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CHAPMAN flDtficial €)CQ:an of i^t %\xW\\qxi ^omiit^ Audubon Department Edited bv MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT VOLUME V—1903 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 'S7^2^ HARRISBURG, PA., AND NEW YORK CITV Copyright, 1903 By frank M. chapman INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME V BY AUTHORS Abbott, Clinton G. , A Christmas Bird Cen- Comey, Arthur C , and Griswold, Merrill, sus, i6 ; European Birds in America, A Christmas Bird Census, 11;. 163. Cooke, W. W., The Migration of War- Allen, Francis H., A Swimming Crow, blers, 188. 63. Cram, William Everett. See Selleck, Antes, Frank I., A Nuthatch's Nest, 196. George H. Arnold, Clarence M., A Robin's Defence Crosby, M. S., A Christmas Bird Census, of its Nest, 133. 16. Crosby, E. H., Dove's Nest on the Ground, Baily, William L., Treasurer, Report of, 133- 73- Davenport, E. B. Secretary, Report of, 208. Baird, Robert L. , A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 19. Davis, Edward M. See Comey, Arthur C. Barker, Samuel H., A Christmas Bird Dean, R. H., A Christmas Bird Census, Census, 18. 18. Barrows, Stella M., Secretary, Report of, Denwood, John, A Christmas Bird Cen- 208. sus, 15; Starling in Massachusetts, 133. Barrows, Mrs. F. K., Secretary, Report Dike, A. C, A Phoebe with Three Nests, of, 39. 198. Baynes, Ernest Harold, Photographs by, Dolbear, Mary E., Attracting Birds, 30. 55- Drummond, Mary, Secretary, Report of, Beck, R. H., Photograph by, 183. 172. Beebe, C. William, Some Notes on the Dutcher, William, The Wild Pigeon, Psychology of Birds, 127. Educational Leaflet by, 209. Bent, A. C, A North Dakota Slough, Dwight, J. Jr., Reviews by, 66, loi, 167, 146. 202; How Birds Molt, 156. Bildersee, Isaac, A Christmas Bird Census, 16. Esinger, C. E. See Jackson, Thomas. Blain, Alexander W., Jr., A Christmas Emerson, Guy, A Christmas Bird Census, • Bird Census, 19. .' + Bowdish, B. S., Photographs by, 13. Eustis, Richard S. See Turner, Howard M. Brennan, Charles F., A Christmas Bird Evans, Allen, Jr., and Rowland, Jr., A Census, 19. Winter Cardinal, 203. Brewster, William, A Tragedy in Nature, Evans, William B., A Christmas Bird 151. Census, 17. Bruen, Frank, Ford, R. W., and Newton, Fine, Jack, and West, Randolph, Manross, A Christmas Bird Census, A Christmas Bird Census, 17. IS- Fisher, A. K., Reviews by, 34, 67, 102, " 168, 203 ; Note on The Osprey," 169. Campbell, A. The Mound - Building J., Floyd, Charles B., A Christmas Bird Cen- Birds of Australia, 3. Carter, John D., A Christmas Bird Census, sus, 15. Ford, R. W. See Bruen, Frank. 17- Chapman, Frank M., A Christmas Bird Gannett, Lewis Stiles, A Christmas Bird Census, to Birds, 17, 194; How Study Census, 16. The Nesting Season, 25, 56, 89; Re- Gates, Burton W., Swallow's Nest on views by, 66, loi, 31, 33, 65, 134, 135, Board Boat, 198. 167, 201, 202; Editorials by, 68, 35, Glover, Helen W., Secretary, Report of, 40. 103, 136, 170, 188, The Bird Life 204; Griswold, Merrill. See Comey, Arthur C. of Cobb's Island, 109 ; An Island Eden, 175; Pine Grosbeak at Englewood, Hales, Henry, Mortality among Birds in N. J., 199. June, 164. Chnstensen, Abby, A Christmas Bird Cen- Harman, W. G., A Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 18. sus, 20. Clarke, Martha R., Secretary, Report of, Head, Anna, A Christmas Bird Census, 20; 139. Nesting of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Cleveland, Lilian; Nesting of the Indigo 52 ; Nesting Habits of Two Flycatchers Bunting, 87. at Lake Tahoe, 153. (Hi) Index Hix, George E., Red Crossbills in New Rogers, Charles H., A Christmas Bird Jersey in July, i66. Census, 16. Horton, Mrs. William C, Mortality Among Rowley, John, Photographs by, 46. Birds in June, 164. Hunt. Chreswell J., A Christmas Bird Saunders, A. A., A Christmas Bird Cen- Census, 18. sus, 16. Seebolds, J. E., Photograph by, 54. Jackson, Thomas, A Family of Barn Owls, Seeman, Ernest, A Christmas Bird Census, 47; The Turkey Vulture and its Young, 18. 184. Selleck, George H., and Cram, William Jackson, Thomas, Sharpless, Robert, and Everett, A Christmas Bird Census, 14. Esinger, C. E., A Christmas Bird Severson, Henry P., A Christmas Bird Census, 17. Census, 20. Jacobs, J. Warren, Mortality Among Birds Sharpless, Robert. See Jackson, Thomas. in June, 164. Smith, Theodore Clark, A Hermit Thrush Jones, Lynds, A Christmas Bird Census, 19. Song, 84. Smith, Wilbur F., The Carolina Wren at' Keeler, Charles, In the Haunts of New South Norwalk, Connecticut, 163. Zealand Birds, 114. Spalding, F. P., A Christmas Bird Census, Lee, Charlotte E., A Christmas Bird Cen- Stafford, Earle, The Brown Creeper, 203. sus, 16. Stone, C. F. A Large Phoebe's Nest, 200. Lord, William R., Mortality Among Birds Stupp, Fred J., A Christmas Bird Census, in June, 164. 16. MacSwain, John, A Christmas Bird Cen- Thayer, Abbott M., Mounted Birds in sus, 14. Illustration, 28. Manross, Newton. See Bruen, Frank. Thayer, Gerald H., The Mystery of the Maxon, William R., An Odd Nest-site of Black-billed Cuckoo, 143. the Chimney Swift, 133. Thompson, Dr. Joseph, The Tortugas McConnell, Harry B., A Christmas Bird Tern Colony, 77. Census, 19. Thomson, Harriet W., A Christmas Bird Mead, E. M., The Return of the Nuthatch, Census 19. 12. Trafton, Gilbert H., A Christmas Bird Miller, Richard F. , A Christmas Bird Cen- Census, 14. sus, 17. Turner, Howard M., and Eustis, Richard Miller, W. DeW., The Palm Warbler in S., A Christmas Bird Census, 15. New Jersey, 199. Murray-Aaron, Eugene, System in Field Vandeusen, C. S. See Packard, W. H. Records, 125. Van Note, George H., The Heath Hen in New Jersey, 50. Newell, Ida, A Christmas Bird Census, 19. Norris, W. M., Jr., A Christmas Bird Watson, Bertha B., A Piazza Bird List, Census, 17. 200. Webb, Roscoe J., Nest-Building Habits of Packard, W. H., and Vandeusen, C. S., A the Chickadee, 63. Christmas Bird Census, 19. Webster, Laurence J., MakingBird Friends, Palmer, T. S., Reviews by, Snowflakes Trees, 33, 67, 135, 9 ; in 64. 168,203; Bird Protection Abroad, 37, West, Randolph. See Fine, Jack. 105, 173. Wetmore, Alick, A Christmas Bird Cen- Patten, Jeanie Maury, Secretary, Report of, sus, 20. 207. Wilson, Burtis H., A Christmas Bird Cen- Parker, W. P., A Christmas Bird Census, sus, 19. Wilson, R. N., Treasurer, Report of, 38. Potts, F. A., A Christmas Bird Census, 20. Woodward, Magnolia, A Christmas Bird Purdum, C. C. , A Christmas Bird Census, Census, 18. 15- Wright, Horace W., A Christmas Bird Census, r4. Reed, RoyT., A Christmas Bird Census, Wright, Jane Atherton, The Loggerhead 18. Shrike in Massachusetts, 122. Robins, Julia Stockton, Secretary, Report Wright, Mabel Osgood, Editorials by, 36, of, 73. 70, 104, 137, 171, 205. INDEX TO CONTENTS Advisory Council, 21. California, 20, 46, 52, 64, 153, 173. ' A Hermit's Wild Friend,' reviewed, 201. Cardinal, figured, 197. Albatross, 121. Cassinia, reviewed, 167. Annerican Ornithologists' Union, Twenty- Catbird, nest figured, 88. first Congress of, 200. Catheturus lathami, 3. Anous stolidus, 78. Cedarbird, 25, 26. Anti-Sparrow Food Shelf, 30. Chaffinch, 163. Apteryx, 118. Chamberlain, Montague, portrait of, 195. Archaeopteryx, 93. Chickadee, 9, 27, 63. Attracting Birds, 30. Chicken, Sage, 166. Audubon Societies, Reports of (see under Cobb's Island, 109. Secretaries, Authors' Index). Condor, The, reviewed, 33, 67, 135, 168, Conference of, 208. 203 ._ Auk, The, reviewed, 66, loi, 167, 202. Connecticut, 15, 16, 40, 163. Australia, 105. Cooke, W. W., portrait of, 62. Coot, figured, 46, 146; nest figured, 147; Bagg, Egbert, portrait of, 24. 148. Bailey's ' Handbook of Birds of the Western Coues' 'Key to North American Birds,' United States,' Second Edition of, 204. note on, 34, 204. Barbour, E. H., portrait of , 62.
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