NSCCG GOVERNING BOARD – PUBLIC SESSION Meeting to be held on the 1st July 2015 from 2.00pm until 5.15pm Council Chambers, Merrial Street, Newcastle, Staffordshire AGENDA NO AGENDA ITEM PURPOSE LEAD/S ENC TIME PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Chairs welcome and to receive apologies Dr M Shapley Verbal 2 New Conflicts of interest (available on website) Additions/ Dr M Shapley Verbal Amendments If any member of the Governing Board has any pecuniary interest, in any contract, proposed contract or other matter under consideration at this meeting he/she shall disclose the fact to the Chairman and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of the matter or vote on any question with respect to it 3 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday Approve Dr M Shapley Enclosed 2.00pm th 6 May 4 Matters arising Update Dr M Shapley Enclosed 5 Matters discussed within the Closed Information Dr M Shapley Verbal session 6 Clinical Accountable Officers Report Information Dr J Oxtoby Enclosed 2.10pm 7 EPRR Assurance Mr M Warnes Verbal 2.20pm 8 Equality and Inclusion Assurance Mr M Warnes Verbal 2.30pm QUALITY AND SAFETY 9 Quality Report Assurance Mrs S Parkin Enclosed 2.40pm 10 Patient Congress Information Prof N Chambers Verbal 3.00pm STRATEGIC 11 IFR Annual Report Information Mr M Warnes Enclosed 3.10pm 12 Primary Care Research Consortium Annual Information Mrs S Parkin Verbal 3.20pm Report COMFORT BREAK PERFORMANCE 13 Integrated Performance and Finance Information Mr I Stoddart/ Enclosed 3.45pm Report Mr M Warnes PARTNER ISSUES 14 Local Authority Information Mr M Samuels Enclosed 4.05pm GOVERNANCE 15 Audit Committee Report Update Mr N McFadden Enclosed 4.15pm 16 Audit Committee Annual Report Information Mr N McFadden Enclosed 4.25pm 17 Policies for Approval Approve Mrs A Palethorpe Enclosed 4.35pm 18 Terms of Reference Commissioning, Approve Mrs A Palethorpe Enclosed 4.40pm Finance and Performance Committee QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 19 Questions from the public --- Dr M Shapley --- 4.45pm DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 20 Wednesday 2nd September, Churnet Room, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, Staffordshire Note The Clinical Chair and Members of the Governing Board will be glad to meet with members of the public and representatives of the press following the meeting to discuss and comment on any agenda items, or other issues which may be of current interest. Members of the press/media are asked to contact the Communications and Marketing Department, tel: 01782 401048, with any requests for further information and comment NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BOARD - PUBLIC SECTION Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th May 2015 Seminar Rooms 2 – 5, Medical Institute, Harsthill, Newcastle, Staffordshire Commencing at 2.00pm Present: Dr M Shapley Clinical Chair (CHAIR) (MSh) Dr A Bradley Non Executive GP Board Member (ABr) Prof N Chambers Lay Member, Patient Experience (NC) Dr L Hussain Non Executive GP Board Member (LH) Mr J Leslie Interim Director of Finance (Joint) (JL) Mr N McFadden Lay Member, Governance (NMcF) Dr R Page Non Executive GP Board Member (RP) Dr J Oxtoby Clinical Accountable Officer (JO) Dr D Robertson Secondary Care Board Member (DR) Dr E Sutton Clinical Director (ES) Mrs R Trainor Interim Nurse Board Member (RT) Mr M Warnes Chief Operating Officer (MW) In Attendance: Ms A Dale Communications Team (AD) Mrs L Ellis Board and Committee Manager (LE) Mr L George Head of Quality (representing S Parkin) (LG) Mrs A Palethorpe Head of Governance (AP) Mr R Scott Communications Team (RS) Mr I Stoddart Chief Finance Officer Fylde Wyre CCG (observing) (IS) Nye Bevan Programme (Board observation) Ms D Bolger Head of Equality & Organisational Development Birmingham Community Health NHS Trust Mr P Winter Head of Performance & Governance, East Staffordshire CCG Mrs L Taylor Quality & Governance Manager, Stoke on Trent CCG Observers Mrs T Cork Local Pharmaceutical Representative (left at 3.45pm) (TC Mr D Hardy Patient Representative (DH) Dr P Scott LMC Representative (PS) Mr M Samuels Commissioner for Care (arrived at 3.45pm) (MSa) 15 members of the public (13 signed in) 2015.040 Chairs welcome and apologies for absence ACTION MSh welcomed members of the Governing Board and members of the public to the CCG Governing Board meeting, held in public. MSh welcomed Mrs Rosie Trainor to her first Governing Board meeting, in her capacity as Interim Nurse Board member. He also welcomed Mr Iain Stoddart, new Joint Chief Finance Officer, who will commence in post on the 1st June 2015. NSCCG - Board - PUBLIC 6th May 2015 Page 1 of 14 Approval of minutes - Initital of Chair - ……………. ACTION MSh announced with great sadness that Mr John Leslie will be leaving the CCG at the end of May and thanked him for his excellent work and wished him well for the future. He also announced that Mrs Jan Warren has retired from her position as Nurse Board member and thanked her for her excellent work over the years and wished her well for her retirement. MSh welcomed colleagues undertaking board observation in relation to the Ney Bevan Programme. Apologies for absence were received from: Ms K Owen Senior Planning and Development Manager (KO) Mrs S Parkin Clinical Director (SP) Dr P Unyolo Clinical Director (PU) Dr C Weiner Consultant in Public Health (CW) A quorum of the Board was present and members had been given formal written notice of this meeting in accordance with the CCG’s constitution. 2015.041 Conflicts of Interest No additional conflicts of interest were received. 2015.042 Minutes of the last meeting held on the 4th March 2015 The minutes from the meeting held on the 4th March, were approved as an accurate record of the meeting. 2015.043 Matters Arising In addition to the actions noted on the action tracker, the following progress reports were noted. Clinical Accountable Officers Report – Integrated Performance/Finance Report At previous meetings, NC requested that waiting times, which are not part of the constitutional requirements, are included in the Integrated Report. It was confirmed that information is included in the Performance Report, presented at today’s meeting. Quality Report – Nursing Home Quality Assurance At the last meeting, member of the media, David Blackhurst referred to the number of 12-hour trolley breaches and asked how long patients had been waiting in the extreme cases. MW confirmed that information was provided and a further update will be provided at today’s meeting. Public Health At the last meeting SP referred to the commissioning cycle and requested patient involvement is undertaken where necessary and stated that the CCG would be supportive. In the absence of CW it was agreed to keep this issue on the action CW tracker and request an update at the next meeting. NSCCG - Board - PUBLIC 6th May 2015 Page 2 of 14 Approval of minutes - Initital of Chair - ……………. ACTION Local Authority At the last meeting, member of the public, Bas Pickering expressed concern regarding the lack of information in relation to care in the community and requested regular update reports are presented within the Local Authority report. It was confirmed that regular updates will be provided within the Local Authority report. Public Health Member of the public, Trudie McGuiness referred to early intervention and asked what plans are in place for teenagers. Prior to the meeting CW advised that he has tried to make contact with Trudie McGuiness, with no success and agreed to CW continue to make contact. 2015.044 Matters Discussed within the Closed Session MSh advised that the Governing Board in closed session discussed the financial position, quality and safety, cancer and end of life. 2015.045 Clinical Accountable Officers Report JO presented the Clinical Accountable Officers report and advised that there are ongoing pressures within the urgent care system. She added that progress has been made within the current contracting round and announced that the contract for Combined Healthcare NHS Trust (CHC) and Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership Trust (SSOTP) have both being signed and it is anticipated that the contract for the University Hospital of North Midlands (UHNM) will be signed by the end of this week. JO advised that the financial position remains challenging and advised that the CCG is intending to declare an in-year deficit and stated that JL will provide an update later in the meeting. She welcomed IS, who will commence in post as from the 1st June as the Joint Chief Finance Officer and thanked JL for his hard work in leading the CCG’s financial management and wished him well. JO took the opportunity to thank front line staff in primary, community and hospital settings for their continued dedication and hard work. She advised that the local health economy continues to experience significant pressure in Accident and Emergency (A&E) and as a result the health economy continues to fail to achieve the 4 hour wait time in A&E. She advised that there were four 12 hour trolley breaches at the end of April, with a further two reported as of today (6th May). Root cause analyses (RCA’s) are being undertaken and performance continues to be a major priority for the CCG. JO advised that both North Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent CCG continue to work collaboratively with UHNM and SSOTP to ensure that the service improvements which are commissioned continue to improve. JO advised that the CCGs submission for delegated authority for primary care co- commissioning was not supported, however the CCG is proceeding to joint co- commissioning with NHS England as from June and work is being undertaken, led by ES with general practices to explore new models of care.
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