$2.50 25,000 Blue Chip Readers VOL. 41, NO. 2 An Independent Journal of Commentary JANUARY 25, 2009 GOP Takes Aim At Democrats Permanent Power By Arnold Hamilton As ususal, the pre-legislative ses- state district judges failed to turn up sion rhetoric was at times lofty. significant problems with frivolous House Speaker Chris Benge prom- lawsuits or overblown jury awards. ised an agenda that “promotes ideas Even so, Benge, Coffee and GOP leg- to move our state forward.” Senate islative leaders are working to devise President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee vowed a plan that would cut contingency to “deliver a new brand of government fees for trial lawyers – Coffee suggests in Oklahoma.” possibly capping them at 25%. Henry Their carefully-crafted, broad-brush vetoed a tort reform package in 2007 blueprints, however, belied an un- that would have capped non-economic mistakable, overarching goal of the damages [pain and suffering awards] Republican leadership that now con- at $300,000. trols both the House and Senate: per- In a throwback to the anti-union, manent political power. right-to-work campaign, Republican As the 2009 session opens with law- leaders proclaim tort reform would makers facing at least a $600 million throw open Oklahoma’s doors to budget shortfall, GOP strategists are business. pursuing an age-old, zero-sum politi- So what exactly did right-to-work cal game aimed at consolidating their produce? A few new lower paying jobs control of state government by crip- – distribution and call centers come pling Democrats for generations. to mind – but not the good-paying Republicans began successfully at- manufacturing jobs that historically tacking the Democratic coalition in were held by union members. 2001 when they persuaded state vot- For Republicans, overhauling the ers to embrace the anti-union right- civil justice system also curries favor to-work measure, delivering a knee- with their prime donors – big business buckling blow to organized labor, be especially difficult hurdle for so- overridden only once in his six years – by padlocking courthouse doors so already on the ropes in Oklahoma. ciety’s least affluent [poor] and least in office – a 2008 bill that tightened they can operate with impunity. In the four elections since, the GOP mobile [elderly], attacking yet another restrictions on abortion, including The effort to turn off the spigot of marched steadily toward dominance Democratic bloc. a requirement that women undergo trial lawyer contributions to Demo- of state government, seizing control At least two other proposals fit the an ultrasound before undergoing the crats would give the GOP an insur- of the House in 2004 and expanding Total Dominance strategy perfectly: pregnancy-ending procedure. mountable advantage. The state its advantage to 61-40 in the session term limits for secondary statewide It was the first override of a gover- Democratic Party spent much of last that opens Feb. 2. elected offices [the GOP has been nor’s veto in Oklahoma since 1994 year mired in debt, dependent on the After two years deadlocked at 24- mostly unsuccessful in these races, when Democrat David Walters was in national party to pay worker salaries. 24, Senate Republicans now own a 26- save the Corporation Commission] office. Even Chairman Ivan Holmes didn’t 22 edge, with the critically important and requiring parties to pay for their With the session [at press time] less draw a paycheck. Census and legislative redistricting own presidential primaries [Demo- than two weeks away, Democratic Holmes wants one of the party’s looming. cratic coffers are more often than not leaders in the House and Senate still biggest rainmakers, Oklahoma City The Republicans aren’t finished: empty]. had not been able to meet with Henry attorney Reggie Whitten, to take the Next in their crosshairs are three key It’s a brilliant blueprint that only to discuss strategy – a bad sign for party chairmanship. This is cata- Democratic constituencies – trial law- can be thwarted if a lame-duck Demo- those hoping the governor intends to strophic news for the GOP’s strategy: yers, teachers unions and the poor/el- cratic governor, Brad Henry, and reel- take the lead in thwarting legislation They know Whitten has the credibil- derly. ing Democratic legislative minorities aimed at destroying his party. ity, and the financial contacts, to get Goal No. 1: Enacting so-called “tort can unite – and remain united – in op- Of course, nice-guy Henry rarely has Democrats back in the game. reform,” which primarily is aimed at position to the GOP power play. displayed the stomach for the kind of Indeed, the prospect is so alarming cutting off the money supply to the “Our job,” says House Minority hardball politics that seemed to so that even the rabidly rightwing Daily Democrats’ biggest donors, trial law- Leader Danny Morgan, D-Prague, “is delight Keating. Moreover, Henry has Oklahoman editorial page found the yers. to pull the pin and toss.” made clear his approach to party poli- need to attack Whitten – even though Goal No. 2: Adopting controversial It’s not rocket science. It’s the tics: “My focus is on building a great he’s the antithesis of the stereotypi- education reforms such as “deregula- model perfected by former GOP Gov. state, not building a political party. I’ll cal high-profile, camera-mugging, tion” and “performance pay” that are Frank Keating, at a time when Repub- leave that to others.” egocentric trial lawyer. [See Observa- designed to pit school boards, admin- licans were a distinct minority in both GOP leaders in both the House and tions, page 2] istrators and teachers against each houses: Every time Keating vetoed a Senate put “tort reform” atop their No doubt, there are important, sub- other, splintering another of the Dem- bill, GOP lawmakers closed ranks and agendas, even though there is no cred- stantive bills among the 2,509 pre- ocrats’ core support groups. upheld it. That gave Keating and Re- ible evidence of a lawsuit epidemic in filed for this year’s session. In the Goal No. 3: Requiring all voters to publican legislators influence beyond Oklahoma, much less of runaway ju- end, all may be nothing more than a obtain and present a state-issued ID their numbers. ries delivering jackpot justice. sideshow to the GOP’s quest for Total card at the polls, a standard that can So far, Henry’s vetoes have been Indeed, a survey two years ago of Dominance. Observations Gagged Fresh from the takeover of the Leg- Whitten, an Oklahoma City attorney islature for the first time in history, who is one of the angels who rescued Republican leaders wasted no time the party. gagging the Democratic minority. Thanks to a do-nothing governor Sen. Glenn Coffee, Republican presi- [“it’s not my job to build a party”] dent pro tem, made conciliatory open- Democrats were about to lose their ing remarks, then proceeded to con- headquarters building when Whit- tradict virtually everything he said. ten joined ex-Gov. David Walters and This was no accident. TV cameras George Krumme in paying off the from across the state were rolling but mortgage. by the time it came for adoption of The Daily Disappointment has rules, only OETA was still in the press trashed Whitten because he is a tri- gallery. al lawyer who gave $25,000 for the The gag is so thorough, members Obama inauguration. will have to clear any amendment They made no mention of T. Boone or motion with majority leader Todd Pickens and Aubrey McClendon sup- Lamb, R-Edmond. plying millions so the Swift Boat liars Sen. Jay Paul Gumm, D-Durant, was could spend $30 million defaming not engaging in the right sort of play. More: “And when the last law is so angry he said the new Republican John Kerry. Education Week had an article on down, the Devil turned around on you majority were “hiding behind coward- Statehouse corruption under the the subject. In Germany, each week- – where would you hide Roper, the ly rules.” Ten consecutive Democratic GOP is limitless – from pay-for-play day, rain or shine, a group of children, laws all being flat? This country is amendments were tabled on motions bills to then-Speaker Lance Cargill’s ages three to six, walk into a forest planted thick with laws from coast to by Lamb. cabal siphoning $31,000 from the outside Frankfurt to sing songs, build coast – man’s law, not God’s – if you Don’t count on filibusters. Under state party. Try looking up the details fires and roll around in the mud. cut them down – and you’re just the the new rules, the majority leader can in the worst newspaper in America. To relax, they kick back on a giant man to do it – d’you really think you call a halt to any proceeding. How cheap was the shot? The Whit- “sofa” made of tree stumps and twigs, could stand upright in the winds that Coffee reminded the protesting ten editorial tried to scare off any pro- reports Mike Esterl for the Wall Street would blow? Yes, I’d give the Devil Democrats that four years earlier spective Whitten legal clients. Journal. Germany has about 700 the benefit of law for my own safety’s when Democrats were putting forth Chief Disappointment editorial “Waldkindergartens,” or “forest kin- sake.” new rules, every amendment offered writer J.E. McReynolds isn’t worthy of dergartens,” in which children spend It is especially galling when mem- by Sen. Jim Williamson, R-Tulsa, was shining Reggie Whitten’s shoes when their days outdoors no matter the bers of the media defame lawyers tabled.
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