illY" .. • Thursday, June 10, 1965 THE JEWISH POST THE JEWISH POST Thursd"y, June 10, 1965 Page Three Page Two , ..,. Mizrachi\¥omen Herz/ia New ~xecutive Eleeled U~A CLOSING NEXT WED'NESDAY 9 to 6, as well as the newly instituted M'or/( 25th Year JewiSH POST the. Editor~. s~" Des"-" . .. , .. Hebrew high' school. N'ight sessionS will continue' to be five sessions The-oldest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada per week. (Issued weekly in the Inte~tB of Jewish Community activities Herzlia also conducts a youth in Winnipeg and Western Canada) program through affiliation with Member of Ule Jewish Telegraphic Agency National Conference of Synagogue Youth. t· "'ubU.hed eVery ThlU'Bday b, EMPmE PRINTERS LTD. The new slate of officers includes: "'rlnters and I'ubllsheN , president, I. Zalik; immediate Mo,1 RUPERT SHRIAR, Ph.D,- LEO J. LEZACK ljlresident, Sam Pesochin; hOllOr,al'}' I­ Editor • Ad•• rtlsln .. Manager Dr.Y~Qcoy ""rzQg~.- Man,. in the.. .'News vice - president, Fred Kravetsky; Head Office: 1244 Main St., Winnipeg 4, Canada executive vice-president, 'Dr. I. Subscription: $4.00 per annum Since biblical times, no public figure on the as Israeli Minis-ter to the U:S.A. and from then Kleinberg; 1st vice-president, Gor­ .' Phone JU 9-7331 Eve. t'hone HU 9-2989 Jewish scene has combinedqua:lities Of statesman­ unti!l June, 1963, as Israeli Ambass'ador to Can­ don P~llock; honorary secretary­ Authorized aa iecond elass mail by the Post Office Department. ship and Jewish learning as hl!-rInonious'ly as 'has ada. Since then the has .been one of the key­ treasurer, Nathan Rothstein; secre­ Ottawa. aud for payment of pooitage In ....b Dr. Y-aacov Herzog, the. new Chief' Rabbi in members of the political directorate of Israel's tary-treasurer, Sid Halpern; record­ Britain. Foreign Ministry with reSlponsibility f-or' UN, ing secretary. Mrs. Elvie Blum; . '. ,', The son of the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, British Commonwe~ltlh and Midd~e EaStt affairs. financial chairman, Max Weinstein; the late Rabbi ~" I. Herzog, Yaacov Herz9g has He accompanied Mr: Eshkol on the latter'~. visit educational chairman, Harry M;tch­ LEN UD~W . .. " The Queen 'and Germany to the United States last year an4 on his recent ell; educational committee, Dr. combined in his 44 years ~e highest level of Winnip!"g's UJA Canvass~rs were "It's really a wonder I haven't dropped J' ewish religious studies with a close association visit to London. ISRAEL ZALIK K?wall, Dr. S. Kantor, Mrs. G. DeStpite strenuouS diptomatic duties, Dr. urged this week to complete all , aU my ideals, ·because they seem so absurd with Israel's former Prime Minister, Mr. David Herzli A d 'I1 . Mlloff, Mrs ...E. Weinstein; house their assignments in time for the Herzog has regularly 'Continued his Talmudic a ca emy WI operate Its chairman, R. Waism;m' legal ad ~EBITZEN SARAH HERSON ner is slated for 6:30 p.m. at the and impossH?1e to carrY out.. Yet I ,keep Ben~Gurion, and with -her present Prime Minister, celebration of the drive's close next studies. For many years he gave weekly Talmud day school and night school cIa:sses' H G"I ' - Shaarey Zedek Synagogue. them 'lJeClRuse, in spite Of everything, I Mr .. Levi Eshkol. ,. in S~uth W. VIsor, . ml»; scouts and cubs Weclnesday, June 16. g Presiding will ·be drive chairman stm believe that people are really good 1921, lessons on the Israeli radio and .at ,the present b . thi mn.lpe on an expanded Dr. L. Kahane; ritual committe~ Born in Dublin, in Yaa~ov Herzog emi­ time he gives a weekly TaJlmud shiur to twenty . aSls· d sJ corrung term, it was an- chairman, H. Silherg; ritual com- The occasion will be marked with Joseph Seeter. Guest artist will be at heart." grated to Israel in 1938. His Talmudic education -Anne Frank, in her Diary.. lawyers in Jemsalem where he Jives with :his nounce une 7, at the annual meet- 'tt MS' I a dinner, to be addressed 'by Sol folk singer-guitarist t,en Udow. incJludect studies at the Yei?h1vah Etz Ohaim, in ing of Herzlia-Adas Y sh "- I mI. ee, ' plge man, Dr. H. Kahan- Granek at Montreal, national execu­ wife ~nd two cl1ild;ren. e urun '-"'... - 'ovltch S Gruber S Hal B CanVassers for the UJA in all LOndon, and 'betWe!ln. 1939 and 1948 he acted gregation. Israel Zalik was re-' " ". pern, . The nature of the Chief Rabbinate is not tive vice-president of the Zionist divisions have bern invited as guests ,Few human dramas have so moved the world as fellow at the,Harry Fishel Instittitefor Higher elected president of the can e a- Kurtz, F .. Kravetsky; SOCIal ~hair-. Talmudic Research in Jerusa1em. rea!Hy defined by the contract Dr. Herzog will tion. gr g man, Mel Neuman, co-chaIrmen, Organizatipn of Montreal.. The din- of the UJA campaign corrunittee. as th~ wartime diary' kept by an ebullient young, I ' •• •••. "l'h' Mrs, Belle Stern, A. Chamish' pub Among his teachers, in addition to his father, enter into and neither are its powers. It becomes girl who was to die, at 15, in a Nazi concentration what he makes it. He can assure its prestige Ad'e congregahon '. operates Herz1ia licity' Harold H yman . speCIal.' pro-- camp. were Professor Sawl Ubernl'an, head Of the Fislhel ca emy m cooperatlOn with the J'ects Lo Elk' ' . and the esteem of the entire community, by Talmud Torah. ' ~ m. There are not many Anne Fra.nks in the world, Institute, and RaJbbi Do'v Kook, brother of the exercising patience, tolerance, perseverance, Tw ' ExecutIve at large: Dr, H, Trege- IY HENRY LEONARD Illite Chief Rabbi ~ook. He received 'his main o pre-nursery classes (one more bov Dr A M Ik' 0 C M Ik' but thete is perhaps 'a lit,tle 'bit of Anne Frank vision and courage. He can make Judaism a tha It) f 12 h'l ' . a m, r, . a m iq most of us. And it is in this - in the capacity Talmudic training during four years of private meaningful force in the life of the Jew in Briuain. n as year 0 C I dren each M. Solomon, P. Schachter H. Mo .' to find the good in life, to cherish and believe study with the hit!) renowned Gaon, Isser Zalma'll If 'he can do this he. migiht a't the same time have :been completed as well as the S. Zinman B. Blum M 'R d rns,. Meltzer, of Jerusalem, f'rom wl),om he received monung and afternoon nurse ' ,. u er, Dr. in it - t~~t lies the ;,-"easol). for Queen E'lizaQ~th's help make it more meaningful everywhere. Cer­ I ".1.. ry I A. Frankel, Dr. J. Matas J Boxer c asses Whu 24 children to each class. A Ri h G Kr . W ,. , r~ent VIsit to West Germany where slhe was Semicha. tainly he has the attr~'butesof intellect and energy Th' . I . c, . aWltz, m. Tax H .enthusiastically received. " As a result of his research at the Fislhel Insti­ to embark on such a co.urse. ere IS now a waltmg list for pre-I Brumer, A. Silverman, Leon &ber' . But it is unfortunate that the Queen was tu-te, he publi's-hed .in 1946, the first P!1rt of an nursery and nursery classes, but J. Panter S. Stern M S Z' ' there are a number of openings In ' ,rs. Inman, 'used by her Pdme Minister to eXtPress sympathy English n-al),slation and cqmmentarY of the , · d ~ lass . Mrs. M. Solomon, Mrs. M. Stern 'for the reunificaiiQ;n of. Germany, which inter­ Mishna. the kIn. erga.l.'l.en. ' c . MrS.· N . PoI lack, F. Kravetsky," ·B. • ",. ! .' .- ·To Breale. or N-ot to Break? jected';her ~ntQ a highly eXplosive politiCal issue. General Education RegIStratlons are also being ac- Luffman, Dr, P. Barnes, H. Pollack, Many, in~luding 'Ilhe Telegram, 'are opPosed Yaacov Her~og recejviP ,l),is s~l.!'l1,tr education . Mter the tete- a - tete talks between. King ·cepted. for day sessions Grade 1.and Wm. Holt, L. Sedletsky, Sid Sionim, I to reunification at the present time and ean at the Universities of London, Jerusa:lem, and Hassan of Morocco and the Allgerian President, 2, and for night sessions Grades l' H. Miloff. MRS. I: 'WOLINSKY understand the Soviet's repugnan~ to reunifica­ Ottawa. His impressive array of degrees include .A!hmed Ben Bena, in Saidia on May 12, the Moroc­ Mizrachi-Hapael Ham i z rae h i tion after what was perpetrated in two wars on the LL.M., D.E.S.D., and LL.D., and he is a can king is to confer with 1Jhe Tunisian President, Women's Organization of Winnipeg, Russian soil. member of the Israeli Bar. His doctorate was Habib Bourguiba, from June 10 to 17 when he Hadassoh Reviews Year's Activity founded -by Rebitzen Sarah Herson will celebrate its 25th anniversary a; Sins of the Fathe~ • received at Ottawa University, wlhHe serving as wiH be paying an official visit to Morocco. Over 750 Hadassah women at­ . This does not mean, of course, that we are I'sraeli Ambassador to Canada, for 18. thesis on Of major importance during these talks will tended the annual Give or Get din­ a dinner Tuesday, June 15, at 6:30 not prepared to forgive. It would 'be unjust to "bh.e evolution of United Nations thought ,in the be the question of North Mrican attitudes to ner, hosted for the 22nd year by p.m.
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