Publications of the Infrared-Astronomy Group Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy 2002 Refereed and Balega, I.I., Balega, Y.Y., Hofmann, K.-H, Maksimov, A.F, Pluzhnik, E.A, Schertl, D., Shkhagosheva, Z.U, Weigelt, G., Speckle interferometry of nearby multiple stars, A&A 385, 87-93 (2002) Invited Papers Balega, Y.Y., Tokovinin, A.A., Pluzhnik, E.A., Weigelt, G., The Spectroscopic and Interferometric Orbit of Gliese 150.2, Astronomy Letters, 28, 773-777 (2002) Beuther, H., Kerp, J., Preibisch, Th., Stanke, Th., Schilke, P., Hard X-ray emission from a young massive star-forming cluster, A&A, 395, 169 (2002) Hofmann, K.-H., Beckmann, U., Blöcker, T., Coude de Foresto, V., Lacasse, M., Mennesson, B., Millan-Gabet, R., Morel, S., Perrin, G., Pras, B., Ruilier, C., Schertl, D., Schöller, M., Scholz, M., Shenavrin, V., Traub, W., Weigelt, G., Wittkowski, M., Yudin, B., Observations of Mira stars with the IOTA/FLUOR interferometer and comparison with Mira star models , New Astronomy 7, 9-20 (2002) Hofmann, K.H., Balega, Y., Ikhsanov, N.R., Miroshnichenko, A.S., Weigelt, G. Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the B[e] star MWC 349A, A&A, 395, 891 (2002) Ikhsanov N., Beskrovnaya N.G., Can the Rapid Braking of the White Dwarf in AE Aquarii Be Explained in Terms of the Gravitational-Wave Emitter Mechanism?, ApJL, 576, 57 (2002) Ikhsanov, N.R., Jordan, S., Beskrovnaya, N.G., On the circularly polarized optical emission from AE Aquarii, A&A 385, 152-155 (2002) Ikhsanov, N.R., 2002, Supersonic propeller spindown of neutron stars in wind-fed mass-exchange close binaries, A&A 381, L61-L63 (2002) Larsson, B., Liseau, R., Men'shchikov, A., The ISO-LWS map of the Serpens cloud core. II. The line spectra, A&A 386, 1055-1073 (2002) Men'shchikov, A., Hofmann, K.-H., Weigelt, G., IRC+10216 in Action: Present Episode of Intense Mass-Loss Reconstructed by Two-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Modeling, A&A, 392, 921 (2002) Men'shchikov, A.B., Schertl, D., Tuthill, P.G., Weigelt, G., Yungelson L., Properties of the close binary and circumbinary torus of the Red Rectangle, A&A, 393, 867 (2002) Preibisch, Th., Balega, Y.Y., Schertl, D., Weigelt, G., High-resolution study of the young stellar objects in Mon R2 IRS 3, A&A,392, 945 (2002) Preibisch, T., Brown, A., Bridges, Guenther, E., Zinnecker, H., Exploring the full stellar population of the Upper Scorpius OB Association, AJ, 124, 404(2002) Preibisch, T., Zinnecker, H., X-ray properties of the young stellar and substellar objects in the IC 348 cluster - the CHANDRA View, AJ, 123, 1613-1628 (2002) Preibisch, T., Smith, M.D., The outflow activity of the protostars in S140 IRS, A&A 383, 540-547 (2002) Preibisch, T., Guenther, E., Zinnecker, H., Triggered star formation in the Sco OB2 Association (invited), Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations; Grebel, E.K., Brandner, W. (eds.), ASP Conference Series, Vol. 285, p.97-104 (2002) Shenavrin, V.I., Fernie, J.D., Weigelt, G., Yudin, B.F., Photometric Observations of R Coronae Borealis in the Optical and Infrared, Astronomy Reports, Vol.46, Issue 10, p.805 (2002) Tuthill, P.G., Men'shchikov, A.B., Schertl, D., Monnier, J.D., Danchi, W.C., Weigelt, G., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Red Rectangle: diffraction-limited near-infrared images reconstructed from Keck telescope speckle data, A&A, 389, 889 (2002) Wachter, A., Schröder, K.-P., Winters, J.M., Arndt, T.U., Sedlmayr, E., An improved mass-loss description for dust-driven superwinds and tip-AGB evolution models, A&A 384, 452-459(2002) Weigelt, G., Balega, Y.Y., Hofmann, K.-H., Preibisch, Th., Diffraction-limited bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Herbig Be star R Mon, A&A, 392, 937 (2002) Weigelt, G., Balega, Y.Y., Blöcker, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Men'shchikov, A.B., Winters, J.M., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of IRC+10216: the dynamic evolution of the innermost circumstellar environment from 1995 to 2001, A&A, 392, 131 (2002) Weigelt, G., Balega, Y., Preibisch, T., Schertl, D., Smith, M.D., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the massive protostellar object S140 IRS 1: evidence for multiple outflows, A&A 381, 905-913 (2002) Weis K., Duschl W.J., Outflow from and asymmetries in the nebula around the LBV candidate Sk-69 279, A&A, 393, 503 (2002) Winters, J.M., T. Le Bertre, Nyman, L.- A., Omont, A., Jeong, K.S., The hydrodynamical structure of circumstellar envelopes around low mass-loss rate, low outflow velocity AGB stars, A&A, 388, 609 (2002) Yuan, F., Markoff, S., Falcke, H., 2002, A Jet-ADAF model for Sgr A*, A&A 383, 854-863 (2002) Yuan, F., Markoff, S., Falcke, H., Biermann, P.L., NGC4258: a jet-dominated low-luminosity AGN?, A&A, 391, 139 (2002) Yudin, B.F., Fernie, J.D., Ikhsanov, N.R., Shenavrin, V.I., Weigelt, G., UBVJHKLM photometry and modeling of R Coronae Borealis, A&A, 394, 617 (2002) Hofmann, K.-H., Beckmann, U., Blöcker, T., Ohnaka, K., Schertl, D., Weigelt, G., Brewer, M.K., Proceedings Schloerb, F., Efimov, Y.N., Shenavrin, V., Yudin, B., Berger, J., Lacasse, M., Millan-Gabet, R., Monnier, J., Morel, S., Pedretti, E., Traub, W., Malanushenko, V., Mennesson, B., Scholz, M., Near- infrared IOTA interferometry of the symbiotic star CH Cyg. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P41) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Hofmann, K.-H., Ikhsanov, N.R., Weigelt, G., Miroshnichenko, A.S., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the B(e) star MWC 349A. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P42) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Ohnaka, K., Beckmann, U., Hofmann, K.-H., Malanushenko, V., Schertl, D., Weigelt, G., Ahearn, A., Berger, J.-P., Lacasse, M., Millan-Gabet, R., Monnier, J., Traub, W., Brewer, M., Schloerb, P., Shenavrin, V., Yudin, B., IOTA observations of the circumstellar envelope of R CrB, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P36) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Petrov, R.G., Stee, P., Weigelt, G., Mourard, D., Vakili, F., Jankov, S., Mathias, P., Lagarde, S., Robbe-Dubois, S., Foy, R., The Potential of an Extension of Amber to the Visible, Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation,, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching, Germany, 11-15 June, 2001. p. 320. (2002) Preibisch, T., Weigelt, G., Schertl, D., Balega, Y.Y., Smith, M. D., Multiple Outflows from the Massive Protostar S140 IRS1, Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Stages of Massive Star Birth, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 267. Edited by Paul A. Crowther. San Francisco, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, p.407 (2002) Preibisch, T., Zinnecker, H.: Stellar, substellar, and protostellar coronae in the very young cluster IC 348. In: Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-newton Era; F. Favata and J. Drake (eds.). ASP Conference Series No.277, Astron. Soc. Pacific, San Francisco 2002, p.185-192 (2002) Preibisch, T., A deep XMM/EPIC image of the star forming region NGC 1333, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P84) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Preibisch T., Brown, A.G.A., Bridges, T., Guenther, E., Zinnecker, H., 2002 The star formation process in the Upper Scorpius OB association and implications for planet formation, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, A06) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Preibisch T., Schertl, D., Weigelt, G., Balega, Y., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of young jet- and outflow-sources, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, C02) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Weigelt, G., Preibisch, T., Schertl, D., Balega, Y., Smith, M.D., High-resolution studies of young molecular outflow sources, ESO workshop on The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View, ESO Astrophysics Symposia XXVII (2002) Weigelt, G., Blöcker, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Men'shchikov, A., Winters, J.M., Balega, Y.Y., Bispectrum speckle interferometry of IRC+10216: the dynamic evolution of the circumstellar environment from 1995 to 2001, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P37) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Weigelt, G., Hofmann, K.-H., Preibisch, T., Balega, Y.Y., Diffraction-limited bispectrum speckle interferometry of the Herbig Be star R Mon, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P40) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Weigelt, G., Beckmann, U., Blöcker, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Ohnaka, K., Schertl, D., Brewer, M.K., Schloerb, F., Efimov, Y.N., Shenavrin, V., Yudin, B., Berger, J., Lacasse, M., Millan-Gabet, R., Monnier, J., Morel, S., Pedretti, E., Traub, W., Malanushenko, V., Mennesson, B., Scholz, M., Spectro- interferometry of the Mira star T Cep with the IOTA interferometer and comparison with models, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P47) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Weis, K., Strings, jets and shocks in eta Carinae's ejecta, Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series (AGM 19, P43) Der kosmische Materiekreislauf Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sep 23-28, 2002, Berlin, Germany (Abstract) (2002) Yuan, F.: Luminous hot accretion disks, Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology, Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference held in Garching, Germany, 6-10 August 2001, 11, 485-487 (2002) .
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