MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. V ol. X X X V II. JULY, 1857. No. 7. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. B o st o n , Mass., M a y 19, 1857. The Board of Managers of tlie American Baptist Missionary Union met in the meeting-house of the 1st Baptist Church, Bos­ ton, on Tuesday, May 19,1857, at 10 o’clock, A. M. In the absence o f the Chairman the meeting was called to order by the Recording Secretary, and on motion Hon. J. M. Linnard, of Pa., was chosen Chairman pro tempore. Prayer was offered by Rev. G-. S. Webb, D. D., of N. J. The roll being called, the following brethren responded to their names: M inisters. M inisters. L aym en . E d m u n d W o r t h , S. H a s k e l l , G e o . W . C H irM A N , A . S. T r a i n , G e o . B . I d e , J a m e s IE K e a d , S . W . F i e l d , F r a n c i s W a y l a k d , D . F i t t s R a n d o l p h , E d w a r d L a t h r o p , H e n r y D a y , W . W . K e e n , G e o . C . B a l d w i n , G . W . H a r r i s , A n t h o n y C o l b y , A . G . P a l m e r , G . S. W e b b , J. w. M e r r i l l , L u c i a n H a y d e n , S i m e o n J . D r a k e , J. H. D u n c a n , J . C. H a r r i s o n , J n o . D o w l i n g , H. E . D a y , N a t h a n i e l C o l v e r , C h a r l e s G . P o r t e r , E b e n e z e r C a u l d w e l l , L . A . D u n n , W s i . H . P a r m l y . J. P. C r o z e r , J - W . M u r d o c k , Lai/men. B e n j . R o u s e , W m . L a m s o n , M o s e s G i d d i n g s . D a n i e l S a n d e r s o n , T - D . A n d e r s o n , C h a b . D . G o u l d , P. W . D e a n , J . L . H o d g e , S a m ’l G r i g g s , H . M. B a l d w i n . S. D y e r , W m . B u c k n e l l , Rev. Drs. R. H. Neale, R. W. Cushman, G-. C. Baldwin and J. Gr. Warren, and W. W. Keen, Esq., were appointed a Committee of Arrangements. The Treasurer of the Union, N. Boynton, Esq., presented his annual report, which was accepted and referred to a committee consisting o f Hon. Anthony Colby, W. J. Todd, Esq., and Rev, Messrs. R. W. Cushman, B. R. Loxley and William Reid. 13 194 Forty-third Annual Meeting o f the Board. The Committee of Arrangements reported in part, recommending 1. That a prayer meeting be held each day at nine o’clock, A. M.; 2. That the Board meet and adjourn as follows, — meet at 10 o’clock, A. M., and adjourn at 1 o’clock, P. M .; meet at 2£ o’clock, P. M .; and adjourn at o’clock, P. M .; meet in the evening at o’clock; 3. That after the disposal of the annual report of the Execu­ tive Committee, the Board listen to any other communications which the executive officers have to present) 4. That - after such communications shall be disposed of, the paper on Returned and Returning Missionaries be presented. Voted, That the annual report of the Executive Committee be presented part by part; and that each part be at once separately acted upon by the Board. The report of the Committee on the Ilome Department was read by the Home Secretary, and part by part was unanimously adopted. After remarks by several brethren, cordially approving of the suggestions contained, and special prayer by Rev. Messrs. Francis Wayland, D. D., and Nathaniel Colver, Adjourned with prayer by Rev. Dr. Porter, of Mass. 2£ o'clock, P. M. The Board re-assembled, and was led in prayer by Rev. D. G. Corey, of N. Y. The report of the Executive Committee on the Foreign De­ partment was read by the Foreign Secretary in part, and disposed of as follows: The first section, on Kcmmendinc Land and Buildings, was adopted. The second, on “ Relations of Missionaries to the Union,” was laid upon the table. The third, on Discontinuance of Missionary Relations, \vas also laid upon the table. The fourth, on Discontinuance of Missions, was adopted. The fifth, on the Maulmain Burman Mission, was adopted. The sixth, on the Maulmain Karen Mission, was adopted. The seventh, on the Tavoy Mission, was adopted. The eighth, on the Shwaygyeen Mission, was laid on the table. The ninth, on the Toungoo Mission, was adopted. The tenth, on the Rangoon Burman Mission, was adopted. Voted, to suspend the reading of the report, and proceed to the consideration of the second of the above topics, u Relations of Missionaries to the Union.” The Board then examined article by article the “ Revised Regu­ lations,” proposed by the Executive Committee in the second sec­ tion of their report on foreign affairs. Article 1st was approved. Article 2d was read, and after a protracted discussion was laid on the table until the evening session. Adjourned, with prayer by Rev. Dr. Cushman, of Mass* 1857.] Forty-third Annual Meeting of the Board. 195 E vening S e ssio n . 7 £ o'clock. The Board being; re-assembled was led in prayer by Rev. Benj. M. Hill, D. D., of N. Y. Article 2d, of the Revised Regulations,” was taken from the table, and, after a protracted discussion, was approved. Article 3d was approved; also article 4tli, article 5th, and arti­ cle 6th. Article 7th was amended by adding tlie words “ as a Christian missionary ” after the words “ worthy of confidence but pend­ ing the approval of the article, the Board adjourned with prayer by Rev. Dr. Hodge, of X. J. W e d n e sd a y M or ning, M a y 2 0 . The brethren met at 9 o’clock, in accordance with the recom­ mendation of the Committee of Arrangements, for prayer and conference. 10 o'clock, A. M. The Board having re-assembled, proceeded to business. Rev. J. Blain, of R. I., led in prayer. The roll was called, and the minutes of the sessions of yester­ day were read and approved. Letters of apology for absence were read from Hon. Ira Har­ ris, of N. Y., and Rev. Dr. Adams, of Ohio. The Board proceeded with the consideration of article 7th of the “ Revised Regulations,” and after a protracted discussion it was approved as amended above. Article 8th was approved; also article 9th, article 10th, article 11th, and article 12tli. The preamble of these Regulations was then taken up; and after various amendments had been proposed and lost, it was Voted, to refer the preamble to a committee of five, who shall report upon it immediately on the re-assembling of the Board in the afternoon. Rev. Messrs. L. Hayden, J. W. Smith, N. Colver, G. B. Ide and Wm. Lamson were appointed this committee. After prayer by Rev. Dr. Ide, of Mass., the Board adjourned. W e d n e s d a y , P. M., 2 1-2 o'clock. The Board re-assembled, and after singing was led in prayer by Rev. Wm. Metcalf, of N. Y., and Rev. Benjamin Griffith, of Pa. The committee on the preamble not being prepared to report, the Board listened to and acted upon additional portions of the Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Section tenth, on the “ Rangoon Burman Mission,” previously read, was approved; also section eleventh, on the Rangoon Karen department; the twelfth, on the Bassein Mission; the thirteenth, on the Henthada Mission; and the fourteenth, on the Prome Mission. The committee on the preamble of the 11 Revised Regulations ' ’ 196 Forty-third Annual Meeting o f the Board. reported through Dr. Ide, recommending instead of the original preamble tlie following substitute : “ Whereas our brethren in the foreign field have proposed to unite with us in the adoption of certain regulations defining more perfectly the relations existing between us, therefore “ Resolved. That we receive their proposal in a fraternal spirit, and submit for their approval the following rules, embodying, with some slight modifications, their wishes as set forth in the paper forwarded by them ;—provided that, in case of disagreement be­ tween any missionary and the Executive Committee as to the application of these rules, the ultimate decision after fraternal and deliberate consultation shall be in accordance with the constitu­ tional prerogatives of the Executive Committee.” The recommendation, after protracted debate, was adopted.
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