¿BSZZW\UbVSab]`WSa]TeVOb5]RWaR]W\UW\bVSZWdSa]T6Wa^S]^ZSÀ 20 Cover photo by Spencer Freeman for Adventist Health System. in every issue... in this issue... 3 9X]hcf]U` PgPg EOZO bSb `` :: E`W`WUVUVbb gkYWcbg]XYfh\Y`]ZYcZ7\f]gh kYUfY]adfYggYXk]h\h\Y[cgdY`kf]hYfgÁ :O:OYSYS C\W\ ]\]\ ^`S`SaWRSRS\b\ A Yad\Ug]gcb<]g\YU`]b[a]b]ghfm"<]gWcadUgg]cbZcfgiZZYf]b[UbX\ifh! 4 BYkAYaVYfg5SSbb b] Y\]ee a]a][SS \SeS [S[[PSPS`a` ]TT bVb SS:O:OYSY C\W]\\TTOO[[WZgg ]b[dYcd`YghUbXgcihUgh\Y\U``aUf_cZ<]gW\UfUWhYf" 6 Mcih\]b5Wh]cb :fcah\YjYfmVY[]bb]b[cZh\Y5XjYbh]ghW\ifW\ ;cX`YXcif 7 6YmcbXcif6cfXYfg ZcibXYfghc]bWcfdcfUhY7\f]ghÁg\YU`]b[a]b]ghfmUgdUfhcZcif 8 :Ua]`mH]YgPPgg Acac O\O\ 3 ;c; ``` OgO ib]eiY]XYbh]hm"H\Uh`Y[UWmWcbh]biYgh\fci[\h\Ykcf_cZ5XjYb! 9 <YU`h\m7\c]WYg PgPg EW\\abab]]\\ 811`O`OWWUU h]ghA]XkYgh<YU`h\ k\]W\]g\][\`][\hYX]bh\]g]ggiY" 10 9lhfYaY;fUWYPgPg 2WQQYY2ccS``YaYaS\S\ 11 5XjYbh]ga%$%PgPg 5O`gg 0c0c`\` a Gary Burns, EditorEditor 12 G\Uf]b[cif<cdY 13 7cbYL]cbYgS\\ Sa^^O]Z]Z PgP 1O`O`[SZ]Z] ;S`S`QQOR]R] features... 24 5A<BYkg 14 FYÊYWh]cbgcZU@]ZYKY``!@]jYXPg@V]\ROEVSbab]\S<SWPOcS` 25 5bXfYkgIb]jYfg]hmBYkg 262 BYkg 17 AYYhh\Y5Xa]b]ghfUh]jYHYUaPg:g\\:O`a]\ 30 A]`Ydcghg 20 9bYf[m5VcibXg]bh\]gGYfj]WY!A]bXYX7\Ud`U]bPg:g\\:O`a]\ 313 7`Ugg]ÉYXg 22 35 DUfhbYfg\]dk]h\;cX CbYA]bX"CbY<YUfh"CbYGd]f]h"Pg:g\\:O`a]\ 363 5bbcibWYaYbhg 38 CbYJc]WY H\Y:OYSC\W]\6S`OZR=GGB$%-(!-$,L]gdiV`]g\YXacbh\`mVmh\Y@U_YIb]cb7cbZYfYbWY D"C"6cl7 6Yff]YbGdf]b[g A=(-%$'" DYf]cX]WU`gdcghU[YdU]XUh6Yff]YbGdf]b[g A= UbXUXX]h]cbU`aU]`]b[c²WYg"MYUf`mgiVgWf]dh]cbdf]WY]g,")$"Jc`"-, Bc"+" 39 DfcÉ`YgcZMcih\ DCGHA5GH9F.GYbXU``UXXfYggW\Ub[Yghc.:OYSC\W]\6S`OZR D"C"6cl7 6Yff]YbGdf]b[g A=(-%$'" & | >i`m&$$*LAKE UNION HERALD H\Y:OYSC\W]\6S`OZR]gUjU]`UV`Ycb`]bY" DfYg]XYbhÀgDYfgdYWh]jY BY WALTER L. WRIGHT, LAKE UNION CONFERENCE PRESIDENT 5XjYbh]ghA]XkYgh<YU`h\. ;cXÁgJY\]W`Y ZcfCihfYUW\ was recently a guest at a luncheon hosted by Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital in a sub- urb of Chicago. The luncheon’s purpose was to reach out to the community surrounding our =hospital. The hospital’s purchase several years ago brought with it much suspicion and many rumors that left the community with a tense and uncertain attitude. “What will these Adventists do to our community?” “Will the hospital still be accessible to all people, no matter what faith?” “If it is accessible, will we be comfortable there?” These and other questions ran throughout the area. Since that time, much has been done to relieve those concerns. I was privileged to conduct wor- ship for all staff members in the facility, and we had a wonderful time together. And now I was at a luncheon to intentionally communicate our mission in the community. It was interesting to me to hear the introduction of Fran- cis Eugene George, a cardinal and eighth archbishop of Chicago Catholic churches, and then to watch the reaction as I was introduced as the leader Francis Eugene George, a cardinal and eighth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Chicago area and throughout archbishop of Chicago Catholic churches, and the Great Lakes region. Walter L. Wright, Lake Union Conference president and Adventist Health System Board chairman, each Many people in the audience were closely connected with Adventist La spoke at a luncheon hosted by Adventist La Grange Grange and Adventist Hinsdale hospitals, and they were familiar with me as Memorial Hospital. Adventist Health System Board chairman. But many more were not aware, and it was obvious they were impressed, that both church leaders occupied the same dais. The arch- bishop spoke on the mission of not-for-profit, faith-based health delivery, something we Adventists, in general, and Adventist Midwest Health, in particular, are very good at. You can imagine my surprise when the meeting ended and some came forward to say to me, “You know, I’m really a closet Adventist,” or “We are absolutely amazed at what you Adventists have ac- complished in turning this hospital around in such a short period of time.” I realize that as a church we have very serious concerns about some doctrines of other churches, but we have, or should have, no problem loving their members. They, like us, are eligible recipients of the salvation provided by Jesus’ great sacrifice on Calvary. We may be limited in some aspects of partnering, but loving outreach must never be limited. Kudos to Adventist La Grange Memorial leadership. J]g]hkkk"@U_YIb]cb<YfU`X"cf[ LAKE UNION HERALD>i`m&$$*| ' \Y`dYX k]h\ gdYW]U` dfc^YWhg giW\ Ug fYacj]b[ gbck UbX W`YUb]b[h\YW\ifW\[fcibXg UbX]gU[fYUh\Y`dk]h\h\Y DUh\ÉbXYfW`iV" =h kUg k]h\ [fYUh ^cm h\Uh 5bb UbX 7`mXY kYfY kY`! WcaYX]bhch\YW\ifW\ZUa]`mUbX]hgZY``ckg\]d"9jYfmcbY ]g gc \Uddm h\Ym UfY ig]b[ h\Y]f hU`Ybhg Ug U V`Ygg]b[ Zcf Indiana H\YfY aigh \UjY VYYb XciV`Y fY^c]W]b[ ]b ;cXÁgW\ifW\" <YUjYbcb:f]XUm 8YWYaVYf& Ug Ann DiCiccoUbX Clyde Dean Cooper, head elder, as shared with Bruce Babienco, Lake Union Herald SampsonkYfYVUdh]nYXVm5``YbG\Yd\YfX <UaacbXGYj! volunteer correspondent Ybh\!XUm 5XjYbh]gh 7\ifW\ dUghcf" ;cXÁg gdYW]U` kcf_ ]b h\Y]f`]jYgh\fci[\h\Y<c`mGd]f]h]gYj]XYbh]bh\Y]fghcf]Yg" 5bb8]7]WWcVY[UbWca]b[hch\Y<UaacbX7\ifW\ Michigan Gerald Laslett’s ÉfghYbWcibhYfk]h\h\Y5X! 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