'; '"'""4 C.- . .' V < *j * 1! , . .. _ r';i: x v / m »M :i£.A i. '.., \ L—m-~ -I'i;: . •• -rSi : 8T&. |i-W a - v»tK J x WHOLE NUMBER 1085. NORWALK, CONNECTICUT,. TTJESD AY, OCTOBER 27, 18(58 VOLUME LI.—NUMBER 43. * \ .. THE VBBBDOIH OF THI AGl. U T7\OR Sale or to Lease for term of years to • in a fit of ijrjum iremens; another, very JAPAN CORRESPONDENCE. meeting on the stage, they drew swords, I For the Gazette. NOBWALK GAZETTE. KEW GOODS! REAL ESTATE. JD good and responsible tenant, a large and ^ >:•;# I. X 2IAT10NAI* BOKO.V '| < i emaciated, wt» ^ weak anj diseased, as to flourished tlieni ; r.nnul considir ibly, l>:it I Work tor tht Union* Just received, a good assortment of most desirably situated house near N. Y. A c Tfc« SMond Oldest Paper In the State. For Sale. N. II. R. B. Depot, at South Norwalk. The b3 obliged to be ^nC(j t0 i,jg for scv. not succeeding in killing anybody, retired J "We heard much in days gone by of the Cassimcrei and Coatings, home is three stories containing eighteen rooms, has Oh, I hear the echoes ringing eral weeks; anothe. vrs a]most ft tolu, U. S. 8. SLOOP OF WAR Iitoquois,) HOUSE AND LOT located on a flrst-clast ave­ 3 tier Piazza over-looking harbor and Long Island Down the arching halls of Time; Hiooo, Jispan, Aug. 7,1SG8." f behind the scenes, the cumin vv:;s iunne- "War fyr the Union," and now your humble YITHICH will be made into garments in the most wreck, with a diseased si, ; ,ch and raging OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. A nue, and surrounded by all first-class dwellings* Sound. About £ 1-2 acreslawn, abundance fruit trees, All the choral voices singing disvtely dropped, when the employe* s ol" the correspondent has come down with others If Improved style and best manner. Also, a The house is new and just completed; the rooms large Grape Vines, large and commodious Barns, Carriage appetite, no« only for stim.^. DEAR SIR -Since my last comm inicution lot of Paper Collars, of the best make; will be sold and conveniently airanged, well finished, fitted np with House and other out-buildings, well adapted in all re­ Wilh an ecstasy sublime; but for to you, things in Japan, in thisseclioli, h:ive theatre rushed i.i front and stored at us, to to work for the Ifnion—to teach true ameri- A. II. BTINOTON Sc CO., very cheap cheaper than can be bought elsewhere in the modern improvements; pleaeant, attractive, easy spects for Boarding School, Hotel, or Boarding House. And the glory of cur banners,' food, which, the moment it v, this vicinity, together with a general assortment of It Is within Ave minutes walk of Depot.. Steamboat followed in about the same older. Foreign­ see what kind of beings we were, it bt iiig cau ideas, that all the states over which A. H. BnNGTON, J. B. ELLS, 6. N. ELLS. of access, every way desirable, and cannot fail to Gents' Furnishing Good*, lease. Persons wishing a quiet and agreeable real* wharf, Post oaice, 4 churches and a dozen stores. A11 And the freedom of our land, into the stomach, was ejected froi*..( (Jjig unusual to see foreigners at their theatres, floats our loved and beautiful flag may be a trains ol N. Y. & N. H. Road stop at this depot, and A je re-echoed In hosannas ' ers—Americans seeming to have the prefer­ at very low prices. Sence, in all respects as recommended, will do well to continuing for many weeks ; anothdi ^ag call and examine the premises themselves. Price, Steamboat to and from New York dally. I have oc­ Floating out to every strand. ence—are getting positions in the Japanese especially when attended by Japanese ofli union in fact as well as in name. Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. • Shirts made to order at short notice. $8,000. Enquire at the GAZETTE OFFICE. K8tf cupied this place 18 summers, and if I can make sat­ very feeble in body and mind, pale and voi; isfactory disposition of it, I shall be prepared to re­ * °b-'"rnnient service, at a good salary. Lieut. cers of high rank. 4 The Charleston propeller, Saragossa, bore Single copies 5 cents. Particular attention paid to cutting garments of Every ear has caught the lyric thin; another, given up as incurable by IHB all kinds. DAYTON, ceive proposals for addition to Stone House on Moss After leaving the theatre we visited some us out of New York harbor on the afternoon At the old stand, No. 4, Ely's Block. For Sale or to Let. Hill. I will sell IT very very fine building lots on old Of the nation's glad huzzas, , ^ '"''•innoll, late of. the U. S. Navy, re­ Ainrtlilnt Rates. road to Wilson's Point, within 10 minntes walk R. R. physicians at home, was grcally prostrated ou of the large silk stores. We saw some very r Uau or leu, 1insertion SO cts.; 3 tlmos, $1.00 Souili Norwalk. March, 1868. URNISHED OR XJNFURNISHEB HOUSE, Barn And the dance is more than Pyrrhic, signed -.,,j.e a couple of weeks ago, and of the 8th, after we had shaken our last good Depot NATHAN C. ELY, by reason of excessive indulgence in opium ,nv Oae (tins, one iniertlon, 1.00 P. S._Agent for Schwartz & Clacs, Dyeing Es­ Six tons of Hay, 1 Horse, and Carriage. 1 first tf40. or call on G. Hodges or W. T. Craw. More than thunder the applause; has beep -o(j t|je Commissioners of J£ood silks and satins, but only seven yards bye with friends over the vessel's side. One Per weak, for continuance, •*> rateF Cow; together or seperately.andfor an indefinite and strong drink; another was so weak and tablishment, Bridgeport Garments of all Kinds For the despots of the nations Naval Affairs fo^.g Majegt the Mikaclo t0 in a pieco, and an enormous price at that, of our party called out to those on shore after One square, lix month*, 7.00 dyed in the best manner at short notice. (13) D. D. criod. This place is within three minutes walk of emaciated as to require assistance in alight­ " " one year—with paper, 18.00 Sepot which connects with the N. Y. & N, H. trains ."/For Sale. Now are falling from their thrones, accept a most mipc nay!d appointmcut from $15 to $18 being asked for a piece. we commenced moving. Two " " " " " 95.00 running to New York eleven times a day. the joyous acclamations ^ VALUABLE PLACE formerly owned by Seth And ing from the carriage that brought him under the Mikado. M-Grinne]1 is at present We however dispensed with the idea of buy­ Thrae " " " " " 30.00 500 more Building Lots lately opened at Winnipauk Now arc shaking all the zones. "Be sure to elect Grant, or we don't stand for sale. A few more left at North Norwalk. Also, a >' Gregory, situated at the head of Pudding Lane. here and in conducting him to his room. One qaarter Column, one year, 50.00 BOOTS AND SHOES. TheA house is in good condition.!^ stories, containing in Yokohama, but is ext here in ing silk in Osaka. any chance of onr Uvea." One half " " " 80.00 nice little place for sale on Spring Hill. Enquire orof Others, again, owing to a vigorous constitu­ Ml Column, one year, , , 150.00 S. R. P. CAMP, London Terrace. Wiunipauk, of some 12 rooms, basement and attic: some % acre of And no more theljondmen tremble days to take possession of > Our next objsct of interest was some of Instantly the finger of a friend was on her SMClal Notice* SG per cent adviuce on the above. St42 JAMES MITCHELL, land, a good well oi water, frnit in abundance. Also, At the despotV dread commands tion, not reduced to so low a degree, yet suf­ Xearly advertisers restricted to the business con­ HE subscribers would respectfully call the atten­ shade trees in front of the lot the whole length of the On the 24th ult. this vessel ••nt the bronze* stores, where we saw some very lips, and he said. place. Apply to S. T. WOOD, Real estate agent,and But like hosts of men assemble, to O^aka templated at the time of contract, but are permitted T tion of the public to their New Stock of Goods, , For Sale. fering much firom shattered nerves and from Col. Stewart, our newly appoints Americin good specimens of bronze, and very 'cheap. "Hush! you must know they are all cop-' to make monthly changes of their advertisements. consisting of a generul assortment of Intelligence office, Norwalk,nearthcPostOfflce. Im41 Down to smite bis bloody hand; morbid condition of the system." One inch space constitutes a square. HE property situated on the southeast corner ol a general Consul; Brig. Gen. Frank, late -,1(.rican Each of us bought a set suitable for tlie pel-heads on board!" Wall and Water streets, in the Borough of Nor­ For the masB of human beings Advance payment required for all transient adver- Boots, Sliocs, Gaiters, &c., T "BUILDING LOTS." By the few will not be crushed, "It gives me very great pleasure to be Consul"; Mr. Morse, Vice Consul; tj,c tlsMl«!lt«. walk, generally known as Mitchell's Block. For price mantle shelf. After purchasing a few other "But I'm not a copperhead, and I don't in­ Ouiter of a Column, one tune, 8 6.00 both for Gentlemen and Ladies' wear, which will be and terms apply to HE undersigned offer lor Sale some of the mo st Even though the tyrant's breathings able to state that, after a few weeks or Lieut.
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