Implementing the Protocol

Implementing the Protocol

OutRight Action International OutRight Action International, founded in 1990, is a leading international human rights organization dedicated to improving the lives of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE). It is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) human rights movements worldwide to effectively conduct documentation of LGBTI human rights violations and engage in human rights advocacy with partners around the globe. 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1505 New York, NY 10038 USA T: +1-212-430-6054 * Email: [email protected] * * @outright KƵƚZŝŐŚƚƉĞƌŵŝƚƐĨƌĞĞƌĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶŽĨƚŚŝƐƉƵďůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ͕ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚƚŚĂƚĚƵĞĂĐŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐŵĞŶƚŝƐŐŝǀĞŶ͘ W 88 88 B C X $ ,(,4 0*) *2,"3 8,*%27203(7..0 %2 12$ "",021,"((2$,1 5$,5,0' ,*2$%1 0,2,,(@ 5 (,) 2$%10,2,,(2,0 11,) 12%*")%(74%,( * #%*12 . ,.( @ 0 %272$20 1",0,30 ,))3*%27*5 ,*2%*3,31(7120%4 ",02$ /3(%27**,*G %10%)%*2%,*,"2$ . ,.( @ ** "",022,.0,4% * *(%*# *4%0,*) *2",0,30 ,))3*%27=2$ ""% ,"2$ % 7,0 KL2,# 2$ 05%2$,2$ 012' $,( 01.31$ ",02$ *2) *2,"2$ 3 8,*%27 * 0G%0 0%** 5$ 0 5 . *(%8 %10%)%*2%,*#%*12 *5 $4 .0,4% ""%0)2%4 212, .0,2 22$ 0%#$21,",30 ,))3*%27@ ,#*%8%*#2$ * 2,0 112$ . 041%4 %10%)%*2%,*#%*12 . ,.( =5 5,0' ",02$ 0 2%,** 12(%1$) *2,"2$ 3 8,*%27 0,2 2%,* *2 0",0%2%)G304%4,01," * 0G1 %,( * *31 ="%(%272$2.0,4% 1 1 04% 12,5,) *=$%(0 *=* . ,.( @ $%10,2,,(5%(( 02%*(7 *$* 2$ .%2% 1,",301 04% .0,4% 01%* (%)%*2%*#%10%)%*2%,* *4%,( * #%*12 . ,.( @ ,# 2$ 0=( 231120%4 2,)' 3 8,*%27 G"0% *(7@ @ @ % 7,0 3 8,*%27 Y $%1.0,2,,(.0,3 732%#$22%,* *2 0*2%,*(** * %#$21= *@%150%22 *7%*# 0%12,(*(0%2%((*.0%*2 2$0,3#$2$ 13..,02,"2$ 3 8,*%27""% ,"2$ % 7,0@ 2%)12,0 11,) 12%4%,( * *")%(74%,( * 6. 0% * 7( 1%*=#7=%1 63(= 20*1# * 0=*%*2 01 6K L. 01,*17.%22%*#1 04% .0,4% 012,.0,4% ,). 2 *2= ..0,.0%2 =1 *1%2%4 *0 1. 2"3(1 04% 1@ 32%#$2** * %#$21 62 *12$ %0..0 %2%,*2,2$ . *,% 27,3*2%,*KL",02$ %0 13..,02%* *130%*#2$ %).( ) *22%,*,"2$%1.0,& 2@ (1,'*,5( # 2$ 13..,02,"2$ 3 8,*%27""% 1,"7,0 0 0232%12*% 7,0 ,7 (),*2 ",0 *130%*#2$ 0%#$21," . 01,*1%*3 8,*%270 .0,),2 *.0,2 2 %*2$ %).( ) *22%,*,"(,(#,4 0*) *25,0'%*3 8,*%27@ . %(0 ,#*%2%,*%1,*" 00 2,2$ ,*2%*3,3113..,02*11%12* 62 * 72$ 3 8,*%27 ""% ,"% 7,0 ,7 (),*2 ",02$ %).( ) *22%,*,"2$%1.0,& 2%*(3%*#2$ .0%*2%*#,"2$ .0,2,,(*,2$ 0%*",0)2%,*= 32%,**,))3*%2%,*)2 0%(1=*2$ ,*32,"2$ 1%6 %120%2,))3*%27,320 $",03)12,(3*$2$ 0*#712$20 *,5.( 2,.0,4% ,). 2 *2=..0,.0%2 =1 *1%2%4 *0 1. 2"3(1 04% 12, . 01,*1*2, (%)%*2 ,) 12% 4%,( * *")%(74%,( * #%*12 . 01,*1@ 0 %* 2 2,2$ 3 8,*%270,2 2%,* *2 0",0%2%)G304%4,01," * 0G1 %,( * *31 K0,2 2%,* *2 0L*2$ * 0* 4 (,.) *2KL,,0%*2,01=,( 01,*1*0*#7,3*%(,01K #5L"0,)2$ 0*#71%*3 8,*%27(%12 (,55$,$4 .0,4% #3%* =",31*%0 2%,*2,2$ ,*2 *2,"2$ .0,2,,(@ (%% 0 2 0 #0, *1,( (%*#1 ,(7.%0%2 ). 0%*#( (%#7$* *0*%1, (,*2 *20( 1),*# (%.. ,)),*5 (2$ #'%1*#7,* ( *% 3, 7,*# *(30* 3(%2 ,4(%$ 1.0,. 0 0 2 0%04% 5 0 0, Z J K O ; 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