Y Advisor program open by Stella McNutt helpful to those seeking advisors act to supplement education-oriented in- the work‘of counselors during Highline’s Student Advisor formation. registrationand orientation. Program is seeking people in- Beverly Baum, HCC Classes for the program terested in helping people. counselor and coursein- meet from 2:30 to 4:30 on Personal growth, service to structor said, “The com- Tuesdays and Thursdays dur- . Highline, the learning of new munication skills learnedwill ing Fall quarter. Inaddition to skills plus three college class time each student credits are offered to students be helpful to students both in their personal lives and in spends two hours a week taking part in the Fallquarter working in the Counseling program in the Counseling their employment. Thecourse would be especially valuable Center under the supervision Center. for students planningto enter of a counselor. The training program Prerequisites for the class stresses communicationskills helping professionssuch as psychology, human services are Psychology 100 or 110, a and teaches students how to . completed application form, BRITISH ART TEACHE=R John Johnson, a teacher from relate to people. Student and medicine.” . The Student Advisor Prog- and a statement telling why Shrewsbury, England, will be here at Highline for the next advisors learn academic the applicant wants to become year. photo by Becky Morns advising so that they are ram started on campus three years ago under the direction an advisor. Each applicant is prepared to help other interviewed by a member of students with answers to of Alan Torgerson, a member of the counseling staff. the counseling staff and final questions about the college, selection of students to pre-admissions, collegetrans- Torgerson, Baum, and other “He goes 6,000 counselors believe that participate in the program is fers, vocational programs, also made by the staff. schedule planning and drop- students are able to interpret .the college to other students For further information add situations. They also students interested in the become acquainted with on a peer level in a unique miles to class way. By using student peer program may contact Bever- mental health and service advisors the Counseling Cent- ly Baum in the Cou,nseling by Becky Morris agency resources in the com- also usually smaller. Center. , munity, and build a fide of er isable to give more service Exchangestudents are The school program can be to more people. Student pretty common. Nearlyevery either one or two years, other sources of information high school has at least one, depending on the qual- and most collegeshave quitea ifications of the student. Most few. But something you don’t of the areas of art are taught see quite as often is an there, includingsuch things as exchange teacher. textiles, woven textiles, John Johnson isan English photography,ceramics, exchange teacher teaching graphics, 3D design, scnlp- art here at Highline. He has ture, painting and art history. traded jobs, buses and cars Aft.er the student finishes his a for a year with Jim Gardiner, pmgram at Shrewsbury, he Vol. 1s No. 2 a HCC teacher who is now applies with his works to a teaching in Shrewsbury, En- higher level college. gland, where Johnsonisfrom. The area is also quite The exehange was different than what Johnson is arranged through the United used to, Shrewstfury is a Kingdom’s Bureau for Educa- small town CompAred to Seat- HCC named Bicentennial college tional Exchanges and Visits, tle, and it’s “very old,” and a similar organization according to Johnson. “It’s a here in the United States, different sort of atmosphere.’’ Highline Community Col- Highline, along with jority of us and everyone locatedin Washington D.C.In- Johnsan likes the Seattle lege has been officially Edmonds Community Col- should be proud that we have terested teachers apply with area, though. “Ithink the designated as a Bicentennial lege, became the first com- the good fortune of honoring the appropriate bureau, and cwatrpisbeaotfifal.Tbetime College under the National munity college in western our great country for all it has then thebureaus matchupap- h~t0betO0Skrrtt0lscc Bicentennial ellege and Uni- Washington to receive the provided for us. Our college plicants and work out an e-verythfag and meet versity Campus program, honor. To date, 11 state in- . personnel and students feel a exchange. eve-*” . Dr. Orville D. Carnahan, stitutions of high learning commitment to participate in The Shrewsbury ScBooi of- J6hhson went to college in. HCC president, received have received the Bicentenni-the celebrationof our nation’s Art, where Johnson 0MmUrt)y Portsmouth, for four years, notification of the college’s al designation. 200th anniversary,” he con- teaches, is different thaa an and did graduate work at designation from the “It is a great honor for our tinued, “and have been work- American community .col- Martins School of Art in American Revolution college to be the first com- ing with Bicentennial com- lege. It is primarily a profee London for a year.He has had Bicentennial Administration munity college in Western mittees of communities with- sionat art school. his work in many exhibitions, on Friday, Sept. 26. Planning Washington to be designated in our college bounddries.” The students stay at the including the Young Con- is currently underway to as a Bicentennial College,” school from 9:OO a.m. to 4:45 temporaries, the Tate exhibit- schedule a ceremony at which Dr. Carnahan commented. p.m., insteadof perhaps com- ion in London, the London time the college will receive “To join in such a celebra- ‘ Two dollars ing for only two or three group exhibition, and an an official bicentennial flag- tion is a. once-in-a-lifetime classes. The class sizes arc exhibition in Frankfurt. and certificate. opportunity for the vast ma- won’t””_- buv ‘E’ -T -- J Last day to vote by June Workman Booker T. Watt, registrar Student body Fall elections and director of admissions, will continue today for the stressed the importance for remaining six senatorial students to go throughofficial positions to be filled by two procedure in adding or with- freshmen and four drawing from courses, sophomores. The first day otherwise theywill receive an ., * .,’ a was heldOct. 9. , E. Election polls will open at A small fee of two dollars 83a.m. and operate until covere costs of extra offioe 4:OO p.m., with the results to work such as updatingfiles 10 be announced Oct. I 16. that the studenta will know if cWesare filled or,not. Non- According to Election Com- attendance in class does not I mittee Chairperson, Mary mean an automatic drop. Sachs, there will be two polls in operation this year instead of the usualone. Students may Watt explained’this vote in either the library or the procedureis necessary, large- stud,ent lounge. Pick up the ly due to increased special Election Issue of the enrollment. The exact Thunderword for pictures and enrollment is not available at platforms. this time. Sept. 23,1974 there was an enrollment of 6,443, More atudents are needed, ISept. 23, 1975 the enrollment to wrve on tbe Election Com- waa 7,351. mittee to help tally voter and Foreign student . I to man the polls rlarin# the enrollmenthss increased with c elections. For further in- approximately 20 students on formation contact Mary campus at thh. time. Most of Sachr in the Stqhnt Pro. these students pay their own mama office. -.N,..&, tuition and are not demndent .. 3 Page 2 Thunder Word Oct. 13,1975 01 On Being Female by Sue Russell Editor: recognize that this measure Since this measwt will use will in the long run bring us It’s not nice to get angry Highline students,faculty for taxing the Profits of the money raised only to help better prepared students Or so I’ve been told. and staff have more to gain corporations Will finally re- public schools to cut their produced by the school It’s not nice to laugh loudly from the passage of Initiative quire these companies to Pay special levies, it will clearly system and allow the state to Girls shouldn’t be bold. 314 than might appear at first their share= help public schds and any fund the community colleges Pretend that you’re stupid. better. glance. Banks and insurance com- property tar payers in the Girls shouldn’t be smart. We generally recognize panies have used their politic- state, homeowners and Opponents arc throwing barn to cook and to sew - So how it sand and mud in all that “good government” al power to avoid paying corporations. will The proper feminine arts. groups, like the League of almost all taxes; we have help community colleges? By directions. Some complain reducing the pressure of that this will bring an income Women Voters and the recently seen how some have Your main goal in life American Association ofUni- contributed tens of thousands demands on the state’s gener- tax closer, others complain al funds. that the fairest tax system Is to capture a man. versity Women, after having o f d o 11 a r s t o c o r upt By cheating or lying studied tbc state’s tax legislativeleaders. They When the school levies SMdinclude an income tax €or all, and this doesn’t do it. Or any way you can. structure for years, have admit an effort right now to failed this spring, legislators Forget your ambitions raise $500,0o0 to defeat this In- from Highline’s own district, Some object that this won’t endorsed Initiative 314, and Help himachieve fame. say VYes, vote for it!” They itiative. .who had voted the previous result in a perfect tax system week to fund the governor’s free of the existing inequities, You aren’t as important request, voted to cut the com- but it is along step in that Take his family name.
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