oomtumcmm Si Foaumtumr Todi/i latt (Mnry 1$ oot th» f«itt o) your ObMrvarcarrtir. Duttortchnkaldtt- neulfiM, M wwui* J***"1*, MtogttUwmwip*- Hlostlanb ©bseruer pwt out on thru. VOLUME 28 NUMBER 99 MONDAY, MAY 24,1993 r WESTLAND, MICHIGAN .44 PAGES FIFTY CENTS • 1993 Suburban Communtcalwos Cwpotaiwo IN THE PAPER death V i A defendant charged with second-degree murder in Young, who is charged with second-, times in the chest and three times in' degree murder. ^ the back, on his right shoulder, Haigh TODAY the stabbing death of a Westland man was ordered testified Thursday.. The testimony Dansby, the former head cook at; Thursday to stand trial despite his claim that the vic­ the Speakeasy Lounge in Garden prompted Judge C. Charles Bokos to tim tried to force him to submit to sex. A request that City,- was found dead oh the afternoon order Young to stand trial in Detroit the charge be neduced^to manslaughter was denied. of March 22 in the bedroom of hfc Recorder's • Court for second-degree Stalker charged: A Canton Blue Garden apartment' on Cherry murder. •>. Township man was charged under\ BY DARRELL CLEM times by the same knife he used to Hill, between Venoy arid-Merriman. Young has pleaded riot guilty, de­ a new state stalker law. /2A STAFF WHITER force Christopher Kent Young, 39, to He also had been robbed. spite a confession he made in a A Westland man was stabbed to have sex with him, a police officer tes­ Police believe that Dansby had signed statement to police. Young ini­ death as he was forcing his accused tified. been dead for two days in his second- tially denied killing Dansby, but con­ murderer, an Inkster man, to engage The testimony from Westland po­ floor apartment. Police found his fessed in subsequent interviews after COUNTY NEWS in unconsensual sex, court testimony lice Sgt. Donald H'aigh emerged bloodied body after being notified he flunked a polygraph test on May 7, indicated Thursday. Thursday in 18th District Court dur­ that he hadn't been jeen. Jeff Dansby, 41, was stabbed six ing a preliminary examination for Dansby had been stabbed three See STABBING, 5A Stepford kids?: About 50people •fnet to express dissatisfaction with what they see as the "politically In the swim correct" curriculum being taught in the state's public schools. /6A Commission resigns: The Wayne County Planning Commission re­ signed en masse last week stating there is nothing for them to do./6A STREET SCENE Opinionated: If you like a food you know it. Ana if don't, you know it. Same goes for music. That's why Street Scene has start­ ed Reader's Choice, readers' opin­ """""*" "STAFFPHOTOSBYTSUTWARRKN ions about the latest releases and Club formed: Hurricane Swim Club" members Rachel Moore (from left), of Garden, City, Amanda Bugerd of concerts. /8A Garden City, and Miekell Eplett of Canton enjoy their new home in the Garden City High School pool. ,_.. '- TASTE Dismissed coach leads new team y Jim McNeills and some members swimming," said McNellis, a 30- ^l^a^|^l^^#J^,m;<jMiaMTO back,; >yearS>ia;Canton Township resident, „_ in the'water-*thanks to a newnrr"-- "" 'The club is looking.for boyVtuadT rangement with the Garden City girls who want to be part of a strong, Public Schools' adult education de­ dedicated team. All children who partment and Westland recreation sign up will have the opportunity to department. take part in local competitions and McNellis, who coached the Stin­ receive ribbons, medals and/or tro­ Exotic produce: Take a walk on grays team before being dismissed phies." the wild side of the produce aisle. in January by the Wayne-Westland McNellis said the club will em­ Family YMCA, has regrouped and phasize swimming skills, fitness Try tomatillos, red bananas and formed the Hurricane Swim Club, and team concepts as well as rein­ other uncommon vegetables and based at the Garden City High forcing self-esteem. School indoor pool. fruits. /IB Anyone who can swim a pool The coach, who also serves as the length will make the team. Those Hurricanes' business manager, said interested in joining should call Recipe Makeover: Learn how to he has recruited about 30 members McNellis at 981-7578. reduce the amount of fat in your from throughout western- Wayne County with room for more. His The coach said the Hurricanes favorite recipes in a new Taste col­ StingrayB team had close to 70 will be the first community-based umn. /IB members from Westland, Garden swim team in Garden City or West- City, Canton and nearby communi­ land in about 10 years. New member: Carrie Slabaugh, 12, of Westland is part of the ties. — His assistants .-are -Ed - Church— _^^_5wmccne Swim Club, formed two months ago under the MALLS & MAINSTREETS "The Hurricanes are looking for­ man, 21, of Westland, and Jennifer co-spohsorship of the Garden City Public Schools' adult edu­ ward to a fun, exciting summer of Utley, 17, of Westland. cation department and the Westjdhd recreation department. Downtown changes: Mainstreeis have a history malls can't match. But can we,continue to take them Mayor for granted? /6B Injured officer blasts SPORTS comes out of coma BY DARRELL CLEM cident on the Southfield Freeway near Softball battle: Ladywood tries project STAFF WRITER Puritan in Detroit. Westland Police to earn a spot in the Catholic Westland police officer Kenneth Chief Emery Price has said Wareow League A-B Division champion­ BY DARRELL CLEM Warsow has emerged from a coma fol­ and another motorist collided when STAFF WRITER lowing a May 10 traffic accident in they tried simultaneously to get into ship game. /1C Mayor Robert Thomas criticized Detroit, but he still could face long- the same lane. the city council for approving a term rehabilitation, reports indicated The impact sent Warsow's car veer­ Soccer final: The Blazers of La­ Kroger-anchored development on Mayor Robert Thomas last week. ing into a concrete wall on the free­ dywood and Farmington Hills Ford Road that links commercial and "Officer Warsow is conscious, talk­ way, Price has said. Warsow was residential growth. west corner of Ford Road and Central ing and sitting up, strapped in a alone in the car he was driving; it was Mercy square off in the champion­ "I oppose it," Thomas said Friday, City Parkway, across from city hall. chair," according to a Westland Po­ not a Westland police vehicle. ship final. /2C though he didn't veto the measure. The council's 5-2 decision came lice Department memo. "He is frus­ Warsow remained in a coma for The mayor's comments came four five months after the council unani­ trated and confused, trying to under­ several days and then began slipping days after the council gave prelimi­ mously rejected a proposal — sup­ stand what happened and the loss of in and out of consciousness. But the INDEX nary approval for 12 acres of commer­ ported by Thomas — that would have the dayB." latest memo, circulated Thursday in cial development and 23 acres of sin­ Warsow, 29, received head injuries gle-family residences on the north- See MAYOR, 5A during an early morning, two-car ac­ See OFFICER, 5A Clarified. B-D Malls 6B Auto B-O Personals . 10A Employment . C,D Street Scene . 8A Rescuers wanted western Wayne County. The new Jaycees board members for the new fiscal year are chairman Mi­ Real estate . -C Sports 1C The city of Westland wants Rouge Rescue vol­ Crossword . 4C Taste IB chael Kehrer, president Michael Stabbing, indi­ unteers for the annual cleanup scheduled for Sat­ PLACES & FACES vidual development vice president Jill Jenkins, urday, June 5. City community development di- membership development vice president Laura HERE'S HOW TO REACH US "" rector James Gilbert said volunteers are needed chairman's gavel "stolen" and held for ransom. To Norris, and management development vice presi­ for the local segment of the project. Interested peo­ retrieve the gavel, chairman Michael Kehrer had dent Debbie Willett. ple may call 695-0288. The local cleanup will be to take part in a bungee jump at last year's West- from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with workers Convening at land Summer Festival. The state convention, held Newsroom: 591-2300 the William Holliday Nature Preserve entrance on on Mackinac Island, also had the local group cited Walks to resume Newsroom Fax: 591-7279 the south side of Joy, just west of Wayne Road. for finishing first among 40 teams in a bowling Mayor Robert Thomas will Boon resume his Volunteers under 18 must have a signed parental tournament. In other honors, Michaol Strebbing neighborhood walks to learn what residents want Nightline/Sports: 953-2104. waiver. was Jaycee of the year on a chapter and district from their city government. The next one will be Reader Comment Line: 953-2042 level. On a local level, Laura Norris won the Wil­ Tuesday, June 1, starting from Mackenzie and Classified Advertising: 591-0900 Jaycees clean up liam Brownsfleld award, given to the top member Farmington Road. Thomas will be accompanied Display Advertising: 591-2300 with under one year of service. Herschel Poger by department heads to help answers residents' received the Cheryl Booterbaugh Membership questions. The mayor initiated the walks several Home Delivery: 591-0500 The Westland Jaycees won a state award in per­ sonnel management competition. The activity Award. Westland's Debra Kehrer was elected dis­ years ago. The other neighborhood walks will be which was picked tops in the state had the board trict director for the area which serves chapters in held every two weeks.
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