69 5.0 The conceptual model of groundwater flow in the Surat Basin 70 5.0 The conceptual model of groundwater flow in the Surat Basin # Department Condition Description Completion date Status Pre-Dec 2012 Post-Dec 2012 6 49b Completion and reporting on GEN3 model build April 2013 Submission of consolidated Surat Basin Hydrogeological Model and recalibration of GEN3 model. Commitment to ongoing model 9 49b 53B a October 2014 recalibration and reporting with annual report. Reporting of connectivity studies. Submission of Annual Report including (from October 2013) October 2013 and 50 49i reporting results of ongoing GEN3 model recalibration annually thereafter 59 53B e Development of springs conceptual models April 2015 Detailed baseline evaluation incorporating landholder and 61 49b April 2014 dedicated groundwater monitoring bores Commitments completed Evergreen Commitments Commitments work in progress Firm deliverables for that month 5.1 INTRODUCTION At the centre of QGC’s enhanced Surat Basin knowledge base is an advanced conceptual groundwater flow model. Now QGC is building a dual-phase (i.e. gas and water flows) GEN3 numerical model – a world’s first. Significant industry-wide work in recent years has refined our understanding of groundwater flows. This new modelling work will further refine the conceptual model in the lead up to major water abstraction from the Walloon Subgroup in 2014. This chapter presents the latest iteration of the conceptual groundwater flow model of the Surat Basin. It represents QGC's current understanding and will be progressed as more data are collected and interpreted. It is the starting point for the GEN3 numerical modelling which (described in Chapter 6) forms the basis for QGC undertaking its responsibilities for groundwater management. 5.2 PURPOSE OF A CONCEPTUAL MODEL Conceptual modelling is the procedure whereby available information is interpreted to produce an adequate description of a groundwater system. A conceptual model comprises an assemblage of justifiable, simplifying assumptions that summarise the principal characteristics of the real system so its behaviour may be more clearly understood. The model should be developed so that it represents the current consensus on system behaviour, whether this is informed by direct interpretation of published information with or without field and laboratory data, or whether further understanding has been extracted from these data by mathematical modelling. In most cases, the purpose of developing a conceptual model is to arrive at a sufficient understanding of the relationships between the principal characteristics of a system. Deductive and/or mathematical methods can then be used to evaluate possible outcomes of changes within the system for a range of feasible situations. 71 Great Artesian Basin and Surat Basin Town/City QCLNG Project Area Australian States Great Artesian Basin Surat Basin 0 100 200 300 400 500 Kilometers Figure 5-1 – Position of QCLNG tenements within the Surat Basin and the GAB Conceptual modelling should always precede any attempt to mathematically model a groundwater system. However, conceptual modelling does not necessarily have to be followed by mathematical modelling. Rather, development of a conceptual model is frequently an end in itself. It forms the basis for the majority of hydrogeological projects where the understanding of the groundwater system provided by the conceptual model allows informed decision-making and changes associated with new developments to be evaluated at a satisfactory level of accuracy. 5.3 GEOLOGICAL SETTING The QCLNG project area covers part of the Surat Basin, a broad intra-cratonic basin that spans an area of approximately 300,000 km2 in south-eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales. The basin forms part of the larger Great Artesian Basin (GAB) complex and is contiguous across basement ridges with the Eromanga Basin to the west and with the Clarence-Moreton Basin to the east. Figure 5-1 illustrates how the QCLNG tenements relate to the Surat Basin and GAB. The Surat Basin is generally considered to comprise an interbedded sequence of non-marine Jurassic strata overlain by a mixed non-marine and marine Early Cretaceous Sedimentary succession. Sedimentation in the basin was initiated in the Early Jurassic and resulted in deposition of the quartzose Precipice Sandstone. Throughout the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, several episodes of fluvial-lacustrine-coal swamp sedimentation occurred as the basin gently subsided. 72 The deposits of the Surat Basin are lateral equivalents to sediments in the Eromanga Basin further west. It has been proposed that a basement high between the basins formed an effective watershed dividing the two basins. Transgression during the Aptian resulted in a return to shallow marine conditions and deposition of the Wallumbilla Formation of the Rolling Downs Group – the first marine sequence deposited since the Permian. The Surat Basin was deposited over several distinct geological sequences and terranes. Throughout the central depocentre (Mimosa Syncline), the basin overlies sediments of the Permo-Triassic Bowen Basin, whereas, on the basin margins, the Surat sequence overlies crystalline basement (Ryan et al, 2012). 5.4 HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY The current accepted hydrostratigraphy of the Surat Basin is illustrated in Figure 5-2. Formations considered to be predominantly aquifers are the Cretaceous Sediments, Gubberamunda Sandstone, Springbok Sandstone, Hutton Sandstone and Precipice Sandstone. Formations considered to be predominantly aquitards are the Westbourne Formation, Eurombah Formation, Evergreen Formation and some basement rocks. The Walloon Subgroup and all 'aquifer' formations have both aquifer and aquitard characteristics. The sandstones within the Surat Basin and upper sandstones of the underlying Bowen Basin are aquifers of the GAB. The classical hydrostratigraphy adopts a 'layer cake' model for the GAB comprising a sequence of alternating layers of relatively high permeability sandstones and very low permeability siltstones and mudstones, which generally dip in a south-westerly direction. The thickness of the sedimentary sequence reaches nearly 2,500 m in the centre of the Mimosa Syncline (QWC, 2012). The individual sandstone, siltstone and mudstone formations range in thickness between less than 100 m to more than 600 m (QWC, 2012a). The main aquifers are considered to be regionally continuous, dominantly shallow dipping and layered between regionally continuous aquitards. Overlying some of the GAB units is an extensive cover of younger Quaternary unconsolidated alluvial sediments and Late Oligocene-Early Miocene volcanic deposits. These units contain significant aquifers but of localised extent (e.g. the Condamine Alluvium). Key details of the hydrostratigraphy are summarised in Table 5-1. QGC is currently undertaking a re-evaluation of the hydrostratigraphy of the Surat Basin based on groundwater flow characteristics rather than stratigraphic classification. 73 Period Epoch (W) Lithostratic units – Surat Basin (E) Hydrostratigraphy Late Griman Creek Formation Surat Siltstone Coreena Member Wallumba Formation CRETACEOUS Doncaster Member Early Bungal Formation Interbedded Aquifer/Aquitard Mooga Sandstone Orallo Formation Gubberamunda Sandstone Aquifer Late Westbourne Formation Aquitard Springbok Sandstone Aquifer Juanda Coal Measures Tangalooma Sandstone Productive Coal Seam Taroom Coal Measures Eurombah Formation Aquitard JURASSIC Middle Hutton Sandstone Aquifer Evergreen Formation Aquitard Early Precipice Sandstone Figure 5-2 – Hydrostratigraphy of the Surat Basin 74 Hydro- Typical Water Water stratigraphic Type Dominant lithology/s Nature of aquifer yield quality chemistry unit (L/s) (µs/cm3) Includes the Orallo Multiple discrete Formation, Mooga NaCl aquifers and Cretaceous Sandstone, Bungil dominated, Fresh- Aquifer aquitards, 0 – 35 Sediments Formation, Wallumbilla some brackish unconfined to Formation and Surat NaHCO confined 3 Siltstone amongst others Medium to coarse grained poorly sorted quartzose Confined, sub- Gubberamunda NaHCO Fresh- Aquifer sandstone interbedded with artesian unit; 6 – 40 3 Sandstone dominated brackish finer sandstone, siltstone artesian in south and shale Westbourne Interbedded shale, siltstone, Aquitard Confining unit Formation and fine grained sandstone Interbedded sandstone and Confined sub- carbonaceous siltstone, Broad Springbok artesian unit. Can 1,000 – Aquifer interbedded mudstone, 0.2 – 3 range NaCl Sandstone be artesian where 2,600 tuffs, and occasional thin to NaHCO topography is low 3 coal Confined sub- Mudstone, siltstone, fine- Walloon Productive artesian unit. Can 1,500 – grained low-permeability 0.2 – 3 Subgroup coal unit be artesian where 24,000 sandstone and coal topography is low. Sandstone, siltstone and Eurombah Aquitard mudstone with rare thin Confining unit Formation coal Cross-bedded, quartzose to sub-labile porous Sub-artesian in and permeable, fluvial areas of higher Hutton sandstone with minor NaHCO 500 – Aquifer elevation. Confined 1 – 20 3 Sandstone thin conglomerate beds, dominated 4,000 artesian unit interbedded clay-rich and elsewhere. carbonaceous silts and thin beds of mudstone Mainly Thinly bedded mudstone, Evergreen NaHCO Aquitard carbonaceous mudstone, Confining unit 3 Formation with some siltstone and sandstone NaCl Mainly Sub-artesian in NaHCO3 Fine to coarse grained, areas of higher with some Precipice 500 – Aquifer porous and permeable, elevation. Confined 1 – 30
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