MAILING LABEL ONLY WWW.BUTLERCOUNTYTRIBUNE.COM THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 2019 VOLUME 46 • ISSUE 39 Garage fire in rural Greene Football contest Car accident west winners announced of Dumont The second week’s football con- test winners are: First place, Kelly Thorne of Allison, who guessed all BY BETHANY CARSON team winners correctly and predict- tjstarnews@midamericapub.com ed an 11-point margin of victory for garage fire just into the Vikings, and second place, Bob Floyd County near the Hicken of Dumont who also pre- intersection of Floyd dicted all team winners correctly Line St. and Highway but predicted a nine-point margin 14 in rural Greene on of victory for the Vikings. The Vi- Sept.A 20 at 6:26 a.m. kept firemen on kings won by a 20-point margin. the scene for about 4.5 hours. The top prize is $20 football “The garage was a total loss, and bucks, and $15 in football bucks is a couple vehicles in there were lost. awarded for the second-place win- It got into the entryway of the house. ner. The prizes may be spent at any But that was as far as it got. The de- of the participating sponsors: J&C Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg (center) presents the Railroad Safety Week proclamation to Iowa Operation Lifesaver Director partments did a Grocery, Brad’s Pest Control, Dral- Francis Edeker as Operation Lifesaver board members look on. From left: Thomas Skinner, William Backoff, James good job saving le’s, Black Sheep Coffee Baa, Alli- Phinney, Jim Ewalt, Phillip Meraz, Rachel Maleh, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, Francis Edeker, Al Haubrich, Dale Amunson, it from there. The son Propane Gas, and Stirling Lawn Dave Huntley. (Bethany Carson Photo) main house had Care & Seamless Gutters some smoke dam- age,” said Butler Clarksville AMVETS Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg gives County Emergen- cy Management fish fry Sept. 28 Coordinator Chris Clarksville AMVETS will host Showalter. their fall fish fry from 4:30-7:30 Rail Safety Week The Greene SHOWALTER p.m., Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Ambulance and AMVETS Community Center in Fire Department, Clarksville Fire De- Clarksville. proclamation in Butler County partment, Charles City Fire Depart- ment, Marble Rock Fire Department, Floyd County Sheriff, Butler County Democrats to host BY BETHANY CARSON CERT and Butler County Emergency awards banquet tjstarnews@midamericapub.com Management responded on the scene. “Great job by all the departments to Butler County Democrats plan afety at rail crossings can get the fire contained so it didn’t cause to jointly honor State Sen. Eric Gid- be a matter of life and any more damage than was done,” said dens and State Rep. Dave Williams death, according to Iowa Showalter. with their Profiles in Political Cour- Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, On Sept. 21 at 8:22 p.m. there was age Award at their annual banquet who presented the Iowa an accident west of Dumont just over on Sept. 29 at the Greene Commu- Rail Safety week procla- into Franklin County. According to nity Center in Greene. mationS on behalf of Gov. Kim Reyn- the accident report, a Clarksville man The evening will begin with so- olds to a crowd of close to 60 people was travelling eastbound on Highway cial hour from 5-6 p.m., with din- at the Trains on the Farm museum in 3 when he began to swerve into the on- ner, speakers, and auction to follow. rural Clarksville on Monday morning, coming lane. He drifted into the ditch, The professionally-catered dinner Sept. 23. hitting a driveway access culvert. The features cavatelli alfredo (with a “Thank you for all the work that you vehicle went airborne and rolled once, vegetarian option) or roast beef and do educating drivers and pedestrians hitting a power line pole. mashed potatoes, and a dessert of on making safe decisions at railroad cake bites dipped in chocolate. The crossings,” Gregg said, addressing the See REPORTING: Page 3 public is welcome. Iowa Operation Lifesaver Board and For more information, see ad on State Coordinator Francis Edeker. “It’s back page. such a common situation that drivers face, especially in rural Iowa, but you Francis Edeker welcomes attendees to the 2019 Rail Safety Week Supervisors can almost take it for granted that the Proclamation. (Bethany Carson Photo). Community Chorus decisions that you make at those in- discuss roads to begin practices tersections and at those points really “You’re 20 times more likely to die Edeker welcomed the crowd with mean the difference between life and if you get hit by a train than by a car. opening remarks. BY BETHANY CARSON The Community Chorus of death.” It’s usually tragic, so you need to really “The theme for this safety week is tjstarnews@midamericapub.com Greene will begin practice for this The Rail Safety Week proclamation be aware that there are trains out there, ‘Stop Tragedies on the Tracks,’” Ede- year’s program at 6 p.m., Sunday, th cited the fact that three people were and yield to them,” said Edeker. ker said. “At Iowa Operation Lifesaver t the Butler County Oct. 6. This year marks the 50 year killed and three injured in highway Rail Safety Week, Sept. 22-28, 2019 we try to help you stop tragedies on the Supervisors meeting of Community Chorus, and this rail crossing crashes this year. Another is intended to raise awareness of these tracks.” on Tuesday, Sept. 17, year’s cantata is entitled, Ceremony eight people were killed and one in- dangers and encourage citizens to ob- the oath of office was of Candles. jured in pedestrian railroad trespassing serve caution as motorists or pedestri- administered to Assis- Any new or past members incidents. ans near tracks or trains. See RAIL SAFETY: Page 2 tantA Butler County Attorney David A. are encouraged to join. Practices Kuehner. Road work was discussed, will be held at St. Peter Lutheran and the supervisors approved flu shots Church, 324 E Traer St. in Greene. to be given, tentatively on Oct. 15, to Rae Asleson, former North Butler Kelsey Beasley all part time and full time employees, High School music instructor, will teaches as well as to any employee’s family be the director. Faces at North Butler third grade members who are on the county’s in- at North surance policy. Meet third grade teacher Kelsey BBeasleyeasley Butler Garage sales (Submitted BY BETHANY CARSON town. … I love being back to ROADS and sandwiches Photo) Engineer John Riherd said road tjstarnews@midamericapub.com that. It makes me feel at home.” Shell Rock Senior Living Aux- After graduating from high school, construction this season has been go- ing well with many resurfacing proj- iliary is hosting their third annu- elsey Beasley Beasley studied at Iowa State Univer- ects completed. al vendor/garage sale fundraiser joined North Butler sity, where she earned her Bachelor’s Road work was, at the time of the at The Meadow in Shell Rock on Elementary staff degree in elementary education with meeting, being done in New Hartford. Saturday, Sept. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 this year as a third- endorsements in math and reading, Millings from the project in New Hart- p.m. Pulled pork sandwiches will grade teacher. She graduating this May. ford are being hauled out to Orchid be available to the public again this finds motivation in She student-taught in the Iowa Lane and Railroad Street near Parkers- year beginning at 11 a.m. All pro- knowing she’s making a difference in City area at Prairie Point Middle K burg for use on ¾ mile of each road. ceeds will go to the Auxiliary to her students’ lives. School and at Clear Creek “We’re moving material there so help provide entertainment for the “I just had so many amazing teach- Elementary School when we do a stabilization project, the residents and buy needed items. ers who really inspired me. They went teaching third grade. material will already be there. People the extra mile, not just to teach, but to “With my student will see it there and expect that’s the get to know me as a person and help teaching placement, I finished product, but it’s not the fin- AMVETS flags in me become who I am today,” Beasley did love it. Those kids ished product,” Riherd said. said. “I want to give back to the kids were amazing. I love Clarksville In the future, the hope is the stabi- and make a difference in their lives.” in third grade how AMVETS flag sales have been lization project will pack four to six Growing up on an acreage between they start to be more moved to Tom Clark’s insurance inches into a hard dust-proof surface, the town of Hills (population 803) and independent, work office from their former location at which would be an improvement in Iowa City, Beasley attended Hills Ele- on their own,” Bea- Hometown Grocery. For more in- its own right. The road could also be mentary School. sley said. formation, call Bob Litterer at 319- potentially seal coated or paved in the “I love the small-town aspect…” 278-4042 or contact any AMVETS future. member. Beasley said. “I grew up in the coun- See BEASLEY:EY: try and attended elementary in a small Page 3 See SUPERVISORS: Page 3 SEE COVERAGE OF NORTH FARMING DANGERS: HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL BUTLER VOLLEYBALL, FOOTBALL, BURIED LINES POST FARM AT WILDER PARK IS OCT. 5 WITH AND CROSS COUNTRY TEAMS RISK; FARMING SEASON CAN OMELET BREAKFAST, BIKE RIDE $1 NEWSSTAND FROM LAST WEEK ..
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