I I •iV V 7 , i v ‘ V ■Vif \ ^loodmobile at Center^ Church Tomorrow, StSb. to 6:d0 p. m, / — . - - . ■ . t i . .......................................................................................... ^ ■ ■ , . ■ ■ . , . _______________________________________ T" Avvnc* Dafly Net Preee Ron F o r tlw W M k jBBded The Weather roraeiiM of V. S. WofflMNr * m m *D M M . m » rmrUy doody, iwBd\ fooHat. e 13,601 taw ahowan. Low !■ Mo. Ti— iloy rottte A n d tt mOd, mlddojr d wurgra. H l| a ooor 1 of ChwdstleB ManehetWr—A Cky o f TtOog* Charm T0L.LXXXI,N0.2S4 (FOURTE^ PAtilS) M A N C H E ST E R , C O N N ^ M O N D A Y , J U L Y 30, 1 0 ^ (CUMifioi AdvoHtaiog « i Poge U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS 'i Hunt Kidnap Victif^ Shite News .Death Tbll 6 Rul^ in Algiers On Highways Over Weekend Payoff to End N-SuK Strike ALGIERS (A P )^ A lgeria n t«*^ with tho rival weot Aigoriu By TBB ASSOOiATBD PB ni faction. fuerrilla troops' -lyho seized Sentries rvere pasted at key The past Weekend was a w is capital to for^ie;; feuding points in the capital vdiere life bloody one on (Connecticut’s politicians into a compt^mise went on as usual despite the ap- h^hways. Six persons were iwront collapse of governmental Meany Set began a search todayxfor killed, bringhig the unofficial administrative machinery. Filibuster Europeans kidnaped by Mba^ Several known opponents of Ben death toll for 1%2 to 161. lems since the crisis arose. 'Bella were arrested. Among them Three of the persons kUled were Tho troop* moved in awUtly to from out of state. Two of them To Bid fo r prevent bloodshed and calm (Dqatiinied ea Page ’Ikr**) died in a alhgle crash. Bars Start frightened Bhiropeans whose flight The weekend began Friday X ------------- 1------- - threaten* to wreck the economy night with the death of Richard of the new African nation. Scott, IS, Danbury. He was struck Tax Slash While the guerilla unit* as­ uss ei and killed by a car as be and two sumed a role of neutraUty, many R ^ ^ Fleet companions wheeled their home­ Of Probe WASHINGTON (AP) — felt they leaned toward the quest made motorbikes out of‘a d rive­ AFL-QO President Gtcorge for power of dissident Deputy Pre­ way onto Route S3 in Bethel. WASHINGTON (AP) — World’s ^^est, A couple of hours later, Archi­ Meany urged (Congress today mier Ahmed Ben Bella. Sen. John L. McClellan, D> bald Martm, 47, East Hartford, to cut income taxes, especially Algiers radio, in announcing the Ark., told the Senate today hunt to rescue kidnaped Euro­ was struck and killed as h* ran in the lower brackets, effec­ Red Chief Sajs across Route 15 in Vernon. that a powerful unionist has peans, said the rush of Euro­ tive Sept. 1.' peans out of the country had The other three fatal accidents demanded a payoff as the MOSCOW (AP) — ’The Soviet occurred Sunday morning. slowed. Only 1,000 left for France Meany told the House W ays price for settlement of a Union has built the world's most ''BV D. P e te r W atson, 20, R idge- on Sunday competed to the and Means Committee, at a strike holding up work on I I exodus averaging 3,000 daily over modern navy, its chief claims. fleuLo*^ State Police said had Adm. Sergei Gorshkov said the been dtmking in New York, was closed session, it should ap<^ nuclear submarines for the the past two weeks. , prove such a cut as a temi- From the battling political fleet’s basis is atomic submarines killed when his car slammed into Navy. eamp* cim e another round of op­ armed with rockets and torpedoes a bridge abutment on Route 35 in porary measure, expiring M^leUan voiced the allegatioM tim istic statements. with nuciear warheads. Ridgefield. V next summer, biit fo ^ w it up in appealing for permission tor hto And Army Prt, Delvln C. Ginn ti) the west Algerian capital of The Soviet naval commander with a permanent reform ^of Senate inveeUgations subcommit- Jr., 23, FiskdalefAIaas., died when taa to launch hearings. ef Oran, Ben Bella’s right-hand made the boast Sunday in a Prav- the income tax system. da article 'commemorating Navy his car struck an abiitipent on the Senators filibustering against man, Mohammed Khider, said: Wilbur Cross Parkway ..in North “ The crisis is entirely finished. Day. Part of the celebration in­ th* administration'* communica­ cluded a television program from Haven. Ginn was statiohed at a WASHIliGTON (AP) — tions MteUite biU have invoked a The solution is near.’’ Nike site in Ansonia. Khider made the statement on the Baltic port of Leningrad show­ AFL-CIO President George rule boning committees. from meeting whUe the Senate to to aso^ returning from Paris where he ing a submarine that resembled Later in the morning, Roderick Meany, who advocates imine- American nuclear-powered under­ Morison, 46, The Bronx, N.T., and toon. met representatives of the influ­ 4iate tax cutting to help spur ^ M cOrilsn asked unanimous con­ ential “Fedpratlon of France” of water craft. Elijah links Jr., Detroit, Mich., were fatally injured when the car bC^iness recovery, testifies sent for his oommitte* to meet, but the Algerlsin Front of National Many Western experts believe they were riding la ptM into a toftey before a congressional Sen. Wayne MorM, D-Ore., on* ot Uberatlon (BTN). the Soviet navy Includes sub* the leaders of th* filibuster fight, In the Kabylie Mountains itown disabled truck pa^ed on the shoul­ group studying the nation’s capable of underwater firing of der of the Connecticut Turnpike in refused to agree. Morse was out ef BordJ Bou ArreridJ, two bitter, missiles similar to the American Branford. _ economy off from an effort to explain hto foes of Ben Bella, Deputy Pre­ Polaris. ’The driver of the car, Larry Meany Mid .last month he had reasons for objecting. miers Belkacem Krim and Mo- ‘"The Soviet fleet is now more Thomas, 37, The Bronx, and two written President Kennedy, urging In hto sienate rtieech, McClellaii hapimed Boudlaf, tqld a mass other passengers, Alice M. Hunt, a quick reduction in the loweri did not nalme the man aUegedly rally Sunday contacts were being (Continued on Pag* Five) Detroit, and Ruby L. Green, The Income tax bracket;, Such a cut, demanding a payott aa a price for Bronx, were Uken to Grace-New Meany said then, would have a ailqwtog th* settlement of tha Haven Hospital, whan they were maximum effect,on th* economy. He Got OuU~^nhurU-~4m Route 66 ' atrika which had paralyoed\wock placed on the eritieal UsL . The House Ways and Means out nUClOT III# Economy vs. Safety OHnmittea heard toot week fi;pm Ototon, (fona., plant at O u XAm bushwH representPUvM ahd D ynamics stoc* July IP. 144 to 161 economists. The tax-writing group ‘ moved along me UghWay to this positksi for almost 0DO feet before they halted. KruM eeciqied wita, iajuriea and memoclM of p fwv wild momenta (AP Fhotofax). The stirlke, now to its UMh dog; H A H T F O R D aAP) — Th* State has sought to keep its proceed- ha* hrid up work on about gl Ml- Motor Vshlri* Dapartmsnt’a daily ingp ^derifider a tight Ud, taking tM- Uon of nuclear sub cohstnictian. sweord- o f autssnohUs ,<sitelRtaar4>a' ■ ■ ■ ■ >**10 ‘-‘‘A' Iiwr ttetoHsa eettlemspt of ths of lari midnigkt uarittri-i M l s S & a a witiiMSse to aeeracy. fU^ut* between th* cMnpany and the seme date toot year: The m u se group has emphn- U imfaM, reprseanted by the AFL- I M l 19S2 stoed that it to taktog a bnad kxik d O Metal ‘Trades CouncU of New Heductioii in Crews K ille d ......................... 144 l U at th* economy- and is not study­ M eri^^ PlanL London, Conn., was worked out ing poasibiUtlee ef tax reductions. with the aid of federal mediatoi* Cart Driver Killed Sen. Paul Douglas, D-Bl., State Climbers Safe, Friday sod subject to ratifica­ HARTFOfU> (AP) — Th*t The PUC' decision modified a alignsd himself Sunday with tboe* tion . the to8,500 workers at a SEYMOUR (A P )—A motor cart Brotharfaood of Railroad Trainman 1014 minimum crew requirem ent. *dio would go slow in considering Transfer 500 meeting tomorrow night. w ill definitely appeal to the courts The company testified only 33 Jobs oraahed into the rear of a parked car yesterday, killing ita 7^ear-okl an Immediate tax cut. Two prior setUements had been th* dodslen of the state Public would be lost; the union mid the Said Douglas: "A t Bunker HUl, HARTFORD (AP) — Prati A rejected by the workers. Labor trtllitie* Commission authoiiaing d rivw . Bay Stater Perishes modifications would affect 200 Police identified the victim ss Whitney Aircraft, in a consoli^a- Department officials complained tbs New Haven Railroad to reduce Job^, (Cenltnned on P a g * that the worker repudiation of til* til* minimum number of train per­ “For many years now,” th* (tetherin* D. Strickland, 4fi Hub- tian move, intenda ta vacate It* bell Ave„ Beacon Falto, daughter prior agreements wsa largriy at­ . i ‘ 'i r sonnel required on passenger statement continued, “the New Meriden plant thto year. GRAND TETON NATTONALp The easterners began their of Idr. and Mm. Emory Strickland. tributable to Arthur Vaie, ousted trains. Haven has followed a policy of the L. C. Mallet, general manager, Park, Wyo. (AP) — Storm-bat­ climb Thursday.. That' same day, president of th* Bbilermaken The union, today also charged public be damned, furnishing hot The little girl wak .on* of tliree today advised smployes: tered , mountain climbers from a howling storm struck the upper youngstem driving fh * miniature Local on th* Electric Boat ^ je c t.
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