. T .-1 GOVEI<NMEN'I' 01: MAI-{ARASI-ITRA FEES REGULATING AUTHORITY ''rnc-m-~-rn-I1 Meeting Date :gth December, 2016 Minutes of the 20'~Meeting of the Fees Requlatinq Authority (constituted under section 11 (2)(3)(4) of the Flzkzr~shtraUnaided Private Professional Educational Ins:itu+ions [Requlation Admission and Fees) Act, 2015) held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Justice M.N. Gilani, (Retd.) on Fridav, the gth December, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Hall, Room No. 305, Government Polytechnic Buildinq, 49 Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Junq Ivlarq, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051. Following were present : 1. 1 Dr. R.S. Mali 1 : 1 Member I 2. Shri. Sanjay Panse : Member -1 -- 4. Shri. Sudhir Mutalik : Member on leave -1 Dr. K. D. Chavan 5. Registrar, Maharashtra University : Member - Absent of Health Sciences, Nashik Dr. S.K. Mahajan, Member - Absent 1 6. 1 Director. Technical Education. 1 : I Murr~bai pp pp : Member - Absent Director, Higher Education, Pune Dr. J.V. Patil, $-t The Member Secretary of the Member - Absent I 8. 1 Maharashtra Council of Agriculture I Education and Research Shri. K.B. Phand, IAS Secretary I 9. I I : Shri. Sudhir Mutalik, member of FRA being unable to attend the meeting was granted leave of absence. Dr. K. D. Chavan, Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, remain absent due to some unavoidable circumstances, Shri. S.K. Mahajan, Director, Technical Education, sent his representative Shri. S.B. Shirbhate Assistant Director, Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai, Dr. Dhanraj Mane, Director, Higher Education, Pune, Shri J.V. Patil, Member Secretary of the Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research they were all absent without any leave application. 1. Shri. V.K. Jadhav, Deputy Secretary of Maharashtra State Board of 'Technical Education (I\ISB'T), Mumbai. 2. Dr. M.N. Saraf, Principal of Bombay College of Pharmacy, Murnbai has requested that he has sent his representative Dr. Evans Coutinho Professor at Bombay College of Pharmacy, Chairperson has allowed him to participate. 3. Smt. Swati Deshpande, Principal of Government Polytechnic, Bandra (E), Mumbai. Item No. 1 : Po confirm the minutes of the lgth Meetinq of the Fees Requlatinq Authority. T'he Minutes of the lgth Meeting dated 26th November, 2016 of the Fees Regulating Authority are confirmed and approved subject to correction that Dr. R.S. Mali member of FKA was absent being unable to attend the meeting was granted leave of absence. Item No. 2: To decide reasonable fees for the Colleqes/Institutes as per list annexed. D. PHARMACY 1 CodeNo Name of the Institutes Courses I 1 DPH 1134 Yavatmal Zilla Vikas Samitee's Pataldhamal DPH/PH/MPH Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal. 2. DPHll67 Shri. Gurudatta Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Late Shri. Ramraoji Gawande Institute of Pharmacy, Akola. Charitable 'Trust's Aurangabad. Y.S. Khedkar College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad. Sevabhavi Sanstha's College of Pharmacy, Vishnupuri, Nanded. 6. DPH3291 Mandar Education Society's College of Pharmacy (Diploma), Pedhambe Taluka-Chiplun Dist- Ratnagiri 415603. 9- 7. DPH4164 Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha's, Priyadarshini J.L. Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy 9" -- - --- - -- -- - -- - -- Uec. 1016 Gondiya Education Society's Manoharbhai pate 1;- - Institute of Pharmacy, Gondia. i Jai ~ahakaEhikshanSanstha's Agnihotri I=- of Diploma in Pharmacy, Sindi (Meghe), Wardha. I Kisan Vidya Prasarak Santha's, Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar College of Pharmacy, Boradi I Shree Gurudatta Shikshan Sanrtha's ?h:rmcy 1 1 College, Kalwan, Dist. IVashik Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Jayawant Institute of Pharmacy, Pune -- -. Gourishankar Education Society's College of Pharmacy (D. Pharm), Limb, Satara Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishthan's Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Pharmacy, Akurdi, Pune Gulabrao Patil Memorial Trust, Gulabrao Patil College of Pharmacy, Miraj Shree Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal of Sharadchandra Pawar Institute of Pharmacy, Dhumbetwadi, Junnar Jayawant Sliikshan Prasarak Mandal's Jaywantrao Sawant Institute of Pharmacy, Hadapsar, Pune 28. I Loknete Hanumantrao Patil Charitable Trust's 1 Loknete Hanmantrao Patil College of Pharmacy, Vita. Rameshwar Maulee Prathishtan's Bhalchandra Institute of Pharmacy, Pune 411025. I I I I B. PHARMACY I ~r. I Code No I Name of the Institutes Courses -1Shri.sarak Sanstlia's PH/MP -7 Institute of Pharmacy, Ka~~lkhad,Akola. 21. pH2511 Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundation, Group of Institutions, VDF School of Pharmacy, Latur. ~ ~ . ~ ritable Trust's, Ravindra Ga j Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Anjaneri Tal. Shree Gajanan IYaharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Sharadchandra Pawar College of Pharmacy, Pune Sinhgad Technical Education Society's Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala Shree ~aba\lirucation Society's Institute f Teclinology (Pharmacy), Nashik Sahyog Sewabhavi Sanstha's Indira College of PH/MP Pharmacy, Nanded . Dr. L.H. Hiranandani College of Pharmacy, PH/MP Ulhasnagar - -.- - - Vighnarta Trust, ~hivajiEJondhale College of I Pharmacy, Shahapur 29. pH4161 Jay Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Agnihotri College of Pharmacy, Sindi (Meghe), Wardha. 30. pH4206 Amar Seva Mandals, Kamla Nehru College of PH/MP Pharmacy, Butibori, Nagpur 3 1. pH4265 Lokmanya Tlak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha's Priyadarshini J.L. College of Pharmacy, Nagpur H.R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & PH/MP Research, Shirpur, Dhule Shree Sureshdada Jain Institute of Pharmaceutical PH/PIP Education and Research, Jamner Dist- Jalgaon Nashik Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Anjneri, Nashik- Trimbak Road, IVashik pH5206 Kisan Vidya Prasarak's Institute of Pharmaceutical PH/PIP Education, Boradi, Shirpur, Dhule -- 36. pH5212 Shri. Gurudatta Shikshan ~ansthzLoknete Dr. ~PH/MP J.D. Pawar College of Pharmacy, Manur m%st-~atoshriCollege of Pharmacy, Eklahare, Nashik -1 9"' Dec. 2016 ...p-...7-... ~ ' . ~ 38, 1 pH6358 1 Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Vadgaon, Pune ~PH/MP 1 ! ! 11 P16361 Sinhgad Technical Education Society, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Pharmacy, Kondhwa, (Bk); Pune Sinhgad Institute of Pharmacy, Narhe (Ambegaon), Pune. ., . , .<. , . Orders separately passed. Item No. 3 : Anv other issue with the permission of the Chair. Nil The meeting concluded with thanks to the Chair. The next meeting of the Authority would be held on Saturday, loth December, 2016 at 11.00 a.m. in the Meeting Hall, Office of the Authority at 305, Government Polytechnic Building, 49, Khenuadi, Ali Yawar lung Marg, Bandra (E) Mumbai 400 051. Date : gth December, 2016 (M.N. GILANI) CHAIRPERSON Place : Murr~bai FEES REGULATING AUTHORITY Tq%m- - m wit . w*m (tligher &Technical Education Department / Medical Education & Drugs Department, Govt. of MS) Meeting Date : gth December, 2QS6 Minutes of the 2oth Meetinq of the Fees Requlatinci Authorih (constituted under section 11 J2)(3)(4) of the Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions (Requlation Admission and Fees) Act, 2015) held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Justice M.N. Gilani, (Retd.1 on Fridav, the gth December, 2016 at 11:OO a.m. in the Conference Hall, Room No. 305, Government Polvtechnic Buildins, 49 Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Juns Marq, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051. Item No. 2: To decide reasonable fees for the Colleaes/lnstitutes as ~erlist annexed. D. PHARMACY Sr. Code No Name of the Institutes Final fees No. declared by Authority for AY 2017-18 Yavatmal Zilla Vikas Samitee's Pataldhamal 1 DPH 69,000/- Wadhwani College of Pharmacy, Yavatmal PH 82,000/ DPHl134 - I Shri Gurudatta Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Late Shri 51,000/- DPH1167 Ramraoji Gawande Institute Of Pharmacy, Akola Sayali Charitable Trust's College Of Pharmacy, DPH2202 Deferred Aurangabad. , DPH2203 Dr. Y. S. Khedkar College Of Pharmacy, Aurangabad 55,500/- Sahayog Sevabhavi Sanstha's College of Pharmacy, DPH2216 1 Vishnupuri,. Nanded. Mandar Education Society's College of 6 DPH3291 Pharmacy(Diploma), Pedhambe Taluka - Chiplun Dist - 40,000/- Ratnagiri 415 603. ~okman~a~ilakJankal~an~hikshan~anstha~s,Priyadarshini 98,000/ - 1 DPH4164 1. L. Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy Gondiya Education Society's Manoharbhai Patel Institute of 64,0001- Pharmacy, Gondia. Kisan Vidya ~rasarakSanstha's, Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar 81,900/- College of Pharmacy, Boradi Shree Gurudatta shikshan sanstha's Pharmacy College, 73,500/- , l1 DPH5289 I Kalwan, Dist. Nashik A Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Jayawant Institute Of Pharmacy, Pune Gourishankar Education Society's College Of Pharmacy (D. Pharm.), Limb, Satara DTD.Y.Patil ~ratishthan'sDr. D. Y. Patil Institute Of 1 68,500/- Pharmacy, Akurdi, Pune ! Gulabrao Patil Memorial Trust, Gulabrao Patil College of 60,000/- D~~~~~~ Pharmacy, Miraj St-~reeGajanan IYaharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal of 16 DPH6498 Sharadchandra Pawar Institute of 58,0001- Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's Jaywantrao Sawant 66,OOO/ - l7 Institute Of Pharmacy, Hadapsar, Pune-28 Loknete Hanuniantras Patil Charitable Trust's Loknete 57,7501 - l8 Hanamantrao Patil College Of Pharmacy, Vita. Rameshwar Maulee Prathishtan's Bhalchandra Institute of 62,000/- l9 DPH6524 Pharmacy, Pune-411025 B. PHARMACY Sr. Code No Name of the Institutes Final fees No. declared by Authority for AY 2017-18 Shri Gurudatta Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's / PH 74,600/ - 1 20 1 pH1135 Institute of Pharmacy, Kaulkhad, Akola I Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundation, Group of Institutions, VDF 501000/- 21 PH2511 School of Pharmacy, Latur. I I , I Kalyani Charitable Trust's, Ravindra Gambhirrao I PH I 91,000/- 1 22 1 pH5210 1 ~adkalCollege of Pharmacy, Anjaneri Tal. Trimbakeshwar Dist. Nashik- I I I I 1 Shree Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal 1 PH / 63,0001- 23 pH6365 ~haradchandraPawar college of Pharmacy, Pune 1 1 I MP ~~,oOo/- I Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Lonavala ( MP 1 1,01,0001- 1 rnu='O ' I I Shree Mahavir Education Society's Institute Of 25 PH5281 73,000/- Technology(Pharmacy), Nashik 3 FWA Meetina ) Ns. I q)ahyog Sewabhavi Sanstha's Indira College of PH / 4iiiI I r-l I Dr. L.H. Wiranandani College of Pharmacy, / P~W Vighnarta Trust, Shivajirao Jondhale College of Pharmacy, Shahapur 57,000/- Jay Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha's Agnihotri College 29 pH4161 of Pharmacy, Sindi (Meghe),Wardha.
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