E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2020 No. 39 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was into law, calling it ‘‘a new kind of na- RECOGNIZING THE 176TH ANNIVER- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tional park.’’ Today, nearly 40 years SARY OF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC pore (Mr. CUELLAR). later, our Nation touts 55 National Her- INDEPENDENCE f itage Areas across the country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I am proud of the 12 National Herit- Chair recognizes the gentleman from DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO age Areas in Pennsylvania, more than New York (Mr. ESPAILLAT) for 5 min- TEMPORE any other State in the Nation. Na- utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tional Heritage Areas in Pennsylvania Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, today fore the House the following commu- span 57 of our 67 counties, and these is February 27, and we celebrate the nication from the Speaker: areas are truly an economic develop- 176th anniversary of independence of ment powerhouse. the Dominican Republic, which gained WASHINGTON, DC, In 2014, tourists spent an estimated $2 February 27, 2020. billion worth of goods and services dur- its independence in 1844 from the Re- I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY ing their travels to Pennsylvania’s Na- public of Haiti. CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on Led by Juan Pablo Duarte, Sanchez, tional Heritage Areas. That is $2 bil- this day. and Mella, this island nation moved lion back into our rural communities. NANCY PELOSI, forward under great adversity. Speaker of the House of Representatives. One of those areas, the Oil Region Throughout its 176 years, it has en- f National Heritage Area, is in my dis- trict. The oil region was established as dured military occupation, dictator- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE a Pennsylvania Heritage Area in 1994. ship, and other strong and determining challenges. But throughout these many The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ten years later it became a National Heritage Area. decades, the nation has prevailed. ant to the order of the House of Janu- Today, we enjoy the presence of over ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- Pennsylvania’s oil region is rich with history. In 1859, Edwin Drake changed 2 million Dominicans in the United nize Members from lists submitted by States, many of them in New York the majority and minority leaders for our Nation’s energy future forever when he drilled the world’s first com- State, and many of them in the 13th morning-hour debate. Congressional District, particularly in The Chair will alternate recognition mercial oil well in Titusville, Pennsyl- vania, which is in my congressional Washington Heights. between the parties, with time equally We see many streets in the neighbor- allocated between the parties and each district, establishing Pennsylvania’s oil region as the birthplace of the hood named after some of the patri- Member other than the majority and archs of the nation. We have Juan minority leaders and the minority world’s petroleum industry. Recently, I had the pleasure of join- Pablo Duarte Boulevard, Manolo whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no ing the Alliance of National Heritage Tavarez Justo Way, Mateo Rojas Alou event shall debate continue beyond Areas for their annual Heart & Soul Street, Miguel Amaro Way, Freddy 11:50 a.m. Breakfast, where I was reminded of the Beras-Goico Way. f positive impact that these areas have We also have schools named after very prominent members of that com- HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANCE on our communities. munity. Salome Urena School, the OF NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS Mr. Speaker, National Heritage Areas represent one of the finest public Mirabal Sisters School, Juan Pablo The SPEAKER pro tempore. The public-private partnership models in Duarte School, the Juan Bosch School. Chair recognizes the gentleman from the country. It is for that reason and We also have a huge parade, which Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 their unwavering commitment to pre- now goes down Sixth Avenue, but origi- minutes. serving our Nation’s history that I am nally started right there on Audubon Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. so proud to stand beside them as they Avenue in Northern Manhattan. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight tirelessly promote our Nation’s rich We have social and cultural institu- the importance of our Nation’s Na- history. tions like Club Deportivo Dominicano. tional Heritage Areas. These sites are National Heritage Areas are pre- We have many bodega owners, super- rich with history, culture, and the serving our Nation’s history, not only market owners, hair salons, and other marvels of our Nation’s natural re- to celebrate it, but to learn from it small businesses that I think are char- sources. and, quite frankly, to create economic acteristic of their resolve, our people’s In 1984, President Ronald Reagan development and opportunity utilizing resolve to work hard and make it a bet- signed the first National Heritage Area it. ter city for all of us. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1227 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE7.000 H27FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H1228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2020 We send remittances back home, be- our overall tourist economy in the leaders, and students here in Wash- coming the first and most important First Congressional District of Ken- ington, and FFA will always hold a column of the Dominican economy, and tucky. The Federal resources that have special place in my heart. we continue to contribute in many, been steered toward this problem are f many ways to that island nation and instrumental in fighting the war on ONE YEAR SINCE WE VOTED TO the United States of America. carp. Last Saturday, we witnessed an un- It has truly been a team approach, PREVENT UNNECESSARY GUN precedented event where young people with local leaders like Lyon County DEATHS convened in Washington Heights to Judge-Executive Wade White doing a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The protest the failed municipal elections tremendous job of advocating for ac- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from back home. tion. Georgia (Mrs. MCBATH) for 5 minutes. Last weekend, the Washington While there is certainly work left to Mrs. MCBATH. Mr. Speaker, I rise on Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, do to eradicate Asian carp, we are mov- the anniversary of the House passage of which I am honored to represent in ing in the right direction. I pledge to H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Congress, witnessed thousands of continue working with State and local Checks Act. young people who came to protest officials and to be an effective Federal It is has been 1 year since we stood against the most recent failure by the partner moving forward to rid our together in this Chamber, Democrats Dominican Republic’s electoral board waters of this harmful species. and Republicans, and voted to pass a to properly execute the country’s mu- HONORING UNION COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT commonsense bill that will help save nicipal elections on February 16. PATRICIA SHEFFER lives; 1 year since we voted to prevent Tais Garcia Heredia, Emely Curiel, Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise unnecessary gun deaths and keep guns Andres Gonzalez del Rey, Candido today to recognize Union County away from those who should not have Santana, Alberto Valentin, Albelis Schools Superintendent Patricia them; 1 year since we acted to protect Reyes, and others, particularly a young Sheffer for winning the F.L. Dupree our children, to protect our commu- man by the name of Felipe Batista, led Outstanding Superintendent Award. nities, and to protect our families. these young people—thousands. Close This prestigious honor is awarded an- One hundred Americans die every to 10,000 of them descended on Wash- nually by the Kentucky School Boards single day from gun violence. In 2020, ington Heights. Association to a leader who has dem- there have already been more gun Their initiative to fight for their peo- onstrated a high level of accomplish- deaths in the United States than our ple’s future will probably not go down ment within their school system. peer countries will experience in an en- in the history books; you may not be Serving as superintendent comes tire year. That is unconscionable, and able to find them in a Wikipedia page with a variety of steep challenges and it is why 90 percent of our country sup- in the future; you may not be able to responsibilities. Based on this award, ports universal background checks. even Google their names; but their Patricia has gone above and beyond to Yet, we are told that, instead of names will be echoed in the CONGRES- excel in this critically important role. changing our laws, we must have more SIONAL RECORD, and their patriotism She has committed her career to active-shooter drills; more first graders will forever be remembered. working with community leaders to coming home with tears in their eyes, They are fighting to strengthen de- improve opportunities for the next gen- 6-year-olds asked to decide for them- mocracy. They are fighting to eration, including placing a heavy em- selves whether they are more likely to strengthen the best values of any phasis on improving career and tech- survive by hiding in a closet or if they democratic system and process.
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