News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights Loro Parque Fundación 2009 Breeding Results At the end of every breeding year, the balance is drawn up and evaluated, and the total breeding result for 2009 with 1,214 young parrots can be rated as an average breeding year. The highlights have cer- tainly been the four young Lear’s Macaws (Anodorhynchus leari), the Yellow-tailed Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus), two Palm Cockatoos (Probosciger ater- rimus), the Scaly-naped Amazon (Ama- zona mercenaria), two Yellow-crowned Amazons (Amazona ochrocephala xan- tholaema), three Red-spectacled Parrots (Amazona pretrei), four Pesquet’s Parrots (Psittrichas fulgidus), the Short-tailed Par- rot (Graydidascalus brachyurus), as well as two Mindanao Lorikeets (Trichoglossus and some of them we have gathered for johnstoniae), four Red-fronted Lorikeets you here, dear reader: (Charmosyna rubronotata), eight Gustav’s 1. There is no better setting for a con- Parakeets (Brotogeris cyanoptera gustavi) gress about parrots than the sunshine and the Thick-billed Parrot (Rhynchop- island Tenerife, with its sub-tropical sitta pachyrhyncha). beaches, palm groves and mountain In the new year we have already been forests. able to ring the first 18 parrot chicks. 2. Parrot-lovers worldwide only get Besides some lovebirds (Agapornis), two together like this once every four Blue-crowned Lories (Vini australis) and years. At top, a Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo (Cacatua 3. You can meet friends of the parrots two Rainbow Lorikeets (Trichoglossus leadbeateri) in katandra Treetops. Above, a haematodus capsitratus) were born. Blue-crowned Lory (Vini australis). from all over the world; at the previ- With our latest Loro Parque project, ous Convention, participants from “Katandra Treetops," which has now been the different species, for the visitors it is more than 40 countries attended. open for four months, we have learned a great experience to see the parrots and 4. Nowhere is there a bigger parrot Con- many things. The Moluccan Cocka- other birds all together without any sepa- vention than in Tenerife. toos (Cacatua moluccensis) originally rating mesh or other barrier. 5. Top speakers coming from all over the introduced into the aviary were great to globe will present news and develop- observe, but they got too tame and con- 33 Reasons to Attend the ments from the world of parrots. fident with the visitors, so that one or 7th Annual Parrot Festival 6. Participants will learn about the lat- another earring got snatched. Therefore From Sept. 22–25, 2010, the 7th Inter- est findings concerning parrots: pro- we decided to take them out of the avi- national Parrot Convention takes place in tection of species, keeping, breeding, ary and to replace them with some Major Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. The research and medicine. Mitchell’s Cockatoos (Cacatua leadbeat- congress will be organized once again in 7. From these presentations you can take eri), which have adapted very quickly to its tried and tested form by the team of away practical tips for your own keep- their new environment, as well as being a Loro Parque and the Loro Parque Fun- ing and breeding of parrots. real eye-catcher. Apart from the fact that dación, and is the top event worldwide 8. Convention presentations will be the population of 120 birds is very stable, for all parrot-lovers. Innumerable reasons simultaneously translated into the and there is an easy cohabitation of all exist for why you must not miss this e vent German, English, Spanish and French, AFA Watchbird 45 News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights Paisaje Norte giving ample opportunity for partici- 12. On one afternoon of the Convention 15. The Loro Parque Fundación will pants to understand these. you will be able to visit the new Siam inform you first-hand about its activi- 9. You can renew or establish valuable Park of the Loro Parque group in the ties for the protection of species and contacts with fellow parrot breed- south of Tenerife. In the evening will habitats worldwide. To date the LPF ers from all around the world, which be announced the Beach Party, right has been able to provide more than can have a positive effect on your own there in Siam Park. $9 million for conservation measures breeding population. 13. Siam Park is one of the most attrac- for endangered animals worldwide. 10. The varied evening programme, with tive water parks of the world, where 16. At Loro Parque you can admire, with Cocktail reception, Beach Party, you can relax after the lectures—float- 350 different species and subspecies of surprise Party and Gala Dinner is ing in the lazy river through the park, parrots, the largest, most species-rich organized to provide a number of jumping into the water of the larg- parrot collection of the world. surprises. est wave pool of the world, sipping a 17. You should absolutely discover the 11. During the three days of the Con- cocktail on the white sandy beach or new sensation “Katandra Treetops,” vention, in the Taoro conference cen- having fun on the 28 different water one of the largest parrot aviaries of ter in Puerto de la Cruz, there will slides, which are up to 35m high. the world with its incredible, precious be a range of booths from companies 14. You will enjoy during the entire and diverse population of parrots and which will present their products all Convention free admission to Loro other birds, totaling 120 individuals. about parrots. Parque. 18. Loro Parque sets internationally high 46 Volume XXXVII • Number 2 • 2010 News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights standards with its orcas, dolphins, sea 25. Tenerife is the Island of eternal attainable within one hour by car. lions and parrots. spring, which has a great many things 28. Tenerife harbors more endemic ani- 19. You can marvel at the largest penguin to discover. mal and plant species than anywhere house in the world, including more 26. In Tenerife, with its 3.718 m high vol- else in Europe (ecological “Hot- than 120 penguins of five species, as cano “Teide,” you can climb the high- Spot”)! The most renowned represen- well as the biggest puffin colony in a est mountain in Spain. tatives are the Blue Chaffinch. zoo. 27. Tenerife due to its topography, offers a 29. From Tenerife you can go on a whale- 20. Loro Parque presents exemplary varied flora and fauna from the ocean and dolphin safari. One of the biggest enclosures, more interesting ani- to the high mountains, and all this is groups of pilot whales with several mals like gorillas, chimpanzees, sev- eral marmoset species, meerkats, fla- mingos, cranes, alligators, Galápagos giant tortoises, iguanas, an aquarium, a shark tunnel, and more. 21. Loro Parque has become, through about 200 television broadcasts, one of the most famous zoos in Europe, which you absolutely have to see “live” at least once. 22. As a member of the Loro Parque Fun- dación you get an exclusive oppor- tunity to see its breeding station in “La Vera, otherwise closed to the public”—and to have a guided tour and overview of the 1,200 existing avi- aries. There, besides Spix’s and Lear’s Macaws, also the least frequent par- rots of the world are maintained and bred. 23. For the first time prior to the 7th International Parrot Convention will be the two-day I. International Convention on the Conservation of Psittacidae: Science, Policy and Prac- tice, dealing in more depth about issues affecting parrots in the modern world, to which as a Convention par- ticipant, you can additionally enroll. 24. After the 7th International Parrot Convention, following the great suc- cess four years ago, the biologists and veterinarian of Loro Parque as well as other chosen specialists will conduct a practical parrot workshop. In these three days following the Convention, subjects like artificial breeding and hand-rearing, diets of parrots, and parrot diseases will be discussed. You can book every day individually. AFA Watchbird 47 News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights • News Highlights you to take a refreshing swim in the bright warm water. Another Species 32. The month September is one of the Declared Extinct sunniest months of the year. 33. There are still so many interesting It Happened in Our Lifetime things to list, but you have to experi- I don’t know about you, but I am begin- ence it first hand to have an opinion ning to wonder how long any wild animal, about it. bird, reptile or even awesome-looking bug is More information on the 7th Inter- going to survive the “human overpopulation national Parrots Convention, including era” we seem to be living in. I know it’s polit- Paisaje Sur details on the program and an application ically incorrect to blame over population, form, can be found at www.loroparque- but I can’t help but think that if it were not hundred animals live as residents fundacion.org. You can request directly for the crowding of humans into the native between Tenerife and La Gomera, and from: habitats of our wildlife, things might be dif- you can encounter them regularly, as Loro Parque Fundación, Avenida Loro ferent. The reason we are destroying habi- well as different species of dolphins. Parque s/n, E-38400 Puerto de la Cruz, tats is because we need more room or more 30. The friendliness of the Canarian pop- Tenerife, Spain farmland and have greater energy demands. ulation also invites you to linger in Tel.: 0034-922 37 40 81, Fax: 0034- When our children need a place to live, we the cafes, restaurants and pedestrian 922 37 31 10 don’t think twice about buying a beauti- zones of the old towns.
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