Wtth you/(COJ~ MIC~AH CINNlllY ~(8fIDIA DANCIN~! JI~N S~lI~A GI·~I HIYS! & lARRY TH fin fUIRS If nN- COoo/(~ ©pettt AND A Rllf! at q pWl NEWS 10 HEALTH In Our Own Hands '(Holcomb) 28 AIDS Treatment News (James) 29 Political Science (Harrington) i 30 PROVINCETOWN WAS A PISSER THE ARTS See News, page 10. Photo: Crouch / Raeburn Film Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle . 52 Performance Wah Wah Hut ~;'.' 53 Featu.res 100,000 AND COUNTING .... Cliff O'Neill Looks'At The Morbid Milestone 34 Larry Kramer On Who, Why And 'What Next 38 '. Poetry Women Who ... .' .0,', r ,54 SCENES FROM A LESBIAN LOVE LIFE Maria Maggenti Tells It Like It Is 40 DEPARTMENTS >-1,4; Outspoken (Editorial) 4 Letters 6 Sotomayor 6 WELL-A-VISION Jeff Fennelly 32 Recovered TV Junkies Speak 47 Look Out 44 Out Of My Hands (Ball) 46 Nightmare Of The Week 46 FAG BAITING Gossip Watch (Signorile) 47 Signorile Fishes For A Date 50 Social Terrorism (Conrad) 48 Community Directory 58 Classifieds 59 SPEAKING IN TONGUES Personals 60 Liz Tracey With Words To The Wise 5 1 Going Out Calendar (X) 68 Best Bets For Dancing (X) 70 On the cover: Sports (Hamlin) 78 D.C. AIDS Vigil, October 1988 Crossword (Greco) 80 photo by Reinhard / Impact Visuals Hot Shot (Conrad) 82 .. OutWeek Kendall Morrison Do The Right Thing ne hundred thousand people. Over half are dead. It's astounding. Somehow, deep down, we thought - or hoped - that AIDS would never be associated O with so many digits. Think about the first few cases in the early part of the decade and think about what went through your mind: ·Oh, it's nothing major.· "Oh, I'll never get it.· Amazingly, many people, including many in the gay and lesbian community, are still in such a state of denial, of ignorance, of disinterest. And we won- der just what it will take for them to do something beyond simply reading this and going on with business as usual. What will it take for some people to act; to get angry about the fact that the rich, straight, white men who run this country would prefer to see us all dead? The disease carries on. at lightening speed. The ftrst 100,000 cases took over 10 years to emerge. The next 100,000 are expect- ed to surface within 15 months. 15 months! No, AIDS has not "peaked.· It has not "saturated.· It has not "run its course.· Instead, it continues to ravage the gay community and other dis- enfranchised, "disposable" communities. Many of the ftrst 100,000 people with AIDS are - and the great majority of the next 100,000 will be - Blacks, Latinos, women, children, prisoners, and IV drug users. But for Mayor Koch, for Governor Cuomo, for President Bush, for Jesse Helms and the rest of the U.S. Senate, for William Dannemeyer and the House of Representatives, for the Supreme Court, for Arthur Sulzberger and The New York Times, for Jerry Falwell, for Donna Summer, for Pat Robertson, for cOOrs Beer, and for much of the vast, straight, white populace, AIDS simply has not affected "real" people yet Our only alternative is to show them we're real. To show them we're angry, to show them we're strong. All of us - all of the communities affected by AIDS, and, for that matter, all of the communities now without health care and the right to control their own reproductive lives - must join together and ftght. Subject your local, state and federal government representa- tives to relentless, unyielding pressure. Get into the streets and yell, scream, block traffic and disrupt others' lives the way ours have been disrupted. March on City ,Hall, Albany, the White House, the house of any public figure who is not doing as much as he or she should be to end this crisis. Rebel against govern- mental neglect, racism, sexism and homophobia. Fight the pow- ers that be. ~ 4 OUT"'WEEK August 14. 1989 FEDERAL·TAX. lATE TAX. ITYTAX. IF YOU EARN IT, WHY NOT KEEPIT - ALL 100% OF IT? You can with an investment in a New York Tax-Exempt Income Fund. And you get safety, affordability and liquidity too. New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds Offer High Tax-Free Income. A triple tax advantage for New Yorkers because they inve~t in municipal bonds which are exempt from City, Stateand Federal income taxes. New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds Are SafeAnd Affordable. Investments are made in diversified, quality municipal bonds, lowering your investment risk. And you can open an investment account for as little as $500. 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Ortleb, and for a lubricant. the male I was delighted to pur- his increasingly decrepit readers may be anxious to chase a copy of your fifth family 9f rag sheets. know how much you use per issue when recently visiting As Spock might say. day, per week. Greenwich Village. I warmly -Live long and prosper!' Ben Schmidgall and wholeheartedly wel- Rich Grzesiak Manhattan come your publication, I Philadelphia hope OutWeek will faithfully serve its readers in an intelli- .SMUT SPAT gent. professional. rod con- LUBE TALE I'm familiar enough with scientious manner. Regarding Michelange- myopic, knee-jerk defenses Since the departure of lo Signoriie's lube story of the sexist pornography Brett Averill from the New (Looking For Lube tJ All The "What is it for?' asked trade by propornography York Native some six (6!) Wrong Places. No.6, July 31): the salesman. gay-liberationists such as years ago, and the subse- I remember that several -It is a lubricant for the Jack Nichols, which is why I quent (and regrettable) years ago when I got a hair- health,' answered the Amer- wrqte the essay he inveighs demise of The Connection, cut in my hometown of Ams- ican tourist. against to begin with. Never- Manhattan has not had an terdam in the Netherlands, a -I have something simi- theless, his would-be review ethical publication capable gay American tourist (to me lar: answered the salesman, of my book, Refusing ToBe A of serving its gay community. he looked like a gay college and showed a Dutch prod- Man (OutWeek, No 6, July Virtually the entire gay press professor from the Midwest) uct that has the same effect 31), confounds me on two knows of-and is appalled walked into the barber shop as Ben-Gay, I saw it in my counts, by-the anile and disrep- cum cosmetics store and mirror while I was getting my One: can anybody utable nature of Native pub- asked for KY. haircut and yelled, "Don't even dimly aware of AI -by Daniel Sotomayor Goldstein's rabidly anti-les- upcoming history for his cles. One·dea" with the Giu- doesn't protect an unrelated bian and misogynist publico- "influential" cause, a future fCTIiOreakfast, the other with individual who may have tion really take seriously glory I do not forsee. Bristol-Myers' release of ddl, resided for years with the ten- Nichol's paean to him? (I a new AIDS treatment 'for ant of record, if the tenant guess they can. It's a freely which ACT UP had a great dies or is permanently hospi- pornographized country.) OVER ACT UP deal of responsibility. Not to talized. For exanple, a friend And two: Why didn't Re "Giuliani Picketed at- elicit comment from a group or relative IMng with a senior Nichols deal at all with my Face-Off With Les/Gay Lead- which was a pat of the story citizen who dies or a gay book? The essay that he ers" issue of July 31. I quote: would have. been journalisti- mCTIwhose partner has died freaks out about at such "Manhoff said that merrbers cally unfair. of AIDS could be evicted. length - ·You Can't Fight of ACT UP had been denied As to the GiuHanibreak- Such incividuals have just suf- Homophobia and Protect access to breakfast forums in fast, the article' could have fered a tremendous personal the Pornographers at the the past, and that there may more clearly indicated that lossand it would, in my judg- Same Time" - isn't even in be some form of protest ACT UP's.presence at that ment. be unconscioncble to the book. But there's a lot against the forum taken by meeting was the result of add to their burdens the pos- else that isthat he ignores: a ACT UPin the Mure: A num- pressure from ACT UP, and sibility that they might lose radical new look at the rela- ber of paragraphs later we did not represent a stancing their apartment: tionship of homophObia to read, "Do you regard homo- invitation. -Editor) The Mayor has been a the sex-class system, for sexuality as not a preference, supporter of domestic part- instance, the role of father- not a choice, but natural nerships long before Mr.
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