-_l {t86t roddoH puB aId) r.utsrp !3uEU resErCoql Jo s3ul8uoqv {q ,?tar, ? roj ueql reql€r uepld''l^lllprDtrpootlt ? roJ posn fllEnlE sE^\ ll aupu uorumor porlddesrur€ eq ot u.roul ^\ou sr.,nljn8unC,,* elqs{JBur3JeJ" seuosqnssrr{l Jo s:equre4 (1161 uosuqol pu? rofrd).aDuootqq),, souesqns I?ruroJur aql ;o sarcads? ur uorlerJ€ Jo uJellEd aql SurlEprcnleur lseretur I"JeuaAJo eq ppo,n ,{pn1saql lsql pel"drortu" sB,1a1r ruelqord paqdde srql ;o uortnlos or{l uro{ uedv 'lno perJr€cse,,w serceds eql ur uorl"rJ"A 'alqrssod lecrqde:3oe8 ;o ,{pn1sculeuroqdjoru eler:e,lrl1nure sr srql reqleq/ qsrlqnlso oJ 'suorlepdod ,r.rar, dsqns Jo esoqt uo.rJ .{pue}srsuocpeqsrn8u4srp eq plnoc suorlelndod ouSoVdsqns luo:g sueurcedsJI eJIIplllA pu€ sauaqsrCJo luaur edoc eqt Jo sJecrJJofq 'peldop" fle^rtceJJepecrlod eq ,{Iuo plnoc ll eq ot sE,t\psodord e qcns JI srolJollot poos I"rJJ?uruor fq suorlelndod pptr u,toul ["rus oql ruo{ poaslo 3urlse,t.reqleunc ol Jep]o uI 6/ -0S6I lcv uorl"AJesuoJ eJllpllr\Aeql Jepun eJe.Ise pelleze8 eq ppoqs DUBDw dsqts leql aellruruoJ ErolC s,,(trJor{lnveJrTplrJ^A u"rT"rlsnv uJelsol\ aq1o11nd se,t psodo:d e 9161u1 '(ssacuud J3AIIS-) ,rtt xa selcedsqnspue (nJJnBunC=) ,tsam sercedsqnsse snl€tscrurouoxel FuroJ sot?r eseqlueAIS e,req (7961):oddo11 pue reloorg '(trq"q 'se^eel 'slln{ Surd.3,,t\€ pu€ pue slo,{\ou Je8ftl s€q qclq,t\) ..sseculrd JaAIIS,,pu€ '(lrqeq 'so^?el tq?udn ue pu" pue sre,']Aou'sllruJll€Irrs,(1ea.t1e1er seq qclq,t\) x,.nlm?unD,, serueueql rspun uorl"Arllnc ur u,,r\or3,(laplu ele pue u/i\ou){ oJ? setcodseql Jo seJ"J o,\{.L '(€861 '6161 reddoH pu" ueJol J rouprpC'E161appueddtq3'I ern8rC) r{uad urorJ puBlur uor?eJ llaqlsaq^\ IBrluor sql ut sdorclno eltuerS peltlost 01 palclllse.I slueyd gg9-1 .1osuorlelndod ["uls ur sjncco tI pll,!\ eq] uI luttld urpJe8 I€luetueulo ue se paqsrlq"lse[e^\,,!\ou sI ]€ql oelpru uell?Jtsnv uJslse A olel € sI qlueg ntsao' sntdllo'nl uolpnporlul .{ruooqr sr sroreurrrod prrq,rrqoul or uolterd.'p., ur..u,," ;;il:'l"tJ":J:r"l'Jl:'l:il:ll[1'yr:'r1",'ffrJ;'"i:-; ,riur ui,ri; a.rnce!5s;o roqurnu v ,rt rr sorJodsqnsSurtquI:sr (|g Suluoou^.uuP.tr r€ .{tqPqord) uorleindod Ierlsocu€ u? u.rorJpr^uop ss^\ ,r.t ll./ selredsqnsleql IIoIII $ 1I pa^:rqJ? uorleuruurslp oql lo %Sl roJ lunorr? slata?lDqc leol pue trn{ ur srJuarol}Ip gzIS sllradsqns oql ooa^\toquo4€ururrrrsrp o} suotlnquluoc ]u?:)UIuBIselEtu pue II! slasqns r3l.er?q. pnq pue J€al liruC uoqscolle InJssamns%86 s3^0lq.€ sluaruarnslraurl€rl o^\l lln{ oh89-Z-uort ooql Jo srs,{lBuEarpue^ulnur s€araq^{'parnsBetttstu€ld 8tl aql lo sllredsqns ol uo4€rolle Ferror sopr,lo.rdsluerua:nseaur pnq oorql pu€ l?ol aerqt 1In{ r^U Jo qc?g se8uEru^\ouI lloql lnoq8norql a,lqxqsrn8ullsrp Itte:r:t:ruorld.rou :re f,Jql leqlsq,r| )ulrurJlop ol PelEBBsouI oJoA{ru8rur salJ3dsqnsPue ,farr salcedsqnsse snlBls riiuouorpr ur\rF (llu:JrrpuE..\srrurrd r:\lr\.. puR..nr"nBunC.. .P :pP.rl {rr nurqru,trr\ou1 terurot llrM'rrcrr"'slln{ sndtprnz .erg! ot (t86l, :{z lS els}.{nN l.e}Jeu ( DI'aD vtd'{lD )nJ Jo spnq pue $^eol ul lo L '6l-61 | w\ 'lleqdrul?J ''O uorqnlo,rapue uorleurtuucslp silcadsqns'uoneue^ pcrqd?r8oe9 N'rlnd€J pu? V N S'roddoH llBIlsqY ert!4snv urarsa/A'qre.{ quoN 0z xog oa srrrortroq?l q.&esed euuPlll u€Ierrsnv ur3rso71 0209 '{alqlus/ 'Oa '3€g 'OdlSJ 'stllstl€ls -) erl?itsnv ur:lsay'd eip^ud pu€ suleueqiel{ Jo uolsl^rCI 09 'oorauue/A 'lq s 9909 €rt?r1snv urstsriA xog oa erlue] q.l€as3u oJIIpIL/Au€{erlsnY urelsa \ puE S .unde3 51 slloqdruEJ V Nv'roddoH C (auoreg,{tr41)Dlsanc srydtprn7 spnqpue sa^ual Jo 'uollBlrol 's1;n4ur uollnlo^apuu uollsultulnslp sepadsqns luJlqduJ8oa3l O86I\ n6t-6LI (Z)SErsMnN Nuttsia Vol.s,No. 2 (19E4) 0nr ili uv/ dta f€1. da4".,".,..",". " N,4 r1[\ \t\/ b\\ dAA ),hn /t/ ( EIl FiqureL Ceoaraphrcaldisrributionr ot .ubsp.r aprlr (o) and subsp.r agnd(.) in roulh-we\ternAustraiia Tracingr from a leaj a;d lruir from three plants lrom a sampleof populalion! are given. Nole lhe valrabilily ot planls from Yanneymooning Hill Gee text). Drawings (by S. J. Patrick) illustrate typical fruits, buds, flowers and leaves of the two subspecies. among eucalypts in the insularity and geographical separation of their populations, and therefore might be expectedto show unusual patterns of evolution. This morphometric study complements other work on Eucalyptus caesia, including a survey of allozyme variation (Moran and Hopper 1983), cladistic and phenetic analyses of phylogeny (Hopper and Burgman 1983), an investigation of nectar flow and pollinators (Hopper 1981, Wyatt and Hopper unpubl.), the formal description of the two races as subspicies (Brooker and Hopper 1982), notes on the species'distribution and use of the trami "Gutrgu.tr," (Rye and Hopper 1982), and an ass€ssmentof E. clesia's conseryation status (Hopper et al. 1982). Materials and methods Field sampting and measurements taken. K\ovtrr locations of Eucalyptus coesia were establishedthrough a literature search(e.g. Blakely 1965,Chippendale 1973,Gardner 1979), from specimenlabels at the Western Australian Herbarium, and from information supplied by professionaland amateur botanists in WesternAustralia. Each location was then suneyed in 1978 or 1979. Suitable granite rocks n€ar to the known locations were also surveyed exhaustivelyfor new populations of the species. The specieswas found at 15 major locations (Hopper et al. 1982)and material was sampled from ll of these, Two populations separated by a few hundred metres were sampled at two locations (Chutawalakin Hill and Chiddarcooping Hill), while only a single sample FFFFep".' es-|ts)- l - cllii z?35?1E ;s3 =E ecEggaF $sFFgEufl,'liEi *; FH;*;85 gg, -*€€=iEi- F+{ Ea=s- 3fifiEtfi ER E' qL b ii \ilininiiio x ! Lr b. -{ L. io o i,; N9, qd" b\; i!b.iLn{b- p ! !e i- N l, N t-- !..) :il:iiIlEE a5i .iP 5 :49 :::|:alEl 6: -tsu L *:i::lilii .V.N .lrddoH .C.S o8ao) sntd!(pxng \tndeJ N pu€ fieqdu?C NuytsiaVol.5, No. 2 (1984) Frsure 2. Fruit. leaf and bud measufement' taken in the sludy. Fruit: Fr, mid_fruil diameter: F?,fruit top diameter; F., fruir lensth; F,, pedrccl length; F5, pedicel thickness. Leai Lr, leaf length; Lr, leaf width; Lr, petiolc length; Bid. 8,. operculumlengrhl 8,. h) panthiumlength; Br, bud diameter.Drawing by S. J. Patrick. was taken elsewhere,giving a total of 13 populations sampled (Table l). A sprig with leaves and fruits was selectedfrom each of up to 15 plants on line transectsin each population Seven of the populations were visited sufficiently early (May-July) in the flowering season to include mature buds as well as leavesand fruits on the sample sprigs. The longest leaf, fruit and bud on each sprig were selectedfor measurementof the eleven charactersillustrated in Figure 2. Only a singleorgan per plant was measuredsince preliminary studies indicated that variation within plants was minimal compared with that between plants and betweenpopulations. '(spnprlrpur ^reJqtr,t esoql tdecxs) suorlelndod lP loJ sJepaJBqclln{ pue Jeel roJ sasdleu€ '1In4 eqt qrelep roqlouv (l elqeJ) 3lq?lIE^E er? sJep?rEqc pnq pu? J€0[ II3 qclq./d ]oJ suorlepdod esoql JoJ sesf,pue oql qletep euo ereq peuodeJ eJ€ s?s^l"u€ Jo sles eerql '(9961 leqdrue3'Ztt'd tt6t ueltsepzueug 3 a 'ees) uorldurnsse srql ourrr€xe ot pesn eJe secuslsrpslqoueleqej i eql Jo slold ^lllqeqoJd -suorlnqt.rlslp uerssneD elelJe,\q1nurSudgepun au:nsse sernpecord uollecolF eseqJ 'uorrnqlr$lPd eql ol sscuelsrpslqou€l"q?I I eql Surua;ar dq (UAt p p uoslqclv go (71 7) uorrenbe ees) paplncpc tsrg ere sepgqeqo:d ,{t{"crddJ (116l I3 1auoslqctlv Jo (l z) pu" (4 2) suoll?nba ees)seDlsuep luopnls elelre^lllnlu uo peseq ere uorlelndcd qcea ;o dtqsreqruour1o serltltqzqord aql loJ suollslncl€c aqJ 'suoq?lndod ecuareJolal{l roJ posn al" suollelncl?c 1no-euo-e^ee'I socu€lslp slqouePqBlr'{ I€tot eql uo paseq eJaqs suotlelndod ef,uoroJoroq1 uI pepnlrul lou slu"ld Jo uoll?rollv 'uor1e:edes uorleyndodI1e.IeAo eql ot slDJJeculeuo[" uorlnqrJluoc eq1 olur lqSrsut eruos aa.r8p,ta. ses,{leue o^\l essql ruo4 slopel I"cruouec Jo '[,{r1euro1p pu€ suortaurpro oql Jo uosu?duoC eqllcsep 01 suolsso]8 pluouf,1od;o esn eqtr ssncsrp(tSOt) F le sruerry16] t$JJe lell€l slqt ezlftuturns suotsser8err?eul eql l"ql 'slceJJa ooJaapaql ot lseol 1" ,uleurollE eql puB cllleluosl eql qloq sa^oueJ sl"npls3l eq1 yo srs,{pue eqJ lueserd oq n1s ,{eru slcaJJe)ulauolP aql searr"qJ edeqs pel€leJ -ezrg luauoduroc )ulaurcv eLIt od"qs Jo luepuodtpul sr qcq,'!\ eas;o lueuodruoc leql seloruoJ BtBp pelceford eql sts,(1zuteql olqeltel 3zls eq1 uo slelc€Jeqc I"uISuo oql ;o 'elq"uB^ ;o suorsse:3o:sdnoJS-urqllr oql tuo{ spnplsor eql 3uDt"1 ,{q ro szls oql qll^\ pol"rcosseloloel aq1o1,{leuoSoqpo elep eqt Sullcaford[q eJaqpeugep J]E seLqet.re,t:deqg 'elq€Jrldd€ e.resrs.{1zue ol€rJ"Altlnru Jo senbtuqcol 'o1ecs reeull pnsn eql putt socuorelllp euotoq suoluodo.rd cluqlu"Sol € uo posseldxe '(616I '6161 are etep FuISuo eql ueq4 fel1el l pue uueulso1 I seruEf pua uu€ursot\l 'gL6l '0L6I uuerursoyl) soller ro suolliodo:d 3o srurel ul pouUep ,(pouruoc sr adeqg 'opcs curqtueSol oql uo sJep"Jsqc I?ul8uo eqt Jo urns oql se peuuop sI tlq"u"^ eZIseqf '$lq"Lrel edzqs eugep 01 senbluqtet peseq-uorsserSaresn ueql pull'elqel.l",\ ezls 3lq€lrns E euuep ol sr ;aded srql ut peldope qceo:dde aq1 edeqs pue azts uI uon?u€,\ SuIlceUeJ stueuodruoc olut peuotl4red oq uec suorlelndod eql uee.,rrlequoll":edes IJeJe^o eqf 'peJns€eurslapsr"qc eql JoJ olq€Aerqceuoqe:edes uotlepdod eql lnoq" uolpurlolrl eql Jo qcnu s,{a^uocssl"uel 'sas€t 'secueloJJlp pcruou"J (,$oJlo) o,t\l lsru oql loJ seJocseql Jo uI€JBEIpJeu€rs r.| ,{ueur uI uorlelndod;o uorldrrcsep:o uorlerzdesJo ouo $ sISdPuea]€rl3l
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