
ANNUAL REPORT FFP" q $a33 OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS TO THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1913 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 1913 REPORT OR TIIE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. DEPARTAZENIOF COMI\IERCE, BUREAUOF TIIE CENSUS, Washiny/ton,November $6, 1913. Sm: There is submitted hercvith the following report upon the operations of the Bureau of the Census cluriizg the fiscal year endecl Sune 30, 1913, and upon the work now in progress. 'As I did not take the oath of office luiztil July 1, 1913, the work of this Burean during tlie entire fiscal year 1913 was uncler the clzarge of my prede- cessor, Director E. Dana Durand. A very considerable part of the Bureau's force was engaged during the,fiscal year upon the clefeisrccl ~vorlcof the Thirteentlz Decennial Cens~zs,but the usual aiznnal investigations regarding financial sta- tistics of cities, prod~~ctionand cons~unptionof cotton, vital statis- tics, nncl forest mere carried on, and in addition ~vor17I was done on the tobacco inquiyy (n~xthorizedby acl; of Congress approvecl Apr. 30, 1012) and the qu~nquennialcensus of electrical industries. PROGRESS OF DEFERRED THIRTEENTH CENSUS WORK. POPULATION. The Division of Population was engaged during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1913, wholly on work m connection with the Thir- teentli Censrrs. This work coizzprised, first, the preparation and, in large part, the coi1113letion of the text and tables for the general and State rclsorts on population (Vols. I, 11, and I11 of tlze Thirteenth Census reports), and second, the practical completion of the machine tabulation and other work l~recediiigthe actual preparation of the tables for the occ~~pationreport (Vol. IV). Publications issued.-The State bulletins giving the composition and charncteristics of the had been issued at the close of .T'LI~~,1912, for Alabama and Indiana and were issued for thc re- maining States of continental United States by the end ol June, 1913. These State bulletins, together wit11 the series giving for each State the population by minor civil divisions, were bound up together toform Volumes I1 and I11 of the Thirteenth Census reports. Vol- ume 11, covering in alphabetical order tlze States from Alabama to Montana, inclusive, was released for printing m May, 1913, and 3 i558 1913 4 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. issuecl in Aug-t~st,1913. Vol~ulie111, covering tile States fro111 Ne- Lraslra to Wyoming, together with Alasktl, I-Iawnii, nncl Porto Rico, was in process of verifict~tioliat the close of June, 1913, but was not released for printing until the following ilugust, aizd was ~ss~~eclin Septcniber. The following-named Abstract bulletins-that is, bulletins re- printed froill the Abstract-were also issued cluring the fiscal year: Stale of Birth of Nati~rePopulation. Age and Marital Condition. Country of Origin and Date of Immigration. Color or Race, Nativity, Parentage, and Sex. School Attendance and Illiteracy. The following branches of work mere deferred in IWxuary, 1012, after the ~liscontinuanceof the temporary ThirLcenth Coilsus force, in order that the general and Stale reports on popnlation might be co~nplctedas soon as possible : Occupations ; o~vnershipof homes ; Indian population ; foreign. stoclr ; and birll~l~lnceof mother, for vital-statistics purposes. Tlze occupation ~vorlrnncl tlie Iabulation of ownership of homes are the only brallches of tlie deferred morIc which have since been resnniod (in September, 1012, and April, 1913, resl~ectively),altho~lgh ? bulletin, Statistics of the Indian Popula- tion, basecl on the inaterlal already prepared for tlze first section of the Inclian report, mas compiled and issuecl oil June 26, 1'313. The prepnration of the tables and text for the general report oil population, covering a total of 1G chaplers, was not actively begun until December, 1912, and tlle first copy, covering three clinl~ters,was sent to tlie printer in March, 1913; but by the close of J~mc,1013, copy was in the llancls of the printer for 12 chapters, an~lTola 10 OF them proofs, in whole or in part, had beell receive~l. The worlr of preparing the tables for tl~egeneral ancl State rclsorts, ns originally outlined, lnclucled the colnputatioil (in tlnplicnte) of very nearly 500,000 percentages, but in the revision of thc lt~blcsthis number was recl~~cedto a little more than 400,000. These l~e~ccnt- ages mere largely computecl on slicle-rule machines, :1n n\Tcl-:igeof five machines being in operation cluring the fiscal year. At the close of June, 1912, the percentage work for the general tables hail been completecl for 21 States and partially coi~lpleteclfor 10 otllor States, It was substantially completecl foY all the general ancl text tables for the Abstract in December, 1912, ancl for the gclieral ancl State reports in J~znc,1913. The tables ancl text for the entire 1G chapters are now (No~r.26, 1913) in proof. Thc material for 15 chapters is substantially rencly to be released for printing, and it is expected thnt the materiul for lhe remaining onc will be ready early in December. This vill conl- plete the publication of the Tllirteentll Census reports on populxtion. OCCUPATIOSS. The ~vo~lron occupations was beg~lilin RiIa-jr, 1011, but was SLTS- penclecl in the following January, owin to the large reduction in the temporary force. It mas resumed on r.4 eptember 4, 1012, when tern- porary clerlrs were again eiliployecl. The revision ancl correction work with respect to this subject llacl been completecl at the close of June, 1913, for 13 States, but the necessity of providing for tho ~0111- 1913 559, REPORT OF TEE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS. pletion of tlle ge~leralreport 011 po~ulatio~land the requireme~ltsof the occ~~p~~tionwork in other clirections made it impossible to give much attention to the results of the occupation cou~ltin these States up to that time, but this work mas actively talcen in hand in Septem- 3 ber, 1013, and it is expected to complete ancl pnblisl~thc report on occnlmtions by the end of tlze present calenclar year. INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION. The tabnlt~tionof statistics of the instit~~tionalpopulation-that is, insane, feeble-mincled, paupers, and prisoners and juvenile clelin- clucnls-was snspendecl early in the calendar year 1912 because of the great 1.ednclion ~iladenecessary in the tempornry force of the B~u~rau,and was not resunzecl nntil Septenlber 4 of that year, ~vllenthe telnporarjr clerlcs, reappointecl under authority of tlzc appro- priation act for 1913, becaine available. During the remainder of the fiscal year this ~vorlrmas carried on, and by June 30, 1013, the statistics of insane and feeble-ininclecl in institutions had been tabu- lntetl and those for paupers in alinshonses htqcl bee11 partly tilbulated, whiIe n part of the preliminary work (editing aizc7, card p~znclzing) hxcl bcen clonc on the scheilules for prisoners ancl juvenile dclia- q11cnts.~ BLIND AND l)lh4+IB. In the regular 1>0l~l~laLioncenslls the en~uileratorswere instr~lctecl to nzake a return for all persons ~vliowere either blincl or deaf ancl rlnmb. Special sclled~rlesfor obtaining infor~nationrelative to these classes mere then mailed to thc appropriate names ancl addresses gi~roilair the regular population sclzeclnles. Most of these special sclictl~~les~vhich have bccn returner1 were in possession. of the Bureau before the beginning of tlze fiscal year 1912-13. During that ycar, lionrcve13,awing lo the presstlre of other work, very little was clone on this incllliry beyond examilzillg nijcl filing sucl~scl~ecl~xles as continued to come in, ancl prel~aringlists of the blincl or deaf ancl dnmb for the use of iiistitutions for tl~cseclasses. BENI.:TOLENT INSTITUTIONS. T)~uringthe fiscal ycnr the 121-incipal tabnlatio~lsrelative to bei~evo- laril instlt~~tionswere completecl, and consic1er:tble wo~.lcwns done 011 the prcpnration of c1erival;ive or test tables." MANUFACTURES. Xtntc 7)zrZZetills (TroZ. I,I', Thif*tecntlbCenszcs reports) .-State bul- letins giving the prlncipnl statistics of manufactures were issued for all Slates except Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvnnia prior to JLI~~1; 1012. The bulletins for these three States vere printed dnrlilg the fiscal year, ancl the entire series was assemblecl. and bo~ulcltogctller in one volume, constituting Volumc IX of the Tlzlrteenth Census rcpollts. Ge?zeq~ccZreport on naanz!factl~res (T7oZ. VIII, Thirteenth Censzu rcpo?+ts).-Practically all of thc copy for this volume was sent to the - --- ---- a For prrsent stntlla nnd plans for futnre morlc on thls snbjoct, fice P. 13. "'or present status and plans for fnture vork on this sub~rct,sco P. 14. 560 1943 6 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE UENSUS. printer before the close of the fiscal gear ; it was printed and distrib- uted during September, 1913. This report assembles the statistics for each industry, gives a cletniled description of the scope of cnch classi- fication, and analyzes tlie statistics of manufactures for nll ind~zstrie~, The data for each industry are summarized by States. Separate cllap- ters are presented discussing manufactures in cities, localization of manufactnring industries, character of o~vnersl~ip,size of eslablisl~. ments, expenses, persons einployecl in manufactnring inclustries, power used, nncl fuel consumed. Bulbtim on selectecl industries (70l. X, l'l~irteenth Cemus ye- ports).-Copy for some of the separate bulletins on the principsll industries was sent the printer during the fiscal year, and a large number of these bulletins were printecl and clistribntccl. In adrlition to the general statistics concerning capitnl, employees. wages, and expenses most of these bulletins contain detailecl statistics in regard to the quantity ancl cost of the principal materials nsecl and tllo quantity ancl value of the different classes of products, and in some cases in regard to the equipment employecl.
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