university of missouri summer 2014 volume 11, number 1 Welcome Letter from Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin Table of To the Mizzou family: The MU Libraries have always been a Contents place for students to study, to research course assignments and to discover hidden treasures in the stacks. To maintain this inspiring and stimulating atmosphere for an evolving student body, we must anticipate the needs of future students and provide them with tools to ensure their success. We must recognize how students are using Ellis Library and the other campus libraries to MU Libraries Director Jim Cogswell and Library Society Dinner attendees watch as Chancellor MEET EDWARD MCCAIN anticipate our future needs. R. Bowen Loftin ties his brand new Library 3 Society bow tie. Photo by Scott Peterson. Group Study UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES Students increasingly seek out quiet and begin their studies late in the evening, and 4 secure study spaces that allow them to work they do not finish until the early hours of collaboratively with their peers. However, the morning. Introducing 24-hour study the number of group-study rooms currently SPRING EVENTS PHOTOS spaces to Ellis Library will support students available to students is not sufficient to 6 who need extra time for academics and will meet the demand of students who need enable both individual and group study with to work together on class assignments or FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARIES a full range of technological options. research projects in the libraries. 7 Digital Collections Twenty-four-hour Space As the number of our online course MU students are engaged and active, offerings grows, and as students rely participating in sports, internships and a more heavily on electronic resources wide variety of extracurricular activities on that are easily accessed both on- and off- top of their schoolwork. Many choose to (continued on Page 7) Ann Campion Riley to Lead Library Association nn Campion Riley, associate association in July 2015. Adirector for access, collections and “I am thrilled to have the technical services at MU Libraries, opportunity to lead ACRL,” Riley has been elected vice president of the says. “The experience of working with Association of College and Research a future-oriented board of directors Libraries (ACRL), a division of the will be inspiring. ACRL members are American Library Association (ALA) hard workers and bring great spirits for academic librarians, which has of inquiry to the organization. ACRL’s more than 12,000 members. Riley current initiatives, such as promoting became president-elect after the June the value of libraries and studying 2014 ALA annual conference and will the role of research data curation, assume a one-year presidency of the (continued on Page 6) Library Connections • 1 News from A Meeting of Miles the Stacks The MU Libraries have a history of keeping the Mizzou family in touch. • The Andrew W. Mellon This year, Miles Shearrer, a senior Foundation has awarded MU at MU who works at Ellis Library, Libraries $400,000 to support was reunited with the University of the recovery effort from last Missouri Health Care physician who October’s mold outbreak in saved his life 22 years ago. an off-site storage facility. The Shearrer and his family reconnected funding will allow MU Li- with physician Judith Miles at a braries to remediate mold for luncheon hosted by Les Hall, interim Library student worker Miles Shearrer key groups of materials and dean of the MU School of Medicine, (center) and his parents (left) were reunited will facilitate work with part- and Jim Cogswell, director of MU with his life-saving physician Judith Miles (2nd on right) at a luncheon hosted by Les ner institutions for resource Libraries, in January. sharing. Thanks to the sup- Hall, MD, interim dean of the medical school When Shearrer was an infant, (far right). Photo by Jim Cogswell. port from the Mellon Foun- his parents, David, BS Acc ’91, and dation, as well as our generous Kathy, BA, BS Ed ’91, experienced The family stayed in the intensive alumni and friends, total gifts a crisis many young parents fear but care unit for a week before returning and pledges to assist in salvag- few encounter. The young Shearrer home with a regimen of antibiotics. ing our damaged collections became fussy and inconsolable, Shearrer experienced no adverse have reached $430,680. A quickly losing his coloring and turning effects from his encounter with a contract has been awarded to gray. Kathy took her infant to the deadly infection. Today, he is studying restore the moldy books, and family’s local pediatrician, Hana economics and history at MU. materials have been moved to Solomon, who immediately told her Solomon, a 1986 graduate of a new environmentally secure to take her son to the University the MU School of Medicine who storage facility. For more in- Hospital emergency department. completed pediatric residency training formation, or to make a gift to By the time Kathy reached the at MU in 1989, still practices in the Collection Enhancement emergency room, infant Shearrer Columbia. Miles, an emerita professor Fund, visit library.missouri.edu. had stopped breathing, but the quick of child health and genetics, seeks to work of hospital staff and the care of find better treatments for childhood • The Renew Mizzou project attending physician Miles stabilized medical problems through her work at requires two large rooms in the newborn, who had contracted MU’s Thompson Center for Autism Ellis Library — the West sepsis, a severe bacterial infection. and Neurodevelopment Disorders. Reading Room on the second floor and the former Current Periodicals Reading Room Where in the MU Libraries? on the main floor — to be used as office space for staff relocated from Jesse Hall. The two reading rooms were closed to students following spring commencement and will remain closed for up to one year until work in Jesse Hall is finished. The closure of the two study rooms will mean that 437 study spaces will be unavailable for stu- dents this summer and con- tinuing until the end of the spring semester next year. Do you know where this picture was taken in the MU Libraries? Find the answer at the bottom of Page 6. Photo by Shannon Cary. 2 • University of Missouri Meet the Librarian: Edward McCain, BJ ’79, digital curator of journalism What led you to MU Libraries? sition is funded 50-50 by MU Librar- I grew up in Independence, Mis- ies and RJI. I work closely with Ran- souri, and began taking pictures for dy Picht, BJ ’80, the executive direc- the local newspaper at 15. My col- tor of RJI, and Michael Holland, the leagues at the paper recommended head of special collections, archives I attend the Missouri School of and rare books at MU Libraries. Be- Journalism. I took their suggestion, ing located at RJI allows me to be a earning my bachelor’s degree with part of RJI and the J-School opera- an emphasis in photojournalism. tions and culture, and I make an extra I worked at several daily newspapers effort to reach out to other archivists in the southwestern U.S. Eventually, I and librarians and look for ways that started my own photography business. I can contribute to efforts to curate I discovered the value of stock pho- and preserve digital collections, data tography, which allowed me to resell from research and valuable electronic Edward McCain is the digital curator of images I already had taken for new resources. Lately that has taken the journalism, which is a joint appointment purposes. In order to increase the effi- shape of working on the Digital Asset with the MU Libraries and the Donald ciency of my stock photography sales, I Management System Interest Group W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. Photo provided by Edward McCain. began learning about controlled vocab- with Felicity Dykas, MA ’93. ularies, keywords, metadata, schemata, analog news content by digitizing it, databases, digital asset management What are some of the interesting very little has been done to preserve systems and other methods of organiz- aspects of your job? the born-digital resources, and there ing information. I found myself drawn This is a one of a kind position. I is strong evidence that this “first to this part of my business and finally haven’t met anyone else with the title rough draft of history” is disappearing made the connection to library science. or function of digital curator of jour- down what George Orwell called a Upon graduation from the School nalism. This speaks to MU’s strength “memory hole” in his book 1984. of Information Resources and Library as a center of interdisciplinary think- Because this is such a novel en- Science at the University of Arizona, ing and action. On any day, I might deavor, I’ve been given a fairly wide my internship at the Center for Cre- be working with student and faculty berth to explore how best to approach ative Photography (CCP) transitioned journalists at the Columbia Missourian, solving the enigma of born-digital into a full-time temporary position MBA students at the Trulaske Col- news preservation. I’ve chosen to use where I worked with improving the lege of Business, executives in private a model based on systems thinking. digital imaging workflow, assisted in enterprise, or other librarians and Based on my current understanding the migration of one collection man- archivists who are working to preserve of the state of born-digital news pres- agement system to a newer one, began digital collections. ervation, the BUILD initiative seems working with the digital collections to to offer a useful framework based on clean up and embed metadata at the What vision do you bring to your five broad areas: context, components, item level, and assist in preparing digi- position as digital curator? connections, infrastructure and scale.
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