
S5712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 18, 2002 ‘‘(c) MINIMAL RISKS.—If the Administrator ‘‘(4) The University of Chicago Cancer Re- schools, regardless of the aircraft on determines, on the basis of the study con- search Center, Chicago, Illinois. which they plan to train. I am joined in ducted under section 223, that asbestos-con- ‘‘(5) The University of Pennsylvania Hos- this effort by Senators THOMAS, FEIN- taining products used by consumers and pital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. STEIN, and BAYH, and I look forward to workers do not pose an unreasonable risk of ‘‘(6) The University of Texas, through the the Senate’s prompt consideration of injury to human health, the Administrator M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center shall not be required to conduct a program Houston, Texas. this legislation. under this section. ‘‘(7) The University of Washington, Se- I ask unanimous consent that the ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— attle, Washington. text of the bill be printed in the There are authorized to be appropriated such ‘‘(c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— RECORD. sums as are necessary to carry out this sec- There is authorized to be appropriated to There being no objection, the bill was tion.’’. carry out this section $3,500,000 for each of ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as (b) VERMICULITE INSULATION.—Not later fiscal years 2003 through 2007.’’. than 180 days after the date of enactment of follows: this Act, the Administrator of the Environ- SEC. 5. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. S. 2642 mental Protection Agency and the Consumer The table of contents in section 1 of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Product Safety Commission shall begin a na- Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. resentatives of the United States of America in tional campaign to educate consumers prec. 2601) is amended— Congress assembled, concerning— (1) by inserting before the item relating to SECTION 1. FLIGHT SCHOOL BACKGROUND (1) the dangers of vermiculite insulation section 201 the following: CHECKS. that may be contaminated with asbestos; ‘‘Subtitle A—General Provisions’’; Section 44939(a) of title 49, United States and Code, is amended by striking ‘‘having a max- (2) measures that homeowners and business and imum certificated takeoff weight of 12,500 owners can take to protect against those (2) by adding at the end of the items relat- pounds or more’’. dangers. ing to title II the following: SEC. 2. REPORT ON EFFECTIVENESS OF BACK- GROUND CHECK REQUIREMENT. SEC. 4. ASBESTOS-CAUSED DISEASES. ‘‘Subtitle B—Asbestos-Containing Products Subpart 1 of part C of title IV of the Public Within 1 year after the date of enactment ‘‘Sec. 221. Definitions. of this Act, the Secretary of Transportation Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 285 et seq.) is ‘‘Sec. 222. Panel on asbestos and other amended by adding at the end the following: and the Attorney General shall submit a durable fibers. joint report to the Senate Committee on ‘‘SEC. 417D. RESEARCH ON ASBESTOS-CAUSED ‘‘Sec. 223. Study of asbestos-containing Commerce, Science, and Transportation and DISEASES. products and contaminant-as- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, acting the House of Representatives Committee on bestos products. through the Director of NIH and the Director Transportation and Infrastructure evalu- ‘‘Sec. 224. Prohibition on asbestos-con- of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ating the effectiveness of activities con- taining products. vention shall expand, intensify, and coordi- ducted under section 44939 of title 49, United ‘‘Sec. 225. Public education program.’’. nate programs for the conduct and support of States Code. research on diseases caused by exposure to f asbestos, particularly mesothelioma, asbes- By Mr. NELSON of Florida (for tosis, and pleural injuries. himself, Mr. THOMAS, Mrs. STATEMENTS ON SUBMITTED ‘‘(b) ADMINISTRATION.—The Secretary shall FEINSTEIN, and Mr. BAYH): RESOLUTIONS carry out this section— S. 2642. A bill to require background ‘‘(1) through the Director of NIH and the checks of alien flight school applicants SENATE RESOLUTION 287—CON- Director of the Centers for Disease Control without regard to the maximum cer- GRATULATING THE DETROIT and Prevention; and tificated weight of the aircraft for ‘‘(2) in collaboration with the Adminis- RED WINGS ON WINNING THE which they seek training, and to re- trator of the Agency for Toxic Substances 2002 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE quire a report on the effectiveness of and Disease Registry and the head of any STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONSHIP the requirement; to the Committee on other agency that the Secretary determines AND AGAIN BRINGING THE CUP Commerce, Science, and Transpor- to be appropriate. HOME TO HOCKEYTOWN ‘‘(c) REGISTRY.— tation. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year Mr. NELSON of Florida. Madam Mr. LEVIN (for himself and Ms. after the date of enactment of this section, President, in the wake of the Sep- STABENOW) submitted the following the Director of the Centers for Disease Con- tember 11 terrorist attacks, it was dis- resolution; which was considered and trol and Prevention, in cooperation with the agreed to: Director of the National Institute for Occu- covered that many of the hijackers re- S. RES. 287 pational Safety and Health and the Adminis- ceived flight training in the United trator of the Agency for Toxic Substances States. In addition, Zacarias Whereas on June 13, 2002, the Detroit Red and Disease Registry, shall establish a Na- Moussaoui, the alleged ‘‘20th hijacker,’’ Wings (in this resolution referred to as the tional Mesothelioma Registry. was apprehended by investigators in ‘‘Red Wings’’) defeated the Carolina Hurri- ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—The Registry shall contain canes, 3–1, in game 5 of the National Hockey Minnesota after accounts that he was League championship series; information on diseases caused by exposure only interested in learning to fly, not to asbestos, particularly mesothelioma. Whereas this victory marks the Red Wings’ ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— land, an airplane. 10th Stanley Cup Championship, continuing In addition to amounts made available for Section 113 of the Aviation and the team’s reign as the most storied Amer- the purposes described in subsection (a) Transportation Security Act requires ican hockey team; under other law, there are authorized to be background checks of all foreign flight Whereas this victory marks the Red Wings’ appropriated to carry out this section such school applicants seeking training to third Stanley Cup Championship in the past sums as are necessary for fiscal year 2003 and 6 years, establishing them as one of the great operate aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds dynasties in the history of the National each fiscal year thereafter. or more. While this provision should ‘‘SEC. 417E. MESOTHELIOMA TREATMENT PRO- Hockey League; GRAMS. help ensure that events like the Sep- Whereas the Red Wings, who average over ‘‘(a) FUNDING.—The Secretary, in consulta- tember 11 attacks are not performed by 30 years of age, proved once again that talent tion with the Director of NIH and the Direc- U.S.-trained pilots using hijacked jets and experience can triumph over more tor of the Centers for Disease Control and in the future, it does nothing to pre- youthful competition; Prevention, shall provide not to exceed vent different types of potential at- Whereas the Red Wings had the best record in the National Hockey League for the dec- $500,000 for each of fiscal years 2003 through tacks against our domestic security. 2007 to each institution described in sub- ade of the 1990s as well as this past year; section (b) to strengthen the mesothelioma The FBI recently issued a terrorism Whereas Nicklas Lidstrom, who has an- treatment programs carried out at those in- warning indication that small planes chored the Detroit Defense for 11 years, be- stitutions. might be used to carry out attacks. We came the first European-born player to win ‘‘(b) INSTITUTIONS.—The institutions de- need to ensure that we are not training the Conn Smythe Trophy for the most valu- scribed in this subsection are the following: terrorists to perform these activities. able player in the playoffs; ‘‘(1) The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hos- We can’t allow critical warnings to go Whereas Marian and Mike Ilitch, the own- pital, New York, New York. unheeded. ers of the Red Wings and community leaders ‘‘(2) The Karmanos Cancer Institute at in Detroit and Michigan, have returned Lord Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Today I am introducing legislation Stanley’s Cup to Detroit yet again; ‘‘(3) The University of California at Los that would close this dangerous loop- Whereas the Red Wings, who have played Angeles Medical School, Los Angeles, Cali- hole by requiring background checks in Detroit since 1926, continue to hold a spe- fornia. on all foreign applicants to U.S. flight cial place in the hearts of all Michiganders; VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:50 Jun 19, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JN6.075 pfrm01 PsN: S18PT1 June 18, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5713 Whereas Detroit, otherwise known as younger competition. However as the had the opportunity to say thanks and ‘‘Hockeytown, U.S.A.’’, is home to the most playoffs progressed, the team only farewell to Scotty Bowman. I also had loyal fans in the world; grew stronger. All questions were put the pleasure of chatting with Stevie Whereas the Red Wings are indebted to re- to rest in game three of the playoffs Yzerman and his family. I wish him a tiring head coach Scotty Bowman, who has brought the Red Wings to the playoffs 7 when 41 year old Igor Larionov scored speedy recovery from his surgery. More times in the last 8 years and who, with this two goals including the game winner in than anything else, he and the rest of year’s victory, has earned his ninth Stanley the third overtime.
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