Chief Executive’s Directorate Legal and Democratic Services The Lonsdale Building The Courts Carlisle Cumbria CA3 8NA Fax 01228 226372 Tel 01228 606060 Email [email protected] To: The Members of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland 5 May 2015 Dear Member County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland Attached is a report by the Corporate Director – Environment and Community Services presenting the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group to be considered at tomorrow’s Local Committee meeting (agenda item 9c refers). Yours sincerely Glynis Andrews Senior Democratic Services Officer 102 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9c COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL COMMITTEE FOR SOUTH LAKELAND Meeting date: 6th May 2015 From: Corporate Director – Environment & Community Services HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP MEETING 14TH APRIL 2015. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides the notes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group (the Working Group) held on 14th April 2015 and recommendations for consideration by the Local Committee. 2.0 POLICY POSITION, BUDGETARY AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS AND LINKS TO CORPORATE STRATEGY The policy position, links to corporate strategy, and the budgetary implications are set out in the individual Working Group reports previously circulated to Members. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 that Local Committee note the Minutes of the Working Group meeting of 14th April 2015 attached as Appendix 1, and; 3.2 that Local Committee approve the devolved highways capital programme for 2015/2016 as set out in the report attached as Appendix 2 4.0 BACKGROUND 4.4.0 The Minutes of the Working Group held on 14th April 2015 are attached to this report at Appendix 1. The Working Group reports have previously been circulated to all Members of the Local Committee. 4.4.1 At the meeting of 14th April 2015 consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Environment & Community Services on the provisional devolved highways capital programme 2015/2016 including prioritised lists of schemes, which would form the basis of the Local Committee’s devolved Page 104 highways capital programme for 2015/2016 and provide a core programme for future years, subject to annual review. The allocation for 2015/2016 was £5,117,000. Appended to the report was a summary of the recommended devolved capital budget for 2015/16, together with lists of the proposed Surface Treatment schemes; Carriageway schemes; Drainage schemes; and Footway schemes. 4.4.2 The Working Group was advised that the draft programmes of devolved highways capital works under each of the different budget headings for 2015/16 took full account of the Local Committee’s priorities. The individual carriageway and footway schemes had been considered by each patch member since the last Local Committee meeting. Member recommendations had been submitted to the Chair of Local Committee, the Chair and Vice- Chair of the Working Group, Senior Manager, Network Management and the Highway Network Manager. At the Working Group meeting on 14th April some further minor changes to the carriageway scheme list were recommended. These changes are contained within the minutes and reflected in the attached Appendix 2. The Working Group requested that staff commence design work immediately on the identified schemes and develop a programme of works for delivery. 4.4.3 As a result of the recommended changes to the Carriageway and Footway Schemes the Carriageway Schemes budget has increased from £730,000 to £764,445. This increase will be funded from a reduction of £13,596 on Footway Schemes and the remaining £20,849 will be met by a reduction in the lining budget. Even with this proposed reduction the lining budget will still be nearly £50,000 more than last year. 4.4.4 The Working Group also received a briefing note which proposed a timeline for the identification and development of the Devolved Capital Schemes Programme for 2106/17 and future years. The Working Group welcomed the briefing note which would be tweaked to take into account the future dates of the Working Group and Local Committee meetings. 4.4.5 It was also agreed that the members of the Working Group would note the content of the reports and verbal presentations submitted at the Working Group meeting on 14th April on Kendal Infrastructure Improvement Schemes Better Highways Monitoring Report Update on the LED lighting and column replacement programme in South Lakeland 4.4.7 Items for future meetings of the Working Group are set out in Paragraph 70 of the minutes. 5 OPTIONS 5.1 The Local Committee may accept, amend or reject the recommendations. 6 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The implications are as set out in the report. Page 105 7 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 The legal implications in respect of each of the recommendations were set out in the original reports to the Working Group previously circulated to Members. (KB – 5.5.2015) 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 The Local Committee is asked to receive the notes of the Working Group appended to the report as Appendix 1. Dominic Donnini – Corporate Director – Environment & Community Services April 2015 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Minutes of the Highways and Transportation Working Group 14 April 2015. Appendix 2 Report of the South Lakeland Local Committee Provisional Devolved Highways Capital Programme 2015/2016. IMPLICATIONS Staffing: None Financial: As set out in the relevant reports to the Highways and Transportation Working Group. Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland Executive Decision Yes Key Decision No If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained? Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below. Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken? Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No Page 106 PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS None. Contact: Peter Hosking Tel. No.: (01539) 713040 E-mail: [email protected] Page 107 APPENDIX 1 SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL COMMITTEE HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP Minutes of a Meeting of the South Lakeland Local Committee Highways and Transportation Working Group held on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at 10.30 am in Committee Room 1, County Offices, Kendal.. PRESENT: Mr SB Collins (Chair) Mr J Bland (Vice-Chair) Mr WJ Wearing Mr N Cotton Mr M Wilson Mrs BC Gray Also in Attendance:- Mrs GE Andrews - Senior Democratic Services Officer Mr GD Cook - County Councillor - County Councillor - Highways Network Manager - County Councillor Mr N Raymond - Senior Manager – Network Management Mr I Stewart - County Councillor Mr D Sykes - Director of People and Places South Lakeland District Council Mr G Wheelhouse - Highway Network Engineer (part only) 63 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 64 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Working Group held 24 February and 3 March 2015 were confirmed as circulated. On minute 42 – Minutes - the Highways Network Manager agreed to provide details about the cost of hiring a high pressure jetting/suction unit for a week during December 2014 and the amount of work that had been completed during that time, as well as a list of drainage works requiring the use of a jetting/suction unit. Page 108 65 SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL COMMITTEE PROVISIONAL DEVOLVED HIGHWAYS CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2015/2016 Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Environment and Community Services on the provisional devolved highways capital programme 2015/2016. Appended to the report was a summary of the recommended devolved capital budget for 2015 – 16, together with lists of the proposed Surface Treatment schemes; Carriageway schemes; Drainage schemes; and Footway schemes. In line with a decision at the last meeting of the Local Committee for South Lakeland the Chair of Local Committee, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Working Group and the Senior Manager - Network Management had reviewed the devolved capital budget for 2015-16 in the light of comments received from members (minute 83(c) of the meeting on 24 March 2015 refers). The amendments made to the previously reported draft programme were as follows: Appendix 1 – No change from previous report, however, the surface dressing in Hall Lane would be preceded by drainage and surface works. Appendix 2 – No change from previous report. Appendix 3 – The following schemes had been removed after comments made by members:- Holme Lane Farm Access, Roan Edge High Oaks Hartrigg Road The following “below the line” schemes had now been included in the programme:- Pig and Whistle triangle Ewebank Moss Lane In response to a question ,the Highways Network Manager confirmed that the Ewebank road referred to the U5641 rather than the C5068 as in the appendix and that it was the road identified in a map provide by the chair in an email. Appendix 4 – No change from previous report Appendix 5 – The following schemes had been removed Smithy Close Busk Lane Page 109 The following “below the line” schemes had now been included in the programme:- Brookfield Close Burneside Road Hallbarrow Seed Field The “below the line” scheme in Plantation Avenue would remain below the line, for consideration in next years programme. Patching work on a number of schemes removed from Appendix 3 to be added to the Minor Carriageway Works and Minor Drainage Works budgets, namely:- Roan Edge – Minor Carriageway Works High Oaks - Minor Carriageway Works Hartrigg Road - Minor Carriageway Works and Minor Drainage Works The unallocated balances remaining in Appendix 3 (£11,455) and Appendix 5 (£13,596) to be vired into the Roadmarking budget line and reported to the next Local Committee.
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