R E G I S T E R E D B Y A U S T R A L I A P O S T P P 3 4 2 7 8 0 / 0 0 2 4 “Fred the Fish Man” PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD Winner of the Art section -- Elaine Turner Memorial Art & Photographic Competition 2000 Picture: Graham Rowe Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate freshwater flake food, created to provide an extraordinary diet that considers not only your fishes health of today, but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. Better metabolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved over- all health and vitality are only a few of the benefits of feeding Total Tropical as your everyday staple food. Total Tropical begins where all other staple Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated foods leave off. Certificate of Incorporation # A12794D QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND $1.10 INC GST the cichlidV o l u m e 3 0 , # monthly1 , F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 1 ^ - ^ - ^ 1 20 WeWe havehavecichlidcichlid aa fewfewCOMM friendsfriendsIITTEE: thatthat The Elaine Turner PRESIDENT: youyou mightmight likelike Johntoto McCormick meetmeet ...5944-3502... Memorial Art & scenescene VICE-PRESIDENT: Peter Robinson 9807-8196 EASTERN DISTRICTS AQUARIUM SOCIETY Photographic SECRETARY THEMeets NEXT MEETINGon the 4thof the Friday Society of monthGraham at Rowe the Nunawading9560-7472 will be held on the second Friday of E-mail [email protected] Competition the monthCivic at 8 pm Centre, sharp (the Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Call 9802 3968 or write to POT REASURERBox 502,: Ringwood 3134. will be judged at the November Trading Table opens earlier) in the Keith Patford 9716-2425 Multi-Purpose Room at Antonio EDITOR: meeting. Park Primary School, Whitehorse Daryl Hutchins 9872-3225 Road,AUSTRALIAN Mitcham (between & Cook NEW and GUINEAFacsimile FISHES (24-hr) ASSOC 9872-6910 DeepMeets Creek bi-monthly roads -- see mapat Melbourne in Mobile Zoo, starting January. 0417 314 699 Start thinking about your entry centre pages).Contact Visitors Glenn are Briggs onE-mail 9725 [email protected] 3665 (AH) encouraged to come along.for more information.SOCIAL SECRETARY: Helen Carbone soon ... who knows, it might even MINI TALK: `Parrots’ - Graham get on a color cover like this Rowe. TRADING TABLE AQUARIUM SOCIETYGlenn OF Lacey VICTORIA9512-6706 month’s. MAIN TALK: `Your Fish on the Net’ - LIBRARIAN: Peter Clarkson.Meets on the last ThursdayBen Carbone of the month DOOR PRIZES: Wardleys.at 29 Grant Street,SHOW CliftonSECRETARY Hill.: Call 9478 6028 or write to PO BoxGranville 140, Lawrence Clifton Hill9564-7247 3068 DRAW PRIZES: 1. $40 Voucher. Sub-Committee Chairpersons: WardleyWardley TableTable ShowShow CalendarCalendar 20012001 2. AquaticNATIONAL Plant. AUSTRALIANSpecies KILLIFISH Maintenance: GrahamASSOC Rowe. Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show 3. Wetlands frozen food. Mailing: Peter Robinson. Constitution: Meets BI-monthly in members’Daryl Hutchins. homes.BAA: Peter Robinson. February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians TABLE SHOWS Contact: David SkopHandbook: 9563 Daryl 7231. Hutchins. March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans Details see page 24. April Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians LIFE MEMBERS: May South Americans Lake Malawians Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, Kevin cichlids.web.com cichlids.web.com June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans FOR RENT THIS SPACE © Copyright,Victorian Victorian Cichlid Society July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans Cichlid Society Inc 2001. Archibald, Keith Patford, August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) AnyoneMEMBERSHIP wishing to reprint material from APPLICATIONSDanny Genovese and Daryl Hutchins. September South Americans Lake Malawians `The Cichlidor otherMonthly’ for enquiries non-commercial mayHONORARY be directed MEMBER: to: October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians purposes, may doThe so (unless Secretary, the item is Graham Rowe copyright by the author) provided due Max Davenport. November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans credit is 23given Manganato the author and `TCM’ Drive, and Mulgrave Vic 3170 December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice one copy of the relevant publication is FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: forwardedPh/fax to 9560the author, 7472 care --of e-mailthe [email protected] NOTE: Asian Cichlids may be entered in any show, but must meet the special requirements Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material Graham Rowe. in June (dwarfs) and August (pairs). in other publications may be directed to cichlids.web.com [email protected]. PUBLIC OFFICER: Daryl Hutchins. -- -- © - - - - |directly.| Once| |a cichlid| | pair| Conclusion| | 3 19 2 C O N T E N T S 18 mates, their aggressive behavior eeBAAddi iReportttoorr 2000iiaall Central American cichlids seems to increase in intensity belong to a large family of tropical even more. It is not as if these We had 18 spawning registration Remember, fellow cichlid-keep- fish whose wide variety of behav- [email protected] Cichlidother fishScene have not been warned.1 Meeting Map 10-11 forms lodged in 2000. ers, that the BAA is very worth- ioral traits makes them among the Phone: 9872-3225 Fax: 9872-6910 (24 hours) Cichlid pairs spend weeks in while as it helps us to keep track most popular of aquarium fish. Three first-spawning certificates Editorialcourting and nest building. 3 Rowemin Round 12-13 of what fish are being kept and They are intelligent, aggressive, were awarded at the December thatspawned. is needed This ishelps a few in storiesproducing to What probably has happened determined excavators who meeting. There were also two Notice of Motion -- Rule 6.1 3 This magazine, in case you gothe with `Cichlid them. Register’ Jurupari, and Devils, keeping is that either the warnings were destroyThe Philosophy live plants. and NatureThey are also other first-spawning awards that failed to notice, is the first edition Uarus,species doviis, being frontosa, bred and burtoni, main- not heeded or could not be attractively colored fish, which were declined by the member and of Cichlids 14-18 of Volume 30. Yes campers, that Lionheadstained in the and hobby. Blue-eyes are a Minutesescaped. of PreviousSimply put,Meeting vulnerable4 adapt readily to aquarium condi- five that were not awarded due to meanslate lodgement. this is our (Members30th year andwish- few that spring to mind for which fish were not or could not be tions,BAA Report breeding regularly and eat-19 2002 (April if you want to get weSo can get supply those newfish spawningphotos. So and Jawlockingsmoved to new quarters in time.6-7 ing most any prepared food. ing to claim a first spawning must register the births. technical)lodge their is formthe 30th within Anniversary 120 days get onto that article now. We’ll Often, some that get too curious All of this makes one wonder of this society. You know how of the spawning.) make you famous!Peter Robinson Indexpay withto TCM their -- Volumelives; 29others may8-9 Members Ads 19 kinky I am about such things, who really owns who. Do we own Speaking (writing?) of pictures -- only get nipped or forced to stay why don’t you try to come up the fish because we provide for its another way you could help with Treasurersaway through Report intimidation. They9 needs?Wardley TableOr, Showdo Calendarthey own 20us with an appropriate way to mark are the lucky few. the occasion. content here is to snap pictures because their charming nature | W | A | N |ofT your| fishE spawning.| D | Shots of Despite all the risk, a cichlid forces us humans to cater to their One way to make a mark that the spawning area and fish are mating is special. The amount of needs in order to keep them would Pre-lovedbe really, really goodcolor is for computernot as difficult monitoras “portraits” of happy? Perhaps, we will never preparation in courting, nest con- you toTo write be used an article in setting for this up a transportableindividual computer fish -- give system it a shot. for Aims of the Society: have an answer to this question. magazine. Another year, original struction, egg production, brood Guest Editors, presentations andA auctions German -- organisation, the computer Zoo has Does it really matter? Perhaps article wise, like 2000 would be care,The Victorian and Cichlidbrood Society defense was formed isby cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the been acquired -- 9872 3225 [email protected], has sent a CD of their first specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria.not! Its main aims are: simply too depressing. Volume incredible for a fish their size. “Olympic Games for Discusfish” 29 simply did not contain enough Each1. To promotefry that the resultskeeping of iscichlids; meticu- Literature Cited: Snapshots of Tanks/Fishin Duisburg. The Houses Discus are original material and I would not lously2. To gain tended and disseminate and knowledgedefended. of cichlids,Leibel, their habits Dr. Wayneand attributes S., Cichlidsthrough the of use the Happy snaps of Home Tanks magnificent.or Fish Houses, Those preferably Germans like to see that happen again. Beingof slides, able films, to books,witness lectures, such practical an demonstrations,Americas, local Bowtie and overseas Press, magazines, Fancy including the proud owner wouldreally be appreciated know how tofor put a serieson a fish eventarticles never by members should and discussions lose itswith fellowpublications, members or experts Inc. Mission in the field; Viejo, CA A coupleaimed of new at personalisingnames will be this magazineshow. They a little could more not -- fit Ed all. the appeal. 92690-0050, 1995, Page 45. t 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public popping up as picture bylines entries in -- I am sure that aquaria; due to the donation of new Granville is worried about having 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of picture collections -- but there is the same problem with this fishkeeping (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal always room for more.
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