enters the So give yourself a pat-on-the-back. same competition and justly works out the problems for Pat-on-the-back, Pat-on-the-back. themselves and although they may not get first prize And say to yourself here’s jolly good health or even a prize at all, they have the joy of knowing they I’ve had a good day to-day. ” have been honest. Now which of these do you think has the most I think that’s a topping little chorus. right to pat himself on the back, I think the latter, don’t It seems so full of go, with plenty of hope in it. you ? Space will not permit me to take this lesson as far I think the first person to receive a pat is the writer, as I should like, but the same rule applies throughout because it is these gay little songs we get from time to life and I would like you to read for yourself G.C.R.
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