a ! L Copy Available blue riik;k U7I riix;e KDITION THE KENTUCKY KERNEL EDITION UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLUME XIX LEXINGTON. KY., APRIL :». 1929 Nil WILDCAT CINDER Taking the Trail at Blue Ridffe ANNUAL JUNIOR Hall at Blue Ridsre TEAMS PREPARE 0 PROM TO BE HELD o TO GIVE TALKS FOR DUAL MEET IN GYMTONIGHT AT BLUE RIDGE Varsity and Frosh Track Men Junior Class Formal Dance Fletcher llrockm:m. T. Z. Koo. j Will Open Season Hai- Promises to Be Elaborate IK Henry ( rane \rc Social Event ti relay on St oil Field on 1 \M\\ I'roumm is BATES OWENS I. FADS KATHLEEN PITCH STUDENTS wil l. MEET ( AT SQUAD IN FORM ILL} CAN NOT ATTEND! LEADERS PERSONALLY Lexington Youth Heads Field Coronation of QMM Will Not Srhcrltilc Also Include \Janv \. Most Probable Win- Take Place; Special No- Social Occasion and net1 of Day Planned Contacts By Wayman Thomawon The Junior Prom. annual feature The Student Conference at Blue of the University social calendar. Inr the summer of 1929 is pre- Coach Bernie Shively sped his | WW. be held tonight In thr Mpii 'I pared to announce as its speakers Wildcat tracksters through their the venlr Blur Rirlg intains offer* gymnasium. It promises to Horse hark riding through j be one A few of the Blue Ridge Y. M. ('. A. delegates out for an afternoon Fletcher Brockman. Christian world tryouts Thursday for places on of the most outstanding dances of '.iic-man; final hour<< of untold delight to the many delegate* who attend the annua sunning on the lawn in front of Lee Hall, the main building for the T. Z. Koo, interpreter the year, according to nn announce- of the Orient to the West and ini- the team which will oppose George- Y. M. ('. A. conference. Blue Ridge Mountain Association. ment made yesterday by the com- mitable in his presentation of the town in a dual meet on Stoll field mittee on arrangements. heart of the Christian message, and Due to the Illness of Miss Kath- Dr. Henry Crane, regarded as the will leen Fitch, who was chosen by a most acceptable speaker today to Remote Control Studio Stroller Premiere "Square students of the eastern colleges in < WHAS vote of the Junior class as Ju- and a of nior Queen, < universities. Two other speakers of the same day. Prom the oronation will not take place during the a similar calibre will be announced This doubleheader- dual -meet Is the Is Operated on U. K. Campus da nee, but her election will be Crooks" Is Marked Success later. first offering of the season to track announced and a special no-break Realizing that certain major life followers and although there will be will be held In her honor. adjustments confront the students Quartet Sinjrs for Initial Pro- no derby candidates present, it is The election of a Junior Prom during their four years in college, Local Leased and that expected to attract a lot of atten- gram from ENGINEERS PLAN Queen is an innovation at the Uni- MAY QUEEN fOlEl^dSwsr they must decide what they tion. Hayes Owens, by virtue of a Wire Station versity, although it has been the Guijrnol Theater are going to do about vocation, scintillating three-quarters workout custom for several years in North- girls, religion, the church, education, SOUTHERN TOUR WILL BE APRIL 24 etc., all on Tuesday, leads the field as the PRESIDENT McVEY IS ern and Eastern colleges. The offi- RUTH BONNIN, ANDREW baffling experiences, and cers of the Junior class tnat m0St °* the students are PUZ- most probable winner of the day. hope the ur\r\\TT?n nr-m 4 a n He galloped the distance in 3:25 and INAUGURAL SPEAKER Junior Mechanicals Leave for custom will become permanent on Nominations for Queen of HOOVER HEAD CASTjZled by the difficulties involved and 1 make choices his stock in the mile event went Inspection of Mines and the University campus. May Day Festivities Must blindly and disastrous- Talks Will Be Is ly the leaders of the booming as Georgetown is reported Agricultural This dance is to be strictly Frank Davidson Director; Plants April 21; Faculty formal, Be In April 1 Signatures 1 ; have secured these men to guide to be weak in the distance events. Broadcast ; Music Hour on and no one will be admitted except Play Will Run Through Members to Head Trip. of Twenty Boys Required. students in these important phases Twaddell will trot along with Nights those in formal attire, and having Saturday Night of life. Owens for company in this event a bid. Bids have been placed in on Saturday. He received his train- Three faculty members and 23 Nominations for the Queen of the With adequate provision for per- The University remote control mail boxes of members of the Ju- By Jessie Marie Sun ing on the Cincinnati Gym Club students will compose the party for nior class, each of whom received May are now in order. sonal conference, forum, radio station, connected with WHAS" Square Crooks, ' a three-act mys team and under pressure he can the Junior engineering trip, which one date and two stag bids. Fresh- discussion, inspiring by a special leased wire, was inau The election of the "Queen" who tery-comedy from the pen of James Tmnie breeze along around 4:40 in the will leave Lexington on Sunday, men and sophomores will obtain ancl ample tlmetSZTE^JTZS!!?^for qulet m«»tation gurated last Monday by Dr. Frank will preside over the annual May P Judge, was admirably presented four-lap affair. April 21, ern their bids from Juniors. in the seclusion of the mountains, spoke on "Radio . ni ht Strollers at the Guig- L. McVey, who festivities, will be held S * Visitors Strong in l"p Six no-breaks will be held, Day Wed- £J they believe that an almost unparal- Sprints Greetings from the University." By I be- no1 theater for the first performance nesday, April 24, from 8 to 12 o'clock leled opportunity The itinerary is composed of many sides the Junior Prom Queen spec- is made available. However, in the sprints, it looks of an arrangement between i of a three-day run. The artistic means in 1 4:30 ial and the Junior class the morning and from to like ail get is Courier- places of interest: Wilson Dam, at special. achievement of this The best skilled leadership to be Kentucky can a bad the University and The o'clock in the afternoon. Ballot seventeenth an- Music for the occasion is cold for her trouble. Young Ad- Journal and Louisville Times, own- Muscle Shoals; Lookout Mountain, will be fur- nual production of the organization found being drawn from colleges I boxes will ' be placed at three or at Chattanoog nished by two colored orchestras ranks and universities, both north and ams, the Georgetown wonder, is ers and operators of the station, four prominent places on the cam- "Square Crooks" as another ! , . plants in the vicinity of from Louisville,,u« Jordan's.,.,,„.,»• and„ 1U Winv , n south. For the vocational counsel- if I informa- success in supposed to be a sure thing he the wealth of educational us according to an announcement Stroller history. ham, where the party will steads, which 'will play in opposi-lP " ing service there will be a group of goes to the post. He is one of the tion and musical talent of the Uni from the election committee which A delightful comedy, a capable three days; days hill counselors selected best sprinters ever broke the is available to Ken- two at Copper and well chosen cast, and effective from southern who versity made is composed of Job Turner, chair- and Ducktown, Tennessee, and at The committee in charge of ar- colleges, who will give their whole tape in Kentucky. He will be ush- tuckians and others of the radio man; James Findley, James Shrop- stage settings, combined under the Knoxville. rangements for the dance is com thought and time to the personal ered to the wire by Holt and Harris audience. shire and Beverly Waddell. able direction of Frank Davidson, posed of Harry Calloway, chairman; needs of individual students. of Kentucky if the boys run true to The trip will be made more inter- have resulted in a highly entertain- This Monday's program opened with All must have standing Miss Mary Brown. Miss Dorothy co-eds a ing part of the program is being planned form. Holt is Just recovering from an organ solo, "U. K. Alma Mater," esting by the fact that only stu- performance. of one in order to compete for the and carried through by a group of a pulled tendon and may not be in by Elmer G. Sulzer. The number dents from this school are permit- The disappearance of the famous Frank Davidson. honor, it was announced. Freshman college deans under the chairman- the best of shape. played Mr. Sulser has been se- ted to inspect one of the coal com- Carston pearls and the subsequent by co-eds may not compete and trans- ship of President panies in. Birmingham. Plants at entanglement and suspicioning of H. W. Chase, of With Clyde Jones and Wayman lected as the theme song of the fers from other colleges must have Shoals, also, former the University of North Carolina. Thomasson in the quarter-mile University station. Muscle can be visited two crooks forms the plot I been residents at the University for only by a special permit, which has Annual Registrar of the play.
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