UPFRONT Editor: Brad Whitworth Company experiments Art director: with new ways to market Annette Yatovitz proprietary integrated circuits. Associate editors: Betty Gerard Joanne Engelhardt Circulation: ewlett-packardjumped into the parts catalog describing the functions Kathleen Gogarty integrated-circuit (lC) business ofcustom ICs in HP products. H in 1965 for a simple reason: By There's also a new customersupport conducting IC research and develop­ team in place in John's Computer Inte­ ment. the companywould be able to grated Circuits Division-patterned MEASURE make significant contributions to prod­ after the HP sales organization. "We ucts without waiting for similarchips have application engineers who func­ Measure is published six times a to become available on the commercial tion much like sales reps. Ourdesign year for employees and associates market. Today most best-selling HP consultants serve our internal HP cus­ ofHewlett-Packard Company. Pro­ products include HP custom chips. tomers much the way systems engi­ duced by Corporate Public Rela­ But not all HP circuit-design engi­ neers proVide technical expertise for tions, Internal Communication neers have been aware ofthe company's outside customers. Our product and Department, Gordon Brown, IC capabilities. Until now. test engineers make it workjustas cus­ manager. Address correspon­ Starting last February, three teams of tomer engineers do in the field." dence to Measure, Hewlett-Pack­ HP IC experts traveled to 52 divisions The improvements to the internal ardCompany20BR, PO Box 1030I, and operations over a three-month pe­ marketingscheme should help the Palo Alto, California, 94303-0890 riod. The traveling roadshowwas de­ company's six IC centers (three in the USA. Report change of address to signed to present the capabilities ofthe InstrumentGroups and three in the your local personnel department. company's six IC centers. Computer Groups). All six make chips Material in this issue maybe re­ "We're doing chips internally that no only for use in HP products. The cen­ printed with written permission. one in the world would attempt," says ters are known in the business as "cap­ Member, International Associa­ John Moss, marketing manager for the tive suppliers" because theysell only to tion of Business Communicators Computer Integrated Circuits Division internal customers. Ofall the captive and Industrial Communication headquartered in Cupertino, Califor­ suppliers in the world, HP ranks third Council. nia. "But manypeople didn't know in "sales volume" behind IBM and Hewlett-Packard Company de­ what was available from Hewlett­ AT&T Technologies, the formerWestern signs and manufactures comput­ Packard's own facilities." Electric arm ofthe Bell System. ers, electronic test eqUipment. The traveling teams metwith divi­ The roadshow generated even more handheld calculators, electronic sion R&D engineers and project, sec­ business for the HP IC centers. "We components, medical electronic tion and lab managers around the have already identified 42 new design eqUipment and instrumentation world. Often the general manager and projects,"saysJohn. "We think our new for chemical analysis. Manufac­ others from marketing, manufacturing customers will learn what some ofour turing facilities are located in 23 and qualityassurance areas attended regulars already know: Our centers of­ U.S. cities in eight states and in the day-long workshop. For most, it fer betterdesign tools, more thorough 10 cities in nine countries in the was the first time they'd heard the spe­ characterization and test, superior en­ rest ofthe world. HP sales and ser­ cifics ofHP's integrated-circuitstrategy gineeringsupport, and chips with vice offices can be found in more and learned about some ofHP's suc­ specifications that exceed anything than 80 U.S. cities and (including cesseswith custom chips. that's available in the market today. distributorships) in apprOXi­ "Some ofour IC centers' accomplish­ That kind oftechnological advantage mately 200 cities in 70 countries ments have been nothing short ofout­ will certainlycontribute to the compa­ aroundtheworld. HPemploys more standing," says John. "We showed one ny's profitability." M than 76,000 people. division how it could take 300 off-the­ shelfchips and, through integration, put them on one custom chip. Another ON THE COVER division was able to consolidate the With thedome oJSt. Paul's Cathe­ contents ofthree printed-circuit dral in the background, HP Ltd. boards onto one board. This integra­ Managing Director David Bald­ tion reduces productcosts while in­ win is photographed by Tony creasing reliability." Harris in central London, where Unlike a now-you-see-'em, now-you­ HP has increased its presence. don'tsalesman, the traveling IC road­ Starting on page 3, staffer Betty showleft its HP clients useful tools to Gerard reports on the singular determine ifany oftheir projects were growth ojHP's U.K. region in the likely candidates for custom chip work. pastsix years. The new tools included a white paper to aid IC decision-making, an on-line computer model to help determine the cost ofprodUCing a custom chip and a 2 MEASURE www.HPARCHIVE.com • o In S0 o exce ence In the past six years, Europe's U.K. region has carried out a grand plan for greater HP sales and increased visibility. n February 13. evening BaldWin, who has headed U.K. market­ sales organization. now adding people news broadcasts through­ ingactivities since his return from Ge­ at the rate of200 a year. out the United Kingdom neva headquarters in 1978and worn Sales. Since 1978, the U.K. region led offwith three top the overall U. K. region hat since 1982. has moved steadily up the ladder stories. Sandwiched be­ (In geographic terms, this covers the among the five regions which make up tweenOa new royal baby-to-be and the three countries ofGreat Britain-Eng­ HP's European organization and is the new Russian leaderwas the announce­ land, Scotland andWales-and North­ largest single-country region. It for­ ment that 700jobs would be created by ern Ireland. The sales region also in­ merly did 13 percent ofHP's business Hewlett-Packard Ltd. in South Queens­ cludes the Republic ofIreland.) in Europe; today it does 20 percent. ferry. Scotland. through formation ofa From the first, David won general Lastyear the United Kingdom was sec­ new instrument operation. agreement that the time had come to ond only to the U.S. as the major mar­ No matter that the news media gar­ aim at nothing short ofexcellence in ket for the company's products. bled the facts a bit. crediting all the U.K. sales performance. That would re­ Manufacturing. In the past few years futurejobs to the newly announced quire, among other things. training a the Computer Groups have developed Queensferry Microwave Operation­ crack sales force, settingaggressive two full-fledged divisions in England: when in reality halfofthem will be targets for market penetration and in­ the Office Productivity Division in Pine­ added to the QueensferryTelecommu­ creasing HP's manufacturingand other wood with worldwide responsibility for nications Division (which has been at "value-added" activities to make a con­ word processingand office communi­ the site since 1961 and is experiencing tribution to the local economy. cations software, and the Computer Pe­ a renaissance ofits own). Going in, HP Ltd. in 1977 had one re­ ripherals Bristol Division, which moves What came through clearlyand accu­ spected plant in Scotlandwhere em­ this fall into a new permanent facility rately was the vigorous growth in HP's ployment had leveled offat less than in Bristol. To these, add the Instrument U.K. activities that is evidenton all 700 people, and another 500 orso peo­ Groups' new Queensferry Microwave fronts: sales, manufacturing, research ple in the sales organization spread Operation getting underway this year and increased corporate prestige. thinly throughout the British Isles. The in Scotland. Since 1978 the U. K. subsidiaryhas had total: less than 1,200 employees. Research. The U.K. was chosen for marked success despite a local econ­ Sixyears later, here's how the score the first split-offofHP Labs. A new re­ omyslow to recover from the deep sheetlooks: search center, HP Labs-Bristol, will recession of 1980-81. Headcount. Total HP Ltd. employ­ share the Bristol site to take advantage One ofthe principal architects ofthat ment is now more than 2,700 people. of technical strengths in Europe­ success is Managing Director David Almost two-thirds (1,563) are in the especially in the U.K.-and to provide July-August 1984 3 www.HPARCHIVE.com support for the European divisions. Add to this a flourishing sales finance company, started in 1978, and the California for 18 months at HP's newly organized European Response Silicon Valley facilities. 1\\70 ofthem, Centrewhich will prOVide state-of-the­ Vic Langford and Peter Hurley, are art problem solVing for systems cus­ now section managers in OPD's 70­ tomers. HP Ltd. now has seven enti­ person R&D lab. ~ ties-qUite a change from the Single In his present role, Vic sponsors a factory and small sales organization of <9 third-year college student in a just a few years ago. Its corporate staff ~ "sandwich program" that alternates is now settled in Pinewood in a former OPD's Vic Langford time on campuswith industryexpe­ hospital with spacious grounds that rience toward an enriched technical are home forjackrabbits and foxes. TREASURE TROVE bachelor's degree. HP Ltd.'s capital investment lastyear Thedivision competes Vigorously Popular wisdom-unconfirmed by alone totalled 14.7 million pounds hard data-says there are 25,000 in college recruiting. "1\\70 years ago ($20.3 million U.S. dollars). Officially HP was an unknown sell on the cam­ computer professionals in England's opened in October was a nationwide pus. Now we're hiringgraduates Berkshire County. support center in Winnersh that pro­ more aggressively than in the U.S.," When HP Ltd.
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