THE PLANETARIAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol. 24, No. 2, June 1995 Articles 5 George W Bunton, Jr., 1910 - 1995 .................................. Roland Force 6 Pluto Express: Big Mission, Small Spacecraft ....................... Rob Landis 9 Lessons from Museum and Leisure Research .................... Sharon Parker 12 Planetariums in Japan ............................. Isshi Tabe and Kimberly Ayers Features 17 Forum: IPS: Value for Money to International Members? .... Steve Tidey 20 Computer Corner: MICA ................................................... Ken Wilson 22 Planetechnica: Where is My Zoom-Slew? ................ Richard McColman 27 Book Reviews .................................................................. April S. Whitt 34 President's Message ........................................................... Jim Manning 39 Gibbous Gazette ....................................................... Christine Brunello 41 What's New ...................................................................... Jim Manning 45 Focus on Education: Classification of Stars ...................... Stu Chapman 47 Mobile News Network ...................................................... Sue Reynolds 49 Regional Roundup ............................................................ Steven Mitch 51 Secretary's Report ............................................................... Joyce Towne 54 Jane's Corner .................................................................... Jane Hastings .... ----, '- _ __ ...I \'/h' • R,'",I."".~ ,'II f'_[LDIS ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::! ____."_,,, __ llll., "~~,,,,'.I.·I110../'1 0:0 The Skymaster ~ EILER ZKP3 INS T RLJlVlE NT l.~nl~'d &. ",,,,,'1,1" .11... -'1... m."I.'. I',,,,.~e- ,,' •. , ilUI ".,,... ••",1 he- .",,.01, """ """"'': 170 E. Kirkh"m All" ., .I,,"' .... 51;. l ouis , MO 63119 J\ I'"" .• N.· ~,·,I"" ..'.lU",," hit """1,1."1,· non",,1 "I ,I", m."n I""~' h" .",,1 ,t', ,1 ... 1<.-1.1 ,.• ' " 1-0. ,·",h,'" d .... ,!:",,1 Olh",,'!: th., .."n", "'I"""" 1",· ... '"1 .• 1''''' 'I".,tol,,'" ," .. tI ... , 6"" I''''~'h''' . 11", ,,~, ",."h·'" tl,'"b,lm New Orleans Sa les Otfke w",,"'<1 """t'''''''''' .,,,.1 ""''',' ,I,m ,·,,,'II" 'lI ,h,.",· ,.. , ,·"'l,,,.: .I.,,,,, .... 11\,1 ,,,,.. Upl ...... l"''''''\-. 1 - 800- 726-8805 FAX: 504- 764- 7665 The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published quarterly by the International Planetarium Society. © 1995, International Planetarium Society. Inc., all rights reserved. Opinions pV1".r.,."'C!~ The Planetarian by authors are personal opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the International Planetarium Society. its officers, or agents. Acceptance of advertisements, announcements, or Vol. 24, No.2 other material does not imply endorsement by the International Planetarium Society. its offi­ cers or agents. The Editor welcomes items for consideration for publication. Please consult (or June 1995 request) "Guidelines for Contributors," last printed in the June 1994 issue. The Editor reserves the right to edit any solicited or unsolicited manuscript to suit this publication's needs. Executive Editor John Mosley INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Griffith Observatory 2800 E. Observatory Road Bowen Productions ....................................................... 29 Los Angeles, Callfomia 90027 USA 213-664-1181 work phone Calgary Science Centre ................................................ 818-708-7314 home fax Davis Planetarium ........................................................... 33 [email protected] DSC Laboratories .......................................................... Advertising Coordinator East Coast Control Systems ....................................... 40 Sheri Trbovich Evans & Sutherland ........................................ back cover Hansen Planetarium GOTO Manufacturing Co .............................................. 19 15 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 USA Joe Hopkins Engineering ................................................ 16 801-531-4949 Laser Images, Inc .............................................................. 15 801-531-4948 fax [email protected] Lavallee/Brensinger Prof. Assoc. ................................ 48 Miami Space Transit Planetarium ............................... 26 Membership Minolta ............................................................................... 21 Individual: $40 one year; $70 two years Institutional: $150 first year; $75 annual renewal NEOS Technologies ............................ inside back cover Library Subscriptions: $24 one year Planisphere Productions ................................................ 37 Direct membership requests RS Automation Industrie .............................................. 44 and changes ofaddress to the Treasurer Membership Chairman Seiler Instrument ............................... inside front cover Spitz, Inc. .......................................................................... 38 L P.. S. Job Information Service To receive word of new position openings Technical Innovations ..................................................... 53 in the planetarium field, send up to six self-addressed stamped envelopes to: Donald Hall, Director Associate Editors Strasenburgh Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 Jon U. Bell Richard McColman Rochester, New York 14603 USA Opening the Dome Planetechnica Back Issues of The Planetarlan Jeffrey H. Bowen Jim Manning A vailable from: Sound Advice Wbat'sNew Charlene Oukes Christine Brunello Steven Mitch IPS Back Publications Repository Gibbous Gazette Regional Roundup Strasenburgh Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 Stu Chapman Sue Reynolds Rochester, New York 14603 USA Focus on Education Mobile News Network A cumulative index of major articles that have Deborah Judith Steve Tidey appeared in The Planetarian from the first issue & Ervin Bartha Forum All-Sky Circle through the current issue is available on paper Ken Wilson ($12 ppd) or disk ($5 ppd) from the Exec. Editor. Alan Davenport Computer Reviews Scdptodum Final Deadlines April Whitt March:January 21; June: April 21 Jane G. Hastings Book Reviews September:July 21; December: October 21 Jane's Comer Vol. 24, No.2, June 1995 The Plane tar ian 3 I. P. S .. Officers President Executive Secretary 1998 Conference Chair Elections Committee Jim Manning Lee Ann Hennig, Planetarium Undine Concannon Chairman Taylor Planetarium Thomas Jefferson High School Planetarium Administrator Thomas Stec Museum of the Rockies 6560 Braddock Road London Planetarium Central Bucks East H.S. Bozeman Montana 59717 USA Alexandria, Virginia 22312 USA Marylebone Road Holicong and Anderson Hoads 406-994-6874 703-354-9300 x 48 London NWl 5LR England Buckingham, PA 18912 USA 406-994-2682 fax (44) 071-486-1121 215-794-7481 [email protected] Treasurer and Membership (44) 071-465-0862 fax Chairman Awards Committee Chair President Elect Keith Johnson Historian/Photo-Archivist Phyllis Pitluga Thomas W. Kraupe Fleischmann Planetarium John Hare The Adler Planetarium Forum Der Technik University of Nevada Bishop Planetarium 1300 S. Lake Shore Drive Planetarium Reno, Nevada 89557 USA 201 lOth Street West ChIcago, Illinois 60605 USA Museumsinsel 1 702-784-4812 Bradenton, Florida 34205 USA 312-322-0319 D-80538 Muenchen 702-784-4822 fax 813-746-4132 Germany [email protected] 49-89-21125-250 Publications Chair Permanent Mailing Address 49-89-21125-255 fax 1996 Conference Chairman Undine Concannon International Planetarium July 11-15, 1996 Planetarium Administrator Society Past President Dr. Tadao Nakano, Director London Planetarium c/o Hansen Planetarium William Gutsch The Science Museum of Osaka Marylebone Road Hayden Planetarium Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku London NW1 5LR, England 15 South State Street American Museum Osaka 530, Japan (44) 071-486-1121 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 USA Central Park West at 81st St. (44) 071-465-0862 fax New York, NY 10024 USA 212-769-5900 Please notify the Editor 212-769-5007 fax changes oj IPS offICers affUiate representatives. I. P .. S. Affiliate Representatives Association of French-Speaking Great Lakes Planetarium Assoc. Nordic Planetarium Association Russian PlanetariumlB Association Planetariums Dayle Brown. Pegasus Productions Lars Broman Zinaida P. Sitkova Agnes Acker 713 Cushing Broman Planetarium Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium Planetarium Strasbourg South Bend. Indiana 46616 USA Fjaderharvsg 87 Pokhyalinsky S'Yem 5-A Universite Louis Pasteur 219-282-1885 8-424 66 Goteborg-Angered Nizhny Novgorod. 603 001 Rue de L'ObseIVatoire Sweden Russia 6700 Strasbourg. France Great Plains Planetarium Assoc. +46-2310 177 34-21-66 88-36-12-51 April Whitten. Business Mgr. +46-2310 137 (fax) Mallory Kountze Planetarium Southeastern Planetarium Assoc. Assoc. of Mexican Planetariums 60th & Dodge Streets Pacific Planetarium Association John Hare Ignacio Castro Pinal Omaha. Nebraska 68182 USA Lonny Baker Bishop Planetarium Museo Technologico C.F.E. 402-554-2510 Astronomical Society of the Pacific 20l-lOth Street West Apartado Postal 18-816 402-554-3100 390 Ashton Avenue Bradenton. Florida 34205 USA CP 11870 Mexico City. D.F. Mexico [email protected] San Francisco, CA 94112 USA 813-746-4132 277-5779 415-337-1100 Italian Planetaria's Friends Assoc. 415-337-5205 fax Southwestern Association of British Assoc. of Planetariums Loris Ramponi Planetariums Undine Concannon National Archive of Planetaria Planetarium Assoc. of Canada Donna Pierce London Planetarium c/o Centro studi e ricerche Serafino Ian D. Cameron Highland Park Ind. School
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