Average Water & Sewer Cost for Saskatchewan Communities As At

Average Water & Sewer Cost for Saskatchewan Communities As At

Average Water & Sewer Cost for Saskatchewan Communities as at February 28, 2018 (Based on average consumption of 7,000 gallons per household per month) Estimated Last Water Estimated Last Sewer Combined 2011 NAME Water Cost per Bylaw Revision Sewer Cost per Bylaw Revision Water & Sewer Metered Popn Month Date Month Date Cost per Month ABBEY 115 $49.92 1/1/2017 $20.12 1/1/2017 $70.04 Yes ABERDEEN 599 $161.00 3/21/2017 $56.00 3/21/2017 $217.00 Yes ABERNETHY 196 $30.00 12/18/2014 $15.00 12/18/2014 $45.00 No ADMIRAL 30 $80.00 1/1/2016 $0.00 $80.00 No ADMIRAL (RM of Wise Creek #77) 30 $60.00 1/7/2007 $0.00 $60.00 No AIR RONGE 1043 $37.80 2/1/2018 $28.85 2/1/2018 $66.65 No ALAMEDA 342 $29.23 9/1/2010 $11.03 9/1/2010 $40.26 Yes ALBERTVILLE 140 $61.00 3/3/2014 $16.50 3/3/2014 $77.50 No ALIDA 131 $24.00 4/1/2012 $20.00 4/1/2012 $44.00 No ALLAN 648 $84.00 4/16/2007 $6.00 4/16/2007 $90.00 Yes ALSASK 129 $40.00 3/11/2009 $25.00 3/11/2009 $65.00 Yes ALTA VISTA $4.17 4/20/2016 $0.00 $4.17 Yes ALVENA 55 $60.00 6/30/2016 $11.67 6/30/2016 $71.67 No ANEROID 45 $50.00 1/1/2018 $20.00 1/1/2018 $70.00 Yes ANNAHEIM 219 $148.96 10/20/2017 $99.11 10/20/2017 $248.07 Yes ANTLER 41 $50.00 1/1/2018 $16.67 1/1/2018 $66.67 Yes AQUADEO, Resort Village of 84 $33.33 10/15/2015 $33.33 No ARBORFIELD 326 $39.57 3/22/2016 $18.16 3/22/2016 $57.73 Yes ARCHERWILL 200 $35.00 1/3/2017 $11.67 1/3/2017 $46.67 No ARCOLA 649 $49.00 3/1/2014 $42.00 3/1/2014 $91.00 Yes ARRAN 40 $4.17 10/26/1992 $0.00 10/26/1992 $4.17 No ASQUITH 603 $70.50 2/8/2017 $25.00 2/8/2017 $95.50 Yes ASSINIBOIA 2418 $115.22 4/1/2016 $51.90 4/1/2016 $167.12 Yes AVONLEA 398 $78.00 4/3/2017 $30.00 4/3/2017 $108.00 Yes AYLESBURY 10 $31.21 10/21/2008 $7.00 10/21/2008 $38.21 Yes AYLSHAM 71 $13.33 12/24/2009 $7.50 12/24/2009 $20.83 No BALCARRES 617 $97.00 1/1/2016 $24.25 1/1/2016 $121.25 Yes BALGONIE 1625 $81.82 1/1/2017 $48.41 1/1/2017 $130.23 Yes BANKEND $70.00 8/21/2014 $7.50 8/21/2014 $77.50 No BATTLEFORD 4065 $52.00 2/1/2012 $22.46 2/1/2012 $74.46 Yes BATTLEFORD TRAIL (RM Corman Park) $169.10 12/4/2017 $0.00 $169.10 Yes BEATTY 63 $67.50 8/20/1993 $15.00 8/20/1993 $82.50 Yes BEAUBIER $33.33 7/14/2011 $0.00 $33.33 No BEAUVAL 756 $25.00 10/8/2014 $25.00 10/8/2014 $50.00 No BEAVER RIVER, RM of 1017 $87.50 1/8/2018 $0.00 $87.50 No BEECHY 239 $52.53 5/11/2011 $9.00 5/11/2011 $61.53 Yes BELLE PLAINE 66 $245.00 4/13/2015 $70.00 1/11/2016 $315.00 Yes BELLEGARDE $111.00 6/12/2013 $15.00 6/12/2013 $126.00 Yes BELLEVUE $169.00 1/1/2018 $11.67 1/1/2018 $180.67 Yes BENGOUGH 313 $49.45 1/1/2014 $14.10 1/1/2014 $63.55 Yes BENSON 93 $116.67 1/1/2015 $10.00 1/1/2011 $126.67 No BETHUNE 400 $135.45 4/4/2017 $17.00 4/4/2017 $152.45 Yes BIENFAIT 780 $30.00 11/28/2012 $16.00 11/28/2012 $46.00 Yes BIG RIVER 639 $72.97 5/19/2009 $52.99 5/19/2009 $125.96 Yes BIGGAR 2161 $53.50 1/1/2018 $14.00 1/1/2018 $67.50 Yes BIRCH HILLS 1064 $83.60 5/27/2015 $33.00 5/27/2015 $116.60 Yes BIRSAY 45 $42.00 1/1/2006 $0.00 $42.00 No BJORKDALE 199 $10.00 2/7/2010 $10.00 No BLADWORTH 60 $60.00 1/1/2018 $30.00 1/1/2018 $90.00 Yes BLAINE LAKE 510 $73.35 1/1/2016 $12.00 1/1/2016 $85.35 Yes BLUCHER, RM (Blucher Industrial Park) $110.60 1/1/2018 $0.00 $110.60 Yes BLUCHER, RM (Outside of Industrial Park) $83.30 1/1/2018 $0.00 $83.30 Yes BONE CREEK (RM of 108) $45.00 11/1/2016 $0.00 $45.00 No BORDEN 245 $75.95 2/13/2012 $20.00 2/13/2012 $95.95 Yes BRACKEN 30 $73.33 11/16/2015 $0.00 $73.33 No BRADWELL 230 $118.15 7/1/2017 $7.00 8/7/2001 $125.15 Yes BRANCEPETH 701 $129.40 6/16/2017 $7.50 6/16/2017 $136.90 Yes BREDENBURY 364 $45.93 8/3/2016 $26.67 8/3/2016 $72.60 Yes BRIERCREST 111 $170.21 5/12/2016 $20.00 5/12/2016 $190.21 Yes BRITANNIA, RM of $35.00 3/22/2017 $35.00 3/22/2017 $70.00 No BROADVIEW 574 $62.00 1/1/2017 $20.00 1/1/2017 $82.00 Yes BROCK 127 $0.00 $5.00 6/30/1997 $5.00 No BRODERICK 71 $28.00 1/1/2017 $13.00 1/1/2017 $41.00 No BROWNLEE 50 $35.00 7/8/2009 $10.00 7/8/2009 $45.00 No Page 1 Estimated Last Water Estimated Last Sewer Combined 2011 NAME Water Cost per Bylaw Revision Sewer Cost per Bylaw Revision Water & Sewer Metered Popn Month Date Month Date Cost per Month BRUNO 574 $157.07 1/1/2018 $41.61 1/1/2018 $198.68 Yes BUCHANAN 225 $95.50 6/10/2015 $9.00 6/10/2015 $104.50 Yes BUENA VISTA 524 $75.00 9/8/2016 $0.00 9/11/2007 $75.00 Yes BUFFALO NARROWS 1153 $30.00 6/23/2003 $30.00 6/23/2003 $60.00 No BULYEA 102 $84.67 12/19/2017 $15.00 12/19/2017 $99.67 Yes BURSTALL 301 $38.50 1/1/2018 $12.00 1/1/2018 $50.50 Yes CABRI 399 $117.80 4/13/2015 $18.33 4/13/2015 $136.13 Yes CADILLAC 78 $38.00 9/6/2006 $10.00 9/6/2006 $48.00 Yes CALDER 97 $37.50 2/8/2018 16.5 $54.00 No CANDIAC $21.00 12/11/2007 $0.00 $21.00 No CANORA 2219 $87.58 2/1/2018 $87.58 Yes CANWOOD 308 $53.00 1/1/2018 $45.23 1/1/2018 $98.23 No CARIEVALE 236 $37.10 8/16/2017 $10.50 8/16/2017 $47.60 No CARLYLE 1441 $93.20 8/17/2016 $64.92 8/17/2016 $158.12 Yes CARMICHAEL 30 $20.00 2/24/2010 $0.00 $20.00 Yes CARNDUFF 1126 $104.08 6/30/2016 $90.90 6/30/2016 $194.98 Yes CARON $138.19 12/8/2015 $13.00 12/8/2015 $151.19 Yes CARONPORT 1068 $133.05 1/1/2018 $19.33 1/1/2018 $152.38 Yes CARROT RIVER 1000 $75.33 5/18/2016 $31.00 5/18/2016 $106.33 Yes CASA RIO (RM Corman Park) $200.92 12/4/2017 $0.00 $200.92 Yes CENTRAL BUTTE 365 $23.45 1/1/2012 $8.65 1/1/2012 $32.10 No CEYLON 99 $44.00 5/22/2007 $20.00 5/22/2007 $64.00 No CHAMBERLAIN 88 $53.33 9/1/2012 $13.33 9/1/2012 $66.66 Yes CHAPLIN 218 $69.75 10/18/2017 $21.25 10/18/2017 $91.00 Yes CHELAN 266 $20.00 9/1/2010 $0.00 $20.00 No CHOICELAND 381 $22.50 4/9/2013 $17.50 4/9/2013 $40.00 No CHURCHBRIDGE 743 $80.45 7/1/2017 $23.56 1/1/2015 $104.01 Yes CLAVET 386 $174.00 3/2/2018 $26.00 3/2/2018 $200.00 Yes CLIMAX 182 $100.00 3/20/2017 $15.00 3/20/2017 $115.00 Yes COCHIN 122 $8.33 4/15/2004 $0.00 $8.33 Yes CODERRE 30 $78.33 8/21/2016 $4.00 8/21/2016 $82.33 Yes CODETTE 205 $0.00 $50.00 12/19/2016 $50.00 No COLESDALE PARK SOUTH $4.17 5/9/2016 $0.00 $4.17 Yes COLEVILLE 311 $48.00 9/12/2017 $10.00 9/12/2017 $58.00 Yes COLGATE $75.00 7/1/2016 $0.00 $75.00 No COLONSAY 475 $91.00 10/14/2014 $16.00 10/14/2014 $107.00 Yes CONGRESS $62.46 5/8/2017 $5.00 5/9/2016 $67.46 Yes CONQUEST 176 $71.00 1/1/2018 $31.00 1/1/2018 $102.00 Yes CONSUL 84 $29.17 6/21/2011 $20.83 6/21/2011 $50.00 No CORONACH 711 $66.50 7/1/2016 $18.50 7/1/2016 $85.00 Yes COURVAL $105.00 6/8/2017 $0.00 $105.00 Yes CRAIK 453 $56.50 11/1/2016 $12.50 11/1/2016 $69.00 Yes CRANE VALLEY 0 $75.00 10/31/2013 $40.00 $115.00 No CRAVEN 234 $29.94 1/1/2010 $11.99 1/1/2010 $41.93 Yes CREELMAN 115 $83.33 12/27/2011 $43.33 12/27/2011 $126.66 No CREIGHTON 1498 $50.74 1/1/2018 $50.74 Yes CROOKED RIVER $25.00 7/10/2013 $0.00 $25.00 No CRYSTAL LAKE $8.33 6/6/2013 $0.00 $8.33 No CUDWORTH 770 $172.03 1/1/2018 $47.23 1/1/2018 $219.26 Yes CUPAR 579 $172.50 5/1/2017 $16.00 5/1/2017 $188.50 Yes CUT KNIFE 517 $133.31 1/1/2018 $57.16 1/1/2018 $190.47 Yes CUTBANK RURAL PIPELINE UTILITY 257 $93.00 7/1/2016 $0.00 $93.00 Yes DAFOE 15 $40.00 7/6/2005 $0.00 $40.00 No DALMENY 1702 $131.17 5/1/2017 $78.63 5/1/2017 $209.80 Yes DARLINGS BEACH $29.17 6/13/2006 $0.00 $29.17 No DAVIDSON 1025 $75.00 4/21/2015 $10.00 5/12/2008 $85.00 Yes DAVIN $32.50 1/8/2018 $32.50 1/8/2018 $65.00 No DEBDEN 358 $103.00 6/13/2017 43 $146.00 No DELISLE 975 $73.00 8/15/2017 $10.00 4/17/2013 $83.00 Yes DELMAS $65.33 1/8/2015 $16.67 1/8/2015 $82.00 Yes DENARE BEACH 669 $26.50 1/1/2015 $26.50 1/1/2015 $53.00 Yes DENHOLM 76 $40.00 8/1/2010 $40.00 6/13/2013 $80.00 No DENZIL 135 $44.50 1/8/2018 $11.00 1/8/2018 $55.50 Yes DILKE 77 $32.00 1/4/2006 $5.00 7/9/2000 $37.00 Yes DINSMORE 318 $70.00 3/1/2012 $10.00 3/1/2012 $80.00 Yes DISLEY 111 $121.00 3/1/2016 $30.00 4/20/2015 $151.00 Yes DODSLAND 212 $44.00 9/30/2014 $35.00 9/30/2014 $79.00 Yes DOMREMY 124 $181.95 1/1/2018 $22.00 1/1/2018 $203.95 Yes DORE LAKE 28 $50.00 8/4/2015 $35.00 8/4/2015 $85.00 Yes DORINTOSH 147 $76.00 6/12/2014 $16.00 6/12/2014 $92.00 Yes Page 2 Estimated Last Water Estimated Last Sewer Combined 2011 NAME Water Cost per Bylaw Revision Sewer Cost per Bylaw Revision Water & Sewer Metered Popn Month Date Month Date Cost per Month DRAKE 202 $60.00 10/22/2014 $28.00 10/22/2014 $88.00 Yes DRINKWATER 65 $160.00 1/1/2018 $0.00 $160.00 Yes DUBUC 70 $25.00 6/16/2016 $8.00 $33.00 No DUCK LAKE 577 $145.00 1/1/2017 $51.00 1/1/2017 $196.00 Yes DUFF 30 $16.00 2/19/1990 $5.00 2/19/1990 $21.00 Yes DUNDURN 693 $226.74 1/1/2017 $42.12 10/10/2017 $268.86 Yes DUNDURN RURAL WATER UTILITY 350 $125.53 1/1/2018 $16.00 4/1/2015 $141.53 Yes DUNDURN, RM of $16.00 9/1/2015 $16.00 No DUVAL 97 $21.33 4/17/2013 $10.67 4/17/2013 $32.00 No DYSART 218 $48.00 4/11/2017 $16.00 4/11/2017 $64.00 Yes EARL GREY 239 $68.33 4/4/2017 $26.67 4/4/2017 $95.00 Yes EASTEND 527 $85.50 4/12/2017 $18.33 4/12/2017 $103.83 Yes EATONIA 508 $67.90 1/1/2018 $9.68 1/1/2018 $77.58 Yes EBENEZER 175 $186.00 3/18/2012 $4.00 3/18/2012 $190.00 Yes EDAM 444 $0.00 $30.00 6/27/2016 $30.00 No EDENWOLD 238 $94.00 1/8/2018 $25.00 1/8/2018 $119.00 Yes EDENWOLD, RM of 4167 $54.96 1/1/2017 $55.94 1/1/2017 $110.90 Yes EDGELEY $55.00 12/9/2011 $17.00 12/9/2011 $72.00 Yes ELBOW 314 $113.06 4/1/2017 $94.00 4/1/2017 $207.06 Yes ELDERSLEY $30.00 11/10/2005 $0.00 $30.00 No ELFROS 96 $46.67 12/16/2010 $13.33 12/16/2010 $60.00 No ELROSE 477 $95.00 2/2/2016 $15.00 2/2/2016 $110.00 Yes ELSTOW 89 $60.50 5/1/2017 $22.00 5/1/2017 $82.50 Yes EMERALD PARK $43.94 1/1/2011 $22.00 6/23/2009 $65.94 Yes ENDEAVOUR 94 $35.00 7/1/2015 $0.00 $35.00 No ENGLEFELD 247 $50.00 3/1/2016 $28.00 3/1/2016 $78.00 Yes ERNFOLD 30 $12.50 6/25/2002 $8.33 6/25/2002 $20.83 No ESTERHAZY 2472 $85.00 10/31/2013

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