THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 41: ISSUE 94 THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM STUDENT SENATE Majority signs bill to begin senator's impeachment from office, which will require the Judicial Council decided By KAITLYNN RIELY a two-thirds majority. last week that these two alle­ News Writer Dworjan was found guilty of gations were not actual elec­ violating two articles in the tion violations and sent the The majority of Student Student Union Constitution. issue to the Student Union Senate members signed a bill He used the copy machine in Ethics Board for considera­ Wednesday to impeach the student government office tion. Morrissey senator Greg to make flyers that urged peo­ The Ethics Board voted Dworjan, who led a campaign ple to vote abstain in the run­ Tuesday 7-1 that Dworjan's to abstain during the period off election, violating a rule use of student government between the student body that campaigning may not resources was a violation of president election and the take place on the second floor ethics and decided in a vote of run-off election two weeks of LaFortune in the student 4-3-1 to recommend the ago. government office. Senate impeach Dworjan. The Senate's decision was a Dworjan also posted the fly­ Before the impeachment "statement of signature" ers without getting them vote, Dworjan took the podium rather than an actual vote, approved by the Judicial at the Senate and gave a student body vice president Council and the Student speech. He asked senators to LAURIE HUNTfThe Observer Bill Andrichik said. The Activities Office, which was a consider his actions a "foolish Morrissey senator Greg Dworjan asks senators Wednesday to consider Senate will vote next week second violation. his actions during recent student body elections a "foolish mistake." whether to remove Dworjan The Executive Committee of see SENATE/page 4 Sex, gender issues examined on, off campus Eve Ensler's 'Monologues' returns G PEAC 'Sex and the City of God' stirs talk to community in off-campus venue 20 within Catholic context at University By KATE ANTONACCI BySONIARAO News Editor News Writer Against the backdrop of a stark shamrock green wall A question posed by Sex and the City character hung a simple white banner reading "V-Day, Reclaiming Carrie Bradshaw - "Is it possible to be both Catholic Peace 2007." and cosmopolitan?" - extended beyond the televi­ Though the room was modest, the message was sion screen to Notre Dame Wednesday night. strong as the 27 "Vagina Monologues" cast members Faith confronted culture in a "Sex and the City of took to the stage Wednesday night in their first produc­ God" presentation, which w.as held in DeBartolo tion of the year at South Bend's First Unitarian Church HalL The event grew out of an ad hoc committee on - their new off-campus venue. gender relations University President Father John Despite the relatively low turnout of 50 to 60 people, Jenkins created last spring, intended to stimulate organizer Michelle Lewis said she was "really, really discussion on issues raised by "The Vagina happy with the way it went." Director Sarah Muscarella Monologues" with a focus on Catholic context. said she thought Wednesday would be the least popular "The goal is to bring the insights of the Catholic night, but saw the effect of the move off campus. tradition into a frank conversation of contemporary "I think we would definitely have a higher number if PHIL HUDELSONfThe Observer topics ... at the cusp of the 21st century," said M. Sophomore lisa Aoran performs during Wednesday's see VENUE/page 6 "Vagina Monologues" at First Unitarian Church. see GOD/page 8 Institute gives NO poor grade Run to raise funds, University policies rank low in report remember students around 10:45 in remem­ By EVA BINDA By MEG HAN WONS brance of Brionne Clary, ADMINISTRATION F News Writer News Writer Miranda Thomas and Connor Murphy - the three students CLIMATE CH:'L'JGE With top athletic programs Welsh Family Hall will for whom the race is named. and consistent academic rank­ &ENERGY F sponsor its sixth annual Clary, Funds for the run are raised ings annually in the nation's Murphy, Thomas Hun through runners'· registration Top 20, Notre Dame is not used Foon& Saturday to honor and raise fees and all the money goes to to receiving failing grades. RECYCLING D scholarship funds in memory scholarships that are not yet However, when the of three members of the Class fully funded. Sustainable Endowment of 2002 who lost battles with "Once they are funded, we leukemia during their time at will be able to award them to Institute released its annual GREEN BUILDING F College Sustainability Report Notre Dame. three students," Carson said. Card covering environmental The Run is a SK loop "The more students that par­ ENDOW:NIE.c'\!T and endowment practices, around campus that will ticipate in the event, the Notre Dame received a D­ TRANSPARENCY F begin and end in front of faster we can raise money for minus - the lowest grade Welsh Family Hall, Welsh the scholarships." given in the survey. Other insti­ li'i'VEST:NfE~l' c Family rector Candace Carson Sophomore Drew Clary, a tutions that received low said. relative of Brionne, helped to grades included the University SHAREHOLDER Start time for the run is 10 organize this year's run and of Chicago, which received a D- ENGAGEl\iE.:.'\1 D a.m., and a post-race prayer will attend both the race and service will be held in the see GRADE/page 6 Welsh Family Hall chapel see RUN/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, March 1, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S THE FIRST PAGE YOU TURN TO IN THE OBSERVER? Musical flavvs As Scene Editor, I do a lot of music reviews, which I think are the most difficult. Music is a lot more subjec­ tive than movies and literature, Davide Lionetti Noelle Crooks Justin Perez Jeffrey Kraft John Strong because; as Duke Ellington once sophomore sophomore freshman freshman junior quipped, "if it Alumni Alumni sounds good, it is Stanford Cavanaugh Alumni good." Yet a lot of really good bands "International "The Question "J don't read "I read USA "Question ofthe and artists run Today. " Day to see if into problems news. of the Day." The Observer. " that are immedi­ I've been ately noticeable misquoted. " to even the most casual listeners. Here are a few Brian Doxtader examples of bad musical decisions happening to Scene Editor good bands, and the biggest offenders. + Oversinging- As much as I love Led Zeppelin, I could go without IN BRIEF hearing Robert Plant yelp "oh yeah, baby baby, ooh yeah" on every single Freshmen can vote today in the song. A lot of singers can't resist the run-off election for the sopho­ urge to make sure their presence is more class council. Voting will known, resulting in some unfortu­ take place between 8 a.m. and 8 nate vocal ad-libs, like Morrissey's p.m. Students can access the vot­ yodeling at the end of The Smiths' ing Web site by clicking on a link "The Boy with the Thorn in His in an e-mail from the Judicial Side." This offense is particularly Council. prevalent among groups that have a designated singer who doesn't do The Department of Film, anything else. Biggest offenders: Television and Theatre presents Hobert Plant (Led Zeppelin). Bono Agatha Christie's "The (U2), Morrissey (The Smiths) Mousetrap" on the Decio + Overplaying - This offense Mainstage Theatre at the comes in two varieties: letting a DeBartolo Performing Arts song go on too long and too much Center. The show opens today at showy musicianship. I remember 7:30 p.m., and continues until when "Anthem" came on a classic March 4. Evening performances rock station and my friend guessed are at 7::~0 and the Sunday mati­ that it was by Hush. When I asked nee is at 2:30 p.m. Ticket prices how he knew, he replied, "Because ar0 $12 for the general public, it's ten times more complicated than $10 for senior citizens, NO facul­ it needs to be." Additionally, I never ty and stalf and $8 for students. understood the point of jam bands - films and books get editors, some­ ALLISON AMBROSEffhe Observer Legends will host Last Comic Notre Dame students escape the winter weather Wednesday with a quick game Standing tonight at 10. times bands need them too. Biggest of hoops at Rolfs. offenders: The Grateful Dead, The Admission is free. Allman Brothers, The Dave Matthews Band, Phish. Stations of the Cross will be + Bad lyrics- Here's the com­ held at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in plete chorus set of Nirvana's the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. "Lithium:" "Yeah yeah yeah yeah Stations will continue every yeah yeah ... " It's actual longer than OFFBEAT Friday evening during Lent. that, but you get the picture. Hardly a bastion of lyrical insight. A lot of Man tries to cash $50K bank after Russell tried to she bought a sack of potatoes The Notre Dame Symphony artists just don't seem to care about check from God cash the check, which was at a nearby market, put them Orchestra will perform tomor­ lyrics, which is really the only con­ HOBAHT, Ind. - Kevin written on an invalid Bank into water to peel and discov­ row at 8 p.m. in the Leighton ceivable way that we got Gwen Hussell found out it's not easy One check with no imprint, ered one of them wa<; a hand Concert, DeBartolo Performing Stefani spelling out "bananas." trying to cash a check from White said.
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