he art to heart ''Great peace have JulyZ014Voi.&J No.7 C..m,.llcatlollDlnrtor/tdltor S!On Jen"'n jensen.sttln advt'ntist.ca those who love your AltDirtctor Jo.ln Tanasiy<huk wrwsJychukJo;ln ��·��a AdMlugtr/Clradadoll A•mee Pe<ez law; nothing can make �re1.a1m�>3dventl�tca : m� n qe�advenllst.c.a CopyEditor v.-..,.., Mlokov•dl them stumble.'' meswngt?l\iadwntlst.Gl The Maseaflr�AdrMtlst --1he offlclaiiM<Jillineofmo S<>vonth day Advont \1 -Psalm 119:165, ESV Chorchin Cdl'\dda-is publ ,.,.,4!d12 1ime5 per VC>l'· FI'C<'SDACC to rnembors.Annual fO<olqn wtxcr ptlanp rko: US20. Prlntr-dby IJ.or�cl•l'r�• Umitt:dISSN 0702·S084.1ndO>IedIn theS '-""'nlh­ d6yAdventi)l Ptriodiul lndex. Membor oltheA•soc-!ot<d Church Press and theGlMdlrtnChurch Pteu. Peace Seveth·dayAlhentist eace is an interesting word. It can be about relationships bnwcern ChurchIn canada copl�.:or it can be about one pnson-you or me. p 1148 King Str.. t Ea\1 Lately, l've been thinking a lor about peace. Just hearing the:: O.""w•ON l1H 1H8 P phone90SJH3�11fax90SH33.0!182 word brings a sense of calm. We need more peace within us personally PmidltltM•rlc Johnson as well as in our rela tionships. Peace cannot exist between people until johnson.mark>acJ,I!Illbt.c.o there is peace within ar least one of them. VP Adlnht�o.mlel StOJ.l'l()YlC During His ministry Jesus spoke of peace: "Blessed are the peace­ stojon<Wtc.d.lnlolodvt>ntl\l.G for rhey shall be sons of (M rt. 5:9, ESV). The VPfluno Joyu,Jo•,.,. jones.joy<t-loildwntlstu makers,peacc::ful person illustratescalled what God isGod" like. at home,a at work. our Gtntral VPDennis Ma•>h dll shopping-you gee che idea. Being around someone with char inner m.ltshall.denru��dventt�t..ca quality of peace is wonderfully c lming, isn't ir? a Perhaps you'v.:had the same experience I've had.just now I'm Confen!nces chinking of a person I met 40 years ago halfway around the world. AIMrA58208 f.liqhw•y 2A. L.l<Ombo. AS TAL lGS.phm"' 4031342-5044 She was a pascor's wife. Her husband had passed away. bur now she llritlsh CoSox ..lllllla I 000, 1\bbotsford,V2S BC was livng with her ehildrc::n who were missionaries in Manila. She was 4P5. phone6041853-5•5 1 rhe essencei be a p ce aker of peace. Knowing her made me wish to ea m . MAn� IOOAVlaorlaAvenue. \'<fhcnevcr opportunity arose, I chose to be n�.:arher because inv iably !taol<atoon,5K S7 N OZ8. phone31J0/244·9700 ar she was surrounded by n atmosphere ofealm. IUrlt'- 121 S•lfsbutyllo.KI Mon on, NSE•E : A6,pt1oM 5061'85718722 It doesn't rake:much a to destroy peace:.I've: s n people::who managed ct c:c:: Newfondlud11)41Top>diiRd,MountP<dll Nl tO do rhac in seconds. \Vords we usc, anirudcs we project, or chc way foiNSE9, phO<re709n4!HOS I we carry ourselves either build or banish peace:. It is interc::sting that Olllllrlo I '10 Kmg St""'tE.Ht, Oshowo, ON L1H the psalm says char peace is related co God's law. nderstanding and IH8.phon<'9051571 1022 follo wing God's will brings peace. How sad iris whenU we seek m avoid CIHbK940 (h Ch•mbly,Longueul\ OC 14H 3M3. piiOnt'450165 1·5222 rhe plain reaching of the Word in an am:mpr to findh ppiness. It never a canadiMCo Unlftrslty .... 5-115 Co lleqe Ave.. works, because lasting peace cannot come ro one who minimizes God. Locombo.AB T4L 2ES.ph. ,...4031782·3381 \Vouldn't it be wonderful if each and every one of us were known as pe emakers? • DNdHnes ac Septombo<, ...., lllly2 Mark Johnson is president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada ()(robom>u<! AopsU N"""mberlssuo s.,t.-2 Posunestrr.Please rtt\lra undeliftribl� Ca:ntcf11nM«u.stt to AltsJN9ffJ.Ubs.c:riptiol", n•UiogSt.E.OShiWI,OH L1H1H8 2 July 2014 a July 2014 The coverphoto is of Ontario Conference School of Evangelism graduates, Linton and PauletteHaughton. One of the firstgraduates, Rodrigo Alvarez,is pictured in the table of content photoabove . llfj July 2014 3 A Better Upcoming Events 2014 World Canada $2000 Awards For Students The Jackson Humanitarian Award Students Today. leaders Tomorrow. A Better World's Student division, "Tomorrow's EDGE" has established five travel awards to recognize and train students$2000 between the ages of and who are engaged in humani­ tarian causes17 locally25 and globally. The students will travel to project sites, learn, develop and implement humanitarian projects. The award is named in honour of Dan and Donna Jackson's dedication to young people and humanitarian service. or ApplyFo details nominate please visit by www November.abwcanad 30a, .2014ca or contactr Rob Weich 1 [email protected] 1 403.350.95 74. Medical Mission Trip November 3- November 17, 2014 Spend 14 unforgettable days in Kenya with A Better World Needed: Doctors, Nurses, Dentists and any health care profes­ sionals are welcome. We are also looking for a sup­ port team of non-medical personnel to join this trip. To: • Provide training for local health care workers • Assist in the dinics built by A Better World • Serve in rural medical camps Team Leaders: Dr. Ray and Deryl Comeau Dr. Ray Comeau has been a family physician in Cen­ tral Alberta for years and has a special interest in tropical diseases25 and travel medicine. Deryl Comeau is an RN with over years experience. Together they have led medical30 teams for the past nine years. A Better World Canada www.abwcanada.ca ndI Street Lacombe AB 403.782.0325 I #103 5033 52 always welcomed mothers with their children nounced a blessing on the children. ne of the sticky dilemmas that a caring Since com in� ro that conclusion in my minisrry, l h:we church wrestles with at timc:s is knowing found that we can resolve: such sim3tions by having the 0 how to respond to someone from the parents make a choice bcrwccn a blessing fromthe pastor community. non-practicing members, and dcdu:aring their child ro God. I am sure Jesus never or faithful grandparenrs who wanr to have a dedication turned away a parent with a child bur rook the children service for a child. up in hi lap and pronounced a blessing on the:yow1g Over the years this has been �n issue in several of my lh·es. thats they would grow and become all that God churches. Seeking to encourage the yow1g parents or wanted them to be. grandparents, I alway leaned toward agreeing ro hold \'<'hen an inacth•e AdYenrist, non-member, or the:sc:rvicc.:, y c:t deep inside:s there was that grandpan:m to have:the child dedc ted, I tell thar s:�id,A b:�by dedication is :1 commitmentsomcrhing of the: parcnrs individual chen::asks:�rc rwo services we performi a for children, o co child t love the lord within a o�ph r a baby blc.:ssing or a baby dedication. Usually arc of theraise Sc:vemh-da)' the Adventist Church. the tm e c: dclighrc:d ar the option of a baby blessing. l encouragethey l have:noticed that many members within our thcm to ho�t the service:in their home:�and suggcst they congregations are often uncomfortable wirh having invite their friends. The home is a more comfortable thcir pastors dcdicatc childrcn of parcnts setting for people who may not be used to church. know will most likely never come throughwho the rhqdoor� of However, if they insist they want rhe �ervice in the the:church again.ln �omc culture� the: dedication of church. I an1 not opposed tO burT lc:rcvc:ryon<: children of single mom� or community friends is held know what 1 am doing. rhar, outside the sancruary in one of the rooms, After a few opening words of welcome, l share a thereby marking a differencebetween church the services. Bible cncouragcmenr for parents, take the child in mr I faced the dilc:mmawith fairhful grandparents who lap. and have a prayer of blessing. The church gives wanted to dedicate thm grandchild. Their daughter-in­ them a card, small gift. and ilwites to Sabbath law was a con�cicnrious mothcr. bur her husband was 3 school. The famil) usually has lightthem refrc�hmcnts for former member who was going along but was no longer those arrendmg, and in the positive atmosphere of the interested in the church. Oftenpastors yield to the: request home, the family cxprcss�:sgratitude to the: because they trust it will encourage the parents. Surely, it Adventist Churchusually for caring for their family. pl asc:sthe grandpan:nt�.How<:vcr. the pastor still docs not God loves th�:children, and thcy may not be able to fedc completely comfortable=about performingthe scn•ice. choose their �:archly parents, but they do have 3 caring One day, as Twas reflecting on this challenge, a light heavenly Father who we can picture went on m my head: always welcomed mothers placing His loving arms around them with their children andJesus pronounced a bkssing on the and giving them a big hug. • childrcn.Jcsu� giving a blessing was ddTcrcntthan a t:hild being taken ro temple for dedication. When Ken Corkum is president of the Seventh­ children were dedicated,the they were taken to the temple day Adventist Church inNewf oundland.
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