e VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VrROIN .lA 23261 March 31, .1980 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial. No. 298 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation LQA/WRM:rab Attn: Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 1 Docket Nos. 50-280 Division of Operating Reactors 50-281 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 50-338 Washington, D.C. 20555 50-339 Dear Mr. Denton: The Virginia Electric and Power Company, in order to assist the Staff in their review of the proposed Technical Specification changes for the North Anna and Surry Power Stations resulting from the management.reorganization of April 1, 1980, encloses two attachments of information pertaining to the revision of various departmental positions. Attachment 1 contains resumes of the individuals who currently hold the revised positions. Attachment 2 contains job descriptions of the revised positions shown in the proposed Technical Specification changes. Very truly yours, C.~ M. Stallings Vice President-Power Supply and Production Operations Attachments: 1. Personnel resumes 2. Job position descriptions cc: Mr. O. D. Parr Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3 Division of Project Management (- 0- I \ 0 \ 0 .. , e ATTACHMENT 1 e Executive Vice President - Power BS/ME - 1960 Colorado State University 1960-1971 General Electric Company Reactor operations, technical support, operator training, and irradiation testing•..:· Project management of design, development, construction and_ startup of first commercial nuclear plant training simulator, and completion and startup of Tsuruga Nuclear Plant,. Japan, : and Nuclenor Nuclear Project, Spain. 1971-1972 Daniel Construction Company Manager, Technical Services - provided technical-support to nuc~ear and fossil power projects 1972-1974 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Project Manager for KoRi Nuclear Project - Korea, and ¥..anager, Far East Projects 1974-1979 JA Jones Construction Company - Charlotte, N.C. Vice President, Energy Division .:1979-1980 Consultant to Houston Lighting & Power, assisting ~th organizational development and design and construction of nuclear and fossil projects Elected to present position·effective February 1, 1980. e Manager-Nuclear Operations and Maintenance - B. R. Sylvia Formal Education - BSEE from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1961. Completed 30 semester hours toward a Master of Commerce Degree at University of Richmond Night School. Received graduate degree in nuclear engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1968 Training - Completed Westinghouse Reactor Operator Training Program qµalifying as Reactor Operator for the Saxton Reactor,, Saxton, Pennsylvania, 1 year. Received Senior Reactor Operator License Surry Nuclear Power Station~ July 1972. Experience - January 1962 to 1968 various positions in Vepco Power Generation - October 1968 to August 197Z Supervisor Engineering Services Vepco~ Surry Nuclear Power Station. - August 1972 to January 1974, Superintendent Station Operations . Vepco North Anna Power Station. - January 1974 to October 1975, Supervisor of Nuclear Operations Vepco General Office. - October 1975 to April 1980, Director Nuclear Operations. Present ~osition April 1980. e Director-Maintenance & Operation Services - W. L. Stewart Formal Education -·Wellsburg High School, Wellsburg, W. Va. Training - Electrician Mate School - 12 weeks· U. S. Submarine School (U. S. Navy) - 6 weeks U. S. Nuclear Power School (U. S. Navy) - 26 weeks U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Prototype - 26 weeks Westinghouse Reactor Operator Training Program - 8 weeks Certification - SSW Nuclear Power Plant Qualified Previously held Surry Power Station License; Received RO May, 1972, SRO June 1973 Experience - 9.5 years U. S. Navy experience with 7 years being nuclear Employed .in power generation with Vepco since February 1970 and in supervisory positions since Octo'.Jer 1972 Promoted to Shift Supervisor December 1973 at Surry Power Station t:. ~ Promoted to Operating Supervisor April, 1975 Promoted to Superintendent Station Operations July, 1.976 Promoted .to Station.Manager. Surry. Power Station January, 1979 Promoted to Director Maintenance & Operation Services April, 1980 e Section Supervisor-Training - J. A. Hanson, Jr. Formal Education - BS Physics, Old Dominion University, 1976 Training - Electronics Technician "A" School - U. S. Navy Basic Nuclear Power School - U. S. Navy Nuclear Prototype Training Unit - U. S. Navy Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Licenses (NRC) for Surry Units 1 and 2 Experience - 1965-1971 Electronics Technician, Reactor Operator, Nuclear Prototype Instructor - U. S. Navy - 1972-1979 Surry Power Station as: Assistant Control Room Operator Assistant Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor Nuclear Training Coordinator Nuclear Training Supervisor - 1979-1980 Supervisor-Pro1uction Training Programs Development April 1, 1980 Present Position e Section Supervisor-Nuclear Administrative Services - R. L. Baldwin Fonnal Education - B. Metallurgical Engineering, Cornell University · J, yr.· .Postgraduate Sciences and Mathematics Curriculum," U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California Training - Basic Naval Nuclear Power Training Nuclear Po;.;rer Prototype Training on DIG Prototype Marine Engineering School - 6 months Experience - 1958-1960 Destroyer Engineer Officer Executive Officer: Amphibious Ship 1962-1963 Replenishment Ships 1969-1971 1971-1975 Nuclear Power Training Unit Idaho Falls 1967-1969 Navy Weapons Station Concord CA 1973-1975 Maintenance Inspection Team, Aircraft Carrier 1975-1978 Main Propulsion Assistant & Engineering Officer of the Watch, USS Enterprise 1965-1967 Nuclear ~raining Coordinator, Surry Power Station, 1976-1978 Supervisor Administrative Services, ·surry Power Station 1978-1980 April 1~ 1980, Present Position e ' . Section Supervisor-Nuclear Operations and Maintenance Support - L.A. Johnson Formal Education - BS United States Naval Academy - MS Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University Training - Basic Naval Nuclear Power Training - Nuclear Power Prototype Training on SIC Reactor Plant - Qualified Engineering Officer of the Watch - U. S. Navy Submarine School - Qualified Senior Reactor Operator (Surry Power Station) Experience - I&C Officer and Engineering Watch Officer, SIC Reactor Plant,-1960-1961 - Machinery Officer, USS John Marshall (SSBN611), 1961-1963 - Engineer Officer (Department Head) USS Daniel Webster (SSBN 626), 1963-1965 - Shipboard and Engineering Accident Analyst, Submarine Safety Center, 1965-1968 - Executiye Officer, Replenishment Ship, 1968-1970 - Accident Investigator and Analyst, (Cruiser Destroyer) Naval Safety Center, 1970-1975 - Engineering Supervisor on Performance and Surveillance, Surry Power Stationj 1975-1977 - Supervisor of Engineering Services, Surry Power Station 1977-1978 - Senior Staff Engineer and Personal Assistant to Director of Nuclear Operations~ System Office, 1978-1980 April 1, 1980~ Present Position e Manager-Nuclear Technical Services - J. T. Rhodes Education: BS Nuclear Physics, North Carolina State University, 1963 MS Nuclear .Engineering, Catholic University, 1968 PhD Nuclear Engineering, Purdua University, 1972 Experience: - 1963-1964, Associate Engineer (auxiliary Power Systems Group), Martin-Marietta Corporation-Nuclear Division - 1964-1968, U. S. Army Nuclear Power Program, Project Engineer and Senior Project Engineer, Nuclear and Thermal Hydraulic Analyses for 5 ANPP PWR reactors. 1968-1971, Purdue University, AEC fellow working in ,Co.re Analyses andoptimized planning methods for different types of commercial reactor designs. - 1971-1972 Nuclear Physicist, Virginia Electric and Power Co. - 1972-1975 Supervisor, Nuclear Fuel Design and Operation - 1975-1977 Director, Nuclear Fuel Engineering and Operation - 1978-1980 District Manager Aprill,1980 Present Position -------------------------------------------------------- Director-Safety Evaluation and Control - E. R. Smith, Jr. Formal Education - BSEE - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (with Nuclear Option) - 1971 Training - Westinghouse Instrumentation and Control Engineer Course - SRO Training - Surry Power Station Experience Fossil-fueled power station engineering staff - 1 year Nuclear power station engineering staff - 6 years (includes 1 year, 1972-1973, at Surry Power Station) - NRC SRO license~ Surry Power Station 1976 (expired) - Engineering Supervisor - North Anna 1976-1978 - Supervisor Engineering Services 9-1-78 to 1-1-79 - Participated in Unit 1 Pre-op and Startup testing program - Superintendent-Technical Services 1979-1980 - In present Position, April 1, 1980 e Director-Technical Analysis - R. M. Berryman Formal Education - BSME, North Carolina State University, 1970 Experience - 1970-1974, Various engineering positions at Vepco - 1974-1977, Staff Engineer - 1977-1978, Supervisor Nuclear Engineering Services -1978-1980, Superintendent Engineering Services - April 1, 1980 - Present Position e e Director-Chemistry and Health Physics - W.W. Cameron Formal Education - BS Chemistry, University of Richmond MSPH, Radiological Hygiene, University of North Carolina Experience 1955-1959, Various chemistry oriented posit~ons with Vepco - 1960-1967 9 Project chemist CVNPA test reactor 1967-1968, Staff position, Vepco 1968-1969, University of North Carolina - 1970~1976, Supervisor Health Physics, Surry Power Station - 1976-1978, Health Physics Staff positions 1978-1980, Superintendent Technical Serv.ices· April 1, 1980 - Present Position e e ATTACHMENT 2 e Manager-Nuclear
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