PLN/LBC/040/2019-20 Dt. 01.07.2019 All the Members, District Level Consultative Committee (DLCC) & District Level Review Committee (DLRC) District-Banaskantha (Palanpur) Dear Sir, Re-: Minutes of 136th DLCC & 4nd DLRC Meeting for the year ended March-2019 of Banaskantha district to be held on dtd. 14-06-2019. The 136th DLCC & 4rd DLRC meeting of Banaskantha District was held 14th June-2019 on 17.00.00 Hrs. at Meeting Hall, Collector Office, Banaskantha, Palanpur. Shri Sandip Sangle (IAS), Collector & DM, Banaskantha Dist. presided over the meeting, Shri B A Shah, DDO Banaskantha Dist. Shri M S Roheria, Regional Manager, Bank of Baroda (Lead Bank), Smt. Sheeladevi, LDO, RBI Ahmedabad, & Shri Kamlesh Bhaskar, Director, Dena-RSETI, Palanpur, Shri Ajit Dighe DDM NABARD, Dist. Co-ordinators of Banks, other Bankers and Govt. Officials were present. Shri Kalyan Jakhar, Convener & LDM, BK Dist. welcomed to Shri Sandip Sangle (IAS), Collector & DM, Banaskantha Dist. and all the other participants. Thereafter with permission of the Chair, the proceeding of the meeting started as per agenda items. AGENDA:- To confirm the minutes of previous meetings:- The minutes of the 135th DLCC & 3rd DLRC for the year quarter ended Dec. 2018 was held on 13.03.2019 were circulated to all members vide letter no. PLN/LBC/772/2018-19 Dated 26.03.2019. The LDM offered for comments if any on the minutes. There was no any comment from the members and the minutes approved by the house unanimously. Agenda for 136th DLCC & 4rd DLRC Meeting year ended March-2019 AGENDA No.1 Review of Key Banking Parameters in District for the quarter ended March 2019. LDM informed the house that the total network of Bank Branches is 353, Including 6 satellite branches i.e. DGGB (5) and UBI (1) at the end of March-2019 in the District. Total 8 satellites brs closed during quarter (eDena 7 & SBI 1) Total 33 ATM installed during the year in the. Total growth in deposit Rs. 604.05 Crs ( Y to Y =7.08%) Advances marginally decreased Rs. -191.57 Crs ( Y to Y = -1.88%) C:D Ratio marginally decreased (-9.96%) as compare to previous year. MSME shown considerable growth Rs. 292.60 Crs ( Y to Y = 37.57%) Hon’ble Collector suggested that now a day’s banking is basic need of every citizen. Therefore, there should be more Bank/branches in rural areas to suffice the Banking service needs of villagers / Farmers/ poor people. Banks should explore possibilities of opening more branches in unbanked rural areas. Hon’ble Collector suggested that specially PSBs & Pvt. Banks banks are advised to increase credit flow in the Dist. 1 Hon’ble Collector advised that those who have negative (-) growth in CD ratio and all others Banks below desired level are instructed to immediately increase the CD ratio at least at par with Dist. CD ratio. He suggested that Banks with below benchmark CD ratio must improve their credit portfolio. Hon’ble Collector suggested that banks with stagnant deposit should analyse the reasons and improve their services. He also suggested that discussions made in the meetings must be percolated down the line to the branches for better implementation and improvement. Hon. Collector suggested that some banks are doing priority sector advances very well and figures of priority sector lending of some banks are not satisfactory, specially in Education loan (of BOM, Alh Bk,UCO, UBI, DCB, ICICI, RBL & Yes Bank) . Therefore, these Banks are advised to concentrate on priority sector lending. (Action: All Concerned Banks) AGENDA No.2 Review of progress under financial inclusion plan (FIP). i. LDM has informed the house the progress under PMJDY & Aadhar Seeding :- No. of Accounts opened Aadhaar % of Aadhaar Total % of Total Seeded Seeded RuPay RuPay Rural & Urban Total Accounts Accounts Card Card issued issued 1012831 1012831 825194 81.47 711686 70.27 All Banks in Banaskantha District have opened 10.12 lakhs PMJDY accounts, of which about 7.11 lakhs RuPay Cards (70.27%) have been issued and 8.25 lakhs accounts (81.47%) have been seeded with Aadhaar number. The Hon’ble Collector shown satisfaction over the progress in account opening in PMJDY. He suggested that still there are chances that some people may not have bank account. He advised that every Bank/Branch should observe in their respective service area and open the bank account of the persons who do not have bank account as soon as possible. This work should be done sincerely. He also insisted that our progress in Rupay Cards distribution is not satisfactory; Banks should distribute the remaining Rupay Cards in campaign mode. Village wise camps should be arranged to achieve respectable figure in Rupay cards also. The Hon’ble Collector had suggested that it is an important issue & all the balance number of accounts where Rupay Cards are not issued or activated, must be delivered in campaign mode. He shown concerns over very low activation of ATM cards. He also insisted to complete it in campaign mode. He added that Insta Cards should be delivered to account holders. Smti Sheeladevi, LDO from RBI, Ahmadabad informed the house that, Banks also need to give attention towards RuPay Card activation and Mobile No. seeding in Bank accounts. All Banks are requested to ensure that all their Bank Mitras are equipped with latest RuPay Card Enabled Micro ATM (POS Machine). Representative of Banks may visit Bank Mitras and carry out transactions using their own RuPay Cards to ensure smooth working of the entire system. (Action: All Concerned Banks) 2 LDM informed the house, the progress in enrolment in Social Security Schemes: - Number of account enrolled up to 30.09.2018 is as below :- Sr No Name of Dec-2018 March-2019 Progress Q-o-Q scheme 1 PMJJBY 86578 102693 16115 2 PMSBY 207835 234438 26603 3 APY 31261 31872 611 Total 325678 369003 43325 The Hon’ble Collector appealed to bankers to ensure maximum enrollment in all social security schemes. (Action: All Concerned Banks) ii. Role of Business Correspondents (BCs) LDM informed the house the status of BCs appointment in BK Dist:- Status Report on Bank Mitra and Infrastructure for Quarter ended out of (d), No. of Name of No. of No. of No. of Uncovered location uncovered District SSA BCs BCs SSA (d) due to connectivity issue allotted required available (a) (b) (c) Banaskantha 532 532 526 6 NIL The six SSAs where BCs are yet to be appointed fall under the jurisdiction of SBI, details of which are furnished below :- Sr.No. Base Branch Taluka SSA Village for BC appointment 1 SBI Danta Danta Kansa Kansa 2 SBI Danta Danta kansa Ghorad 3 SBI Dantiwada Dantiwada Nandotra Bhadli Kotha 4 SBI Sihori Sihori Isarva Isarva 5 SBI Sihori Sihori Varsada Varsada 6 SBI Dantiwada Dantiwada Chodungri Juvol Hon’ble Collector suggested that now a day’s banking is a basic need. We must provide banking services to the rural people through BC/ Bank Mitras. SBI Bank must make arrangements to appoint BC/ Bank Mitra in these 6 centers immediately. (Action: SBI) iii. Review of Financial Literacy Camps :- LDM informed the house, as per RBI vide letter dtd. 02nd March, 2017 gave following guidelines for conduct of special camps by FLCs and Rural branches: 1. Starting from 1st April, 2017, FLCs have to conduct the camp as per following schedule : a. Two special camps per month on Digital platforms i.e. UPI & USSD b. Target specific camps – Five camps per month (One each for Farmers, SMEs, SHGs, School Children and Senior Citizens) 3 2. Further, one camp per month has to be organized by Rural Branches on Financial Awareness Messages, UPI and USSD, preferably on 3rd Friday of every month. All the rural branches would report the data to District Co-ordinators as well as Lead District Manager relating to conduct of Financial Literacy Camps for review in meetings. During the year from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019 Total = 891 Financial Literacy Camps were organised by Banks & FLCs:- Rural branches in the District Details of FL Camps Name of Number of rural branches Target Achievement District Banskantha 203 812 891 There are 203 rural branches in the district which are required to conduct at least one Fl camp per month. Bank’s branches have conducted only 237 FL camps, as against the target of 609 resulting in shortfall of 372 FL camps during the quarter. Concerned banks may be advised regularly conduct FLC camp as per RBI guidelines. (Action: All Concerned Banks) The term of FLC (eDena Bank) in the district was completed on Feb. 28, 2019 and appointment of FLC kept pending on account of Dena Bank merger with BoB. The FL Camps by FLC could not be conducted for June quarter and during FL week 2019 also. The Regional Ofiice, BoB may be advised to appoint FLC in the district immediately so that financial literacy camps in the district may be conducted as per RBI’s FLARE UP Guidelines. (Action: BOB) AGENDA No.3 Review of performance of banks under District Credit Plan (DCP) LDM informed the house that the fresh and renewal lending to priority sector at the year ended March-2019, the summary of target vis-a-vis achievement under SACP 2018-19 is presented here under as per data submitted by the banks on SLBC Portal (Rs. in Crores) S r. ACP Current Year-2018-19 Sectors Annual Outstanding % Achievement Q-o-Q Growth Allocation Upto current upto end of qtr. current quarter A/C Amt. A/C Amt. A/C Amt. A/C Amt.
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