Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1950 Daily Egyptian 1950 3-2-1950 The gE yptian, March 02, 1950 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1950 Volume 31, Issue 23 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, March 02, 1950" (1950). March 1950. Paper 3. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1950/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1950 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1950 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , .... ' ", ,','i ~~~'&A~~~·.SOUrHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, ( Carbo'neWe, Illinois, March 2, i9~O * Vol. 31, No, 23 * Sin.glc Copy 51; ~ Here'·, Soon KOA. Show Scores Hit;· Council.Signs To' Edit nson and lohus for Dance March ·24 Obelisk W. S' • A .' d' ':The Gulie o( Ho~" Duke' Ellington, and his orchesi," B. Mifflin, a junior from In ervJce war 5 highHght an informal concert and dance on the campus was elected editor' of the ,...!' _ , and Norman March 24; The concert will be held in Shryock aud· Southern'& ~ Kappa Delta Alpha scored a hit J'"It nigtu with their 1S auditorium at . preceding .the dance in both the ~en's and women,":) Council at ~ talent-packed acts in one of the, most professional S!-udent ~a~ :~!!: DUKE ,f:LUNGroN, nationally popular Victor artist, who _ .•' ... _.~ .... shows ever presented on Southern's campus. The everung of Si; :tertainmeDts Dance will be sponsored by the here for a concert and dance under the auspices of the Friday, March 24.· The Duke is a Ihree-qrne winner of .the outstanding talent and staging was climaxed with the pres- commitlee. I!U~~ =i1'po~:~o~n~~~~r~~ . a~aro for the best popular composilion of the year, and entatio~ of the ....Service to Southern Awards to Phyllis Johnson . The preMmtation of liog the student with "hi!; money's three of his compositions aD IJw. Hit Parade simwtaneously. .. of Du Quoin and Bud Loftus Oflmen"5eIect.iOOSis worth .. from student activity funds, . d ba I Chicago. These two outstanding ieant since Miss I . according to Dave Rendleman. An- SoanI lea s· ~e fers . 5tUdeo~s were ch~ from the as one of the greatest DB junior. '"The CouJt:if is DOl in- e.,.." • Wi fono~n~ grbup of ten selected as all. tim~aYing set a teTested in making ally pmfit what- foreign Policy in 1950, F,orenslc In fio.lIn m tbe conle:;l; Mary 80s· over 300 performances in that I lsoever. In fact, we arc ~cn will- Keeping hW winning streak,. Tom too, Pat Colliga?, Mal)' Ellen Don· 1Before first appearing as the hero- ing to lose money on the affair ju~t S1GaD West Frinkfort speech stu. ahue, Mal)' Alice Ncwso~, Dave ine in Bizet's masterpiece.. she so that the Stddents can get their dent,' won his fourth indiVidual] Rendleman, Roben Odanlell, Bob ~tudied the original story by Pros- I money's worth ... Theme of IRe Convention contest in a' forensic meet A In. McCabe,· and Bill WateD. per Mcrrime very carefully, and I Victor·artist Ellinglon h th~ Dr. Samuel A Johnson, executive director of the St. diana Slate teacbeno collegd, 1erre Launehing the KDA Variety also . made a ~etailed study o( i author of many top tunes, amOn!; Louis council on world affairs and fonner news analyst HaUte. last wcek.":C'ml. according to Ishow last night was a chorus line Spanish 8Y~r bfe ",!",d cunoms of I which are old favorites 5UdJ as' Dr. C. Horton- Talley, chairman from Anthony Hall, led hY: Jooy Ithe era dunng which the opera "Mood Indigo," "Sophi~ticatctJ 61ation Lo,,-is, be the principal speaker KMOX. SI. will So~bem's speech d~partment.1 ~imbel1, Lou Diamond, KDA pre.. take. pl~ce., Lady." ~Moonglow," "1 Got fl the Mid-West International Relations club conference to be r ident. then ~ve a !>hort talk aJ¥l ·Se~on.k .to be presented here, Bali,''"' and· "It Don't Me-.m a .held here March '10-1 I. Dr. Johnson wjJI speak: on ·T~e DoT,!,O otherin So~thQ s~udcn~ introd. uced the maloter of ccrcmoo. include Ih~ overture, -Haballera," Thing." .These tune:; are !dman~ thc World Today" at 8 p.m .. March 10. I Do:t¥y~~tls:' ~:~: ::aso- ies. Curt Bradley. and "Seguidille and Duet" from :e,d:!'co~~~~~:I:d:6e i~~~Ix~:=. rr;~~;:;~;::;..'" The conference will begin. with mad. 'good f'C09rds at the lo!-,rney. First on the progr.im wa5 a • ' partment of WilJiamS Firestone regislTation of appro,umately 250 i I Selement WlI.5 c:ntered an ex· I dance bilnd made up of Southern store. students at the Student Center. March JO al 9 .a,m. President D. ~g. lIIioois musicians. follo","et! by I F S· iDuke of Hoi" MiM Schwinn WOn fiDt place in William turner. who :.ang ':Dark- or pring Nickname of "Duke of H"t" ~-'"+·"-"~Il :g'~~= ;:J~h~i~~:i~g~: . among J6 colleges repre. oCM On ,the Delta." Perfomun!! on 'was derived when he was inlro- tbat .afternoon. at the meet,. Sloan won the manmba was Lowcnp Cook. duced to the present Duke o{ aher-dinner speaking. lJIe -A (juartet {rom no.,'lc dormi_ ~~~: ~II~; :~. fi~ tF!~~ of bis speech Will; "How'? tory sang "I've lken' WQrl.ing on' ~oward ha~ .been boa~cd 1943. featuring the Duke's own InstructoD from 'Apes. the Railroad" in bart!crsbop slyle. for [hc' Sprmg, Fesllval composition:i. Th"- has now' tx: •. '"Foreign' POlicy in I950-Hopes A- B. MIFFLIN . was n:ted a "pt;rfect IPi Kappa Sigma !>Orority wa~ rep- ~nccrt, Apnl 2.9 •. Bo.b come an annual evenl. 'Pmvil1g and DimgcD: 10 wO,men Ii aft~.:.r:I.mner resented by an act titled "Slaughter cbalffil~n, announced thIS the Duire's contention that modern C4ffee .HolllS and of :;~.:~:: ~~~:~ =uca~ and tied ~: ~: ~~e:n~ ~:;~{~~'!~ K=~! _ . American music is just as much at DR SAMUEL JOHNSON C.offee nOUT5 and an z11 school and art and IS IlpecializiDg Miss Guns won two Werner, the ~ tured soloist of lhe. Spring ear:hw.1 has. been home in ~ ~necrt ha.1l a§ in the n ~',~~, T"h". ~I.~~ed wfho'~h .en,:ertat • drafung and dcslgn three decisions in women's lasl band contrt, appeared next 'I new name bythe steering dance. audl~num. .. ..- ~ h . aceordUl!l "l' Bob Kts:. • Ellington Ii ~rchestnl . has a~!oO Six Still in Running sponsored bv the WSC and Other applicants for-4:he year· Sloan has not been deCeated thiS on t e pro,gram ., f general chairman of" the ~veo cooceru 10 the. Ch~go. Ov. • ternauonal Relil.tlon~ club. book edltOr.;hW were Jean Baker, f the di d I A tap and song speCiallY utledt From now 00 the annual le.Opera. San ~ra~s Phllhar_ In ISA Sweetheart Ruce held at "130 pm March and James LandolL r: I; a~ °enter~n VI ua coo- Thou SWc!'--TIII,lU-Prelly" was I . will be called the Spring Fes- Om,O"M""haI,.,. \~~tilo!deSlyPmh~ph""'O"Y' dh~Y" • a banquet !dod a luncheon I for the associate ed- e given by Tom!Jerry and Albena -. ~ .. .. '\> S!X !Wls \\ere chosen last Wed. served to all delegates dunng WIll be accepted at Debate tournament teams epler· Smith followed by a hill-blih com.1 The Hollywood Bowl and many nesday as seml-finahSUi In tile ISA conference Aid 8ud Loftus, ed m the contest were John Miller, IC wn'ce ClIlled "Chicken R~I" per- NORMAN KELLY ~culture c~ub ~ decided to oth~: • ~~:~t:~I::t:t ~~:':I'B~~~;- v.1~O~C~'!:~I~~e h~~(;~;ntC:e ~: PublicabOns Coun· ~h~u;::~~eall Myers. and ~:~ by Joe Piggot and Mildred 1the first act, "Gypsy Song." ~~!I~~:~ ~::~:n= ~~ D~~ri:O~~~um=e~~:::\!~~ 1y ~~Irne. He~, Pat Kel.I •. Cen' enlallon of rou~d table reportli Spr!ng tenn. Southern's debat· The Modem Dance clUlrSbOWedl'Flo;:,er Song," fro.ffi act IJ, " Spri~g. Festival. The club's anD~ of England, Scotland: Franc~ .. tralaa, Luann Miller: Hemn. De-! lo~ed. by a b~mess meetmg will tour to Augustana COllege, its accomplishments in an exbibi- Song (rom the third act; and the af~atr IS usually a gala one wtllch. Switzerlaod, and BelgIUm. H.. ~ ~ore; Sh!lfp, .Benton: and Calher~ r.hd,Wc$t offlccrs will be bland, for the state debate tion of modem dancing. Alma death 5Cene from act IV. bnngs many people to ~thern. name has become synony",l0us In toe Vcnegom, C~nstophe~. were and nCAt ),ear"s conference . p/,a~' Nordmeyer foJlowed with a blUe:; PrognJm. Monda)' . The Spring "Festival steering com· Europe with American musIc more ~~Ii;~~ a flCld of _3 who I~:~C regional at ~Ic~~m~naglon ~: 5Ong. ~e De}ta.~~St~ave {:e~hi:~' I~~~ pr~g;::/nwi~~beoc~:e~~ ~it~:I:n~ ~;..:~:~ ~:ue!h ~~ th-: ~:90'!e: ;~~on band was From tbese .six, one girl will he Iplanned' most of tbe ' . 3~. 31, and ~pr. ~. ~eJ::taBoo~. ~ith t~e ;:~ dance with "I ~.o~tri MO!,ti," from '.-11 faiD [0 combi.ne them in B festi?" rated second. in the nation by Down. chosen to reprC5ent Soutbem at lhe Ihe conference. illinOiS, and Ob~6 will b}' Marh~'n Martell and Harvie Trovatore. by Verdi, sung by MISS Thus the name was changed. Beat magazine. This contest W~ National ,Independcnl Student ~~'I ficers are Southern three.
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