THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 292 SHSasasaSHSBSaSHSHSHSHSaSHHHSaHHfiaSHSHSHSHSSSSSaSHSSHasaSHSHSZSESaSHSHSHSESHSHSaiSHSHSESHSHSH^^ [- I THE WEEK .5H5E5H5a52SH5asa5Z5H5E5a52S2SHSa5HSH52SHSHSa5SSa5aSHSa5HSH5a5iasa5HSH5HSa5H! JESSE' To Jasper Brent who was threatened and table for three months, be sure that Jim has coerced into a substitute position as winter sufficient energy and stamina for any ordeal. of this page, I am indeed grateful. For those And the second issue of the Juggler ar­ who called to say they would be pleased when rived ; a trifle—just a trifle—late but good. the regular correspondent returned, I bow To Waltah Lane, any outside inspiration my most gallant bow; and for those who which he might have, and the staff, the Week called to say Jasper made a far more inter­ extends felicitations. It has been reported esting column conductor, I smiled sweetly that the third issue is now in the making. If 9.nd thought with the Two Black Crows, the Scribblers fail to hold their weeldy ses­ "Probably we shouldn't have mentioned sion next Monday night it will be an omen. that." But if the book continues as late as its prede­ The mid-semester examinations have cessors, we'll be able to turn the scheduled come, seen, and conquered. Some professors Christmas number into a post-holiday enter­ hurl five questions for the quai-terly tests prise, competing for sales and jokes with the and I'eturn at the semesters with seven hand- Football Review. "Here you have a perma­ picked offerings. This proves that you nent record of the football team," is the Re­ should be able to answer five questions in one view salesman's chatter. Forewarned and all hour and seven questions in two hours. that sort of thing. Higher mathematics! One English instructor decided that he would enjoy having liis men The Southern California tickets have been memorize ninety-two names of authors. doled out, one to a man, for the small price Several conceived the brilliant idea of ar­ of $1.25 and tomorrow morning begins the ranging them alphabetically before taxing general exodus. Just what the odd pennies the mental apparatus, and when asked to as­ are for has never been explained, but we pre­ sign the authors to historic, periods they cried sume there'll be a fair return on the invest­ put indignantly, "Aw, you didn't tell us to ment in band music served with the much do that." Result: several pictul-esque condi­ advertised capes. Governor Len Small and tional grades. "Big Bill" Thompson with his bosom chum. But more important than football, exams, Super Andrew, have promised to come wav­ or absent wi'iters is Jim Shocknessy's alleged ing Notre Dame banners. The Mayor of Los attack of appendicitis. To those of you who Angeles will sit on the other side of the field. don't know him, Jim is a Senior, a leader of All in all it looks like a big day for the public charitable endeavor, and a ranking politi- servants. The double cuts which were cijan; to those of you who do know him, add scheduled for today drove enough back to your own knpwledge of his activities. How­ warrant opening both sides of the refectory. ever, Jim was seized with cramps and pains, Every club on the lot is calling for long rushed to St. Joe Hospital, swathed in ice lost brothers to come and make plans for that bags for a night, and turned out the next annual Christmas dance. To date Cleveland, morning for a return to classes. But the Chicago, New York, Wisconsin, Louisiana- damage had been done. Sorin Hall had been Mississippi, and Grand Rapids are assured informed that it was a question of hours be­ of entertainment. The incidentals of a ball­ fore his death. Excitement prevailed through room, orchestra, tickets, and guests have not the night but Jim sailed in the following been considered with much gravity, but morning, appendix and all. He insists that those details can come later. The fact re­ the surgeons refused to remove his innards, mains that everyone is going to dance—how because he was unable to stand the strain. and where? Why continue this unceasing But from one who has eaten with him at questioning ?—J.T.C. y mp-; THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 293 - FIRST ISSUE OF THE SANTA xMARIA I - NEXT WEEK'S EVENTS * APPEARS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •:••><>••••• •> • • • • • • The first quarterly issue of the Santa Friday, November 25—Movies — Washing­ Maria, published by the Notre Dame council ton hall—6:30 and 8:30 P. M. of the Knights of Columbus, appeared on the Sflfttrday—THE STUDENT TRIP to Chicago, campus Tuesday, Nov. 22. The new 44-page starting at 10:00 A. M. via the Chicago magazine, measuring eleven by seven inches —is a gi-eat improvement over the 32 pages, South Shore and South B^nd Railroad. ten by six inches, of last year. The University of Notre Dame versus The literary section of this number in­ the University -of Southern California cludes two articles: "The Metaphysics of football game—Soldiers' Field, Chicago— Fun" by Father Charles C. Miltner, C.S.C, 2:00 P. M. and "The Campus Council" by Prof. Charles The Chicago Club Dance—Grand ball­ Phillips; three poems: "Schemers" and room of the Stevens hotel—10:00 P. M. "Traveler's Song" by Jack Mullen, and Sunday—^Masses in the Sacred Heart Church"Dawn " by Dennis J. O'Neill; and a bur­ —6:00, 7:00, 8:30—Students' Mass, and lesque on one of the better loiown fairy-tales, called "Little Red Plush Ulster" by J. Mich­ 10:15 A. M.—Parish Mass. ael O'Reilly. Monday—^Meeting of the Scribblers—Court­ The ai't work is destinctive for the touch room of Hoynes hall—8:00 P. M. of Dick Harrington, who drew the heads for Miss.-La. Club meeting—Hoynes hall— seven new departments that are introduced 8:00 P. M. in this November issue. These new columns are: The Grand Knight's Chair, With the Tuesday—^Meeting of Notre Dame Council,Editor , On the Mezzanine, For the Good of Number 14'?7, ' Knights of Columbus— the Order, Paging Our Contributors, and Walsh hall basement—8:00 P. M. Athletics. Other art features of the maga­ Meeting of Le Cercle Francais—Hoynes zine are the numerous rich half-tones and hall—6:30 P. M. several cuts, notably those of the recent ban­ Meeting of the Circulation staff of The quet in the Rotary Room of th^ Oliver hotel. Santa Mama — 123 Sorin hall—6:45 Under the heading "Athletics" several in­ P.M. novations are incorporated, the most inter­ esting one being "Notre Dame in Athletics," JFednesdai/—Lectures by McCready Huston a feature presenting the pictures of varsity —Survey of the American . Magazine football men who are Knights. This depart­ Field^Washington hall—8:00 P. M. ment includes also a poem, "To the Memory Meeting of the Wranglers—Lemmonier of George Gipp," by John F. McMahon. Library~7:45 P. M. Leo R. Mclntyre is editor-in-chief of the Spanish Club—Hoynes hall—7:30 P. M. Santa Maria; Joseph V. Lenihan is business yftwday—Meeting of the Dance committee manager. of The East Pen Club—-224 Morrissey .J hall--7:45 P. M. PROMINENT GUESTS AT K. OF C. Two men, both well known in the Knights ^Meeting of the German Club—Hoynes of Columbus, were surprise guests at the han-^6:45 P. M. meeting last Tuesday night, November 22. Fr^ay-FmsT FRIDAY—Mass in the Sacred They were Grand Knight Carroll of De­ ^eart Church—6:20 A. M. troit, and Former State Deputy Manning. Both gentlemen have sons at the University. ,_{,?enediction—Church of the Sacred «e^7:30 P. M. 0 Walter Layne's Juggler came out Tuesday ^^^i^y—Mdvies—Washington hall — 6:30 night too late for a review. It will be re­ :^«^ ,8:30 P.M. viewed next week. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 293 - . A ^ <. • • • • • *^ "S* * *•• ••• * * • • • • FIRST ISSUE OF THE SANTA MARIA I NEXT WEEK'S EVENTS • APPEARS A A <>•'>'> ^* * * * *•* *•* * * *** *•* *•* *•* *** *•* *•* The first quarterly issue of the Santa Fridmj November 25—M.OV\QS — Washing- Maria, published by the Notre Dame council toiihall-6:30 and 8:30 P. M. of the Knights of Columbus, appeared on the campus Tuesday, Nov. 22. The new 44-page Saturdmj—^^^ STUDENT TRIP to Chicago, starting at 10:00 A. M. via the Chicago magazine, measuring eleven by seven inches South Shore and South Bqsyd Railroad. —is a great improvement over the 32 pages, ten by six inches, of last year. The Univei'sity of Notre Dame versus The literary section of this number in­ the University of Southern California cludes two articles: "The Metaphysics of football game—Soldiers' Field, Chicago— Fun" by Father Charles C. Miltner, C.S.C, 2:00 P. M. and "The Campus Council" by Prof. Charles The Chicago Club Dance—Grand ball­ Phillips; three poems: "Schemers" and room of the Stevens hotel—10:00 P. M. "Traveler's Song" by Jack Mullen, and Smday—^Masses in the Sacred Heart Church "Dawn" by Dennis J. O'Neill; and a bur­ —6:00, 7:00, 8:30—Students' Mass, and lesque on one of the better known fairy-tales, 10:15 A. M.—Parish Mass. called "Little Red Plush Ulster" by J. Mich­ ael O'Reilly. Monday—Meeting of the Scribblers—Court­ The art work is destinctive for the touch room of Hoyiies hall—8:00 P. M. of Dick Harrington, who drew the heads for Miss.-La. Club meeting—Hoynes hall— seven new departments that are introduced 8:00 P.
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